wingsofharley · 4 years
“Hey Grayson! Where are you going?” He called out as he rushed to catch up with Harley. “I don’t think it would be wise to wander off alone.” Call him paranoid but the rumors of the last foreign gods appearance lit up the paranoid flame he had in him since the encounter with Yeo. “So… Maybe I could accompany you?” He was no camp boy and that much was clear from his looks alone. It wouldn’t hurt to be around the ones that seemed to know what they were doing and learn from them.
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“Mm? Was just gonna walk around a bit, see if there’s trails or something.” His long easy strides shortened to let Hawk find pace at his side. “I’d be happy for the company,” he smiled softly as he turned again towards the treeline. “If there’s aggressive animals or anything like that it’d be nice to have the backup. But if not, I can show you the best way to figure out the trails deer take through the woods? Not sure there’s gonna be deer here, but lots of prey animals use the same methods.”
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wingsofharley · 4 years
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     “Looks like we’re supposed to be on navigation,” he said, craning his neck to look up at the tree of a man before him. “What do you say we go explore a bit?” Adam didn’t like the idea of sitting around for too long, and although he was still sore from his fight… well, if anyone would be able to give him a lift, it was Harley, right? 
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“Let’s get lost, eh?” He grinned down. There was something enchanting about the smaller man. “If we’re here to find Calypso, we gotta start somewhere. I’ve got a compas and a pretty good memory, so maybe we can make a map of some kind. Pick a direction and we can go as long as long as you like?”
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wingsofharley · 4 years
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“It can’t be that hard, right?” Zayn said with a small grimace as he eyed the spot they had picked up to build their shelter. “I mean, just so long as we don’t get cold or rained on at night…” he trailed off, brows furrowed as he tried to figure out what was the best way to set up the shelter. Turns out, his parents gave him no sort of training when it came to wilderness survival and the sort. He wasn’t really brought along for camping trips and stuff, so him trying to figure this out would depend more on luck than anything else. “…I don’t know where to start.”
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“Nah, a place like this? Not nearly as hard to get set up as back home.” Harley’d had plenty of experience camping in Canadian fields, a nice island was practically paradise in comparison. “Here, the tarp comes off the bedroll, I’ll try to hang it higher up... Wanna see if you can get it set for both of us to sleep on? I didn’t bring blankets, but as long as we’re off the ground we should stay warm enough.” He frowned up at the branches as he peered at the mess of them above the flat dirt. Maybe I could twine some branches and grass for a wider area...
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wingsofharley · 4 years
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𝙍𝙊𝙎𝙀𝙎    -             true romantic, loving the classics, pricked fingers, perfect makeup done to impress, bruises easily, beloved but unknown, soul as old as time, overused and under-appreciated.
𝘿𝘼𝙄𝙎𝙄𝙀𝙎    -               clean linens, youthful naivety, family, wide-open spaces, running barefoot, moving towards instead of away, trying to forget about death, sun blindness.
𝙎𝙐𝙉𝙁𝙇𝙊𝙒𝙀𝙍𝙎    -               standing tall, strong roots, a home to always return to, warm summer air, holding onto lost hope, belief in growth, painted overalls, split ends.
𝘽𝙇𝙐𝙀𝘽𝙀𝙇𝙇𝙎    -               the end of spring, determination for the truth, cold and cautious, moonlight on windowsills, the taste of ice, unnecessary shyness, quiet belief in the extraordinary, complicated morals.
𝘿𝘼𝙁𝙁𝙊𝘿𝙄𝙇𝙎    -               mom friend, sweets, the smell of baking, riverbanks, leaving behind a toxic situation, being happy with your reflection, believing in luck, moving in a pack.
𝙄𝙍𝙄𝙎𝙀𝙎    -               sour candies, unappreciated elegance, valor, crystals projecting rainbows on white walls, unintended organization, old royalty, refusal to bow, learning a new language for the fun of it.
𝙇𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙀𝙎    -               secret poison, perfect handwriting, crisp consonants, pressed and ironed sheets, open windows, infinite persistence, thick skin, colder hands.
𝙇𝙄𝙇𝘼𝘾    -               fleeting and fair, strong but delicate, radiating good vibes, the beauty of falling apart, the joy in being scattered, soft fabrics, whirlwind romance, keeping the door open.
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wingsofharley · 4 years
Zayn wasn’t small by any means, but it was still comfortable for Harley to wrap around him. “I’ve been known to do that on occasion, but I maintain my innocence. No temptations here!” Heat rose in his cheeks at the soft press of lips to sensitive skin. “As you wish.” It wasn’t a bad fate at all, to be confined to a bed with a stunning man- the King of the Gods, one much sweeter and real than he’d expected coming into this school. “Gotta say though, if you thought it was a lot before, you’re gonna need to do some creative thinking to handle me without daily running.”
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The young man hummed softly, liking the heat and warmth between their bodies, his nose still tucked into Harley’s neck as he peppered the smooth skin with tender kisses and little tongue licks. “More kisses for you then,” he mumbled happily as he continued to nip on the other god’s skin. Zayn laughed at the remark, only leaning up to stare down into the other’s eyes. He leaned in to kiss Harley’s lips, loving the way the Hermes-incarnate tasted. “I can be creative too, but you gotta give me some time to breathe,” the young Nystrom teased.
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wingsofharley · 4 years
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The young man sat there quietly, eating from his ice cream, before watching as Harley rolled over to snag a little from his pint. “Hey!” Zayn protested, a grin forming on his lips. “You have your own pint. It’s not fair unless you share yours with me too,” he pouted at the other man, moving to swipe a spoonful from the other’s ice cream container. “I just… I have a lot of stuff running through my head about this whole godhood thing. And my parents keeping this a secret from me for so long. I mean, I thought i had a normal life, normal family sort of thing, but what other secrets do you think they’re keeping from me?”
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Harley stuck his tongue out at the king of the gods childishly, but held his own container out in easy reach. “Yeah, it’s all a little overwhelming. I guess they might not have known until recently? Or were trying to protect you? Or maybe there’s some kind of rule that says you have to learn from the Oracle? It’s...” He covered his hesitation with another spoon of ice cream. “It’s too new to really know for sure. I think you could ask them though, it sounds like you’re pretty close with them? Could ask why they did it, what else you might need to know, those sorts of things. And whatever they reveal, I think... I mean it seems like they really care about you, so give them the benefit of the doubt? The flip side is that, if they hid this for those kinds of reasons, they might still not be able to tell you much. Gotta trust your gut. Believe in yourself, eh?”
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wingsofharley · 4 years
Considering how hard he worked to keep it together, feeling flustered like that wasn’t something that had happened often in the past years and it definitely was not his favorite state. But since Harley wasn’t making any fun of him for that, he thought the other could get away with it. “I’m not one to skip meals, really… I know how I get if I don’t eat.” He shrugged. He was the ‘hangry’ kind of person… It wasn’t pretty. “Look… I’m not, at all picky. I like meat and Hayden said he’d be introducing me to some vegan dishes… Soo… Yeah. There you have it.” Besides, his mother always told him to act properly when being a guest at someone’s place and he’s faced bad meals in fancy events while growing up. He was sure he could manage.
“That depends on who you need, Grayson.” He retorted making a mental note to change Harley’s name on his phone. He had a point to never have names saved. Only nicknames. “Both.” His response was delivered in the same tone although he did lean forward and towards Harley. “I don’t kiss and tell… And why spoil what could be good fun? I guess you’d just have to wait and find out for yourself, don’t you think?”
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Harley smirked behind his coffee mug. Likes meat, heh. “I’ll surprise you then, if you trust me. I’ll have options in case you end up not liking one thing or another- I eat a lot on my own, so it’s uh... I’d be making all those things anyways.” He couldn’t quite pin down why he’s so comfortable with Hawk. It’s not like it was hard for him to make friends, and he bantered as easily as the day was long. But something about this conversation, no matter how wrong-footed he’d been at the beginning, put him at ease. He would have to figure it out later, pull the conversation apart and see where they synced up. His eyes danced at the easy reply, unable to keep himself from starting to imagine exactly what kinds of fun they could get up to. “Aw, no trailers, sneak peeks, no teaser?” He leans in instinctively, copying the other. “If you insist, I suppose I can be patient. Is there a premiere date for this particular event?”
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wingsofharley · 4 years
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With the soft sound of waves crashing against the shore, Diego couldn’t help but enjoy the feeling of the sand against his back as the sun loomed overhead, causing his bronze skin to shine in the sunlight. “Mm, a guy could get used to this,” he mused to himself, lying on the beach not too far from the campus where he’d call his new home. Bringing the blunt to his lips, he took a long drag before he heard the sound of footsteps on the shore, and he couldn’t help but turn to look up at the figure, unable to tell who it was thanks by the blinding light. “Let me guess, you smelled my weed and wanted a hit? Lucky for you, I’m a generous guy… especially for a handsome hombre like you.”
Harley had been expecting to swim for a while in the sunshine. The pool was nice, but there was something soothing about water moving in waves beyond the effect of his movements. He’d lathered up with enough sunscreen to drown in it before wondering if he still needed to- do gods sunburn? The smell had hit him first when he finally got to the beach, a stranger lounging on the sand like he belonged there- clearly a god with that kind of confidence. Two and two clicked together as he walked over, shifting to shade the other’s face once he’d started talking. “Well I smelled it for sure. ‘S not usually my thing, but you could get me to do a lot of things with that face. Just one then, if you’re still offering. I’m Harley, Hermes, whatever you wanna call me.”
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wingsofharley · 4 years
After the meeting with the oracle and the promotion to his godly status, the boy was taken to the nursery where he was being watched and treated back to a better state. He only left once he wasn’t feeling too dizzy or nauseous anymore, his body still having to get used to the changes. It was his dads that had brought him to the apartment, asking if they should stay on his couch for a few days, but he refused to have them stay to guard him like a kid. He could do it and besides this, all he was doing anyways was just sleeping. The male only ever moved from the bed to the couch, sleeping in the bed probably, napping on the couch with some tv shows as background noises. He sat up straight though when the doorbell was ringing. His dads? He checked his phone because Elijah or Teddy surely would have texted him first. No message. And so the young god was moving to the door, legs just a tiny bit weak, probably looking totally shitty but he couldn’t care less. He opened the door just the tiniest bit, peeking outside with his expression as neutral as ever. He was watching the male shortly until Artemis was giving him a bit of a hint. “You’re the Hermes guy.” His brows were furrowed, yet he opened his door a tiny bit further. “How.. can I help you?”
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Harley had heard whispers about the new guy coming into the fold, but hadn’t seen hide or tail of him yet. Given how fucking awful certain things had gone at the beginning of his stay here, it was probably safe to say the new ‘vessel’ was a god in his own right by now. And he likely hadn’t seen any of it coming- everyone else was recovered by now. So he’d whipped up some comfort foods (mostly sweets if he was being honest, but it would be rude to go without soup and other hearty things) and nudged the button for Artemis’ floor.
He’d managed to bump the bell with his elbow without dropping anything, grin spreading bright across his face as he waited. The door wasn’t opened much, but enough for him to see a weary face and almost suspicious eyes. “Hey, yeah that’s me. I, uh... Well I figured I’d bring a welcome party to you. The- well the ambrosia hurts like nothin’ else I’ve felt, so I wanted to make sure you were doing okay? Can I come in?”
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wingsofharley · 4 years
text - zayn: you think so? 🥺 text - zayn: thanks harley~ makes me feel better about getting them then! text - zayn: oh yeah? i mean that makes sense to me. text - zayn: hows this?
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text - harley: i know so text - harley: see, everything looks good! unfairly good text - harley: seems a bit unfair tho, how am i supposed to compare the fit when it’s a totally different side?
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wingsofharley · 4 years
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you’ve got troubles, and i’ve got ‘em too there isn’t anything i wouldn’t do for you we stick together and can see it through 'cause you’ve got a friend in me
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wingsofharley · 4 years
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go ( here) & pick out a font which resembles your muse’s handwriting the closest.
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wingsofharley · 4 years
For @wingsofharley·
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text - zayn: do you think these tights fit me well? text - zayn: wanted to try out something new but i dunno if it looks good on me
text - harley: well they sure as hell don’t fit BADLY! dont think anything would look bad on you :p remind me to poke those shoulders and check that they’re real... text - harley: on second thought... just to check the fit, maybe i should see how you look without them? text - harley: and just to be fair....
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wingsofharley · 4 years
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luke mitchell by justin bettman
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wingsofharley · 4 years
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the lightning rod
whether it’s your turbulent nature, your flash quick mind, or the air of unknown about you, your undercurrent is the lightning rod. you are somewhat unpredictable, but if we unravelled we’d see you know exactly what you’re doing, but it’s makes you feel less vulnerable to pretend it wasn’t planned. some people stay back from you, but others would follow you cross country, for the very same reason. they don’t know enough about you. the difference is in who wants to learn more. keep your golden nature, it’s exciting, but don’t be afraid to admit what you know. matshona dhliwayo said “lightning strikes but does not roar” your bite will always be worse than your bark, keep that close to your chest.
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wingsofharley · 4 years
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Zayn mewled softly as he felt Harley’s fingers trailing along his spine, shivering at the feeling of Hermes have utter and complete control over every inch of his body. “N-No, but you’re definitely tough to keep up with,” he said with a small laugh, noting just how much of a sweat he had worked up from earlier. Zayn’s words melted into a soft moan with the kiss to his lips, only curling up and hugging Harley tighter. “As many times, wherever? You’re just tempting me now…” The young thunder god nodded shyly, pressing his lips against the taller man’s neck. “Then stay here with me forever…”
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Zayn wasn’t small by any means, but it was still comfortable for Harley to wrap around him. “I’ve been known to do that on occasion, but I maintain my innocence. No temptations here!” Heat rose in his cheeks at the soft press of lips to sensitive skin. “As you wish.” It wasn’t a bad fate at all, to be confined to a bed with a stunning man- the King of the Gods, one much sweeter and real than he’d expected coming into this school. “Gotta say though, if you thought it was a lot before, you’re gonna need to do some creative thinking to handle me without daily running.”
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wingsofharley · 4 years
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Aron hadn’t played such childish games in a while, but hey if this was Harley’s way of having fun, why not have a go of it. “Alright. Why not? Is there stakes on the line? What happens if I win or lose?” Already the blonde had closed his eyes and began counting. Aron shook his head but he chuckled as he sank under the water quietly. The young athlete swam his way to the other side of the pool, not making too much sound. The indoor pool itself was already making its own noises. It was far, and Harley would need to find his way there. When he found a good spot, the fighter swam up to the surface and emerged, not making too much noise. Wiping the water from his face, he let his new friend finish his count.
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Harley interrupted his own counting with laughter, “We can figure that out when we get to it if you don’t think winning is prize enough- Five.” He could feel the water lapping at his skin in time with the low sounds of moving water. Concentrating enough to pick out other sounds was trickier than expected, and by the time he called “TEN” into the echoing room, his entire body felt like it was buzzing. It definitely didn’t help that his mind was racing between various ‘prizes’ that Aron might ask for. Taking care to make sure his eyes were shut tight, he slipped back into the water, pushed back from the wall slowly. “Marco~”
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