witcher-bullshit · 2 months
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Siegfried is my best man from The Witcher 1, to be honest. I hope someday I'll finish my fanfiction with him and post it here. In fact, it's a very pleasant atmosphere when I think about him. I really hope Geralt took his virginity
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witcher-bullshit · 2 months
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I see Siegfried as a character with very deep potential, to be honest. Because even though he is very devoted to the Order of the Flaming Rose, he has to choose. In my passage, Geralt lured Siegfried to his side and together we defeated the army of Jacques de Aldersberg. And I think it was the hardest thing for Siegfried to kill his comrades, because for them he is now a traitor. In the picture, he is standing in the blood of his comrades
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witcher-bullshit · 2 months
Friendly reminder that "Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales" is on sale for 3$ on Xbox for the next week and if you own one (or gamepass on pc) and haven't played it then now is the chance~
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witcher-bullshit · 5 months
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The way you don't even have to be active in the fandom atm to be haunted by Marina...
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witcher-bullshit · 10 months
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witcher-bullshit · 11 months
Had a dream where CDPR actually made a Thronebreaker modern(???) AU movie. The trio was wearing army fatigues and sunglasses. They marched up to a campfire with two guys (who were either Witchers or random bandits) and Meve bullied them while Reynard and Gascon like kicked their cookware around and messed with them in other ways.
There was also a part where they were at a really fancy party, Meve had an advisor (actress was Indian-American, and I could swear I've seen her in something like The Boys before, super gorgeous, shoulder length hair) and the advisor was definitely a mage and other people could see through her mouth in a really creepy way. It came to a fight and the advisor fought with an emerald dagger and an emerald buckler which was emanating a larger forcefield.
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witcher-bullshit · 1 year
Btw whoever commented on this post, you must be shadowbanned or something, neither ne nor my girlfriend can see what you wrote
It's so hard being a book girlie in a Netflix world 😔
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witcher-bullshit · 1 year
It's so hard being a book girlie in a Netflix world 😔
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witcher-bullshit · 1 year
Since I dismissed that post immediately and only thought later of it and can't find it with like three different search words: Plato (our real world one) is as much real in the Witcher universe as he is in ours!!!! Humans literally came from our world! Saying platonically is perfectly justified in the canon!
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witcher-bullshit · 1 year
Well, at least they weren't like two pale coconuts colliding
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witcher-bullshit · 1 year
As a bisexual woman I fully support Dandelion/Jaskier to remain straight in every official interpretation
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witcher-bullshit · 1 year
Bringing this post back due to current relevance
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Do I even have to say anything
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witcher-bullshit · 1 year
book depository is closing april 26th, 2023
book depository, an online book retailer, is sadly closing next week. i wanted to make a post for my fellow american fans of the witcher, for whom this business closure limits our access to polish publications.
book depository was where i personally bought the polish editions of the witcher books, because no other retailer that would ship to the US that i could find carried them. probably because of this, they have also been the known resource to buy the books linked in the sidebar of r/wiedzmin.
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disclaimer that this post isn't to sell anything or judge people for buying or not buying, it’s up to one’s personal preference whether they purchase the physical copy of a book or not. i just wanted to let everyone know that if you were already planning to buy the witcher books or related titles (especially the polish editions), this could be a last opportunity to purchase with this specific retailer.
there are also other releases available, such as the fonopolis audiodramas on CD, which all seem to all be 43% off right now:
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and there are also titles that have not yet been officially translated into english, sapkowski-related and witcher-related, which might interest you:
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malady and other short stories: short stories by sapkowski, including witcher-related stories "road of no return" and "something ends, something begins"
the world of king arthur: essay by sapkowski about arthurian legend
claws and fangs: short stories not by sapkowski, 'official fanfiction' set in the witcher world
witcher, phenomenal history: a comprehensive look at the cultural phenomenon of the witcher, from short stories and saga, to comics, to games, to the musical, to other adaptations
and, if you don't care about polish releases, perhaps the recently-released english hardcovers by orion may interest you, since they all, save for the last wish, seem to be 25 to 30% off right now:
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you're still able to place orders up until 7 PM EST on april 25. their FAQ about their closure can be found here.
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witcher-bullshit · 1 year
Omg anon is so based! I've actually entertained that idea before too!
Вернон Роше как бастард Фольтеста для Вас это да или нет? И как вы думаете, какая реакция самого бы Роше была на эту новость?
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Честно говоря, я никогда не думала об этом, но блин, эта теория взорвала мне мозг. Она очень крутая!!! И к тому же логичная.
Какая бы у Роше была реакция? Ну он точно был бы разочарован, обижен и зол. Но не смотря на то, что Вернон очень вспыльчив, на холодную голову он рассуждает очень здраво. Не думаю, что он бы как либо навредил Фольтесту. Из армии, Роше, тоже не ушел бы, так как он не видит свою жизнь за ее пределами, как и остальные солдаты Синих Полосок. Может, будь он в непосредственном контакте с королем в тот момент как узнал бы об этом, высказал бы ему все что о нем думает, а потом бы жалел об этом. Что я могу сказать точно, Роше бы никогда ему не простил испорченного детства и хранил бы обиду до конца жизни.
Мне настолько понравился этот вопрос, что я нарисовала к нему полноценный арт. Ну как к нему, скорее к моменту важному для этих двоих, когда Фольтест самолично достал Роше из канавы. (Сразу скажу, такой момент не упоминался в игре. Можно сказать я сделала коктейль из фактов о прошлом Вернона🙃)
Vernon Roche as Foltest's bastard, Yes or No for You? And how do you think Roche will react to this news?
Actually, I never thought about it, but damn, this theory blew my mind. This is very cool!!! And even logical.
What would be Roche's reaction? Well, he would definitely be disappointed, offended and angry. But despite that Vernon is very hot-tempered, with a cold head, he acts very reasonably. I don't think that he would hurt Foltest. Roche would not leave the army either, because he can't see his life outside of it, like the other Blue Stripes soldiers. Maybe, if he had been in direct contact with king at the moment he found out about this, he would tell him everything what thought about him, and then regretted about it. What I can say for sure, Roche would never forgive Foltest for a spoiled childhood and would hold a grudge for the rest of his life.
I liked this question so much, so I drew to him full art. Well, not exactly to it, rather to an important moment for these two, when Foltest personally pulled Roche out of the ditch.(I must say right away that such a moment was not mentioned in the game. You can say I made a cocktail of facts about Vernon's past🙃)
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witcher-bullshit · 1 year
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Exactly. Let’s go.
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witcher-bullshit · 1 year
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NPCs don’t understand that supply of witchers is low and demand for them is high.
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witcher-bullshit · 1 year
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Been reading The Witcher series so here’s a quick Book!Dandelion. For some reason I really like the detail that he curls his hair. :D
@jaskierswolf I just saw your post about Dandelion’s curls so… :’D
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