winskellington · 3 years
Kylie: That's hot! I love it! Please do something like that to my face lol. In fact, I kind of want spooky makeup all the time. Maybe then it'd be a good excuse for why boys run away from me LOL.
Winter: Bless! This is where I thrive! Also, um, I don't see why they'd run unless you're stunning beauty is just too intimidating for them in which case, they weren't worthy in the first place.
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winskellington · 3 years
Kylie: YES! Quick q tho, what IS glam spooky?
Winter: A look that's typically spooky but you make it glamorous so an example would be something I did for a client once. It can also make the spooky not as scary.
Winter: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/62/cf/5d/62cf5d3ee26e28c11f83bc5fb6066489.jpg or https://mojly.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/amazing-face-art-painting-photos-pics-people-jh-01.jpg
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winskellington · 3 years
Kylie: OOOH can we practice on each other?! Most of the makeup I can do is glam or artsy and I'd love to learn something spooky from the master!
Winter: 100%!! I don't get to practice on others often that aren't actually clients so I'm totally here for it! We can always do a glam-like spooky look too!
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winskellington · 3 years
Winter: It's September which means it's spooky time (I take no arguments) and I'm feeling festive so if you're looking for someone to do spooky (or glamorous) Halloween looks until after October then hmu
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winskellington · 3 years
Autumn: Sounds to me like you need to take a serious break from adulting then! What about the three of us take some time off to have a pool party? It's the perfect weather for it and I personally have been in the mood to swim laps around people. What do you think?
Winter: I think that sounds amazing! Not the swimming laps, you got that under control, but a nice giant floaty and a blue Hawaiian in hand sounds amazing. Might need a new suit though.
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winskellington · 3 years
Winter: SOS
Winter: When I started adulting, I didn't plan on ending up a homebody. As my face copies, you're supposed to help before I wither away.
Winter: Please and thank you.
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winskellington · 3 years
text 💬 winsper
Casper: so, i might be in hospital...
Winter: How? Why? Are you okay???
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winskellington · 4 years
the people that need makeovers
I don’t necessarily think people need makeovers. Do I think make-up can help enhance someone’s beauty and features, yes? Should someone get a makeover if they want to? Also, yes. And I’d be happy to help them if it’s going to build up their confidence. But no one needs a makeover. Maybe tips to help them be the best them but not a full makeover.
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winskellington · 4 years
How do you feel about Emmett being friends with his exes?
Well, seeing as I am currently friends with at least one of them, I don’t mind. Even if I wasn’t, I still wouldn’t mind. I think as someone who’s dated Em, we can all collectively say he’s very dedicated to the person he’s dating when he’s dating them. Like this is nothing new. I’m confident and secure in my relationship with him and even then he’s like a serial monogamist. It’s cool.
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Ask my character "How do you feel about ______?"
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winskellington · 4 years
How do you feel about marriage?
To be honest with you, I never thought I’d get married before I got together with Emmett. Clearly that has changed but in general, I’ve never had a problem with marriage. I’ve always wanted a kind of love like my parents and I think most girls/people have at least thought about it once.
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Ask my character "How do you feel about ______?"
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winskellington · 4 years
How do you feel about your triplets?
I mean, I am one so like it’d be awkward if I didn’t like them. It’s a little frustrating when people can’t tell us apart but that’s more so on other people than on my sisters and I (honestly just ask if you can’t tell) but 10/10 would recommend. 
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Ask my character "How do you feel about ______?"
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winskellington · 4 years
women being the breadwinners in a relationship
I don’t see a problem with it as long as both parties are okay with it. Like if  one person is taking advantage of the other person then that’s not okay but other than that, it shouldn’t matter. Especially since a relationship isn’t always just a man and woman.
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Ask my character "How do you feel about ______?"
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winskellington · 4 years
how do you feel about scream the tv series?
Surprisingly enough, I never got into it. I don’t know, tried to watch the first episode and it wasn’t enough to keep me entertained.
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Ask my character “How do you feel about ______?”
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winskellington · 4 years
@winskellington @diamcndskylucy @totohamada @hornedkenzie @hailstormporter @eveningstardubois @lilyofthegoth @icemasterbents @rosalienxthale @stargirlvasilovich
Ask my character "How do you feel about ______?" Can be an idea, person(s), place, or thing, and they'll have to answer honestly.
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winskellington · 4 years
If you weren't a fan of the Matchmaker's Valentine's suggestion for you, then who would you choose for yourself instead?
I mean...that’s pretty obvious...
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winskellington · 4 years
For Valentine's Day, I've decided to matchmake everyone in Auradon. I think you'd be really well-suited for: Jeremy Potts. You're welcome.
Mmm you spelled @emmett-thunderstrike wrong. It’s okay though. Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days...
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winskellington · 4 years
Valerie: Okay, THANK YOU 🥰 I always thought seeing someone be amazing and skilled would be endearing but oh well! Too bad I can't date you 😋
Valerie: I don't have a preference but I know lots of people think that December is too cold. I personally don't get it but that's because I grew up somewhere way colder than Auradon City.
Winter: Listen, Em would be so heartbroken 💔 if I left him for someone so gorgeous. We'll just have to admire from afar~
Winter: I mean it's cold but like that's more excuse to snuggle up after a night out, yeah? Go for a sleigh ride and chat then head back to someone's place for hot chocolate and movies.
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