winterbeav · 15 days
Tae: Which one? Reading a story or playing a game? 👀 Tae: Which game do you want to play?
Tae: No??? :( Tae: Should I read you bedtime stories? Or we can find a game to play?
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winterbeav · 19 days
Tae: No??? :( Tae: Should I read you bedtime stories? Or we can find a game to play?
hyuka : waaaaaaah hyuka : are you sleeping? hyuka : i can't sleep uwu
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winterbeav · 2 months
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240412 - taehyung on weverse: "a wound of glory"
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winterbeav · 2 months
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tiny 🤏 for @raplinenthusiasts cr. jung-koook
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winterbeav · 2 months
Tae: I'll facetime you then 😃
Taehyung wasted no time in hitting the camera button and setting up his phone. "Hyung! What are you eating?" Tae asked with a big smile once his hyung answered.
Jin: Of course not!! Jin: what's up taehyung-ah?? Jin: I'm eating too, lets eat together.
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winterbeav · 3 months
His smile spread on his face once he saw Yoongi's name appear on his screen. The vocalist could always depend on any one of his brothers to come to the rescue, even if it was to chat with him during his lunch.
"Hyung!" Tae's smile growing bigger when he accepted the call and the two could see each other.
yoongi didn't give it more than a couple of seconds before he clicked on the video chat button. figuring it was easier to give him a direct call instead of playing the back and forth. it was time for his lunch to arrive anyway. yoongi propped his phone on his work desktop and waited for the other to answer the call.
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winterbeav · 3 months
Tae: Really??? Tae: Okay! Let me call RN! Taehyung pressed on the call button after he finished setting his phone against his drink.
irene: never busy for you, tae irene: i'm also having lunch so feel free irene: we can enjoy our lunch together n_n
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winterbeav · 3 months
Tae: Ok, I'll start the timer RN!
Like a good younger brother, Taehyung waited patiently as he stared at the digital clock. His patience wearing thin that he took a few bites from his food up until the time ran out, and he propped his phone against his drink. Adding an additional minute, he waited a bit longer before he pressed the button to call, waiting for the other to answer.
joon: give me five, then call joon: i was with my buddies and i have find an empty spot. one sec
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winterbeav · 3 months
Tae: OK, give me a quick minute!
Taehyung excitedly set the phone on the table, resting the phone against his drink to keep it stable and clicked on the Facetime call button. Patiently waiting while the phone began to ring and waited for the other to pick it up from his side.
yeonjun: hyung! yeonjun: i'm never too busy to chat with you
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winterbeav · 3 months
Taehyung's face went into a frown at the sound of his ex complaining. Couldn't they pretend that she wasn't in their team? Make some excuse to not get tied together, and she could venture off to the depths of the dark hallways. "Shouldn't you be focused on finding things instead of focusing on us?" Taehyung giving a small hand squeeze to his laced fingers with Nayeon.
@maybenayeon @winterbeav @kkuramihrt
"are you trying to annoy me or is this a random kink you two have?" jennie's glare shot at the couple she had the pleasure of being around during this fine afternoon. "let's get this done, and leave. i swear i will scream if i see you trying to kiss or get cute again. got it?"
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winterbeav · 3 months
"Ah, yess" He smiled at his message. Taehyung happily opened the contact to dial Wooyoung. Laying out his food across from him and setting his camera so they could see each other clearly, he waited before taking any bite from his food. "Hey!" Tae waved once the call was answered. "Thank you for answering. I hate being alone. What are you doing? How's life?"
Woo: I’m always free for you ☺️
Woo: Yes please!
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winterbeav · 3 months
@seoulessrp Tae: You busy? Tae: I'm on my lunch and all of my buddies are busy on the phone Tae: Can I facetime you? 🥺
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winterbeav · 3 months
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so are we.
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winterbeav · 3 months
A guilty smile said it all. Taehyung wasn’t one to lie and anybody who knew him well could figure out when he wasn’t being truthful. Instead, he looked away, nodding to try and say that he wouldn’t eat it all in one setting. “I can’t promise that.” His grandma’s early lessons about saying the truth still rang in his head today. “I’m starving by the time lunch comes around.” He gave the excuse. It was true. His training was exhausting from the workouts they had to do along with missions and keeping guard that he burned too many calories that he was starving by the end of his shift. “I’ll try to take my time.” That he could promise. “There’s one that’s a few streets down if you don’t mind walking? Or we can call a cab?” He suggested. His drivers were no longer around that he could give them a quick call about picking them up. 
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a soft chuckle escaped at his exclamation, one that made her cheeks burn with pride. she was happy to be able to do something for the other, even it was as small as this— bringing a little bit of home cooking while he was busy during his enlistment. she tried to keep up with all of her friends, but especially her bangtan sunbaes. having grown close during their trainee days, she looked up to all of them as mentors and older brothers. and much like her relationship with her own older brother, she tried to take care of them in whatever small ways she could. ❛ try not to eat it all in one sitting ❜ she teased lightly. at the question, she gave an enthusiastic nod. a warm tea sounded amazing right about now, especially with the cold giving no indication it would let up anytime soon. ❛ that would be great! did you see a spot nearby? ❜
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winterbeav · 3 months
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❝Sometimes, it's okay to take a break❞ - KIM TAEHYUNG for @heybaetae and @kimtaegis ♡
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winterbeav · 3 months
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“You can buy her jewelry, hyung. You know which one you can buy her?” Taehyung smiled by the end of his question. Heavily implying his idea by pointing to an important finger. “But if that doesn’t work. I suggest a nice gift. You always know how to give meaningful gifts. You can do a scrapbook of all of your trips or memories you’ve had together. Flowers are always great. I always send some to Nayeon whenever we’re far from each other. As long as it comes from the heart, then you can do no wrong.” 
“what do you typically go for when you try to surprise your significant other or a previous partner of yours? the usual flowers? chocolate? food or a pricey item?” hobi had  been graced with three days off from the military, and he was trying to spot an idea to surprise his girlfriend. 
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winterbeav · 3 months
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Weeks was all Taehyung needed to survive the remaining part of winter before the sun decided to grace them with its presence. Soon they would be begging for a cold day once the humidity began to kick in. For now, he remained perfectly tucked inside of the thick layer of his coat as he was meeting with an old friend. His smile grew once she came to view, and his hand did a small wave. “You have no idea how much I appreciate this. I’m going to inhale it once I can” He exclaimed, taking the thermos from her with both hands and gave a bow. “So warm” He chuckled, feeling the warmth of the thermos against his cold palms. “Can I get you a tea? Something warm to drink so we won’t freeze out here?” 
the cold was undeniable this time of year. despite the warmth that was incoming, winter lingered, unwilling to give up it's grasp or yield to the spring. a smile was painted on the idol's features as she walked through the brisk morning, bundled in a coat and scarf, gloved hands cradling a large thermos to her chest. a familiar figure appeared in the distance, smile brightening as they approached. ❛ it's good to see you! sorry it's so cold, but hopefully this warms you up. ❜ holding out the thermos, she offered up the container filled with galbitang, a comfort dish that brought warmth and fond memories for her. ❛ i really hope you can enjoy this. ❜
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