Hi long time no see I’ve been. Having an. Interesting. Time. Anyway I keep hearing talk about potential xillia remake and like. Please. I don’t wanna dig up my ps3 just for yume lore
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winter-blossoms-yume · 2 months
This includes anyone you shipped with before you learned what self shipping was!
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winter-blossoms-yume · 2 months
FUCK I FORGOT ABOUT THIS. imagining [yet-unnamed fucker] looking at Elle at the end of the [I’m not sure what to call it] ending like “I guess I’m your new dad?”
hang on does me self-shipping with ludger make my sona a single parent
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winter-blossoms-yume · 2 months
Not selfship related I’m just Extremely annoyed and would prefer to put this where ppl who are friends w/ the person in question cannot see it
Some people have desperately gotta learn that the “he would not fucking say that” mentality is for, like, privately discussing stuff with weird characterization and not for, to use a definitely random example that is totally not inspired by backreading a friend’s anxious messages this morning, leaving TWELVE FUCKING NOTIFICATIONS on someone’s “[fandom] characters sorted into [game]’s elements” explaining why you’re right and they’re wrong
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winter-blossoms-yume · 2 months
The whole thing made my poor friend extremely anxious and upset. EIGHTEEN FUCKING REPLIES because you disagree with someone’s goddamn a3-in-HSR element tierlist. Are you kidding me
Not selfship related I’m just Extremely annoyed and would prefer to put this where ppl who are friends w/ the person in question cannot see it
Some people have desperately gotta learn that the “he would not fucking say that” mentality is for, like, privately discussing stuff with weird characterization and not for, to use a definitely random example that is totally not inspired by backreading a friend’s anxious messages this morning, leaving TWELVE FUCKING NOTIFICATIONS on someone’s “[fandom] characters sorted into [game]’s elements” explaining why you’re right and they’re wrong
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winter-blossoms-yume · 2 months
Not selfship related I’m just Extremely annoyed and would prefer to put this where ppl who are friends w/ the person in question cannot see it
Some people have desperately gotta learn that the “he would not fucking say that” mentality is for, like, privately discussing stuff with weird characterization and not for, to use a definitely random example that is totally not inspired by backreading a friend’s anxious messages this morning, leaving TWELVE FUCKING NOTIFICATIONS on someone’s “[fandom] characters sorted into [game]’s elements” explaining why you’re right and they’re wrong
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winter-blossoms-yume · 3 months
A3! Lucille Hatano SR “Trajectory of Romance” | Backstage: “The Girl of Your Dreams” Part 2
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Lucille: Hey, there you are!
Sakuya: Sorry, I was running a little late. Did you wait long?
Lucille: It’s fine, you weren't long at all.
Sakuya: Good! Thanks for waiting!
Sakuya: Anyway, why did you wanna meet up here? What’s going on?
Lucille: Well, we’re about to celebrate our anniversary…
Lucille: And I figured I should get you an early present! You know, for fun.
Sakuya: Wait, are you sure? You know you don’t have to get me anything this early!
Lucille: I know. But I wanted to, and you can’t stop me no matter how hard you try.
Sakuya: …you’re the worst.
Lucille: You love me.
Sakuya: *Sigh.* I do.
Lucille: Hehe.
Lucille: Then, I hope you don’t mind me introducing you to someone…
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Sakuya: …!
Lucille: I decided to get you a cute plushie since you mentioned that they all remind you of good memories.
Lucille: And Izumi mentioned that you apparently say my name in your sleep, so I figured that maybe you could have a little buddy to be there when I can't be, you know?
Sakuya: Lu, that’s a little embarrassing…
Lucille: Really? I think it’s super cute!
Lucille: That, and maybe it can help us meet up in each other’s dreams and hang out there, too.
Lucille: I-I mean, if you’d want to! It was just something Muku said happened in a manga he liked, and I thought it was cute, so maybe you would too-
Sakuya: I love it. 
Lucille: You do?
Sakuya: Of course I do! Thank you so much!!!
Lucille: Aaaagh!! put me down, put me down!!
Sakuya: Haha, alright, alright. But, really, thank you! I hope he gets along with the rest of the group. 
Lucille: I’m sure he will.
Sakuya: I mean, you really didn’t have to get me anything, but I’ll be sure to one-up you! You’ll get an even better gift, just you wait!
Lucille: You don’t have to, the plushie was just a small thing, you’re fine!
Lucille: Besides, I already have the perfect gift. 
Sakuya: Huh?
Lucille: He’s right here with me, forever and always. 
Story Clear! 
< Previous part
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winter-blossoms-yume · 3 months
A3! Lucille Hatano SR “Trajectory of Romance” | Backstage: “The Girl of Your Dreams” Part 1
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Sakuya: …and Sakura took way too long talking about the little penguin toy she got from her Papa, she liked it so much!
Lucille: Haha, then it seems like the daycare’s show and tell was a success, huh?
Sakuya: It really was! The kids liked it a lot more than I thought they would.
Lucille: Now that I think about it, I think we did something similar when we were their age, too. I remember bringing in a plushie, but I don’t think I was good at keeping it hidden away until I had to show it off. 
Sakuya: Some kids did that today, too! I guess some things never change. 
Lucille: Do you remember ever doing one?
Sakuya: I don’t think so… A lot of that time is pretty fuzzy for me, sorry. 
Lucille: You’re fine, I don’t blame you. Then, if you had to do it now, then, what would you choose?
Sakuya: Hmm… Maybe a stuffed animal? 
Lucille: Even now?
Sakuya: Well, all of them are from my favorite people, and they all hold a lot of special memories, like Blue!
Lucille: Oh, that’s true! He is pretty important to you, huh?
Lucille: (Memories, huh… stuffed animals are pretty nostalgic, but I didn’t even consider that they could be that special.) 
Izumi: Oh, Sakuya, Lucille, I didn’t realize you two were still in here! It’s getting late, isn’t it?
Sakuya: Director! I didn’t know you were still up. 
Izumi: Well, I’m helping out a friend’s troupe this week, so I’ve gotta finish up a few more blocking notes… Right now, I just need some caffeine.
Lucille: Director, don’t pull a Tsuzuru on us! Get some sleep! 
Izumi: Not until you two do.
Izumi: Do you need a ride home, Lu? It’s getting kind of late, and you probably shouldn’t be walking out alone.
Lucille: A-are you sure? I’ve heard, um, things, about your driving. 
Izumi: Nonsense! You’re only a few blocks away, it’ll be just fine, I promise. C’mon, it’s already a few hours after that damn curfew, you should be getting home anyway.
Lucille: Sigh… Alright. Saku, pray for me.
Sakuya: It won’t be that bad!
Izumi: He’s right, you know.
Sakuya: Good luck out there. I love you. 
Lucille: I love you too. *Kisses him.* Let that be your last memory of me before I fade…. away…
Izumi: I heard that!
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Lucille: …
Izumi: …
Lucille: …Hey, Izumi?
Izumi: Yeah?
Lucille: Can I ask something weird?
Izumi: Of course!
Lucille: What do you think Saku values most?
Izumi: Sakuya’s values?
Lucille: Yeah… I’m trying to figure out an anniversary present for him, and I'm kinda out of ideas.
Izumi: Oh, that’s coming up soon, isn’t it? It’s hard to believe you two have been together that long.
Izumi: Well, to answer your question, I’d think it’s pretty simple, right? He cares a lot about what he loves: acting, his family, and, of course, you. 
Lucille: Me?
Izumi: Yeah, you! You should see him when you’re not around. Citron even tells me he murmurs your name in his sleep. 
Lucille: Really? Even then?
Izumi: Yep. I don’t think I’ve seen him so passionate about anything other than theater before. You should consider yourself lucky.
Lucille: (He dreams about me. Oh my god he dreams about me. How often am I on his mind? Does he really miss me then?)
Lucille: (Wait. If I’m a part of his sleep, maybe I can get him something like that…)
Izumi: Hey, Lu, this is your uni, right?
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Lucille: Huh? Oh, yeah, it is. I can make it to the dorm from here, thanks for the ride.
Izumi: Mhm! And, hey. Good luck on that anniversary present of yours.
Lucille: Thanks! Good night!
Izumi: 'Night. Stay safe.
Lucille: (I think I know just what I’m gonna get him.)
Next part >
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winter-blossoms-yume · 3 months
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winter-blossoms-yume · 3 months
name so bad your friends edit it out while shittalking the fic
using this acc to be a hater
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winter-blossoms-yume · 3 months
using this acc to be a hater
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winter-blossoms-yume · 4 months
The more dun/meshi I watch the more I look at lai.os and go “I need to kiss this man”
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winter-blossoms-yume · 4 months
hang on does me self-shipping with ludger make my sona a single parent
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winter-blossoms-yume · 4 months
hate when you find a character whose so infuriatingly Your Type that its embarrassing like yeahg no one is gonna be surprised when i announce this is my new Guy Of The Month
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winter-blossoms-yume · 4 months
Self Ship Summer Prompt List
This is an all summer (June, July, August for Northern Hemisphere; December, January, February for Southern Hemisphere) prompt list! So no rush! Plus prompt lists are always for fun anyway! I tried to make this as flexible as possible so it can be done with nonromantic and romantic F/Os and ships. This can be for writing, drawing, journaling, scrapbooking, whatever you’d like! Please tag your creations as #SelfShipSummer2024 to participate.
Shopping Spree!
Outdoor Date/Outdoor Activities!
Summer Camp Counselors!
Beach/Lake/River/Swim day!
Large Community Get Together!
Ranch/Cowpoke Day!
Water Fight!
Sports Day!
Too Hot Outside!
Frozen Treats!
Summer Outfit Swap!
Mamma Mia!
Summer Hat!
Aquarium/Zoo Day!
Cosplay Day!
Free Space / Have Fun!
Please no pr*ship/c*mship please.
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winter-blossoms-yume · 5 months
"proshipper discourse and labels are both pretty much completely useless" but also "if someone calls themself a proshipper whole chest there is absolutely no way im trusting them"
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winter-blossoms-yume · 5 months
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Good morning I’m getting a divorce
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