winnu 2 years
the chosen one
beads of trust that are woven, worth the pearls
are wore in pride
like necklaces of royalty passed down into generations
but there's always that one inheritance
who refuses to carry them
the rebel of the wild, child of the night
one who believes in thrashing the built empire
the lover of chaos, the empress of revolts
one who governs autonomy to create her domains
the pursuer of creation, redefining satisfactions
one who reinvents the orthodox into grandeur of motives
the optimism of spectators, the criticism of his haters
there's always that one chosen heart who displays divine power
and makes you believe in miracles
who innovates deviance and sets a path to explore
whose tragedies get engraved in historical scripts
are sung by ancestries and praised in folklores
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taglist: @certified-nalayak @lostchild02 @akidev @psychic-panda-28 @chillhumen @wtfisliffe @aditihihi @sabajeeb @bluebeadss (lmk if you want to be added or removed)
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winnu 2 years
definitions of love
when i was younger my love was stored in moon and stars
because it was pure, tender, fascinating, waiting to be explored
it was stored in hands of my mother caressing my head on her lap
it was anticipation of summer vacations residing in rosy evenings
it was building a sand castle at beach shores
it was that 5 minutes of extra sleep on cold winter mornings
it was in handmade sweater my grandmother had woven
my love was stored in my friends' lunchboxes filled with hungry smiles
but as the mysteries of time unravelled and destiny asked me to act my age
previous definitions of love dissolved
love now felt like standing naked in front of a crowd
because it became demanding, vulnerable, wanting to be seen and put on a show
it felt like walking on broken glass pieces with bloody footprints being left behind
like an unplanned weekend when no one calls you
like the terror you feel after a nightmare
like the fear of loosing your family when you were young
like a past mistake that haunts you forever
it's now stored in a facade of instagram pictures
in insecurities you never came over
in efforts that became wasted potential
the world said the latter potrayal is realistic
still i hold tight the jar of love that contained innocence and is filled with nostalgia
and in hope someday a token would pop out of it
would spark something that wouldn't lie in what you're familiar with
it would be stored in suprises of pleasent uncertainties
and a very few times if you ever get lucky
maybe a reflection of your childhood love
to remind you, that definition wasn't wrong all along
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taglist: @certified-nalayak @lostchild02 @akidev @psychic-panda-28 @reehehe @wtfisliffe @aditihihi @chillhumen (lmk if you want to be added or removed)
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winnu 2 years
open wounds
I've let flies browse over my open wounds
I don't see the need to aid them
they're probably going to be ripped again
before I can heal anyway
and even if they heal, I'm going to be scarred forever
but this intense satisfaction of always dwelling in pain
letting the bruises burn
I've been here too often to finally state it my homeland
the voices here welcome warm
not like your favourite cozy corner
but like a house set on fire
and I'm watching my favourite show lying cold on the floor
I have finally made peace with the misery
My agony doesn't burns red now
it's stained of hurt and glimmers of strength
I have let the flies browse over my open wounds
for now I have acquainted the grief
and made friends with rebounds
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winnu 2 years
if only the society didnt condition me into thinking that someone's romantic contribution should be a necessary part of my existence else how would i survive as an independent human worthy of being whole in itself.
now all I can daydream is of finding a love that would fit into my voids. these movies, books have romanticize the concept of an ideal lover so much that at a certain point, the absence of bookish romance in my life makes me physically sick. reading and watching these explicit description of physical forms of affection make my body ache to be held, to be touched, to be treasured.
i wish i didn't let these things control me so much but what even in this world am i trying to achieve if not wanting to be loved and to love them back?
where's my other half? why do i need them? will i ever find them? what if they're not the right one?
these what ifs have engulfed me wholly and im no longer aware of my presence in the practical world. Im drowning in a puddle of fantasies onto which I've held forever excusing them as coping mechanisms. god i feel so fucked in my head.
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winnu 2 years
love/hate (hypothesis)
i have denied so much of love because i believed it doesn't come easy
I've duped my brain into taking a kind smile for mockery
an unasked help for a planned barter of support
my father's care for the impeding anger i would confront someday
only because I've been shown by the world this is what actually happens
the vices take over and heroism gets buried
that's why it's better to have your gaurds up
but i fawn over the wasted love more than celebration of escaped depravity
have i ever met someone so beloved that didn't give me a reason to despise them, once at least?
and this spirals me once again into thinking
can love and hate ever truly be inherited independently?
and if my denial to love meant saving myself from wickedness
would i dare to risk it all and have a lifetime of romance for once?
or would i rather cripple to the comfort zone
that leaves me with no tales to ever tell?
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