wintershoujo · 7 years
why couldn't i have no kids and 3 money? it's as though im seeing ghosts ghosts of my past the past when i was glad to be alive when will i die to meet them again i cant see any ghosts the ghosts of my future dead people dont come back when will i die so i can never come back it's as though im seeing a mirror no more premonitions im filled with disgust but the mirror just shows a tired face i want to cry but i dont feel alive enough to do it i want the waters to shower me but the lakes have been dried by this drought when will i see ghosts again when will i feel haunted like i am will i be alive again will i succumb to the fire of the sun the sun that shriveled my crops and stole my water shakira law my friends dont talk to me my friends please dont talk to me anymore isolate me leave me be theyre all gone where do i go what do i do now that im all alone with you laid my heartfelt words on the microphone you heard them you read them so whyd you have to crush them whyd you have to crush me for crushing on you ive liked every picture ive liked every tweet since i met you if i could gather every heart that ive put on your account it wouldnt equal one one billionth of the love i feel for you at this very instant but i just feel like a stalker urban camouflage do you still hate me? how i acted was a pretty good reason to do you still consider me your friend? cause i mind if you dont but i cant do anything about that do you still hate me? not answering my texts and ghosting me or leaving me with little bits of responses just to keep me satisfied just to keep me satisfied but i want more on my plate this meal is not enough im still hungry for your affections but honestly i dont expect em (noise layered over) do you still hate me? do you still hate me? do you still hate me? do you still hate me? shalashaska you can run with the hunted you can leave me behind i dont care but if you stay by my side ill be eternally grateful i hope that decision'd be fateful and ill be faithful to you, im not better than the deer, or the squirrels and it's clear. im only clinging out of fear, but if you dont leave me and stay my peer, i swear ill make you feel sheer hope and emotion, i promise itll be sincere and ill make you feel right. right at home, and i promise our own fights both wont be alone. and there are no flights no one way paths, we'll roam, on the ground we still see daylight dont you take my words with grains of salt, cause i know ive disappointed enough to make you think all things are my fault, but deep down you know it's not true, cause when you need help i always default to making sure i can make your issues few if it wasn't already obvious enough i swear to god i love you called out by a serial killer fan again so how does it feel now that the huntress is the hunted after all the praise i gave you and criticism received you threw it all away in a simple misunderstanding but you wouldnt back down from your passive aggressiveness so ill follow through and give up on you i regret nearly everything from our friendship except the time we saw mad max together and you didnt like it but that's unrelated i should really complain about you you were a 10 pound weight to my already heavy life a little bit of poison added to the drink but now youre alone now youre nothing nothing nothing nothing to me i was tired of how i got criticized for everything i said now im sure you feel the same but at least i never insulted my favorite comic because it's japanese what the fuck have you read of it? i accepted your taste in music but you belittled mine and called it shit the only thing you ever liked was sam rudich and now i cant listen to it because it reminds me of you enough of the tumblr humor and calling yourself an egg because to me youre as rotten as food that's a year old you think youre clever? you think youre original? youre as old fashioned as a fucking typewriter what's your chance at getting me back? the same as rage against the machine playing together again the chance id ever not tell a white lie to you about liking twenty one pilots the chance you have is next to nothing so quit referencing stardust crusaders because i know youre just a fake i refuse to apologize because this was brought on yourself i refuse to apologize because my life is better without you i refuse to apologize because all your fake enthusiasm about me is gone down the drain you chose popularity over genuinity, fucking up your emotions more than ever, betraying all of your old friends to those you hardly even know, all because you couldn't stand one girl anymore so you broke apart and we're all better off without you. youve got the same amount of intelligence as a fish only slightly higher because i hope you feel pain from this the 10 pound weight might as well be 100 because it feels a lot easier to go around without you here because now youre alone now youre nothing now youre just a ghost my instincts to text you have fleeted why do you think i'll ever come back when you act all nice to your friends and then crush them under your own feet? never speak to anyone, ever.
0 notes
wintershoujo · 7 years
damsel has stress when did i find myself lying in the dark on the floor of my bathroom contemplating contemplating where to go from here what path i can choose what distance i roam and what itll all mean in the end i might not look the part or sound the part or act the part but im a girl, and nobody else knows it but all my friends on the internet and my closest friends who dont understand why did it end up like this why am i the gay cousin who gave me the job of being ridiculed and estranged from everyone but my mom and everyone but my dad and everyone but my sister who i dont even know how theyll react i always joke about wearing dresses to formal, calling myself a slut and acting the sassy gay friend, but im just using the vantage of my public sexuality, to joke about my feelings, the ones i keep bottled up inside, the feelings only i know, the feelings of being a girl in a boy's body born a boy on january 2nd, in the early 2000s, playing with action figures and motorbikes, not minding my body, born a girl on january 2nd, mid 2010s, who wants to embrace her gender while everyone else watches in confusion as to why a "man" like me just wants to be in a dress im still the same person, im hardly different from you, im still the same dysphoric mistake who nobody fucking loves anymore. tomorrow's gossip, today im not some experiment to gawk at im not some kid trying parent's clothes im not your fucking chew toy what i am is a fucking woman but youll say im not a girl even though my brainwaves tell the truth and ive felt hate for my body since age 10 and ive felt hate for living since age 10 the only difference between you and me is that im the one with a dick gender is fake ill define myself how i want cut the reactionary bullshit cry your cishet tears cause im that social justice trans lady that the basement dwellers warned for dont forget we made lgbt dont forget we were in stonewall dont forget we'll lead the revolution dont forget, your ideology fuckin sucks once in a lifetime events just make you sad when theyre done, cause you know youll never see it again i had a dream last night you were there youre always there in my head i had a dream last night everything was better for me everything was better for us lying down in my bed i got a confession of love we became one i woke up and nothing had changed the night before was the truth im still miserable still only lone im breathing, eating, drinking and sleeping, but i am not living maybe i shouldnt be alive maybe i was meant to die before i wanted it maybe whatever god made me made a mistake maybe im just bored in class and decided to vent a bit maybe im a liar, i doubt myself every single day maybe ive got no personality and i steal from the people i like maybe im misanthropic maybe im in love maybe i should realize im in love with both of them maybe they are tearing me apart from the arms maybe i cant deal with myself and i use them as coping methods maybe theyre just distractions maybe i shouldnt be alive dada daaaaaaa maybe youve hated me from the beginning maybe i came off as creepy maybe i got in the way of your own love maybe im
0 notes
wintershoujo · 7 years
11AM. It was a quiet, boring day at work for Syuko. A rare opportunity of relief from the exhaustion caused by being at photoshoots and recording music sullied by the monotony and loneliness of the empty office. Syuko contemplated going out to lunch early, but had nobody to go along with, and it was too close to her breakfast time to warrant food so soon. Syuko Shiomi is an idol, a job entailing constant work schedules, a tight diet, commonplace exercise and little to no time free outside of work, and even if she was out of work, she would be too exhausted to do anything. However, Syuko did have some ways to pass the time while waiting for someone to walk in. She resorted to amusing small activities, like counting the number of CDs on display in the room, taking apart the couch cushions to make a pillow fort, doodling on the scheduling whiteboard, among other little activities. When the clock reached noon, and nobody had come around, Syuko smirked as she decided to explore a little more and have some fun with herself. Syuko would never tell a soul, but she was extremely interested in diaper fetishism. She even went so far as to carry a few diapers with her, usually with a childish pattern with characters or little pink flowers on them, in her exercise bag, just in case a moment like this came by. Syuko, closing the blinds to the windows and locking the door to the office, stripped her oft-worn gray shorts, revealing a set of lacy and cute blue panties under it, which she quickly removed. Putting the diaper on herself immediately aroused her, but only enough to tease herself for what was to come later. Closing her legs between the thick pink padding on the undergarment was nearly impossible, a feeling she adored and soaked in before applying the tape to keep the diaper on her person. Putting her shorts back on over the diaper, which made little difference in how obvious it was that she was wearing a baby's underwear, Syuko unlocked the door to the office, waddling back to the couch soon after. Lying down onto her seat, Syuko browsed her phone for a few minutes until dozing off to her sleep, the edges of the thick diaper just barely coming out from the waist of her shorts. _________ 12:46 PM Syuko, now a drowsy woman with bedhead and dazed eyes, woke to see the same office she was in before. Forcing herself off of the sofa, she slowly made her way into the bathroom to use the mirror in order to fix her hair and face. Blurry vision obscuring her perception, Syuko fixed her hair into her normal style, failing to notice the dark stain on the crotch of her shorts, signifying that she had wet herself. Of course, Syuko didn't really mind that feeling. She did the same things at home whenever she could. Finally noticing her shorts, Syuko whispered a soft "damn" and disregarded it, opting to simply remove the shorts and wear the diaper as if it were her normal pants. Syuko, now less drowsy and more aware of herself, was turned on by the idea of someone walking in on her while she was wearing nothing but a wet diaper. But she could only think to herself - what if it was even more? Syuko came to the conclusion that the best way to reach something more embarrassing without starting anything noticeable outside of the room was to undress even more, leaving her with the decision to take her white graphic t-shirt off, leaving Syuko in just a wet diaper and a bra. "Hmm..." Syuko softly hummed, deep in thought. "Is this really a good idea...? What if Kanade walked in? She'd probably tell Producer-san in her excitement..." Syuko pondered, but decided that the idea of that happening was unlikely. After all, Kanade was working from 10 to 2 on a recording session. Syuko opted to removing her bra, revealing her buxom to the mirror in front of her, an image she was used to seeing at home. Picking up all of her clothes, Syuko made her way back out to the main room, stuffing all of them into her exercise bag. Diaper crinkling as she walked, Syuko took her seat on the couch once more, picking up an old magazine and getting lost in it to pass time. As Syuko adjusted her position to be more comfortable, she grew more and more aroused by the crinkling sound her diaper emitted, as well as the cold wetness on her crotch. Contemplating playing with herself, Syuko heard footsteps outside of the door, and a janking sound from the door handle. However, since she locked the door beforehand, Syuko was safe to find clothes to put on before being caught by her unexpected visitor. A familiar female voice exclaimed a "Hello?!" alongside some knocking on the door, a sound that didn't help Syuko's anxiety as she quickly put her shorts and shirt back on. "Open up, please!" Syuko realized it was Kanade at the door, wondering why she had gotten back around 1:00 rather than 2:00. "Just a second!" Syuko replied, trying to ease her friend's rushing tone. Buttoning up her shorts, Syuko unlocked the door and let Kanade in, immediately asking why she had come back so early. "A few creepy fans found the place I was recording and tried to have at me, but Producer-san and I decided it was better to leave than keep me with anxiety that I'd be assaulted," Kanade seemed chipper for the somewhat dark story she was telling to her bandmate. "By the way, why did you lock the door?" Syuko paused before she could get an answer out of her mouth, quivering out a quick "little mistake" before walking back to the couch, trying to muffle the sound her diaper made as well as walk as normally as possible. Kanade paid no mind and had a seat on the sofa opposite Syuko's. "Producer-san had some other business to deal with, so here I am," Kanade said with a little inflection at the end of her sentence. However, her usual cutesy tone was put off by Syuko's exercise bag, as she saw a bra strap sticking out of it. Syuko noticed at the same time. "No, no, no! I forgot to put on my bra!" she thought to herself. Syuko wanted to fix it herself so Kanade didn't look into her bag with diapers and baby powder in it, but she hesitated and Kanade had already gotten up and kneeled down before Syuko could react. As Kanade cracked open the bag, Syuko whimpered out a little "n-no..." to which Kanade looked puzzled by, but disregarded as she flung the rest of the bag open, fully noticing the diapers that Syuko tried so hard to keep a secret. Kanade had a neutral look on her face as she peered up at Syuko, unsettling the nervous gray haired girl even more than before. "Syuko-chan..." Kanade said with a quizzical and soft tone in her voice, "do you wear diapers?" Syuko tried to think of an excuse on the fly, but it was too late as Kanade had already walked up to where her friend was sitting. The blue haired flirt threw her hand down onto Syuko's crotch, feeling the dampness of her shorts and a crinkle under them. Kanade smirked, giggling a tiny bit before bursting into laughter, which made Syuko nearly break down to tears. "Please, please, please don't tell anyone, Kanade-chan, this is the first time anyone has ever found out and I don't want anybody else to know!" Syuko begged as her friend's laughter died down into a chuckle. "Kanade-chan, please..." Kanade knelt down to eye level with Syuko, placing her hand on her friend's shoulder to give off a comforting vibe. "Don't worry, Syuko-chan - I won't tell anyone, as long as you do me two little favors." Syuko nodded intently, listening to whatever Kanade had in mind. "I want you to put me in a diaper, too." Kanade spoke without punches. Syuko was at a standstill with herself. Confused and worried she was joking around, Kanade repeated herself and added on "I'm serious. It could be fun, I can't judge! And I'm probably into weirder, anyway!" Syuko's eyes cleared of tears that were on the brink of shedding, wiping them away as she nodded once more. "Get on the floor for a little bit," she directed. "I'll do the rest." Syuko smirked, more turned on than ever. Quickly walking over to the door to lock it, then back again to grab the diaper she wanted to see Kanade in. A baby blue nappy with clouds and rainbows on the crotch to the butt, Syuko unfolded the undergarment and excitedly took Kanade's short, lavender skirt off of her legs, then nearly ripping her black panties off, revealing a slightly hard cock and balls underneath, tossing both of her lower garments aside as if they were trash. Lifting her friend's legs, she slid the diaper under Kanade's buttocks and fastened the thick, crinkly underwear on the same way she did her own. Kanade, now, was wearing the same type of outfit as her friend. Both showed each other a slight grin of content, affirming that they were both trusting of each other's secret kink. "Oh," Syuko remembered. "What was the other favor you wanted me to do for you?" Kanade grinned. "I want you to mess yourself, right in front of me." Syuko covered her mouth as a gasp came out of her surprised face. "W-what?" Kanade repeated her sentiment once more. "I want you to poop in your diaper, right now." Her grin widened, a twinkle in her eyes. Syuko was faced with a dilemma. On the one hand, she was fearful that Kanade could go back on her word if she didn't follow orders. On her other hand, she'd never even considered messing herself before. Pondering the order, Syuko sweat a small bit. Kanade tried to go back on her word. "You don't have to if you don't want to, I can take just the one favor, it's oka-" "Okay," Syuko interrupted. "I want to try this." Kanade smiled as Syuko bent down into a squatting position. Syuko took a deep breath and pushed, not expecting the sheer amount of shit she had in her body to pile up in her diaper so quickly. Syuko's butt vibrated with the farts coming out of her anus, lumps of poo confined in her underwear weighing the girl down and just barely creating a sag that partly immobilized her. Syuko's face was scrunched up, with closed eyes to exert all of her muscles to void her bowels. Syuko's diaper was visibly messy, brown spots appearing on her diaper's back; she was satisfied. Syuko finished her messing with a fulfilled, almost catlike smile on her face, taking a large sniff of the now stinking air, showing Kanade that she enjoyed the proposition. She enjoyed it, so much, in fact, that she immediately felt turned on and wanted to have her way with Kanade. Kanade, worried that Syuko may have been faking it for her sake, asked a question. "So... how did you like it?" Syuko immediately jumped up from her squat and tackled Kanade onto the sofa behind them. Kanade's girly dick hardened as she locked lips with Syuko. Moans muffled, Kanade pulled away for a second to tell Syuko something. "I'm glad. Hold on a second, though~." Kanade got up from the couch and entered a position that allowed her to mess her diaper. Kanade pushed her bowels and a large lump of shit fell into her diaper, sagging her diaper a slight bit. Her hard cock, now soaking her nappy with piss, made a bulge that pushed on the front of her diaper, bringing the back of her diaper closer to her ass, squashing all of her mess onto her formerly clean butt cheeks. Kanade met Syuko's gaze, the latter of whom now had a large grin on her face in reaction to her friend's cock. "Fuck me, Kana-chan." Kanade climbed back onto the sofa in her now messy and wet undergarment, once again sharing sloppy French kisses with Syuko, dick pushing onto her friend's diaper, moving back and forth across her crotch. Syuko, moaning and grabbing Kanade's warm and messy behind, guided her friend's cock to the perfect place. Kanade thrusted her crotch, trying to use her dick as a way to play with Syuko's pussy. Kanade, while rubbing her cock on Syuko's diaper-covered clit, slid her hand across her friend's body, caressing her soft skin, removing her friend's t-shirt in the process, pausing to take off her own shirt and bra. Syuko, one hand on Kanade's ass, lifted her other to grab the blue haired babe's titties and play with them. Kanade moved her hand from the upper body to her friend's messy diaper, intentionally mushing the poop against Syuko's arse, causing the foxy gray haired girl to climax. As Kanade's cock reached it's tipping point, cum squirted out, sticking to the crotch of her diaper, which aroused her even more. Syuko and Kanade both agreed to one more round. Syuko untaped one side of her diaper and her partner's diaper, revealing both a shit-covered pussy and a wet, ejaculate-covered 8 inch girl dick. Kanade pushed her cock into Syuko's throbbing cunt and slowly began to push back and forth, working her way up to a fast thrust. Syuko whispered and moaned in pleasure, "Faster, Kana-chan..." Kanade, nearly climaxing, reached down to Syuko's face to lock lips once more as she pounded her friend's vag as fast as she could, barely pulling out in time to get up and finish the job on Syuko's chest and face. Syuko, now worn out, urged Kanade to lay down alongside her and fall asleep on the now dirty couch. They fell asleep and stayed there until the next morning, waking to vow to never tell a soul that they had this type of relationship now. "Boss, are you sure you wanna stay the night?" Jill turned to her boss, Dana, black twintails flowing with her movement. The two stood at the doorway into a room cluttered with junk Jill bought to keep herself from getting too bored during her free time, though most of her time was spent on the internet, at the bar, sleeping, or indulging herself, the latter of which tended to become a nuisance with how much waste it produced. Jill herself wasn't entirely sure if she'd cleaned everything from last time up. "This place is such a mess, I haven't cleaned in so long. Usually all my stuff's hidden away or hung up..." Dana's eyes glinted with a response and a tone comparable to a radio announcer. "Jill, my friend, the neatness of your room isn't an issue!" Dana crossed her arms, one of which was robotic, and grinned at her employee. "Just as long as you've kept Fore and yourself clean." Jill blushed a small bit, cheeks brightening into a subdued and muted pink color. She hastened to clear a spot to sit under the kotatsu for both Dana and herself, rummaging through cat hair caked clothes, beer cans and at times, fetish gear, which she attempted to hide under both of the others. "Let me clear a spot for you, then." Dana walked with care to Jill's side, minding some of the clothes she passed by on her way. While most of the shirts were relatively normal, others seemed like things that Dana would never expect her employee to even consider wearing, notably the pink tee that displayed big white lettering of simply the word 'slut.' Another piece of work that stuck out rather prominently to Dana was a French maid outfit that seemed rather disheveled and worn. Jill finished clearing out her boss' and her own seats under the kotatsu, neatly folding and piling up clothing and shoving knick-knacks and toys onto shelves that rest above her television. "Make yourself comfy." she chipped with an unusually sweet, yet calm enough voice to not come off as too flirty, though truthfully, Jill was flirting without knowledge of it at this point. Dana could tell, but didn't mind much. The pair of bar workers set themselves down, Jill grabbing two cans of beer for both herself and her guest. Cracking open her cold one, Jill asked a slew of questions, each one slightly more perverted than the last, with a response from Dana befitting each of them, also slightly more perverted than the last. The process continued until the ultimate pervy question was reached. "Alright, Boss... What are some of your fetishes?" "Hm... Anything where I can be in control of something cute, I guess. Maids, pet play, stuff like that." "Is that so?" "Well, yeah. How about you?" Dana smirked. "I'm... into a lot. Usually I like to be the sub in the relationship, if that counts for anything. If you looked at some of my clutter you'd probably find some of the weirder things I'm into. It's a hell of a hassle to keep secret," Jill laid her thoughts out flat. "and I'm not exactly good at it either." Dana proceeded to peer around at some of the rest of the mess that loomed at her back. Shifting her body to her right, Dana spotted the same maid outfit from before, only this time she could spot some of the pale, and albeit small, loud and noticeable stains that were very clearly from Jill. "... yeah." Jill sounded a bit more dejected and flat, but not ashamed. Dana continued turning, this time pushing her legs out from under the kotatsu to crawl her way over to a wall with a large but disheveled cardboard box labeled 'Fore Stuff,' a clear reference to Jill's cat. Dana, however, was still curious to know what the leather strap was for. Peeking inside of the box, Dana now knew that inside the Fore box was none other than a leash (connected to a collar that was too big for a cat), multiple food bowls, and more than enough bags to feed Fore for at least a couple years. Twintails sighed. "To be fair, it isn't as though I don't use most of the food for Fore." Dana snickered as she turned to her last side, now facing a crate with no label and a lock on it. Despite fidgeting with the padlock as much as she could, with some help from a certain black cat on her side now, Dana didn't want to bother too long while also holding up the conversation. Jill seemed strangely relieved, but didn't mention anything else until after Dana sat back down in her zone under the kotatsu. "Well, you know some of my kinks now, I suppose." Jill returned to her original tone, one not born of worry. "Only seems fair." Dana responded before idly chatting about said fetishes. Fore continued batting at the lock of the crate until eventually climbing upon it and sauntering his way to the trashcan directly next to it on its right, closer to the kotatsu. Now sitting atop the trashcan, Fore meowed before his weight tipped his perch over, throwing the can open and partially emptying some of its contents to Dana's left side. Jill, despite being in the middle of her sentence, was clearly shocked. The only fetish she didn't want Dana to witness was now laying directly in front of both herself and her boss' eyes. "Jill, I thought I told you to make sure you're not the one who's dirty beforehand," Dana smirked and snickered to herself, noticing Jill's almost fully red face, turned on by how cute her employee happened to be. She felt her dick harden inside her pants before continuing. "Literally and figuratively. Though I'm a little interested now..." In front of Jill was a soiled nappy that she used to pleasure herself about a week before then. While Jill was undoubtedly embarrassed beyond belief, as well as at a loss for words, her cock refused to agree with her emotional state, pushing against her panties, the fumes now released from the scent-trapping trashcan turning her on more and more by the second. "Put yourself in that maid outfit. I've got a little bit of cleaning for you to do... but mostly you'll be making more of a mess." Jill entered a nearly different state of mind. She immediately obliged, almost as though she were hypnotized, removing her sweatshirt to reveal a modest pair of breasts, dropping from the gravity throwing them down to jiggle after her top let them go, not covered by any sort of bra. Soon after, Jill slid off her leggings, showing off a pair of purple underwear that hardly held themselves together thanks to the pulsing cock underneath them. Jill, now almost entirely naked, power walked her way to the satin maid outfit, which obviously had not been in pristine condition, and began to slide the dress of it down her soft skin, filling out many of the curves and wrinkles that appeared with the outfit when it was simply tossed onto the floor. Jill tightened the corset, and slid the bonnet onto her head just in front of her pigtails. Dana gazed at her employee, now a rather perverted looking figure, and commanded. "Open the lock on your crate." Jill did as she was told with an eager expression laid on her face. Inside the crate was multiple bottles of baby powder, a multitude of plastic pants and dozens upon dozens of disposable diapers. "Let's get you in one of these, then, baby Jill?" Dana relished in the power she felt controlling the altered bartender. Jill lay herself on the ground, presenting what was under her dress to Dana without speaking a word. Dana ran her real fingers across Jill's legs, feeling a small amount of hair run on her hand like sandpaper. Sliding her maid's panties off with her robotic arm, the white haired dominatrix used the other to set up a diaper to be put on. Jill spread her legs, presenting a throbbing cock to her boss, who also happened to have a throbbing cock. Dana peered into Jill's eyes, squinting as though to search for something small. They were... hollow. Something was off about the situation they were in, and both Jill's eyes and Dana's mind said so, but Dana continued nonetheless. Dana leaned down, face approaching crotch, and poked her tongue out, barely touching tip to tip with Jill. The bartender twitched a tiny bit, almost in shock. As Dana moved closer, her mouth enveloped the thick dick, salivating and nearly drooling onto it, which produced a brightly shining sheen onto it. Dana continued to build up speed, shortening the time in between her back-forth thrusting by seconds to milliseconds. Jill throbbed inside of her pixie-cutted boss' mouth and throat, inching ever closer to climax. Dana reeled back, remembering that it was better to be high risk, high reward during sex. Waiting some time, Dana lifted Jill's legs and ass, setting an open, clean diaper under her legs. She pulled the now moistened cock in between the resting legs to fully apply the diaper, and promptly applied the tape. Jill was a diapered maid. "Hm..." Dana hummed. She was at a loss for words as to what exactly a diaper maid would do if not use their diaper in a maid outfit. Suddenly, Jill piped up. "Your wish is my command, Mistress," she spoke in a dull, robotic tone, curtsying with formality, her professional tone sullied by the crinkling of her nappy against her still throbbing dick. "Okay, clean your room, then." Dana smirked. As she finished her sentence, Jill began to slowly waddle her way to the corner of her room, where a pile of clothes rested, Fore waltzing away as she passed by the bloated cat, as if he knew what was occurring. Jill began to pick up the clothes one-by-one and organized them into a neater pile, continuing onto other assorted piles of things she herself had left lying around the floor, including beer cans and other trash. Dana gazed at the maid who continued her work, all at the word of her own. Her penis began to bulge through her pants. Dana felt the urge to have her way with Jill's body, and it seemed like Jill wouldn't mind. However, the maid dress-adorned lady stopped dead in her tracks as she finished sorting anime toys onto a shelf. Jill sauntered her way to a now befuddled Dana, and turned her back to her boss in a position that showed off her ass. Pulling the backside of her dress up to her back, revealing a clean diaper over a somewhat thicker than average ass, Jill moaned with a grunt. As Dana stared and listened, she'd figured out what was happening. Jill, squeezing a wet-sounding fart from her butt, felt tension in her bent legs, shivering slightly as she pushed her bowels hard enough to let a massive log of poop into her diaper, with a light thwacking sound accompanied by the sound of piss leaking onto the diaper. A brown mark on Jill's underside showed the evidence that she was now in a wet, messy diaper, as well as the stench that seemed to invade Dana's nostrils, though Jill didn't seem to pay any mind to it. That is, until she reached to her diaper-covered ass for the warm feeling of shit now laying just at the cusp of her two soft butt cheeks with thighs also getting a small touch of feces. Jill's cock continued to pulse as she raised her head in positive reaction to her hand feeling the lumps of poo from between the plastic undergarment. The soiled Jill released hold of her dress as she did her bowels, letting the cum-stained black cotton drop in front of Dana's view, censoring the diaper as though it weren't there, though the crinkle it made as Jill turned back to face her mistress was also a very large tell. Dana's cock, still pulsing, took over her mind. She pressed Jill's head down, kneeling her maid down to proper fellatio level. Unbuttoning her pants, Dana revealed her penis to Jill, whose face was a mere inch away from it. That inch would be subtracted as the white haired babe pulled Jill's twintailed head closer, until Jill took control and began to suck on her own. Jill thrusted her face back and forth, back and forth until Dana felt ready to climax. The white haired manager's cock throbbed as she pulled out of Jill's mouth, ejaculating shots of stark white cum onto the maid's face. Face now dripping with jizz, Jill poked her tongue onto her face to lick the salty globs that she could reach. Succeeding this, she also ran her tongue across the tip of Dana's dick, bringing even more cum into her mouth and swallowing it, thinking herself a whore who was paid with it. Kanade stretched her arms and yawned. It was 2:37 AM, the room in her apartment was dim, and Syuko was across the couch playing a game on her smartphone, thumbs tapping to the rhythm of a song playing quietly, but noticeably, through the speakers. Kanade, resigning herself back into the couch, stared into space as she pondered things to do with her girlfriend, as clearly, the night was going slow. Shifting her eyes to Syuko's face, slightly tilted downwards and focused on her phone, the blue haired flirt gazed into her significant other's dark eyes, which beautifully contrasted her pale skin and hair. Kanade, yet again, was amazed at how lucky she was. But things were boring. It was nice being around Syuko, but what could the two of them do to make the time fly by like fun times make it? Syuko relaxed. She'd finished the song on her game, and switched off her phone, sliding it into her pocket, subsequently adjusting her position on the sofa to be more comfortable, now laying on her side with feet laying on Kanade's legs, which were covered by a long white T-shirt with a flashy band logo for a group neither of them had ever heard of, emboldened across the front of the shirt. Under the lap that was covered by the shirt was legs that were confined by dark blue plaid pajama pants, creating an outfit tailored for a schoolgirl's sleepover. Syuko on the other hand was in an equally comfortable but more professional looking outfit from the day at work before, a dark blue, knit, loose sweater, softer than a cat's belly, but not as smooth as it, and long, black leggings leading the thigh into a short dark gray skirt, now wrinkled from how she was sitting on the couch. Syuko closed her eyes as she faced the front of her body toward Kanade's TV, rubbing her nose as she shifted her position. An idea popped into Kanade's head. "Syuko, do you wanna watch a movie?" Kanade flicked her head to Syuko, who soon turned her own head to respond. "Sure. What've you got?" the silver haired girl replied. "You know my taste." "Yup. So-bad-it's-good and thrillers." Kanade remembered the time Syuko pressured her into seeing The Room. They laughed the night away quoting the scenes over and over. Syuko chuckled. Kanade knew her so well. As expected from the girl who knew to keep lying about Syuko's ability to swim to the other idols when they all wanted to go out to a pool. Kanade, nudging Syuko's feet out of the way to get up and look through her DVDs and Blu-Rays, kneeled and opened the cabinet door on the right side of the TV stand to check through the labels on each box. As she reached the fourth DVD case to the left, she found a flick to pop into the player. "How's Battle Royale sound to you?" "Nice," Syuko replied in a now intrigued tone. Meeting Kanade's eyes, scratching her nose again, she smirked. "Love Battle Royale." Kanade tilted the DVD case out of its position and pulled it out, tossing it onto her seat on the sofa. "I'm gonna get some snacks if that's all good with you," Kanade quietly announced as she lifted herself up from kneeling position. "You know it," Syuko snickered, smirk still stamped on her face as she followed Kanade's stride to the kitchen just to the left of the TV. Kanade wandered through the mostly dark kitchen before finding the counter with an outlook to the room she just walked in from. Reaching for the light switch resting on the wall to the left of the outlook, Syuko still following with the eyes, Kanade flicked the bright lights on. Syuko, staring at the LEDs that now lit up the kitchen, suddenly felt a flare in her nostrils, scrunching her nose up and shutting her eyes, slightly tilting her head back before lightly shoving herself forward to sneeze, shaking up her light hair into a little bit more of a mess. Nothing came of it aside from sound high pitched enough and succinct enough to mistake it for a kitten's mewl before realizing that it was just a cute sneeze. Kanade immediately snapped her attention from finding the snack cabinet to her girlfriend, who was still recovering from the slight lightheadedness gained from a sneeze. "You are the most adorable thing I've ever seen," Kanade gushed, trying to hide how flustered she was after witnessing the single thing that made her night. "I... What?" Syuko was confused at the suddenness of the exclamation and the reason Kanade had said it, but still beamed at her nonetheless, leaving the sentence off with a small chuckle. "Cute sneeze." Kanade smirked with an affirmative, yet amused tone. Syuko's slightly confused simper became a satisfied grin. Kanade made a point of moving quickly as to grab the bag of chips for the movie and flick off the lights, power walking her way back to the sofa. Kanade stopped in front of her girlfriend. Throwing the chips onto the couch, the unkempt girl leaned down to give a small lock of the lips to Syuko, resting her girlfriend's chin on the hand she held the chips with. Struck with surprise, the pale girl was momentarily frozen before she became comfortable with the situation and closed their eyes, staying in position for only a second. Despite the seemingly menial kiss, Syuko felt a dam break inside of her, her adoration for Kanade revitalized stronger than she'd ever felt before. Smiling at Syuko as she pulled away, Kanade walked back to her original spot on the sofa and opened the DVD case, readying the movie to play as she laid the disc on the tray of the player. Finally relaxed back in her original seat as the opening trailers for Battle Royale played, Kanade looked up to the ceiling and closed her eyes to give them a rest. Syuko shifted her position on the couch yet again, momentarily kneeling in between the left and middle cushions. Removing her sweater, Syuko now was in an undershirt, subsequently removing her bra for more comfort. As Syuko slowly slid her skirt off and pulled a blanket over herself, the Battle Royale DVD reached the main menu. Kanade recognized that it was time to start the film, but opened her eyes and raised her head to feel Syuko's head on her left leg, as though it were a pillow. Looking down to Syuko, who had closed eyes and a contented smile on her face, Kanade felt satisfied. She reached for the lamp next to her side of the couch and flicked its power off. "You still wanna watch the movie like this?" Kanade asked, not wholly serious. "Not really," Syuko whispered as she peeked one eye open. "I'm seeing a five star picture right now anyway." Kanade choked up a little bit, a noticeable blush on her face, smiling an almost tearful smile as she reached for the remote to turn off the TV, which left the entire apartment in almost complete darkness, only moonlight shining in from the windows. Kanade closed her eyes and began to quietly speak. "That's my line, Syuko." "So?" "I don't know." "What do you know?" "I know that you're the best." "Love you, too, Kanade." possible lyrics to remember on the tip of my tongue there is an ulcer, it represents all the things i cant get out of my mouth though my looks are tranquil the twinging in my head has yet to be quelled throat bone dry, a desert unrelenting but you were my oasis im still fucked up on you youve not fucked up anyone else like this too there are flowers growing out of your eyes youve worn the rose colored glasses too much and the fragrance of these plants maybe too strong to bear rainflower/crystal pepsi the chrysanthemums have lost sustenance and i feel dry bare bones rough skin corpse and ash violet, yellow, white these tulips can't all be red alleviate my sins leave ambrosias on my grave linaria bipartita jonquil my elders tell me to stop fighting but for now im just fungi clinging to life only to rot in the end heliotrope hollyhock honeysuckle let the wormwoods wilt so i may gift you a clove /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ you left your crystal pepsi in the basement the crisp sensation on your lips feel fresh again feel fresh again i wont feel fresh anymore it's not clear to me how i fucked up and waited so long to find a reason it's not clear to me how im so late to something i came on time for it's so crystal clear to see why i isolate myself it's for the good of others it's so crystal clear to see why im here today cause nothing's pushed me over the edge yet the haze on the outlook the fog clouding my senses could eat me alive and i dont mind yeah i dont mind breathe with me condensation builds up enough for me to draw a heart ([yell] with our initials) drown me oh, drown me drown me oh, drown me drown me oh, drown me in crystal pepsi oh, i hate this The way you deny my mental sickness and dehumanize my gender denying that you hate me for who I am who we are I'm sick of your dirty fucking lies how you say you're not a bigot I haven't heard you deny that you're a liar and a hypocrite but I know you are when you still call me that name still call me a boy still call me a "he" You mask up your bigotry with a thin veil called your religion but the way you treat your own family is a far worse sin than I'd ever commit If I were still Christian But you drove me away using your hate filled sentiments for your resentment of non-white non-straight non-cis people you xenophobic scum But as for me I'm the queen of ressentiment I wish I were as ignorant as you so I could be happy for once not knowing the consequences of who I'd be what I'd say how much I'd want to make someone end their life. You say you love me you say you want me to meet up with you in Heaven but what I can't change but what I can suppress to no avail is keeping me from being with you in the afterlife. But who would say it would be heavenly to be stuck with you for all eternity? I'd rather sleep with the Devil than be put through your psychotic "phobia" even after I'm dead. You treat me like an alien the same way Plastics treat Janis I'm the Rudolph to your other reindeer but with how you act your reindeer games are all about abusing me abusing your family abusing who you say you love I hope you listen to this song read all of its lyrics because if I die I want you to know that you caused this
0 notes
wintershoujo · 7 years
is there a way out? is there a way out? is there a way out? i think there's no way out. there's no way out there's no way out there's no way out maybe my home is just... ...you. you are the one who vexes. you are the haunt, the specter and that living monstrosity that makes the heart pulse, that repugnant being, which i cannot comprehend like lovecraftian mythos, but to me there's a certain primal response that cant quite be described. but it sure as hell isn't any good, cause youre that repulsive little devil who struck me with that lightning you thrust. this instant anxiety that burns me down. and you ignite that same spark that ripped apart the bridge, yeah, fuck you, katie. is there a way out? is there a way out? is there a way out? i think there's no way out. there's no way out there's no way out there's no way out maybe my home is just... ...you. you are the one i missed out on, and lied to after i lied about myself too, like the way your boyfriend lied and i criticized, yeah, i criticized, and spit but you told me he had good in him and i didnt believe you but god, im in his shoes now. you are the one i fear for. for that possibility, that chance you miss me too. but can i return after my hypocrisy played for the crowd? my stupidity shone through, with no shroud. i shot our bullet. i pulled our trigger. i need to apologize. but i fear itd make us both worse. yeah, i miss you, jamie. is there a way out? is there a way out? is there a way out? i think there's no way out. there's no way out there's no way out there's no way out maybe my home is just... ...you. you are the one i longed for. the beauty of my life, my reason to keep on. those months we lived, those months felt too rapid, cause there we we were wishing to chew dust without any guts. but i cant see, yeah, my eyes burned, in my dreams, as i sleep, and see you destroy me. your knives going through my chest cutting the heart that beat exponentially higher as i heard your voice higher like heaven and attaining ascension. from mecca to nirvana, id make my pilgrimage to you whenever you needed though those needs and my desires cant seem to align. yeah, i loved you, kira. is there a way out? is there a way out? is there a way out? i think there's no way out. there's no way out there's no way out there's no way out and all i got is this noose, but... ...you. you are new. like the stardust from the big bang, or a game ive been waiting to play. maybe i'm just a romeo and i fall in love too easily but i don't think i've known love til now. to a rose of many thorns that repel me but i will pick you out and take care of you even if i get so many stabs on my palms. i wont feel any shame. i will feel so much pain, with you in your pit of self-hate. ill silently soliloquy of my value of you and youll wake up in the morning to repeat the cycle once more. ill break it. ill break your shell, your routines. ill break the mold that youve encased yourself in. so we can know freedom and i hope youll help me. the best thing i can think of is you, me, together, and the distance between pennsylvania and texas to close. yeah, youre amazing, rachel. the sun's been beating down the california gods unleash their wrath and the deserts fester with the crows cawing and the screams of the women raped from the local villain in broad daylight gutter trash and misleading crash losing a clash and i dont need to rehash cause you get the point i think it's time we bash the fash society
0 notes
wintershoujo · 7 years
when i get home i rip my mask off and that void takes me down and i've gotta remind myself "people love me, it aint just a waste" but i struggle. i struggle to find the point look at these titles baseball basketball football not this MADDEN shit, just plain ass, normal, everyday, no question about it, no nfl, no year, not named after a player, not named after a coach, not named after the referee's pet goldfish, no quarterback, dimeback, nickelback, simple, ordinary, unembellished, unmistakable, crystal clear, as frank as frankenstein, as blunt as an atom BOMB, one compound word, it's MOTHERFUCKIN GODDAMN SONS OF BITCHIN FUCK FUCK FUCKING F O O T B A L L O O T B A L L
0 notes
wintershoujo · 7 years
long shit i hate typing 👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit Burritos, Inspiration Point, Fork Balloon Sports, Cards in the Spokes, Automatic Biographies, Kites, Kung Fu, Trophies, Banana Peels We've Slipped On and Egg Shells We've Tippy Toed Over The Black Hawk War, or, How to Demolish an Entire Civilization and Still Feel Good About Yourself in the Morning, or, We Apologize for the Inconvenience but You're Going to Have to Leave Now, or, 'I Have Fought the Big Knives and Will Continue to Fight Them Until They Are Off Our Lands! The Boy Bands Have Won, and All The Copyists and The Tribute Bands and The TV Talent Show Producers Have Won, If We Allow Our Culture To Be Shaped By Mimicry, Whether From Lack Of Ideas Or From Exaggerated Respect. You Should Never Try To Freeze Culture. What You Can Do Is Recycle That Culture. Take Your Older Brother’s Hand-Me-Down Jacket and Re-Style It, Re-Fashion It to the Point Where It Becomes Your Own. But Don’t Just Regurgitate Creative History, Or Hold Art And Music And Literature As Fixed, Untouchable And Kept Under Glass. The People Who Try To ‘Guard’ Any Particular Form Of Music Are, Like The Copyists And Manufactured Bands, Doing It The Worst Disservice, Because The Only Thing That You Can Do To Music That Will Damage It Is Not Change It, Not Make It Your Own. Because Then It Dies, Then It’s Over, Then It’s Done, and The Boy Bands Have Won. that gets a DOUBLE MEME SPIKE!!! 👍🏻👍🏻👌🏻👌🏻👀👌🏻👀👌🏻👀👌🏻 ほぇふっ oh goddamn hot shit💀👽💀👽💀👽💀 👀 👃🏻 👄 Alright, you wanna know the secret to getting a Ferrari or a Lamborghini like this? Drop outta college. Actually I'm just kidding. It's giving me a lot of trouble for me to say that. I do find it interesting that when you look at the most successful people in the world, they dropped out of college, a lot of them. I dropped out of college, I'm not the most successful person in the world, but, I do know that the education system that you and I grew up in... is flawed! There's a lot wrong. I think we all know that. Now, you know I keep these cars in my garage not to show off, or be materialistic, I literally like fast cars, they're fun to drive but what's more important than trying to get cars... uh... is knowledge. You know, like I always say, I'm more proud of these seven bookshelves I had to install to put in... to hold the 2000 new books that I bought. If you've seen my TedX talk, you've heard me talk about how I read a book a day, because like the investor Warren Buffet says "the more you learn, the more you earn"! Now, what I'm about to share with you, uh, on my website, there's a link you should be able to click. I've recorded a simple video here in my garage. Three things that made all the difference in my life. Three things that can change everything because it hasn't always been where I had these kind of cars in my garage, I remember when I was living across the country in Clayton, North Carolina, in a mobile home, sleeping on a couch. I didn't even have a bed. Or a car. Or a college degree, any opportunities, and I only had $47 in my bank account. But, the dream is still possible. You know, you might be a skeptic, you might be surrounded by people saying "Oh, videos like this, they're not real, they're a get-rich quick scheme!" This isn't a get rich quick sssscheme. This is MY true story! And I'm not promising you that tomorrow you'll have a Ferrari or a Lamborghini but what I'm promising you is that if you know the proven steps, it can happen faster than you think because when I was sleeping on that couch, and I felt hopeless. Something fortunate happened to me. My life was at a crossroads. Maybe your life's at a crossroads right now, and you just found this video. And you know there's something better waiting for you. It might not be a Lamborghini or Ferrari, that's nothing, that's materialistic things! You must find the good life, health, wealth, love, and happiness! All those things! For you, maybe for you it's a new career or starting your own company, or a new lifestyle! Traveling, less stress. You have to understand finances, you have to understand the rules that I found fortunately when I was sleeping on that couch and I bumped into one mentor, then another, and I ended up finding five mentors who showed me how they became multimillionaires. Also, I was able to identify certain key books, you can see, I have a soft spot for books, and I wanna share that with you today. Three practical things, just click this video, it'll take you to my website, it's completely free, you can watch the video there, and I record - it's just in my garage like this, it's not super professional so don't expect too much, but it is hard hitting! It does have the ability to change your life! Now do not click this if you're a cynic or a pessimist. There's a lot of those in the world. If you're watching this far, you're probably not, you're probably an optimist, like one of my favorite books, Conrad Hilton, the Billionaire, he said what changed his life when he was living in that depression was reading a book by Helen Keller when he was age 15. She said "optimist", so, I wanna share with you three practical things that you can do today no matter where you live, no matter how bad things might be, where you can begin to revolutionize your life. Find the good life. Health, wealth, love and happiness. So, click this video, and I'll see you over in my website, in just a minute. Alright? (KIK) look at this weak shit. disney pop star and shitty actress turned shitty model and shitty actress. look at that "avant garde" ass outfit, trying to be cool. not to mention her pose game is weak af. man even a person who's only seen one panel of jojo could pose better than this shit. your album title is "confident"? yeah well im pretty fucking confident that ur bitchy fat shaming ass wont get any aotys from anyone with an opinion. Cock is one of my favorite tastes. Not only that, but balls smell amazing. It makes me go a little crazy on it to be honest. Like, I cannot get it far enough down my throat to be satisfied. I’m only satisfied when I feel those intense, powerful, salty, hot pumps of cum down my throat. When I sit back on my heels, look up at you with cum all over my mouth and slobber running down my neck, hair all fucked up and wipe my mouth with the back of my arm and ask you if I did a good job and you cannot even speak because I’ve drained all of your energy out the tip of your dick….. That’s when I’m satisfied. I was in my room, and I was just like, staring at the walls thinking about everything but then again I was thinking about nothing, and then my mom came in, and I didn't even know she was there She called my name and I didn't hear her, then she started screaming, "Mike! Mike!" And I go, "What? What's the matter?" She goes, "What's the matter with you?" I go, "There's nothing wrong mom" She goes, "Don't tell me that, you're on drugs!" I go, "No mom, I'm not on drugs, I'm okay, I'm just thinking, you know? Why don't you get me a pepsi?" She goes, "NO! You're on drugs!" I go, "Mom, I'm okay, I'm just thinking" And she goes, "NO! You're not thinking you're on drugs! Normal people don't act that way!" I go, "Mom, just get me a Pepsi, please? All I want's a Pepsi" And she wouldn't give it to me, all I wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi, and she wouldn't give it to me, just a Pepsi! Japan is an island by the sea filled with volcanoes and it's ♫ beautiful ♫ ! In the year negative a billion, Japan might not've been here. In the year -40,000 it was here, and you could walk to it, and some people walked to it. Then it got warmer, so an iceberg melted, it became an island, and now there lot's of trees! Because it's warmer. So now there's people on the island and they're basically sort of hanging out in between the mountains, eating nuts off trees, and using the latest technology. Like stones, and bowls. Ding dong, it's the outside world. And they have technology from the future. Like really good metal, and crazy rice farms. Now you can make a lot of rice really really quickly. That means if you own the farm, you own a lot of food, which is something everybody needs to survive. So that makes you king. Rice farming and rice kingdoms spread across the land, all the way to here. The most important kingdoms were here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. But this one was the most most important, ruled by a heavenly super person, or emperor for short. Knock knock, get the door, it's religion. The new prince wants everyone to try this hot new religion from Baekje. "Please try this religion," he said. "No," said everybody. "Try it," he said. "No," said everybody again, quieter this time. And so the religion was put into place, and all the rules that came with it. Then, the government was taken over by another clique, and they made some reforms. Like making the government govern more, and making the government more like China's government, which is a government that governs more. "Hi China," they said. "Hi dipshit," said China. "Can you call us something else other than dipsh!t?" said Japan. "Like what?" said China. "How about ♫ sunrise land ♫ ?" said Japan. And they stole China's alphabet and wrote a book, about themselves. And then they made lots of poetry and art and another book about themselves. Then they stopped moving the capital every time the emperor died and kept it in one place for a while. Right here, and they conquered the north, finally. Get that squared away. A rich hipster named Kūkai (空海) is bored with modern Buddhism and learns a better version which is more ♫ spiritual ♫ comes back, reinvents the alphabet and causes art and literature to be ♫ great ♫ for a long time. And the royal palace turned into such a dream world of art that they really didn't give a shit about governing the country. So if you live outside the palace, how are you supposed to protect your shit from criminals? ♫ hire a samurai ♫ Everyone started hiring samurai. Correction: rich, important people hired samurai. Poor people who could not afford to hire samurai did not hire samurai. The samurai became organized and powerful. More than the government, so they made their own military government here. They let the emperor still be "emperor," but the shogun is actually in control. Breaking news: the Mongols have invaded China. "We have invaded China," said the Mongols. "Please respect us, or we might invade you as well." "Okay," said Japan. So the Mongols came over, ready for war, and then died in a tornado. They tried again, and had a nice time fighting with the Japanese, but then died in a tornado. Then the emperor overthrew the shogunate, then the shogunate overthrows him back and moved to Kyoto and makes a new shogunate, and the emperor can still dress like an emperor if he wants, that's fine. ♫ now there's more art ♫ Like paining with less colors, collaborative poetry, plays, monkey fun, tea parties, gardening, architecture, flowers. It's time for Who's Going To Be The Next Shogun? Usually it's the shogun's kid, but the shogun doesn't have a kid, so he tries to et his brother to quit being a monk and be the next shogun. He says okay, but then the shogun has a kid. So now who's it gonna be? Vote now on your phones! And everyone voted so hard, that the palace caught on fire and burned down. The shogun actually didn't care, he was somewhere doing poetry. And the whole country broke into pieces. Everyone is fighting with each other for local power, and it's anybody's game. Knock knock, it's Europe. No, they're not here to take over (yet). They just wanna sell some shit. Like clocks. And guns. And ♫ Jesus ♫ So that's cool, but everyone's still fighting each other for control, now with guns. And wouldn't it be nice to control the capital, which right now is puppets, with no one controlling them. This clan is ready to make a run for it. But first, they have to trample this smaller clan which is in the way. Surprise! Smaller clan wins, and the leader of that clan steals the idea of invading the capital, and invades the capital. It goes very well. He's about halfway through conquering Japan, when someone who works for him kills him. And then someone else who works for him kills him. And that guy finishes conquering Japan. And then he confiscated everybody's swords. And made some rules. "And now I'm going to invade Korea, and then hopefully China," he said, and failed, and also died. But before he died, he told these 5 guys to take care of his 5 year old son until he's old enough to be the next ruler of Japan. And the 5 guys said "Yeah, right. It's not gonna be this kid, it's gonna be one of us. Because we're grownups. And it's probably gonna be this guy who happens to be way more rich and powerful than he others. A lot of people support him, but a lot of people support not supporting him. They have a fight. He wins! And starts a new government right here. ♫ Edo ♫ And he still lets the emperor dress like an emperor, and have very nice things. But don't get confused, this is he new government, and they are very strict. So strict, they closed the country. No one can leave, and no one can come in. Except for the Dutch, they want to buy and sell sh!t, but they have to do it right here. Now that the entire country was not at war with itself, the population increased a lot. Business increased, schools were opened, roads were built, everyone could read, books were published, poetry, plays, sexy times, puppet shows, and Dutch studies. People studied European science from books they bought from the Dutch. We're talking geography, skeletons, physics, chemistry, astronomy, and maybe even electricity. Over time the economic and cultural prosperity began to gradually slow dow- .....Knock knock. It's the United States. With huge boats. With guns. Gunboats. "Open the country. Stop having it be closed." said the United States. There was really nothing they could do, so they signed a contract that lets United States, Britain, and Russia visit Japan when they want. Chōshu and Satsuma hated that. "Hat sucks," they said. "This sucks!" And with very little outside help, they overthrew he shogunate, and made the emperor the emperor again, and moved him to Edo, which they renamed Eastern Capital (東京). They made a new government, which was a lot more western. They made a new constitution, that was pretty western. And a military that was pretty western. And do you know what else is western? That's right, it's conquering stuff. So what can we conquer? Korea! They conquered Korea, taking it from its previous owner, China, and then go a little bit further, and Russia rushes in out of nowhere and says, "Stop, no, you can't take that. We were gonna build a railroad through here to try to get some warm water." And Russia builds their railroad, supervised by a shit ton of soldiers, and when the railroad was done, they downgraded to a fuck ton. Did I say downgrade? I meant upgrade. And Japan says, "Can you maybe chill?" And Russia says, "How about maybe YOU chill?" Japan is kind of scared of Russia. You'll never guess who's also kind of scared of Russia. Great Britain. So Japan and Great Britain make an alliance together so they can be a little less scared of Russia. Feeling confident, Japan goes to war against Russia, just for a moment, and then they both get tired and stop. ♫ It's time for World War One ♫ The world is about to have a war, because it's the 1900s, and weapons are getting crazy, and all these empires are excited to try them out on each other. Meanwhile, Japan has been enjoying conquering stuff and wants more. And the next thing on the list is this part of China and lots of tiny islands. All that stuff belongs to Germany, which just had war declared on it by Britain, because Britain was friends with Belgium, which was being trespassed by Germany in order to get to France to kick France's ass because France is friends with Russia, who was getting ready to kick Austria's ass, because Austria was getting ready to kick Serbia's ass, because someone from Serbia shot the leader of Austria's ass, or actually he shot him in the head. And Britain is currently friends with Japan, so you know what that means. Duh! ♫ Japan should take the islands ♫ Which they wanted to do anyway. So they called Britain on the telegram to sort of let them know. And then they did it. And they also helped Britain a little here and there with some errands and stuff. Now the war is over, and congratulations Japan! You technically fought in the war, which means you get to sit at the negotiating table with the big dudes, where they decided who gets what, and, yes, Japan gets to keep all that shit they stole from Germany. You also get to join the post-war mega alliance ♫ the League of Nations ♫ whose mission statement is to try not to take over the world. The Great Depression is bad. Japan's economy is now crappy. But the military is doing just fine, and it invades Manchuria, and the League of Nations is line "no, don't do that, if you're in the League of Nations you're not supposed to take over the world," and Japan said, "♫ how about I do anyway ♫" and Japan invaded more and more and more and more of China and was planning to invade the whole entire east. You've got mail! It's from Germany. The new leader of Germany. He has a cool mustache and he's trying to take over the world, and he needs friends. This also got forwarded to Italy. They all decided to be friends because they had so much in common. ♫ it's time for World War 2 ♫ Germany is invading their neighbors, then they invaded the neighbor's neighbors. Then the neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's who happens to be Britain said "holy shit" and the United States started helping Britain, because they are ♫ good friends ♫ and started not helping Japan because ♫ their friends and our friends are not friends, plus they're planning on invading the entire ocean ♫ The United States is also working on a large and very huge bomb, bigger than any other bomb, ever. Just in case. But they still haven't joined the war. War looks bad on tv, and the United States is really starting to care about their image. But then Japan spits on them in Hawaii, and challenges hem to war, and they say yes. And then Germany, as a symbol of friendship, declares war on the United States also. So the United States goes to war in Europe, and they helped he gang chase Germany back into Germany. And they also start chasing Japan back into Japan, and they haven't used the bomb yet, and are curious to see if it works. So they drop it on Japan. They actually dropped 2. The United States installed a new government inspired by the United States government. Just the right ingredients for a ♫ post-war economic miracle ♫ and Japan starts making TVs, VCRs, automobiles, and camcorders as fast as they can. And also better than everybody else. They get rich, and the economy goes wild. And then the miracle wears off. But everything's still pretty cool, I guess. ♫ bye ♫ Good Evening Twitter, this is your boy EatDatPussy445, and about like 30-45 minutes ago, I beat the fuck out of my dick so god damn hard that I can't even feel my left leg, my left leg has went totally numb. And, my dick has also went totally numb, to the point where it feels fucking weird when I go and take a piss. Dr. Pepper. The famous 23 flavor soda, has a lot of spinoff products, such as Diet Dr. Pepper. That’s not the topic here today. No we’re not talking about Diet Dr. Pepper barbecue sauce. But what we are talking about, is hot Dr. Pepper. That’s right, hot Dr. Pepper was originally introduced in the 1960’s as a winter beverage. Here’s some advertisements from the 1960’s showing about about Hot Dr. Pepper. However, it was short lived. But you still don’t believe me? You think this is a joke? Just go to the facts and questions article on the Dr. Pepper website. Anyway, I’m going to teach you how to make it. All you need is a Dr. Pepper; a can or bottle will be fine. And just proceed to open it, but DONT blow it up like I did. Cuz’ you know, Bad Dr. Pepper right there. Anyway, you want to heat up a pan, or anything, and just pour a little Dr. Pepper in there, as much as you want. Alright, and as soon as we did that, we’re gonna take a lemon and a knife and make a small slice, and then put it into the glass that you’re gonna puor the hot Dr. pepper in. When the Dr. Pepper starts sizzling or steaming up… That’s it. Just take it off, and pour it in your glass. And if you’re using a glass glass glass made of glass like I am, put it very slowly. Like, wait five seconds between each… Each spill, so it doesn’t melt, cus you know, when glass melts… Glass… yeah. Also if you try this at home, and your lemon makes a popping bubble, comment or like, heh, cuz you know, thumbs up for that. Just some more footage of the popping lemon… Yeah, and basically, this is hot Dr. Pepper. It tastes just like Dr. Pepper, only it’s hot, kind of like tea. Brings out the cherry flavor. Little carbonation, and I’ll see you next time. Later! FINALS WEEK FINALS WEEK JUST DISTRACTING MYSELF FROM FINALS WEEK IM NOT STUDYING BUT ALL MY FRIENDS ARE AND IM FUCKIN' ALONE CAUSE IM LAZY BUT I WONT TAKE YOUR NOTES YEAH I WONT USE QUIZLE-T NO I WONT WATCH CRASH COURSE JOHN GREEN FUCKING SUCKS WHEN YOUR CURRICULUM MAKES ME HATE MYSELF MORE THAN I ALREADY DO~ THERE'S SOMETHING WRO~NG
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