wisteria-phantom · 1 year
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Mu Yu Tian Zhixie | The Journey of Chongzi - ep27
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wisteria-phantom · 2 years
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Mu Yu | The Journey of Chongzi - ep.13
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wisteria-phantom · 2 years
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Mu Yu | The Journey of Chongzi - ep17
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wisteria-phantom · 2 years
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The Journey of Chongzi - ep.02
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wisteria-phantom · 2 years
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          Nervous wasn’t quite the word that could describe how the angel felt right now, perhaps terrified.. guilty, a waste of breath was more accurate- but nonetheless Haneul stood, waited and prayed that this would go semi smooth for he had no intentions to start a fight. However, if Master Kurosaki sought out one then he’d allow it, for whatever was to come the angel knew he deserved. 
          A long sigh fell from those sinful lips, words filled with honey yet lies for he had broken the one person’s heart he swore would never happen. Didn’t even deserve to say his name, to think of the sweet wanderer who even now still owned his heart regardless of what Haneul had done, said. 
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          It wasn’t long that the sorcerer’s presence was felt, more intense then he recalled but with every reason it should be. With a turn of the heel, a raise to the brow those dulled brown eyes gazed over at the other.. fear once more settling in. However, those words did nothing for in fault the angel was technically in the front part of the teahouse, where all were welcomed. 
          “I may be uninvited but I do come to speak with you, how else am I to get your attention aside from showing myself here?.. I owe you an explanation, and so if you will spare a moment or two to listen I will be out of your hair soon.. you won’t ever have to lay eyes upon me again” 
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The sorcerer had guessed that the angel would be here to attempt to give whatever ridiculous explanation he had for leaving BaiCheng after all of the harassment he had subject BaiCheng, himself, and his husband through just to get their permission to pursue a relationship with the wanderer. And how had that turned out? With BaiCheng broken-hearted and out wandering only gods knew where and with himself and his husband feeling painfully guilty for allowing themselves to be persuaded.
“Those who may consider themselves a member of my family or close to one of them can reach me quite easily through any number of means.” He spoke - his voice remained even, but the expression that accompanied it and the undertones of it dripped acid. There was no wanderer nor elf or herbalist nor anyone else here who could stop him from treating this angel exactly as he had dreamed of doing since he had seen the hurt in BaiCheng’s eyes and felt the deep gash it had torn into him emotionally.
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“You had best get to explaining yourself, then. I am a busy man - I have little time to listen to excuses.”
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wisteria-phantom · 2 years
Nervous pacing, eyes casted down in complete shame as the angel waits, wonders if it was even worth it explaining what had happened to the sorcerer- for in the end it was his son's heart he ended up shattering. A long sigh fell from Hanuel's lips, wings neatly folded upon his back as he let his glamour down completely.. barely had the means to keep it up anymore it seemed. He gazes up, notices the girls chatting amongst themselves as they walked by, some giving off rather deserved looks for the angel figured everyone here knew exactly what he had did to- sighs and finally speaks up once more. "I would like to see Master Kurosaki, I would be quite appreciative if one of you lovely ladies could inform him I am here.. I'm sure he already knows who it is"
Before any of the women who worked at his teahouse could come to retrieve him, Mahiro knew exactly who had arrived.... or rather, who had come sulking with his tail between his legs. His eye twitched - Bae Haneul was right to be nervous coming here. From the moment BaiCheng had told him what had happened, a dark, smoldering rage had curled through him like incense smoke, bone-deep, and had not had much of an outlet for release. It filled him entirely... and the angel had the nerve to come here. A soft, polite knock sounded against the frame of the door to his study, and Mahiro sighed, one finger reaching up to force the stitch between his eyebrows smooth. As he stood, smoothed his clothes, he picked up one of his fans - one that had sharp edges, meant for the brave few who dared bring harm to his small but precious group of loved ones - especially to his adopted son.
The sorcerer schooled his expression as he dismissed the maid who had come to retrieve him. His hand maintained a firm grip on the fan - there had to be something to ground him so that he would not fly into a frenzy the moment he saw the angel. Each step that carried him closer to the tea room the maids had left Bae Haneul in was another second more that the sorcerer had to wonder why he had not trusted his original instincts about this figure in the first place. His face was smooth as glass when he entered the room, but his eyes flickered threateningly with the faint violet glow of the magic he wielded.
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"I must admit, Bae Haneul... You must be a man with guts to dare coming into my home uninvited."
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wisteria-phantom · 2 years
A soft smile forms along the elf's features as he carefully, and ever so quietly enters his husband's study, make a quick glance over to ensure that Mahiro was indeed not in here before finally wandering in. The gentlest of hums came from Xue, fingertips lightly grazing over all the little trinkets and books that filled the room, deep ocean like eyes finally falling upon the sorcerer's desk- takes this opportunity to take a seat, take in the scent for it reminded him so much of his love.
The elf wanted to surprise his lover, for it had been a week or so since they've last saw one another, Mahiro's work taking him away from the teahouse for the time being- though in this time, Xue learned a lot about what they did here, what his husband did here. Both from their boy and the ladies who tended the front end, just thinking about this cause the frost elf's heart to warm. Though even Xue didn't know when his beloved would return, so he decided to wait here, to surprise him with a few scrolls the elf brought with him, and some whiskey he had picked up from a market.
So, Xue began to wait leaning back into the chair a little as eyes caught sight of a few journals stacked off to the side, curious but chose to keep it as that knowing it was wrong to go through his husband's personal belongings. "Oh, Mahi.. I miss you dearly.."
After a few thousand years of practice and several centuries yet of having settled his practice into the tea house, it was a very rare occasion that Mahiro had to leave Kyoto to do his work. And yet, circumstances that prevented his patient from traveling had necessitated a week-long trip out of town to assure that they received the care and treatment they needed.
The sorcerer loved his work, truly - it was fulfilling, even when it was difficult, and being able to carry the dream that his master gave up to grant him this life so long ago was a blessing that he never forgot to count, but he did hate that it took away from his time with his family so often. The sting was not so bitter with BaiCheng - with the boy living and working alongside him, he always at least saw him in passing a few times in a day, and when he had things to teach the boy it was even more than that, but the stretches of days when he could not visit his husband in his home in the mountains or he was too occupied to host him at the tea house were one of the worst parts about the job now.
Yet, he was finally home. The familiar brooks beside the street the tea house was on were full of tiny fish and the summer heat brought birds and butterflies and stray cats together for a drink all along the walk home. Mahiro came in the front to check how things were going with the actual tea house part of the business before wandering further in - he sensed the familiar presence of his husband from within, which brought a smile he could not conceal to his features. He sighed happily - his boots came off at the door before he was in the familiar cool and quiet of his home in the back of the tea house, before he would enter his study where the familiar bright, crisp chill of his husband's soul piqued his senses the strongest.
Sliding open the door greeted him with just the thing, or rather the person, or rather yet - perhaps the elf he was wishing to see the most. His smile remained affixed to his lips as he approached, leaning forward over his desk and down to greet his beloved Ning Xue with a gentle kiss. "It seems the universe knew just who I wished to see when I returned home, my dear~" he hums pleasantly, reaching up to tuck a wisp of long, silky white hair behind the endearing point of his husband's ear.
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wisteria-phantom · 2 years
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Our Beloved Summer (2021) dir. Kim Yoon Jin Squid Game (2021 ‒ ) dir. Hwang Dong Hyuk All of Us Are Dead (2022 ‒ ) dir. Lee Jae Gyoo Tomorrow (2022) dir. Kim Tae Yoon Love Alarm (2019 - 2021) dir. Kim Jin Woo & Lee Na Jung Twenty-Five Twenty-One (2022) dir. Jung Ji Hyun A Business Proposal (2022) dir. Park Seon Ho My Liberation Notes (2022) dir. Kim Seok Yoon My Country: The New Age (2019) dir. Kim Jin Won Sweet Home (2020 ‒ ) dir. Lee Eung Bok
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wisteria-phantom · 2 years
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Murder Bean Day  26/?
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wisteria-phantom · 2 years
“Do you have any idea how many people are dead because I wasn’t clever enough, wasn’t quick enough, wasn’t strong enough, wasn’t good enough?”
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wisteria-phantom · 2 years
A small note is left upon the sorcerers bedside table, signed with a little heart next to a snowflake
My Moon,
You may be wondering why a note, why not come to tell you this in person.. I thought of such, but in order to make this extra special I couldn't help myself and so here I write you this my love.
In summertime, our love is peaceful, like wisteria petals floating in the breeze. In wintertime, our love is warm — it races from hands to toes.
If skies are blue, our love is passionate — two people dancing in the sun. If thunder rolls our love is relaxed, a refuge from the falling rain.
When spring flowers bloom, our love is bold, like forest green leaves on the snow berries. When autumn leaves fall, our love is gold, shining bright like a harvest sunset. From season to season I love you always! My one, my only,  my moon
And now I await you at the place we shared our first kiss, don't be late
Forever Yours,
Ning Xue
The sorcerer read the note over and over again, smiling more with each re-read. His other half had a way with words that never failed to surprise him, warm him in the ways that the frost elf's hands could not.
He knew exactly the place that Xue was speaking of - the bridge crossing the canal on the quiet, backstreets walk between the teahouse and the restaurant they had eaten at on the evening of their first date. After giving the poem inscribed one last read, the sorcerer made to clean up a little bit before he would make his way to the spot he described.
[ . . . ]
When Mahiro arrived, his eyes immediately were drawn to his betrothed - always standing apart from everything else in his white clothing. A warm smile curled the corners of his lips as he did his best to sneak up on him, his footsteps soft and light to avoid making any noise along the largely empty street. Once in touching distance of the elf, hands followed by arms wrapped around Xue's waist, giving him a squeeze as his cheek pressed into his back, between his shoulder blades.
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"You've summoned me, my love?" His tone was playful, endearing, his face shifting so that he could rest his chin against the elf's shoulder.
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wisteria-phantom · 2 years
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wisteria-phantom · 3 years
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wisteria-phantom · 3 years
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゚✧*:・゚✧ @priestnet Word of Honor First Anniversary Event ゚✧*:・゚✧
Day 4: Favorite Villain — Xie Wang [ x ]
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wisteria-phantom · 3 years
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                  ‘Collapse into me just once, I promise you will never have to fall again’
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wisteria-phantom · 3 years
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Word of Honor Rewatch  — Xie Wang in Episode 26
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wisteria-phantom · 3 years
My moon, are you free this evening?
Ears perked at the sound of a familiar voice, one that so often succeeded in lightening his mood and stoking the cooling embers of youth in the sorcerer's soul. Lips curl into a pleased smile before he finally turns to the source.
"Fortunately you have caught me just as I have closed up the teahouse for the evening. Regardless, I always have time for you, my dear."
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