wired-shadow · 2 years
i just am obsessed with how all the things katniss does that make her remarkable, that make people pay attention and get angry, are when she is radically, selflessly, kind. and she doesn’t even fully realise that what she does is so remarkable - of course you would take your younger sibling’s place if they were chosen to be killed. of course you would try to protect a younger child from violence, and grieve her and treat her body with dignity and love when she died. you should care about children and old ladies and mentally ill people. but everyone else watches and is amazed, because the world makes it so hard to be caring, to make the choice to be kind. because competition between individuals benefits the government, they have fostered and encouraged that selfish attitude - someone’s child is going to die, so better their child than yours. better it’s someone you don’t know that suffers, someone from another district. better your sister than you. and it takes someone rejecting that, showing that there can be trust and love and kindness, even in terrible situations, to start to unify people against the real enemy, rather than in competition with each other.
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wired-shadow · 2 years
woke up today and chose violence (loving with my full heart and unable to escape the belief that humans may not be inherently good but are capable of great good and that we weren’t meant to live as we are now)
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wired-shadow · 2 years
the world has new birdcall. something outside my window is dying. the little feathers of the robin flatten against the tarmac.
they are so happy to tell you just go outside. 
in this, the world you made for us? i am wondering if the plastic of these rosary beads will spend years in a landfill, if the ants that come over it will learn how to pray for us. i am sitting with my legs crossed on the front stoop of a 7/11, which is the only place left for someone to just-sit-for-a-second. somebody bought the last place we used to go talking; it’s been paved over only halfway and then sat abandoned. all the little rust rings of the fence up around it; each one saying no trespassing. no one ever bothers.
just go outside! the yellow crane neck of construction; the orange beak of chain restaurants. someone told me once that nothing else can live inside the shell of a walmart, it just sinks to the bottom of the world and all that steel chitin refuses to rot. there was something living there before, sure. but what would we even do with all that space? and with the things kids get up to these days…
nothing pretty about having feelings about infrastructure. it’s a long drive but if i wanted to i can go to the clear raucous forest, no others in sight. feel the big swell of nature and the great silence. pretend in this place there’s no such thing as money. no more roads and no more lighting. picture a world like this; of waking up to this every day. 
but when i go home again: i’ll have to take the highway.
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wired-shadow · 2 years
I love people who go the extra mile for you, like that stranger that asks you if your okay when they see your eyes getting watery or that person that tries hard to make sure they pronounce your name correctly or the lecturer that makes sure everyone understands the course material and doesn’t move on till everyone does, they’re beautiful people and I love them.
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wired-shadow · 2 years
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Coffin Texts, spell 714
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wired-shadow · 2 years
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shades of green in Van Gogh’s paintings
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wired-shadow · 2 years
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— vladimir nabokov, in a letter to his wife [24 march 1937] from letters to véra (trans. olga voronina & brian boyd)
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wired-shadow · 2 years
love really is just "i am thinking of you. i will ask you if you are okay. i remember your favorite flavor of tea. i want to talk to you. i hope your mother is well. i will read to you. i like your laugh. this perfume gives you a headache. i want to help you. i will sit next to you. i got you the chocolate you like. your eyes have gold in them. i think you'd like this book. i miss you when you aren't here." isn't it
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wired-shadow · 3 years
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wired-shadow · 3 years
"I don't want to read leftist theory it's all written by old white men" FANON IS RIGHT THERE
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I understand not wanting to read theory because it's exclusive, elitist, or just plain hard to understand, but I'm begging you to please give Fanon's work a read if you can. Especially if your argument for not reading theory is the quote above.
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wired-shadow · 3 years
we all know what our love language is but have you ever wanted to know what it ISNT?
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wired-shadow · 3 years
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regarding the röttgen pietà, elle emerson
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wired-shadow · 3 years
me listening to my playlist: omg that’s crazy i love this song
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wired-shadow · 3 years
i know there’s more than this out there but it really is incredible that people will look at a fictional character someone else wrote and collectively say “I will write you a hundred happy endings.”
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wired-shadow · 3 years
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Revamped my notion setup for the semester!
Not going to lie, I’m pretty scared of the change that university’s going to bring. I’m trying my best to prepare myself mentally but that lingering fear is stubborn. What matters is that I’m trying, I guess 🌥
Art by Salman Toor. (“The Green Room” and “Bar Boy”)
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wired-shadow · 3 years
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wired-shadow · 4 years
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unironically want one of these
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