wistfulthiinking · 3 years
STEVE  ⟶ NANCY ( @drvcxrys​ )
a blur of brunette hair swished past steve’s vision and his stomach immediately clenched. a thick swallow and sweat was beading across his forehead and between his brows, a feeling that told him there was no way he could be mistaking her for anyone else. then, without thinking, steve began to lightly jog towards her. the last thing he wanted to do was scare the wits out of her, but with his heart thrumming wildly, he was doing all he could not to all out sprint. 
“nance?” he asked, a hand reaching out to clasp her shoulder as gently as he could despite the way his extremities trembled. “nancy wheeler?”
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wistfulthiinking · 3 years
TUNNY  ⟶ MELANIE ( @mvsicinthedvrk​ )
a breath was sighed through flared nostrils as tunny wrapped his fingers around the chilled glass that rested on the bar. sucking his lip into his mouth, he watched the warmth of his digits clear away the condensation. this allowed blue hues to watch the tiny bubbles as they danced up, up, up through the amber liquid. finally deciding to take a drink, the corners of his lips twitched as he felt the cool sensation slide down his throat. eyes wandered then, a brow perking when he noticed the woman a few chairs away that seemed to be fiddling with a small device. 
“what’s that thing?” he asked, curiosity piqued and the effects of alcohol making him less inhibited. 
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wistfulthiinking · 3 years
FINN  ⟶ WUXIAN ( @mvsicinthedvrk​ )
long legs paced, an index finger and thumb cupping finn’s chin as he scrambled to finally make up his mind, it seemed an impossibility now that he had been brave enough to even make the trek, to pursue something that somehow felt ingrained in him. it was beyond understanding - his mother wasn’t musical and besides singing in his spare time, it didn’t seem that he was either. yet here he stood, finally working up the courage to approach the man. a breath was drawn and he offered a tight sort of smile before speaking. 
“uh.. i heard you offer music lessons. or tutoring.. or whatever,” he paused to wet his lips, unsure why he felt such a wave of anxiety wash over him. “ and if you do, i’m.. i’m interested.”
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wistfulthiinking · 3 years
hit the heart and i’ll send you some memes !! let me know if there’s any specific characters you want. (: 
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wistfulthiinking · 3 years
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Various lyrics from my favorite songs, from the 2004 film adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s original musical, “ The Phantom of the Opera “.
T h i n k   o f   M e
“  Think of me, think of me fondly. “ “  Please promise me you’ll try. “ “  We never said our love was evergreen. “ “  Think of all the things we’ve shared and seen. “ “  There will never be a day when I won’t think of you. “
A n g e l   o f   M u s i c
“  Where in the world have you been hiding? “ “   Really - you were perfect. “ “  I only wish I knew your secret. “ “  Somehow I know he’s always with me.  “ “  You must have been dreaming. “ “  Your hands are cold.  “
T h e   M i r r o r  ( A n g e l   o f   M u s i c )
“  Ignorant fool! “ “  Stay by my side. “ “  Forgive me. “ “  Look at your face in the mirror. “
A l l   I   A s k   o f   Y o u 
“  I’m here, nothing can harm you. “ “   Let me be your freedom. “ “  Say you love me every waking moment. “ “  Say you need me with you now and always. “ “   That’s all I ask of you. “  “  Let me be your light. “  “  Your fears are far behind you. “ “  And you, always beside me to hold me and to hide me. “ “  Say you’ll share with me one love, one lifetime. “   “  Anywhere you go, let me go too. “ “  Say the word and I will follow you. “ “  Share each day with me, each night, each morning… “ “ Love me, that’s all I ask of you. “
T h e   P o i n t   o f   N o   R e t u r n 
“  In your mind you’ve already succumbed to me. “ “  No second thoughts– “  “  Past the point of no return, no backward glances. “ “  What raging fire shall flood the soul? “ “  What sweet seduction lies before us? “  “  What warm unspoken secrets will we learn? “ “  In my mind I’ve already imagined our bodies entwining defenseless and silent.  “ “  Past the point of no return, no going back now. “ “  Past all thought of right or wrong, one final question. “ “  How long should we to wait, before we’re one? “  “  When will the flames at last consume us? “  “  The bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn. “  “  Say you want me with you here beside you. “
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wistfulthiinking · 3 years
TUNNY  ⟶ LEIA ( @mcrcki )
it was something of a shock, seeing the president despite his current state of disillusionment at not only the government, but the entirety of the world. the president, however, had never seemed to be a target of his chagrin. in fact, she was something of a powerhouse -- a presence that demanded the respect of anyone around. tunny wished he possessed even a sixteenth of that quality. as she moved to pass him, his hand instantly went up to his forehead in a salute to the most powerful woman in the free world. 
“Madam President,” he acknowledged her, only having to force a tiny amount of the reverence in his voice. 
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wistfulthiinking · 3 years
STEVE  ⟶ BETH ( @gambitsdesire​ )
a sigh sounded from between steve’s lips as his hip rested against the counter of the ice cream shop. how he had managed to be in the exact same spot in a world flipped upside down was nothing short of mind boggling to him. as the bell above the door rang out, he shot a glance at his co-worker who seemed to be embattled in some sort of intense text conversation. it was clear that he would be taking care of this and he offered a smile to the young woman who walked in, a brow quirking in interest. thank god he didn’t have to cover his best asset with a hat here. 
“hi there, my name is steve... steve harrington,” he gulped after it left his mouth, picturing robin and her damned white board. his confidence faltered momentarily before he spoke. “what can i get you today?”
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wistfulthiinking · 3 years
FINN ⟶ SAM ( @lcxstsouls​ )
even a few years into his life in washington, finn felt that he could still spend hours exploring the stones of the city that he’d yet to overturn. something new was always just around the next corner and today was no different. taking a break from his grueling training schedule and simply neglecting his studies, he was walking down a sidewalk when he noticed a man doing what could only be described as gawking at him. used to the attention at this point, he offered one of his signature crooked and closed mouth smiles. should he ask if he wants something signed? no, no. that’s too cocky. maybe small talk would work all the same.
“how you doin’, man? enjoying this weather?”
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wistfulthiinking · 3 years
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                                     i will be king and you will be queen.                                      though nothing will drive them away,                                      we can be heroes, just for one day.                                      we can be us just for one day.                                      and the shame was on the other side.                                      oh, we can beat them forever and ever.                                      then we could be heroes just for one day.
how long has your character been in WASHINGTON?
poor steve is a relatively new and still entirely confused arrival to the city of washington, d.c. in his mind, the only logical explanation has to do with the monsters of the upside down. despite the overall doubt he’s cast upon himself as he cannot see how time travel of all things is related to the alternative dimension that he’s come to know so well, the thought of magic is something he hasn’t even entertained. it’s occurred to him that all he is capable of doing in this situation is attempt to figure out a way home and simply survive until he is able to do so. 
what is your character’s JOB?
even nearly forty years into the future, steve has somehow managed to still be scooping ice cream. it’s like being stuck in a time warp -- except literally. not many other jobs are open to hiring twenty-two year-olds with no prior work history and who are suspiciously terrible with technology. though the latter bit is improving, the job is still sucking his soul right out of his behind, just like scoops managed to do. at least there, he had robin who was an absolute delight -- especially in comparison to these 2021 young adults who have their noses buried in their mini computers and aren’t particularly interested in him or his objectively awesome hair. 
where has your character been PULLED from in their fandom?
russian spies were the only thing steve had on his mind before he somehow woke up in 2021 washington, d.c. naturally, he’s still suspicious of them also potentially being the cause of the time twister in which he finds himself. the battle of starcourt had yet to take place and he’d perhaps never realize the fear of being trapped in a secret elevator with no food and water. but that was a memory better left in the 80′s. 
has any MAGIC affected your character?
somehow, he escaped the magic unscathed and he isn’t aware that other people around the city are in the same position as he is but without knowledge of a life they’d once lived. all he can focus on now is getting back to the people that he loves and the correct decade where he is appreciated as he should be. 
is there any ADDITIONAL INFORMATION  about your character?
please don’t mention to steve how old he would be had he just simply aged to get to 2021 as opposed to being magically teleported to this year. it deeply traumatized him when he realized he’d be nearly 60 years old (how?!) and he is going through enough as is -- thank you very much. ;) 
are there any wanted CONNECTIONS?
FRIEND GROUP ( open to m/f/nb ): someone please befriend this lost soul before he loses his mind from the loneliness. 
FRIEND(S) WITH BENEFITS ( open to f/nb/m ): i love the drama of a fwb scenario just to see where it goes. this can also be related to the friend group wanted connection as well !
PARTNER IN CRIME ( open to f/m/nb): he misses dustin and robin with all of his confused little soul, he needs someone with whom he can get into a mess of trouble. he doesn’t know life any other way. 
WILL THEY / WON’T THEY? ( open to f/nb/m ): i love a good flirtation that no one really knows where it’ll go, but it seems like it’s going to lead to something.
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wistfulthiinking · 3 years
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                          working hard to get my fill, everybody wants a thrill.                           paying anything to roll the dice just one more time.                           some will win, some will lose. some were born to sing the blues.                           oh, the movie never ends. it goes on and on, and on, and on.                           don't stop believin' -- hold on to that feeling.
how long has your character been in WASHINGTON?
nearing on three years. like many others within the city, he made his way across the country upon graduation from high school. as he is under the spell of the magic that hangs over washington, finn’s memory is programmed to believe that he grew up in franklin, tennessee. raised by a single mother that worked two jobs to keep their tiny family afloat, finn always found his solace in football. luckily enough for him, he was a natural talent and all too soon became something of a star athlete in the state, his name is familiar even in nearby Nashville. 
what is your character’s JOB?
finn is unemployed at the moment and is solely a student at george washington university. more importantly, however, he is the quarterback of the george washington colonials football team. it was never lost on him that he owed football a great deal -- it wasn’t as if he’d gotten a scholarship to college based on his grades or academic ability. it just begins to feel a bit difficult to hold onto that scholarship and quarterback role when he’s so very close to failing all of his classes. finn had made the choice to study business based solely on the idea that he could become a mega-rich ceo someday, giving his future family a life that contrasted so severely from his own. plus, he wanted to pay his mom back -- the woman was nothing short of a saint and she deserved the best that the world had to offer, in finn’s eyes. despite the best of intentions, it seemed life was laughing squarely in the face of his plans. 
where has your character been PULLED from in their fandom?
the end of season four, the capital-e end for finn. it was all too tragic, the swift and untimely end of a man who was just beginning to find himself. pieces of his alternate self linger in his mind, that once drew him towards the siren’s song of music city. pieces that make him question his idea to study business and plant a desire towards music or teaching. 
has any MAGIC affected your character?
yes, but the magic grows increasingly weaker as the clock continues to tick. he’s now older than he grew to be in his alternative life and it seems that with each passing day -- each extension of his life that he’s been miraculously gifted, doors to that life begin to unlock. the clues are subtle, faint tickling upon his brain when he’s met with something that would have been significant to the finn hudson of lima, ohio. the man has been singing in the shower for as long as he could talk, his soul lightening and growing wings as his notes swelled and his range expanded. the way he would sneak to concerts in nashville and sing his lungs out in the crowd. but all of this was his secret as tennessee’s finn hudson never had the embrace of the new directions to bring him out of his musically repressed shell. as the responsibility of adult life looms over him in the next few years, he feels himself less drawn to business and more drawn to becoming a teacher. certainly less financially secure, this intense desire shocks him every single time it crashes over his body like a wave. it’s an instinct, something visceral that tells him teaching is his calling -- that he would be good, maybe even great as an educator though he’d never given the career path a single thought before. then these puzzle pieces grow increasingly obscure when the mere sight of a gold colored star makes the hair on the back of his neck stand up and sends tingles down his spine. he has learned to mostly ignore that as it’s just too odd to have any real meaning -- right? then comes the things he can’t ignore, the things that scare him right down to the bone. these include the way his hands shake and sweat beads on his forehead when he gets behind the wheel of a car, the pause he gives when he’s about to throw back a gulp of alcohol or the cringe when the liquid hits his tongue, the two are almost always connected. in finn’s mind, it reads like a premonition -- that he’s doomed to die in a drunk driving related vehicle accident. it’s never occurred to him that it has already come true in some alternative reality. but it wouldn’t, would it? other dimensions and past lives aren’t real. not to finn hudson and he stuffs the fear back down into the deep recesses of his mind until he’s gripped by the horror when they inevitably resurface. 
is there any ADDITIONAL INFORMATION  about your character?
finn is my little baby love. yes, he’s a dumbass who has hurt people, but i think he’s always at least attempted to redeem himself. he deserves a good life, a long one and i want to give him that here to the best of my ability. all around, he has a huge and beautiful heart. 
also i’m sorry for making finn freakin’ hudson so dark at moments in this intro. :) and i can’t wait for everything to come crashing down around him when the magic wears off. woo. 
are there any wanted CONNECTIONS?
FRIEND GROUP ( open to m/f/nb ): finn thrives on friendship and, of course, he’s a college quarterback -- he’s gotta be at least somewhat popular. give me all the friendships ! 
FRIEND(S) WITH BENEFITS ( open to f/nb/m ): i love the drama of a fwb scenario just to see where it goes. this can also be related to the friend group wanted connection as well !
EXES ( open to f/nb/m ): give me ex-partner drama. i crave it.
HIS MOOSE [muse] ( open to f/nb ): ofc, bless my finchel lovin’ heart, my mans needs someone he absolutely adores to help him embrace his inner music lover and for him to learn to adore the things about himself that he despises. this boy needs guidance or he just can’t get it right. 
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wistfulthiinking · 3 years
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                            starry nights, city lights coming down over me.                                  skyscrapers, stargazers in my head.                                  are we. we are the waiting unknown.                                  this dirty town is burning down in my dreams.                                  lost and found, city bound in my dreams.
how long has your character been in WASHINGTON?
as magic has wound its tendrils around the recesses of his mind, tunny believes that he was born and raised in alexandria, virginia. despite the fifteen minutes of distance, it feels to him as if he’s always lived in the heart of washington. the city is a part of him, it runs through his veins as readily as vital blood. there’s a small piece of him that detests it, an anti-establishment part of his personality that has been poking its head out of dormancy in more recent times following his stint in the army. the young man was quite a rebellious teenager that seemingly reformed in his early twenties when he joined the military. now, after seeing horrible violence firsthand, his faithfulness waivers. 
what is your character’s JOB?
tunny is an active duty corporal in the united states army. though representing the base of army authority, the young man has prided himself on becoming a member of leadership. however, now that he finds himself standing a few months on the other side of his forth deployment to the middle east, his pride is beginning to wane. instead it is replaced with severe ptsd, survivors’ guilt, and genuine sorrow. alcohol and marijuana help when push comes to shove, but tunny remains deeply haunted and uninterested in seeking psychiatric care. 
where has your character been PULLED from in their fandom?
the end of the musical. tunny has been through a complete journey - to the depths of hell and back again to proudly stand beside his two best friends and newfound lover. from a rebellious twentysomething, through his move to the city with johnny that buried him deep in the throes of his bipolar depression. he thought he’d found life’s meaning when he joined the army, only to end up disenchanted and without a left leg. then he met her - a nurse, an angel. with her, life began to make sense once again. rising from the ashes, he returned to jingletown a man slowly becoming complete.
has any MAGIC affected your character?
yes. the only memories tunny has are of a life growing up in virginia, the life he has now. but.. there is that recurring nightmare, it dances across his subconscious and bursts from his chest when he wakes screaming. it never starts badly. he sees three young boys, always cheerful despite the severe dysfunction that awaits them at home. they begin to change as children do, their joy becomes angst as their understanding of the world deepens. then the twin towers fall and they are shaken to their cores -- the post-9/11 world is one of stress and uncertainty. the political world is a mess and the three friends have never been lower. drugs and alcohol coax them from the shadows and they happily give in for some relief -- just a little. deciding that their small town is the problem, tunny departs to the city with johnny. it pains them both to leave will, who is to become a dad, behind. the glimmering lights of the city, tunny soon finds, are nothing but a façade and he falls into his mental illness. then his savior comes in the form of an army recruitment commercial. pulled out of his depression, he enlists. it isn’t sunshine and rainbows -- tunny never expected it to be. all the same, the horrors of battle are more than he could have ever envisioned. his eyes widen as he sees the bomb, a warning scream is born on the tip of his tongue but it is too late. he wakes in the hospital, faces of doctors and nurses blurring as he’s told in rushed voices that the left leg has to go -- now. pain grips him, the depression returns as easily as it had waned when mania took hold. the only thing that gets him through is her. the dream allows him a melodic voice, but no face. he longs to reach out and touch her. thin fingers tremble next to the flesh of a cheek -- she is so close that he can feel the warmth of her skin. then he wakes. 
is there any ADDITIONAL INFORMATION  about your character?
tunny is a big, huge, massive MESS. but he is also a teddy bear who just wants to be held and told it’ll be alright. his backstory is heavy, i know, but hopefully he’ll be as loved here as he is by me. 
also PLEASE let me know if i ever forget to tag triggers as this sweet boy is rife with triggering history and i will fix it asap.
are there any wanted CONNECTIONS?
FRIEND GROUP ( open to m/f/nb ): he needs some people to pal around with. after all, his relationships with will & johnny are pivotal to his character in canon. their friendship can be pure, toxic, anything. just give me friendships ! 
FRIEND(S) WITH BENEFITS ( open to f/nb/m ): i love the drama of a fwb scenario just to see where it goes. this can also be related to the friend group wanted connection as well !
THERAPIST ( open to m/f/nb ): later on in his development, but someone PLEASE get this boy some help. 
AN EXTRAORDINARY GIRL [or boy whatever] ( open to f/nb/m ): ofc this baby needs someone with whom he can fall in love. tunny needs a nurturer, someone who understands the complexity of his bipolar disorder and ptsd. he will give as much as he takes, he is a cupcake.
EXES ( open to f/nb/m ): give me ex-partner drama. i crave it.
CO-WORKERS ( open to f/m/nb ): someone to whom he is close with in the military. everyone needs someone to watch their back.
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