Somehow, at some point ln time I’ve lost interest in everything. Whether it may be places I go or simple how indifferent my thought process in everything I do. Lately, I’ve been thinking of death and ironically dream of it at night. Perhaps it has to do with my emotional distress or it may have to do with how things work out of my mind. However, there days where my interest sky rocks. Those were the days were shock seems like an understatement to use. Perhaps it has to do with the hideous and unspoken will deep within me. A will to strive forward towards a life that runs so fast. Perhaps there still hope for a better me.
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Everyone; including herself thought she was an reincarnation of the devil. But, I believe they're wrong in so many aspects. She isn't really an evil person. I believe she was just drown in the darkness for a very long time that eventually made herself comfortable in it. She believe every single nasty word she heard of everyone. Somehow, looking at her from a far I could see she never felt the light of life. In some ways made me think if she was fine being like that; never knowing there will be hope, there will be freedom, there will be light in everything in life. Perhaps she knew it or that she might not know it at all. But, I know will be salvation in it. She was just simple afraid to get deeper inside of her. Then I begin to think what if she and I become friends
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She wanted to speak.. She was eager to speak… She wanted to connect… She wanted to voice everything. Yet she knew deep within her. She ends up hurting people’s heart without knowing it. Eventually she gives up voicing her opinions, her thoughts. She slowly grew silent as time passes by. Letting her thoughts fill up her mind like a spreading virus. She thought and thought while people around her talk and whisper to her. However as she grew silent people around her starts to say rumors that somehow makes it believable that she has become rude, heartless and thoughtless. And once again criticized for being silent. Or is it because of her mere existence that made people around her be criticize. She cries at the middle of the night where people don’t see her. Where silence and darkness accompanies her. She cried and cried until her breath took away.
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When I first met you, I simple thought you're just like anybody else yet somehow I felt different when I saw you. Those eyes and lips of yours Are like drawn into some painting So still and straight. Those dark deep brown orbs of yours Shines brightly yet looks to primitive Those fine lips of yours Looks as if it wants a kiss yet it never twitch I wasn't pulled by it at that time However The second time I saw you You and I shared a short glance And in those split seconds I felt a pull An undefined pull that leaves me think In your eyes I found something Those eyes when look up closely looks like an inky nothingness but what I felt in those eyes; the sadness and emptiness filled deep within her. The third time I saw you again You were alone at that time Or were you always alone Somehow I realize in those moments I saw you Being alone in that bench Where silence was your companion You simple like being at ease Yet I felt different with your own realization of being at ease in a means of being alone. at some point I know you didn't like being alone yet preferred to be alone. But not anymore This time I walk towards you Small steps at a time Then I open my lips and voice my name This time, at this life changing moment Time will be the medicine
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One time she asked me ‘why do people think death, life and freedom aren’t connected to one another’. At that time, I didn’t know her words are far too deep, too dark and too painfully truthfully at the same time. At that time, my words that I answered her that time was too shallow and meaningless. Yet, at some point she said ‘sometimes I wander why I have this different thoughts compared to you or to some people. Though, I’m not saying you’re wrong. It’s you’re point of perspective, yes’. Somehow, I found myself drown to her words. Like, I was enchanted by her words. Though her next few words are too much for me to think that time. I reach to a conclusion she was right at some point. I remember her saying this words before 'Even though death,life and freedom comes up with every different explanations and examples of sort. There’s always a link to death and freedom no matter how thin or thick it may be. Death defines as a being who passes away; life defines as being lived through the world we lived while freedom defines as being freed by rules. In this world we lived, life would always comes up with every different strategy for us to inflict and be inflicted with every kind of problem. Whether it may be emotional conflict or physical conflict. And for that, each one of us are sentence to death. Here comes a tricky part, death as we speak has thousand of meaning. Although life and death are almost identical. We differentiated it like yin and yang. When problems arises to a person. It’s like being offered a choice between life and death. Somehow, the most come up answer would be life. Instead of death. Although it sounded too illogical with me. It doesn’t necessarily means its wrong to choose life rather than death itself. Because those who chose life means they have more will to fight the war. Perhaps they rather moan in pain and endure life rather than facing death and achieve freedom. Don’t you think life is full of absurdity? Or don’t you think someone like me is just a human complaining about the absurdity of life“ Realizing it how deep the connection between life, death and freedom. How I wish I could turn back time and become her light rather than standing in front of her grave slowly feeling her restrains, struggles of life that lead her to this. Perhaps, she was right all along, that death would only be the solution for everything that happened to her. Her death that takes away her life but granted her freedom.
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Although I'm a bit busy with my college work please do continue to send requests, imagines, even throw bunch of questions for me.. I'm taking them all... In spite being a busy college student....
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To the people who requested scenarios I just wanna say that I truly am sorry for delaying the scenarios.... It's just that I had a lot of college work to do. Being in college suck so much that I wanted to go back in time being a high schooler.. Needless to say, half of the requests are already done. I'm so sorry for this upsetting delay. On the side note, Thank you for following me tumble/kpop fan friends.. Love you from the bottom of my heart......
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Beyond anything else
I’m sorry that it took a while I didn’t have any ideas at that time around. plus my reality seems to overtake my logic. Anyways, Hope you like it
It was valentines when She and Hanbin agreed to met up. A rare autumn date they usually had.
The vast area of Han river which were covered with grass. There was an alluring flower scent in the darkness. Perhaps it was to attract someone.
And, since it was night time the smell grew intensely. It was obviously man-made. A path covered with each sides a  small lit candles showing its way for her.
The presence of the girl perfectly fits the surrounding. As if she was walking down the aisle.
Looking from behind, Hanbin thought to himself. ‘She definitely look like a porcelain doll’. curving his lips with a sweet smile of his. It was as if he’s mesmerize by her beauty.
Her long black hair was tied up with lace ties and her hair fell to her waist.
Her eyes were as black as the night.
Her one-piece floral dress that flown gracefully upon coming closer to him. With a smile that made Hanbin ultimately the happiest man he has been,.
As the moon shone through the river illuminating the place. She began to speak the sweetest voice of hers.
“Did you made this all especially this.” she said while pointing the cake which look like un-describable with words.
“It’s home-made isn’t it” she asked.
“I expected you to say “ wow! Hanbin and cooking it’s a first” Hanbin sighed as he said to her. Even though his voice sounded like his mocking his work. it also felt like he was pouting. Seeing Hanbin like this she reacted to his words with a laugh at the same time ruffling his hair in spite Hanbin’s height. Hanbin, other hand, pursed his lips up even more. Looking like a kid.
“Well, I guess eating the cake you made is much special rather than store- made cake” She said enclosing her arms around his waist while breathing the tempting scent of him.
‘Besides, Who would have thought the workaholic Kim Hanbin would do something special for me. Considering your free time is quite limited.” She continued hugging him even tighter. As if he was going away much longer than she expected or simple she doesn’t want him to go anywhere else aside from him being beside her.
“Just because” Hanbin said enveloping her body towards him. Leisurely placing his head to her neck. Then, eventually giving small pecks to her neck.
Then, slowly the silence muffle the place. Along with the soothing sound of the waves of Han River and the small lights of the candle.
“Hanbin” she whispered tip toeing from her feet.
“I….” Hanbin heard her took a deep breathe. Feeling her breathe tickling his neck.
Eventually closing his eyes out of instinct.
“ Miss you”
Then he could feel a sensation. So much different from the desire he always have beside her. It was more than the desire. He couldn’t describe with words. It’s more sweeter.. more affectionate than he felt before. It isn’t lust he felt. It was so light yet it felt too strong. It was more than the feelings he had before. It was more deeper than before, It was more beyond the emotions he felt.
After a few seconds his emotions took over his body. He finally let go of her. Softly taking her hand on the side and pulling her towards him while holding her neck on the other hand. He leaned in forward. Closer and closer. Until their lips touch.
Feeling her lips through his lips. He thought he was flying out of joy.. Out of affection he had for her. This time, he wasn’t dreaming. He wasn’t imagining her kissing her out of his dreams. This time around, he was kissing her out of the most purest form of affection and longing.
The kiss wasn’t intense nor it isn’t a peck. It was a reluctant yet innocent kiss. The feeling they share was beyond the words of love nor words of wisdom. It was beyond mystery to unfold.
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People think you are an extrovert and easily blend with people because you always look happy and talk much, but I know you are not an extrovert. You are extremely introvert, and you become superficially outspoken and loud to keep people thinking that you have nothing hide inside. But I know, there in your eyes you have your real figure. Unmasked, undisguised. I know you can’t see twinkling stars as simply twinkling. I know you see that those stars are actually smiling and greeting you “have a good evening, or good night, or even ‘why are you still up?’” I know when you hear the rain, you hear the most beautiful orchestra in the entire universe. I know when lights fade away and darkness sets in, you feel most comfortable and safe. I know you are smiling, and laughing and even crying during the time you spend with your awesome imaginary friend. You also got so much support and advice from your imaginary friend and have learned a lot. I know you have your own world that you create with internet connection, books, music, and locked room. I know cold wind warms you, loneliness spoils you, I know you feel unwanted and too sensitive, and there are times when you feel the whole world rejects your presence. I know that inside you are an introvert. 
I know you have a beautiful life in your beautiful world.
 I know your vault keeps millions of thoughts and secrets. 
And I know that you love someone so strong that it can move a mountain. You are an introvert and let me tell you, you are understood.
Reza Rusandi (via thatlitsite)
I really hope so
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I have this horrible sense of humor where I think discomfort is funny - partly because I experience discomfort a lot, and it’s a way of laughing at it and getting a release.
Joaquin Phoenix (via wnq-movies)
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Part of her believes that she’s made to love and be loved. She is full of scars in her soul that could only be mended by someone who cared enough to warm her frozen heart on their hands in these cold days. She wakes up with messy hair. She doesn’t like to wear make up and she just wear jeans and tshirt. She burps too loud and she eats a lot. She has a crazy mood, like, one second she wants to be with you but on the next few seconds, she doesn’t want to see you anymore. Yet despite all these, she believes that someone is meant for her. And that someone would accept every flaws that she’s been trying to hide in the world. But the other part of her is sure that she isn’t meant to be in a relationship.She is full of insecurities that she feels less confident with her body. People tell her that she’s perfect and she smile upon hearing the compliment, but at night when she’s lying alone on her bed thinking about that one guy who never even cared made her realize how ugly she is. She’s pretentious that she makes other people believe that she’s okay even if something is slowly killing her inside. She likes to be alone yet she doesn’t feel lonely at all. She has good books and hot tea mugs that she uses to cover the absence of someone who is not there to hold her heart. She even fools loneliness that she thought she’s fine just by herself. She doesn’t know how to deal with someone in an emotional level. And like this, she knows no one can hurt her. This is me. Broken and fixed. Warm and cold. Complex and divided in two completely opposite personalities who always fight to deal with each other. Yet, someone loves me for me and that’s all that matters.
her two personalities in one breathing body; Khae S. (via oohmisskhae)
I'll be lying if this isn't true. It's actuality hurts more than anyone else... Pretending to be fine... Pretending to feel the exact opposite of what you feel... Covering the harsh reality with illusions that would somehow ease the pain...
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Scenario for iKON Jinhwan please. the two of you are friends and have a secret feelings for each other, then when you were waiting for the sunrise he gave you a hint but didn't really confessed about his feelings, because you said you like someone and he didn't know you were talking bout him :)
Sorry if changed the concept from sunrise to night fall. I still hope you’ll like it. Sorry.. sorry. I just thought night would perfectly fit the scenario..
At the time that she had reach the rooftop of the apartment. Everything from below where just lights that gave way to the people who walks to each of their direction whilst as she looked from above the sky grew darker and darker. Slowly being indulge by the darkness of the world.
Painting the whole sky with blue and purple. Each seconds of the time stroked each one a darker shades of blue and purple. As it painted the sky with darkness the sparks of brilliant sparkle of white came into view. The whole thing was beyond words to describe how wonderful the sky could get.
“Finally I found you”
A husky deep voice welcomed her from behind. Turning her heels to face him it was Jinhwan still wearing his suit compared to her whose wearing just a casual suit. She tilted her back and asked him why and how he was here coming forward to me following my gaze.
“I just knew you’ll be here. You always like high places right?’ he answered.
Moments like this is so surreal. So dream-like that She begin to ponder if this moment was real or not. If it was a dream then I wish I would never wake up. In spite having such a hard day Jinhwan made things around us be just as light as a feathers. This is one of the moments I greatly appreciated.
She, eventually smile from the thought that JInhwan knows a lot about here. Yet, at some time she thought about how much of her reality was lost by the conviction that she had to lie for herself. That, Jinhwan like her, at least a bit.
However, both didn’t know that those feelings they have were both reciprocated already. Perhaps it was because actions weren’t enough for them. 
“Do you like stars” Jinhwan whispered with such emotions. As if his next words will melt my heart and soul. 
She motioned her head up to face him.
“You know, Stars are so blithe, They shine without a thought. I know someone who’s very similar to them do you want to know who that person is”
He paused for a while then he whispered though his words were loud and clear.
“That girl is quite hard to see, and when I did see-through her. She’s so similar to the stars that I always admire, She shines more than what I thought it could be. Letting me know her true self exist, And I admire her for that. I admire how simple and honest she is”
She stare at him at awe. She don’t know what exactly She should feel. It was like she was happy when Jinhwan found someone he admire the most, yet somehow she felt something stir up from inside of her, Then she asked herself. Is this what they called jealously? 
“That’s quite different from what you said, You’re totally describing her” She said. Masking her unyielding feeling insider her. 
The next thing happened so fast. So fast that she however didn’t know what to think. Subsequently, Jinhwan approach forward. Pulling her closwer towards his lean chest. Enclosing her with his warmth. Embracing her as if she would fall into pieces. He lightly brush her head as he whisper. 
“Words are too trivial. Too.. trivial for our standards.. Sometimes, our heart and soul would speak incomprehensible words that even individual’s no nothing about.. You know what it is called?” He said leaning forward towards her. His breathe touching her face. 
“It’s called the language of our deepest soul” He continued. As he kisses her right after….
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What would datinh June contains? Thanks 💋
Hi!! Thank you for asking me!!! So here, it is:DATING KOO JUNHOE WOULD BE:* Him holding your hand from time to time.* Him proudly saying your his girlfriend to his member along with the line 'are you jealous'* Him constantly annoying you..* His rare, simple, and sentimental moment of saying : I love you.* Him getting embarrassed when you do something lovely for him.* Him singing you a lullaby when you fall asleep.* His sassy remarks with his member when the both of you talk about his members.* Him being overconfident with his athletic skills then jokingly messing up with your failed attempts.* You and him going into food date trips.* You laughing at him when you know he can't swim.* Him getting jealous and annoyed over his members when you talk to them.* Him mocking your height difference.* His rare deep longing kisses.* Him buying beauty products for the both of you.* Him enjoying your back hugs.* Spending lovely cuddles at bed.I love this kind of request!! I really enjoyed writing this....Keep requesting also let's be friends
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Feel free to request any scenarios for Winner and Ikon!!!!
Whether it’s a scenario, imagines, and reactions!!!
Feel free to ask anything you want!!!! 
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If it isn’t love then what is it then?
Mino Scenario 
With the windows of the bus pushed up just about 6 centimeters, the smell of the sea was already slowly drifting in. It was a Saturday afternoon, and there were no other passengers aboard the train aside from us; Mino and I.
Supposedly there would be a lot of visitors heading down to the beach once the summer holidays arrived; but it was only early of March and there is still quite some time before the beaches would become crowded.
Given that, the only people that would make a trip down to the beach during spring break would probably be high school students…… and that included me. The  bus rumbled past a gentle turn. The walls of mountains and bamboo forests suddenly disappeared before my eyes, and my line of vision broadened, bringing with it the growing smell of the sea. I tilted my head to on my side only to see MIno softly smiling at the view on my side I don’t know if he saw me staring at him as he was so entrance by the beach gently murmuring words ‘It change quite a lot’.
In spite knowing Mino for a couple of months I still couldn’t grasp the fact that Mino was just being himself. The carefree yet thoughtful Mino,
It might be possibly because we had a 5 year age gap or it might also be because it was a common knowledge that there is more than one stance to someone.
But then again, in my age, it is possible to think such thoughts as live in spite gap between age and way of thought itself. But then again it was impossible for me to think of this thoights as this is only considered as irrational. Mino was and still is different to every person I know. Thus, I know he and I don’t reciprocate such emotions as love. Perhaps he only sees me as a younger sibling.
As the bus wobbled and stopped at a small station. Shaking my head as if trying to erase such thoughts I had in mind.
Then when I was about to grabbed my backpack from the luggage rack however Mino swiftly got it from above. Taking it back to me would only be waste my energy. Knowing Mino for a couple of months. He’s still a stubborn person. In which  I give him a simple thank you and eventually walk onto the open platform.
“Where are we exactly going oppa” I asked him while taking my phone from my pocket on my right.
“There’s this place I really like and I know you’ll like it even more. It has the view we seldonly see ” he said nodding his said as well as showing of his smile. Likewise I smiled back at him.
Minutes had gone pass with such a fast pace. Finally settling off into this certain cliff. Where beneath it lies the ocean deep and before us rests a forest camp. Glancing side by side, this place where it was just the two of us. This place was never been discovered by many. It was around pas five when we arrived here. In regards to what Mino oppa had said before. The view is indeed enchanting. Subconsciously I smiled so pleasantly along with a whisper of amazement and happiness.
On the other side, Mino oppa then joins me right after he finishes his set picnic bringing along with his hands a camera. With a sudden flash I turned my face to face him only to be pictured at.
Blinking for a while, as I swiftly come forward towards him trying to reach the camera. But in no avail I somehow didn’t reach him. It was clearly impossible for me to do he was much taller than I am.
Trying it for the last time and in the same time trying to keep my balance despite the rocks being my enemy.
“Mino” I screamed at shock as I realized I had tripped over the rocks.  Embracing the thought that I’ll fall over the ground. Instead I was caught instantly by Mino which causes me to widen my eyes. Feeling his warmth this close, his alluring scent that enchants me even more. His strong lean arms holding me closer to towards him. I, for some reasons felt like this was a dream-like scene I would dare to wake up.
I was about to mutter a thank you to him however as I face him. It seems like too impossible to think that he and I was just an inch closer. With our nose touching each other. Getting caught up with this position all of a sudden breathing seems to be too hard of a task. Feeling his hot breath even made my heart pound second by second second as if I was hit with a sudden shock. No.. It was more than that, and that it felt like it was too wrong to say it was just a merely a shock/bolt. And in that moment it was so quiet. As of time, itself had halt for a moment. Glancing over towards him. Only to find him already staring at me. Before, I merely thought he was a strange guy. Who was funny yet he could still appeal as a mysterious yet dangerous man. Today, when I look at him this close. I could tell it his eyes speaks more than a thousand of words as if you could feel his feeling within him. Although, I couldn’t think what it was. Slowly his eyes glances over my lips and then back to my eyes. As though it felt like eternity. Tightening his gripped over my waist eventually our chest almost touching each other. Moving his face towards me. Only to stop at the last moment.
“Be careful” he said. I stare at him at awe. Instead of putting me down. He then only tighten even more his grip towards me as if pulling me even closer as possible. Looking me once again only to be taken a back with his constant lip licking. He was nervous I know.
Tugging my hair from my ears with his right hand. Thus, startling me for a bit. As if being enchanted with his gesture slowly I lean in for his touch. Leisurely moving his hands from my ears down to my neck. His moves that seems like he was uncertain yet slow. He leans in once again. Whilst holding my breath for a while as well as closing my eyes. He was drowning me closer and closer to him. All of a sudden a ring flickers the both of us.
“You should answer it, it might be important” he whispered as he turn his back rubbing his face as of he did something malicious.
Then I told him it was just simply an alarm eventually saying an apology.
I glance at him slowly holding his hands from behind. He flick for a second then again turns his face towards me.
“Are you okay?” I ask as if I disn’t know what he feels right now.
Leisurely ribbing his hands to soothe him at least for a bit.
“You asked me if am okay? Fuck… Am not… How can you not notice this..” He said sounding so broke then as well as pointing his chest.
“How can you not notice we both wanted to be couples. Like those in the movies we watch. How can you mistake my moves were merely just a friend. Shit does friends wanted to kiss each other? Heck, why the hell are you pulling me yet… Can’t I just love you more than a friend’ he continued.
Wiping my tears from my eyes that doesn’t stop from pouring. Then I reasoned him out.
"Your older than me! Who else wouldn’t like it to love you? I… Love…” It felt like I was chocking from my tears without a spare mino runs his thumb into my face. Softly wiping those tears from me.
Perhaps thinking it was a right time for this. Mino leans in forward once again. Touching me ever so dear. Feeling his breathe in my face. Eventually closing the gap between us. Closing my eyes for the sensation I felt. He finally kisses me with so love. His head tilting from the side. As he kisses me with such emotions I can’t describe.
Then I begin to realize that this place, this moment in time, this scenery we saw and experience has witness the love that would blossom even more in the future.
As I secretly called this place . “The autumn’s golden flakes' I had borrowed that name from a certain novel, and even though it was long and unwieldy, it didn’t matter, because I didn’t plan on telling anyone about it.
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Don’t tangle yourself with confusion.
Taehyun scenario!!!
So sorry been busy with stuffs: school.. It’s finally up!!!
It all started last winter season when Taehyun met her for the first time. He couldn’t even point out what were the reasons why he felt something tug his chest moreover how she made him fall heads over heels for her. Heck, Taehyun was a person who rarely express his emotions. Yet she manage to steal his heart. Even made him go crazy for her. Maybe, it was because she was simply too different to the girls in their school or that it may be because she was just being herself. Seungyoon explained to Taehyun as well as his others who was currently sitting in front of Taehyun.
However Seunghoon and Mino, on the other hand was laughing out loud thinking it was too stupid and strange how Taehyun was asking his friends about how he felt towards her. Leading for Seungyoon to further explain how he felt eventhough Jinwoo had briefly said he was just merely inloved with her. It even caused a lame debate for Seunghoon and Mino. Whether Taehyun is a Cold city person or just being a sassy brat. Which much escalated to Seungyoon scoulding the two.
“Anyways, Taehyun did you get what Jinwoo hyung and I said”  Seungyoon said interupting Taehyun’s thoughts.
Taehyun sigh half heartedly feeling as if he was carrying earth. Of course, Taehyun knew he was in love with her. Yet, Taehyun still couldn’t grasp the idea of him falling for someone like her. Someone who’s a total opposite to what he actually prefer. Then, he thought for once again. From the every beginning of their meeting
Taehyun held his breath.
It was an unbelievable scene.
It was as if her charm was out of this world.
It was absurb beyond even his wildest dreams.
However, Taehyun did not even notice his breathing to stop.
For there was something much more extraordinary in front of Taehyun’s eyes.
A girl.
A girl, wearing a tennis dress, playing all by herself. Alone, in the tennis court
Enveloped by his faint voice, the whimper of her voice aching slowly faded away.
And, it took seconds for Taehyun to run over her checking if there was bruise created right after the fall the girl experience.
“Are you okay?” He said with such a clear worried tone he has. Which, however cause the latter one to be shocked with him. Who wouldn’t though, Taehyun was her senior on top of that he was also part of the top students in their school. Seeing Taehyun asking her if she was okay was something every students wants.
“Seriously, are you okay?” He asked again.
Still ij dazed by the situation the girl just looked at him.
“Are you hurt any where?” Asks again and again until she finally talks to him for the every first time.
Once saying as well as reassuring Taehyun. He, on the other hand seem to think in his mind that time had stop for a certain moment.
he thought…. And…. Thought
That the presence of the girl was so overwhelming that it suppressed anything around them.
Like everything that surrounds Taehyun and the girl in front of him moved ever so slow. Those doe eyes she has, cut nose she has then to her cherry lips
Thinking back then,, the beauty of the girl herself overshadowed those girls Taehyun met.
Her long black hair, like a plume of smoke, weaved around her shoulders and waist.
warmly looking into his eyes, her eyes were of a strange, hard to describe despite it’s warm aura tangling closer to him
Her figure, which would probably make even a goddess feel envious. As she lick her lips involuntarily.
His vision;
His attention;
Even his heart;
—In that moment, they were stolen away.
It was so…
So intensely;
Is this how people fall for the first time, he thought.
The girl slowly shifted her gaze downwards.
“…Your name?”
His voice, carrying the question from the bottom of his heart, shook the air.
she whispered ever so gently as if it was a feather floating into the air
At that time.
As the  two’s eyes crossed Taehyun and herself starts to open up the story of the destined one.
Unconsciously his face starts to creep up a smile.
“Ohhh.. Ohh.. Our Nam Diva is turning red… Omona” Seunghoon exclaimed right after noticing Taehyun blushing.
Mino tilted his head to the side slowly expressing his expression of utter shocked at the same time showing his mocking smile he has. Raising his hand to high five Seunghoon which the latter does as well.
As the teasing takes it toll Seungyoon eventually stood up from his sit marching his way towards the two idiots nagging them.
Jinwoo then took his chance to go straight to Taehyun who seem to look like he was dearly embarass as much as how much he tties to cover up with his stoic facade.
“Just go straight outside.. Walk towards until the end of the building I called her for you. She’s probably waiting for you there” Jinwoo said telling him about a fact Taehyun, himself didn’t know.
“What” he shockingly said bolting the three other to look at him. Still, Jinwoo silently responded with a nod while point the door out.
Without thinking, Taehyun runs towards the end of the building. As if he was chasing towards his dream. Together with his heart beating faster and faster with each second that past.
Once he reaches to the tree he saw the back view image of someone he likes.  As if it was just like the movie they always watch.
She turns her back ever so slow. That even her hair flowed perfectly. Eventually showing her smile that even made Taehyun fall for her even more.
Tucking her hair back to her ears then eventually starts up the conversation.
“Hey, Jinwoo oppa told me to meet you up saying it was urgent? Is there any problem”
“Oppa, you called Jinwoo hyung oppa? You don’t even call me oppa yet you called him oppa.. heol” he said disbelieving her. He knows her either in what she is or what she likes the most. And most certainly he knows it was rare for her to call someone oppa even though they know each other she still calls her sunbae-nim.
Flustered he took an exhale trying to calm down. Thinking that if he does something ridiculous it might have ruined everything.
“He’s nice to me though anyways why would Jinwoo oppa call me here for you” she said again changing the topic Taehyun brought up.
“His not nice… He just look nice that you might thought his an angel in disguise. Beside, you know me way before Jinwoo hyung introduce himself with. Why not try calling me oppa.” Taehyun argued back.
“As I said before he’s nice stop saying rude thing to your hyung. Also since when did you get so hype with this. Another thing is, why the hell should I call you oppa were in the same year at the same month. This argument is groundless and ridiculous really Taehyun”
“This argument isn’t groundless itself in fact the argument doesn’t even discuss our age difference. Rather it is as of such that I am taller than you much to that am your senior.”
“Seriously this is ridiculous, if it’s not the age itself then what the hell” she said looking straight into him.
“I know you first I should be the first person you should call oppa not hyung” Eventually Taehyun whines blowing his hair with his hand. As if the whole situation becomes so heated.
“Are you jealous?” She finally asked swiftly understanding the situation their in.
“What if I am? What if am Jealous to hyung? i like no… Love you first, know you first, became friends firstly.. I hated how you easily call hyung oppa yet here we debated whether you should call me oppa or not? What your thinking am too much for you? That am your senior? Fuck that thoughts” he said with so much emotions that made her widen her eyes with a sudden confession Taehyun did to her.
And what comes next is something unpredictable perhaps it has to do with the emotion Taehyun felt or said or that it was just too fitting to this moment.
Taehyun comes closer to her. Holding his breathe as he latches his thin lips to her. Kissing her with so much passion and affection. Tilting his side to access a more better spot. Leisurely licking her lips silently asking for her to open her mouth. Finally giving in with the moment as she kisses him back with the same passion as Taehyun did
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A modern Romeo?
To ineffablelullaby, Despite loving the idea you gave. This is quite a by far the most difficult one to make. The title isn’t actually ‘A modern romeo’ it was before ‘Doubtful Confession’. However a scene suddenly replay into me. And I was like 'ah this scenario reminds me of Romeo and Juliet. Then Here it is. Truthfully, I really don’t like Shakespeare’s romeo and juliet. I didn’t like the plot. One thing I didn’t like about it is that Shakespeare should have gave Rosaline a few lines. I mean how can Romeo fall out of love to Rosaline then suddenly fell in love with Juliet. Heol. That’s a no no… Anyways I hope you like it despite how unfortunate this scenario is. Oh I almost forget to say it’s just a part one. The last part will be posted when my internet doesn’t fucked up again... 
So so sorry if this doesn’t fit with what you had in mind. I swear once my internet isn’t doomed anymore I’ll post the last part.. 
Hanbin Scenario
“so what do you think about Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet" 
Bobby hyung whispered from my back. Then a question begins to came across my mind.
‘Isn’t Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet similar to what I’ve been thinking about harboring my love to her moreover my parents seem to object it’.
The thought itself was right. Even though the thought itself shouldn’t be a question one rather a sarcasm one. The thought that I have seems to be right yet wrong at the same time. 
In the end, Doubt is in question; Of whether I’m capable of confessing to her or not. Despite having these thoughts of doubt. It is already given that it wasn’t the only problem I’ve got to solve by myself. 
Then I remember the book Bobby gave me the previous week. It was Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. To what I’ve read upon it. The story depicts about Romeo and Juliet parents opposing their love. About how ‘sneaky’ Romeo is. When meeting his Juliet at the backyard. How Juliet ‘protects’ Romeo from her parents opposition. In short it was realistically tragic love story between them. Yet other’s could possibly say it was actually unrealistic tragic love story. Along with the lines in their mind’s ‘you’re making yourself idiot. who would die just to be together.’. 
That’s when I ponder with great thought. 
 About how they great their love was. That it came to the point that they protect one another from superficial parents they had. How their words gently touches each other’s heart. How they would want to die together just to be together.
I know it was way out of us. In this modern era we had it. One may say it was too idiotic act. The way they wanted to die just to be together sounded to pun for them. However with my case their love was a great example. And I admire them for having a simply yet honest wish.
“Hey, Hanbin I asked you a question.. I didn’t know asking such trivial question can lead you to spacing out.”
Bobby said while smacking from my back. I looked at him then figuring I forgot to say a response about what he asked I told him.
‘’Everyone say’s it was tragic yet they didn’t exactly value what Shakespeare want them to know. Love is more than just poetic words also...  fighting for what you love is quite admirable that’s what I think”
Bobby nodded his head in agreement. Silently agreeing to what I said. Bobby then rose up from his seat as he tries to get his sling bag from our class.
Today, the weather seems to heavy. By the way it was winter. Which made us, Bobby and I left in our room killing our time with trivial conversations that sometimes leads to deep conversation. Tilting my side to look at the snow falling down. Falling down slowly as if it was at peace. Sometimes I wish to be just like snow falling down with ease. Needless to say, my mind doesn’t seem to be peaceful enough. Then I heard from my behind Bobby saying.
“You know even if you didn’t tell me what you really feel right now. I do know it Hanbin and as a hyung you can tell me even if it included her as a topic”
Facing him in spite looking confusing and all. Maybe they were right. There will always be someone who knows your actions whether it may be a close friend, a girlfriend, even a mother.
“You still didn’t get the idea why I gave you the Romeo and Juliet book didn’t you.”
A frown slowly contorted my face in question. I know Bobby might sometimes be indirect and leaves such question toss in the air. But I never thought Bobby already got it in his mind what I felt. Ironically, Bobby reminds me the faerie’s personality. He doesn’t lie nor tell the truth directly just like how faerie’s are..  
“You initially gave me the book to figure it out by myself” I exclaimed.
Bobby looked at me as if I was joking with what I said. 
“I didn’t know your idiocy can get you this by far Hanbin”
He paused for a while placing his bag to the table. Coming forward with a chair in his hand eventually sitting in front of me. Once again smacking my forehead.
 “I never imagine you could be like this. Anyhow just as what the both character did minus the fact of dying. Just be Hanbin. Be a Modernize Romeo. Beside, isn’t being a poetic in words your forte. Make a song or something or may be like a boss.” He suggests. 
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