wispi-fr · 5 years
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Getting back into the accent making business! This is my most recent custom made for Xairathan on FR! I’m opening up customs again for USD so if you’re interested, shoot me a message on Flightrising.
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wispi-fr · 5 years
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new skincent i’m releasing tomorrow!! 
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wispi-fr · 5 years
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made a new accent; interest check?
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wispi-fr · 7 years
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at long last
the real star of the show can shine through
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wispi-fr · 7 years
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My attempt at making a “Roman Centurion” accent for coatls! if you’re interested in a copy, you can pick up one at my accent shop!
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wispi-fr · 7 years
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A lil’ accent I made that I’ll release sometime soon. :D
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wispi-fr · 7 years
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Tfw you get your accent back from queue and you can finally start dressing up your dragon.
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wispi-fr · 7 years
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made a corndog accent
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wispi-fr · 7 years
Survivor: FlightRising Edition! Interest Check
Hey guys! @pushfr and I were talking about it the other day and we thought it would be fun to do a forum game on Flightrising based off of the reality TV show: Survivor. 
For those who aren’t familiar with this game, I’ll do a little summary. At the start of the game, there’s two tribes of ten “castaways” who are competing to not be voted out by their tribemates. Each day both tribes will compete against the other tribe in a challenge and the winning tribe will receive what is called “immunity.” The losing tribe will be forced to go to “Tribal Council” where each castaway will then choose a player from their tribe to vote off of the island. The person with the most votes at tribal council will be voted out of the game which is why you have to be smart in who you choose to create alliances with in your own tribe. Essentially this game is about strategy and good timing!
Each day, one person will be voted out of the game until just one remains!
The prizes we’ve decided to hand out are as follows;
1st Prize: 5 million treasure
2nd Prize: 500,000 treasure
3rd Prize: 100,000 treasure (rip you)
in addition to other Flightrising items/currency that might be given out during special “reward challenges.”
Anyway, I just thought it would be cool to throw out an interest check and see if anyone would be interested in playing? Fair warning though, you will need to log in everyday while the game goes on to ensure participation in each challenge. If you’ve got nothing better to do and are intrigued by the idea, I promise it’s a really cool game full of many concepts and strategies--too many than I care to list here for the sake of a shorter post. We need 20 people for a game so yeah, if you’re interested, let me know and I’ll ping you to the thread when we have it set up so you can read over the whole game and decide if you want to play or not. 
Thanks for reading, guys!
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wispi-fr · 7 years
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I made a new skincent! It’s a custom and one copy will go to me and the other will be auctioned for USD. If you’re interested in being pinged for the auction, you can sign up here!
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wispi-fr · 8 years
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my new reaction image to everything
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wispi-fr · 8 years
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A super big WIP but yay for rainy Wednesday shenanigans 
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wispi-fr · 8 years
Please buy me I’m tired of @unkorea and their wicked ways.
[S] Aralas
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He’s gotta go, I’m finally selling my only @aralas-fr. 
Proof of ownership 
Aralas is Lemon Crystal/Lemon Facet/Lemon Runes, and can feed himself through accent sales so you don’t have to worry about his energy depleting. He also grants you infinite income due to his sales. 
It really hurts for me to part with him, but I must raise funds for my Bone Fiend and hence I am selling him for the price of 1 (one) corn chip. 
All proceeds will go to myself and @xairathan, who are joint owners of this Aralas. 
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wispi-fr · 8 years
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A quick little sale, but I have two copies of each of these skincents up for sale in the auction house! They were left over from their first runs. Facing Tomorrow and Aurora Song are each 900g and I’ll be happy to sell for treasure instead if you want that!
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wispi-fr · 8 years
If I had a penny for every time my ‘contact us’ to flightrising dot com was answered, I’d have a penny
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wispi-fr · 8 years
An Important Post
Ok I’ve been wanting to talk about this for a while and something’s finally given me reason to so here we go, buckle up kids.
The accent market has gone to shit. There, I said it. 
The “5-10 print customs” thing is crap. Limited run/retiring accents are one thing, but honestly with most of these it’s just an expensive circlejerk status symbol. “Look how many customs from ____ I have! I will trade them but only for other 5-10 print customs so I feel exclusive!”
It leads to people taking advantage of artists, which is shitty. It’s bad enough that a lot of the time accent artists don’t see half the profit their works earn on the secondary market. It’s stagnated the market; good luck trying to find stuff for less common breeds or that isn’t the same boring #aesthetic. Personally, I feel like exclusive customs should stay as either 1-2 prints, or come with some sort of no-resale rider. If you change your mind and want to resell it one day, I mean, fine, but don’t take that as a chance to make an extra 10kg because you’ve got another status symbol to pawn. 
I have heard of accent artists having a commissioner auction a custom and then splitting the profits. And that’s cool. I like that trend. I don’t blame artists for wanting to make customs. They tend to be one of the few things on FR that command a fair price for the time investment. But when it gets to the point that people aren’t buying regular-run accents, but will fall over themselves fighting for custom slots, there’s a problem. 
And don’t get me started on the entitlement I see sometimes. Artists are not obligated to make customs for you, and they’re certainly not obligated to put in a ton of work in for you to take your extra copies and make a ton of money off them.
Stop being shitty to artists. Stop trying to take advantage of custom makers. You know who you are, and I know who you are, the same little circle of users with too much real cash to spend on a dragon game, and yet still you feel the need to be greedy. 
Yes, a lot of this is stemming from a series of incidents with a single person, but I’m vagueing about it because someone involved wants to stay out of drama. If I know you and you are that thirsty for details, I will discuss privately. 
TL;DR the accent market needs to stop doing what it’s doing. 
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wispi-fr · 8 years
Yeah this happened to one of my accents and I was quite surprised.
Real talk tho
Where the actual FUCK does it say, in the Skins and Accents rules + guidelines page, that the mods are allowed to ALTER a design themselves and pass it through?
So it’s just ‘inconvenient’ for them to reject it and tell the artist how to fix it? I know we tend to get annoyed with it, but honestly it’s better than seeing your accent pass and it’s all muddied up and ugly because a mod decided to put their grubby little hands on it.
Why does this keep happening? I mean, sure, once something passes it’s technically Flight Rising’s say as to what happens–but the sneaky editing in this situation is so cruddy.
for the love of God
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