🍊 Orange Peel Tea 🍊
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Slightly over-worked college kitchen witch here with a great tea recipe. It’s super simple to make, pretty tasty and very good for you!
🍊Orange (or tangerine, Clementine, etc) peels
🍊Hot water
🍊Other herbs you want to add (I like ginger)
How to make:
🍊If you’re using fresh oranges, cut them into quarter-sized pieces. If you’re using dried orange peels, grind them up a bit with a mortar and pestle
🍊Place the orange peels in a pot and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, turn off the heat. Let the Orange peels steep for an hour to an hour and a half.
Physical and Metaphysical properties:
Physical: Immune health, anti-inflammatory, Helps with cold and flu symptoms, clears away mucus, soothes nausea and headaches.
Metaphysical: Oranges represent happiness, inspiration, abundance, and fertility. They’re closely tied to Yule, making this a great Yule beverage!
I’ll probably make a whole post about Oranges soon, but in the meantime enjoy the tea!
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Friendly reminder from your neighborhood hag <3
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Okay so dyed hair is cool already but let’s consider witches using their own homemade, charmed, protection spelled, hair dye to stop people from being able to use their hair to curse them ? ??
Like, innovative and cool ? Colorful witchy dyed hair plus protection??? Great idea.
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📓College Witch Tips📓
I’ve gotten a lot of asks for college witch tips and small living space witchy advice. I wasn’t practicing while I lived in the dorms but I did start practicing(in secret) while I was rooming in a studio apartment my sophmore year of uni so I figure it’s sort of similar. Anyways, I hope this helps someone out there ~ 🧡
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🕯️So, no candles, I totally get that and it’s a fucking bummer. You can always get fake candles though! There’s such a wide variety of picking between pillar sizes, tea lights, or you could even get ones where you pick the color so you can use it for any spell. 
On another note, have you tried string lights? It doesn’t matter if they’re fairy lights, Christmas lights, or bulb strands. I had a specific set of white strands that went around my part of the room and whenever I want to do a spell/feel magical/etc. I would turn them on ~ bonus you can get fake ivy and flower garlands at the Dollar Store to braid with them and it’s suuuper cute.
💧Water magic is a pretty sneaky go to! No one is ever going to be suspicious of water. You could leave a water bottle out near your window “on accident” for Full Moon water! There’s two big areas I think of so let’s break it down!
Bath magic! Everyone has to shower at some point. Without anything else, pure hot water is wonderful for a pure cleanse of your energy, mind, and body. @beau-witchery has a wonderful post on shower magic you can find here. You can also bring some of your crystals or something you want to charge into the bathroom with you(assuming you have private shower stalls) and let the steam from your shower charge them! You can even sprinkle some salt on the shower floor to help you release negativity and feel charged.
Water bottle magic! This is super universal tbh and I use it for so many things. You can put crystals in your water bottle to charge your water with whatever you need. Red jasper for strength and vitality, quartz for charging and cleanings, amethyst for magic and protection, rose quartz for beauty and love, etc. There are a lot of water soluble crystals so please do proper research first. I would inherently recommend not using anything under a hardness of seven, so do your research!! You can also put in fresh herbs or slices to fruit to enchant it with corresponding properties or to boost your energy.
📚Speaking of research, it’s a fundamental part of magic and college! Use your university library! They’ll definitely have books on the alchemy of plants, gemstones, and I’ve been able to find a few on magic at each uni I’ve visited so give it a look. You can also check out your local library and check to see if your library has an online database for e-check outs. The Akron Public Library has a huge database for online books, PDFs, and articles to “check out” and read online. See if your library or one in your county does as well - it’s typically the main library.
♌Sigil/stave magic, I know this is probably the most recommended thing for college witches but they’re honestly so helpful. You can design your own sigils/staves or use one that other witches have created.  Here’s a link to a tumblr tag for college/student based sigils. 
Now what to do with the sigils? Well, this is up to you. You could stitch or draw a “sigil to stay safe” on the inside of your backpack, draw a motivation/focus sigil inside your notebooks/binders, draw a good grade/”I’ll do well on tests” sigil on your pencil pouch or draw it on the side of your pencil! There’s so manyyy things you can do, just be creative and don’t feel obligated to do it one way just because someone else is.
🌱Plants may not seem like your first choice since you live in a  dorm but there’s a lot of small, low maintenance plants out there. You just need to know where to look. Keeping a plant in your room can help keep you grounded, feeling closer to your craft if your nature/plant based, and generally help keep the energy and air pure. You can also keep plants around for their metaphysical properties ~
Here is an online database to find local plant nurseries. I always suggest going through a nursery vs. a home or grocery store because the workers actually know how to upkeep the soil, when to water them, feed them, repot them, etc. plus I find they tend to have less root mold or disease when coming from a nursery. Some suggestions for small and low maintenance witchy plants would be: lucky bamboo, air plants(specifically Tillandsia maxima, Tillandsia bulbosa, Tillandsia ionantha, and Tillandsia chiapensis), small breed cacti and snake plants.
🔮Crystals don’t always have to be a giant slab of quartz on an altar. We’ve already talked about how you can use them in your water but you can also, carry small tumbled ones in your pencil pouch, wear them as jewelry, put them in your planters if you have plants, and so much more! You’re not limited to the “traditional” use of crystals. Think outside of the box! If you want to labradorite to keep you safe on campus make a key chain to hang on your bookbag or something like that! Some of my favorite crystals in uni were amethyst(memory), clear quartz(knowledge, cleansing), rose quartz(self love), labradorite(magic/protection), and sunstone(joy, knowledge).
☕Drink magic kind of ties in with water bottle magic but it’s more varied! Drink coffee or black/green tea in the morning to start your day off with grounding. When making your coffee or tea draw a sigil on top with your spoon before stirring. If you’re using honey draw it on the bottom of the mug first. Stir counterclockwise to bring in positivity. Use the properties of your tea, coffee, or creamer in your morning magic.
✨Enchanting would work with just about anything. You could enchant your backpack to keep your grounded, your pencils to keep you motivated, your doorway to ward off negativity, etc. If it’s an actual item you’re enchanting I used to do in secret by using water. For example, I enchanted my favorite sweater to help me feel motivated confident by using the machine cycle as a way to cleanse it + instill positive energy and the dry cycle as a way to infusion act and warmth. I mumbled some words about motivation and stuff when loading the clothing in. You could also use warm water to “clean” a water bottle, gemstone bracelet, set of earrings, etc. as a way to enchant something. 
🎮You don’t need an altar to be a witch! I don’t know where this misconception came from but honestly fuck it. If you would like an altar anyways and can’t have one out in the open you can set one up inside one of your drawers, a shoe box, or even a jewelry box. You can make small portable one’s with Altoid tins or other small boxes like match boxes! If you’re tech friendly and want too, you can say fuck it to all of the above and just make an online altar via a tumblr blog, pinterest board, etc. 
Bonus: do you like vidya gamez? You can do a lot with altars to both deities and for witchcraft in video games. You can build an altar in Minecraft or the Sims. You can build homes dedicated to your craft and gods in Skyrim, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, etc. be creative! 
💖The rest of these suggestions are small things anyone can do to feel more connected to their craft or “witchy”. It can be really hard to feel connected to your craft or like a witch at all when you don’t have time or energy because of school, work, depression, etc. So these are just some of my favorite low effort suggestions.
Meditate in bed for five to ten minutes before getting up!
Put cute witchy stickers or washi tape in your agenda, notebooks, etc. use colors and symbols to correspond with your intention
Go for a walk! It can be around campus, your local graveyard, tbh you could just use your walk to class as a chance to feel connected to nature and refresh your energy.
Witchy!! Playlists!! Seriously, get jammin’.
Star a grimoire or bos! It can be a word doc, tumblr blog, or an actual notebook. Whatever works best for you. ✨
Meditate! In the shower, on the way to class, when you wake up, when you’re making breakfast, whenever. Find a few minutes a day when you’re by yourself and focus on calming your thoughts.
Use ambient videos on youtube to help ground you and feel more connected to your craft. Basic ambiance w/moving video links: Forest w/waterfall, Woodland, Night, Ocean, Rain & fireplace, Nighttime train ride, Sunrise, Wheat field, River, Campfire, Swamp, Snow
Wear colors that correspond with your magical needs.
Hide your pendulum as your necklace or just use your favorite necklace as a pendulum!
Look on amazon, clearance racks, and thrift stores for tapestries and blankets to hang up that make you feel witchy! 
Wear scented oils ~ different intentions for different days
Pls love yourself and remember I’m sending you so much love
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Chocolate Magick
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side note: these are just my personal correspondences
the basic correspondences:
dark chocolate:  protection, cursing, sex and fertility, power, healing
milk chocolate: love, friendship, comfort, (basically the rose quartz of food)
white chocolate: luck, joy, glamours
common chocolate flavours flavours:
orange: love, sex
coconut: healing, glamours
nuts: motivation, productivity
toffee/caramel: home, comfort
raisins/sultanas: creativity, fertility
snap a KitKat in half to break a bond between two people
share a Terry’s Orange with your partner to strengthen your love
enchant your advent calendar to give you a boost of self love in December mornings <3
eat a Snickers to Get Shit Done
i’ve been meaning to do this for ages, but there’s always a lot of chocolate about in winter so- better late than never!
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How to Witchcraft
1. Light these
2. Stab that
3. Carve this
4. Shake a jar
5. Say a thing
𝓥 𝓲 𝓸 𝓵 𝓪
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Hey! I was wondering if you had any tips on how to narrow down the search result while looking folk spells and such? What I’ll usually google is “ ( region ) folklore/folk magic concerning love, money etc “ mostly what comes up is either wicca or more new age witchcraft.
You’re off to a good start, but try as hard as you can to remove ‘magic’ from the search. That word, along with ‘witchcraft’, has been used a lot recently in popular media, so the engine wants to bring you to that. The word that academics usually cling to as a catchall is ‘superstitions’ Try inserting that along with folklore, folk beliefs, and the specific region you’re looking for. A time period also helps bring more academic works to the front, so if you’re looking for Early Modern folk magic from Scotland, make sure to specify that. 
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A comprehensive guide to scrying : part 2 by VLM242
Step 2: The set-up
Now that we have discussed the most common mediums for the art we must step into the world of the practice.
1. Find a room where you can be alone and undisturbed for at least half an hour, this room should not have a cross breeze or radical changes in temperature, the ideal room is ‘room temperature’ where you cannot feel much of any variations in climate. The lighting in this room should only come from candles or if you can’t have them a diffused warn colored electric light will suffice. Try and avoid using overhead room lights as they are generally too bright and of the wrong color to be properly used. This light source should be, if candles, placed on either side of the scrying medium, not too far back or too far forward, just barely in front of the medium. Also make sure the flames or your face are not reflected in the medium.
2. Your attire should not be restricting, it should be comfortable and enough to keep you a stable temperature, it should almost feel like it’s not there if possible, I can recommend having a hood if you have trouble focusing on the medium, in this case do not draw it fully forward as to obscure vision, only enough to act as a blinder for the edges of your sight.
3. The hight the scrying medium should be placed at depends on your position during the working, whether it be standing, seated, kneeling, or sitting on the floor, the medium should be at a height that you can easily see the whole surface, you should not be straining or even moving your head to see into the medium. The medium should be a minimum of 1 ft and a maximum of 3 ft distance away from you.
Step 3 : Training
Now that you know what the requirements for what you are getting into it’s time to start the training. What I am going to present is a method of training your mind and body to do the work.
1. Aquire an 8x8 chess board, this will be your training scrying medium, you should place it as if you were to scry with it, same set up and all.
2. With your gaze set to the centre of the board stare at it, and keep staring. You should see the black and white squares slowly fading into gray.
3. Keep this up until the fading into gray becomes quicker and quicker. The time should be around 5-15 minutes at it’s quickest depending on the person.
4. At this point you may switch over to the actual scrying medium.
Step 4 : The practice
Now that you have basic training in scrying it’s time to put the training to use.
1. Take the scrying medium of choice and setup as described before. A short period of silent meditation is suggested to help quiet the mind and help centre yourself in the act.
2. The medium, as the gaze takes effect, will start to turn white (or the ‘flashing colour (depending on the color of the medium) from the edges inward, then from the centre out back into black (once again this depends on the colour of the medium)
3. The scrying session has begun, take note of anything that appears in the medium, noises in the room, any thoughts that come into your mind, etc.
4. The session may be ended any way you like, I personally suggest a 'cool down’ period of just closing your eyes and letting the images fade, your eyes may water depending on how long you keep them open for. A good closing besides just closing your eyes could be to extinguish the flames, close your eyes and meditate for a period of time that feels right, minimum should be around 5 minutes as you will feel drained after putting your mind through this experience.
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A comprehensive guide to scrying : part 1 by VLM242
So you want to scry? Heard it’s hard or even impossible for some? Well, like any skill it can be developed and trained for, sure there are those who have the innate ability to do it, but that’s true of any field. This guide will hopefully help you to the path of the mirror.
Step 0: the gaze
The start of this path is simple, learn to unfocus your vision slightly, you know how you feel when you are spacing out and just stare into space, looking but not really focusing? That’s the state you should try and achieve first off as a preliminary step. You should be able to see everything in your field of vision clearly, but not focusing on anything in particular.
Step 1 : the scrying medium
Yes, we are already have gotten to the all important tool! The medium used to scry is different and differs from scryer to scryer. Each have their benefits and flaws, the basic methods usually are either a black mirror or a crystal ball (yes, the stereotype is true). We will now go through the most common forms of scrying and their pros and cons.
Black mirror: very common and easily made. A simple mirror can be made by taking a picture frame and putting a piece of black paper behind it or spray paint the inside of the glass black (a few coats to get it nice and dark), a very easy way to get a hold of one is to literally just use (if you have one) a smart phone screen. A few variations of this mirror include the painted black wood disc, the velvet mirror, and ink bowl, and the polished obsidian disc of Dee. Some that this kind of medium should not be used to contact ‘angelic’ entities. The black mirror can be a different color than black, also mirrors can be inscribed with various symbols to use as a focus for what you are scrying.
Crystal ball: the stereotype of the seer, this medium does not have to be perfectly clear as is shown in TV and movies, they do not have to be huge one foot diameter things either. Dee in his Enochian experience used a small crystal ball that was a inch to two in diameter and it wasn’t even perfectly clear. These work best in a neutral color and translucent. A glass orb of a similar construction works just as well too. These can be expensive and hard to store.
The bowl of liquid: a bowl of oil was common in ancient Egypt as a medium, today a bowl or cup of water can be used to a similar effect. You can add ink to the water to make a quick black mirror. The con of these is that they don’t provide a clear picture and have to stay flat.
The fire: these can range from a candle to a bonfire, this is one of the most difficult mediums to use but is one of the most effective, can be unpredictable and can have a mind of their own.
The magic mirror: an actual mirror used to scry in, can be a store bought mirror, a fancy variation is made of electrum magicum. The only con of this mirror is that it is hard not to focus on as it is a mirror and hard to lose your reflection in.
These tools can come in many variations and sizes, you don’t want to have it too big to be unwieldy or too small not to see in.
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I have a female classmate who I really love and I would like to do a love spell on her.I got one of her notebook at me and we sit next to each other in class.Any sugesstions?
If you have one of her notebooks, you could try to enchant it, then give it back to her. Say her name, touch your tongue, then touch the center of the page. With a pencil, don’t write, but trace your name over the front cover six times. “Go back to her now and speak well of me. Make her see me. Make her know me. Make her want me.” Blow over the cover once, emptying your lungs. At breath’s end, lightly kiss the cover. Then give it back to her. 
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Do you know of any specific methods besides divination, to tell whether someone is cursed?
A much more direct method would be to snip a bit of hair, wrap it around a needle, and plunge it into a burning candle, burning the hair, and heating the pin. Then sit back and watch for someone suddenly complaining about pains, misfortune, or otherwise bad luck. Once you find that person, you’ve likely found your culprit. 
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A Brief Word about Familiars
I received a question yesterday asking for books on familiars. I found I could only recommend one - a high-quality, dry, academic text that costs about $40. So I tried to find posts about familiars here on Tumblr.
I wish I hadn’t. I was like…
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But then I took a moment and decided to write a little blurb to set the story straight.
So let me start by saying that this is not the core of my practice. I have a familiar spirit. I will not talk about Him at length here for reasons you can probably gather. We do stuff together. Not that much stuff together, over all. But I know a few things about familiars so let’s do this.
Despite the popular conception here on Tumblr, familiars are not pets. That is, they are not physical animals you can buy at an animal shelter or a pet store. Your cat is not a familiar. Your dog is not a familiar. Your chinchilla/snake/tarantula/lizard/whatever is not a familiar.
A familiar is a nonhuman spirit acquired by a witch. It may take the guise of a human, an animal, or an otherworldly being. Though it may occasionally resemble an animal, it is not, strictly speaking, an animal. Gaining a familiar was often part of the initiation process. When it was not part of initiation, obtaining a familiar sometimes mirrored the initation process in that it was often done through a major spirit (i.e. the Devil) or through another witch.
In times gone by, having a familiar spirit was one of the criteria for being a witch. According to the Witchcraft Act of 1604, possessing or communing with a familiar spirit was a crime punishable by death. It was one of the major markers of witch-dom.
During the New England Witch Hysteria, sightings of familiar spirits were used as evidence against the accused parties. Tituba, in her confession, claimed that the witches of Salem used a variety of familiar spirits to cause harm to others. These spirits included black dogs and foxes, as well as a hog and most notably, a yellow bird. During the trials, the afflicted girls of Salem Village claimed to see a yellow bird that bit and attacked them. Tituba also claimed that the accused Sarah Osbourne possessed a creature unlike anything seen on this earth. Her familiar spirit had a woman’s head and wings.
In the early modern period, these spirits would have been given to witches by the Devil as part of their pact with him. Modern witches working in the traditional paradigm who wish to acquire familiars would be wise to seek his wisdom on the subject.
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Familiar spirits were said to pass along family lines, too, as was magical capability in general. It was fairly common, in Salem and abroad, for the family members of witches to be accused of witchcraft themselves, namely the daughters and husbands of accused witches. A witch, according to the belief of the day, could gift her familiar spirit to her daughter or to another family member. This is the another way to obtain a familiar spirit.
Most of the witches I have spoken to have obtained their familiars through others. Emma Wilby describes another way witches obtained familiars - sometimes they just pop up. A witch will be traveling through the country or will be in a moment of great need and a familiar will appear to help them.
So what do familiars do and why would you want one?
A familiar can act as a witch’s servant. If you wish to harm someone, you may send your familiar (perhaps in the guise of an animal) to attack them. Been attacked by a crow? Hounded by a black dog? Scratched by a strange cat? Could be a familiar. This prevents the witch from getting her hands dirty. If the witch appears as a spectre, sitting on someone’s chest, it is immediately obvious who is causing the attack. If a witch sends a yellow bird to bite her victims, there is room for doubt.
Familiars, being spiritual beings themselves, possess a magic all their own. They can lend their assistance to magical works. Like any other spirit, they can put their power into a spell. Without going deep into the subject, some familiars are more, well, familiar with certain kinds of magic than others. They possess both knowledge and power.
According to Emma Wilby, the use of familiar spirits is linked to the reminents of shamanic practice in early modern Europe. If we accept the idea that witches “flew” via shamanic journeying, the popular image of the witch flying with her cat-familiar makes sense. The familiar spirit can protect and guide the witch through the spirit world. Being a spirit itself, this is terrain the familiar spirit knows. The familiar spirit is not just a helper, but also a teacher.
Familiars can do pretty neat things, too. Despite its flaws, the popular series “The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” shows this fairly well. When Sabrina is in trouble, her familiar spirit, Salem, protects her. A familiar spirit can also act as a witch’s protector. They can devour curses and ward the home.
Familiars do require upkeep and regular offerings. Historically, these offerings would have been blood. When initiated, witches were given witches’ marks. These sometimes acted as teats from which spirits could draw blood from the witch. Blood (of any kind) is a good offering. In modern times, a bit of wine or milk often suffices.
One kind of familiar I do not wish to discuss here (because this post is already waaaay longer than I intended) is the plant familiar. Plants (especially mandrakes) can work like familiars. Do a Google dive. You’ll find something.
So that’s the tea on familiars. In summation,
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Ima need white people and eurocentric witches to stop tagging their shit with Bruja. Brujeria and Santeria and Voodoo is not Eurocentric . Witchcraft is not Brujeria. Witchcraft is not Voodoo or Hoodoo. Witchcraft is not Santeria. Many things may be common but it is not the same. There’s a completely different culture behind Brujeria, Santeria, Voodoo, and Witchcraft. Respect it. ♥️
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Appalachian Folklore, Wives Tales, and Superstitions
Brought to you mostly by my grandparents, but also by my family at large. These are all things I heard growing up in the northern region of Appalachia and wanted to share with y'all. The lore and sayings may vary based on location, family tradition, and other factors, but this is just what I’m sharing from my experiences!
• Give the first pinch of a freshly baked loaf of bread to the Good Men to keep them happy. • Deaths and births always come in threes. • Spin around in a circle three times before you walk in the front door to confuse any spirits that are following you. • Don’t throw your hair out! If a bird builds a nest with it, you’ll have migraines. • “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky at morning, sailor’s warning.” • If the leaves on trees are flipped over with their backsides showing, rain’s coming. • If you hear a dog howl at night, death is coming. • If you’re giving someone a wallet or purse as a present, put money in it to ensure they’ll never financially struggle. • Spirits can’t cross running water. • Cats and dogs won’t enter a room where spirits are present. • Carry an acorn in your pocket for good luck, a penny for prosperity, and a nail for protection. • If you’re having nightmares, put a Bible under your pillow. They’ll go away. • Take a spoonful of honey to keep your words sweet. • Keeping a pot of coffee on ensures a happy home. • It’s bad luck to walk over a grave. • A horseshoe hung above a door ensures good luck. • A horseshoe in the bedroom staves away nightmares. • If your right hand itches, you’ll soon be receiving money. If the left itches, you’ll be paying it. • Wishing on a star works. “Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight.” • When you have a random shiver, someone just walked over your grave. • If smoke from a fire rises, expect clear skies. If it rolls along the ground, expect storms. • Rosemary near the door provides protection. Lavender provides peace. • “A ring around the sun or moon, rain or snow is coming soon.” • Wind chimes and bells keep spirits away. • Seeing a cardinal means unexpected company. • For that matter, so does dropping silverware. • Rubbing a bit of potato on a wart helps it to go away. • If the soles of your feet itch, you will soon walk on strange grounds. • Black eyed peas, greens, and/or pork and sauerkraut should be eaten on New Year’s Day to welcome good luck and good fortune. • Driving a nail into a bedframe or crib will drive away curses. • If your ears are burning, someone’s talking about you. • If you dream of fish, you are or will soon be pregnant. • Listen to the wisdom of children, they see and know more than we think. • To dream of death means birth, to dream of birth means death. • To cure a headache, crush some mint leaves in your hands, cup them over your mouth and nose, and breathe in a few times. It should help. • Placing a fern or ivy on the front porch protects against curses. • In a vegetable garden, never plant the same plants in the same spot two years in a row. Rotate where they are, and you’ll save your soil. (Note: this is a real thing called crop rotation, and is actually kind of important) • A black bird (Raven or crow, doesn’t matter) on the roof or a windowsill is an omen for death. To avoid it, you have to scare it away without using your voice before it caws. • Say a prayer when you pass a coal mine for the lost souls still in the mine. • Thank the land and the Lord with every successful hunt or harvest you have, for nothing is guaranteed.
These are a few of the folklores, wives’ tales, superstitions, and sayings that I’ve heard growing up (and still living in) in Appalachia! I encourage other Appalachian witches, cunning folk, and general inhabitants of the Appalachian region (and just the mountain range at large) to share whatever bits you’ve heard over the years! I just wanted to share a bit with y'all to give you an insight into some Appalachian lore, my own practice, and maybe give you some things to research and incorporate into your own practice! 🌿✨
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So I love your posts about divination in the Victoria era etc, so can you tell us more about that cake-charm thing? Thank you!! (I'm sorry about how I write, English isn't my first language so sometimes i don't know how to express things properly)
Thank you!
It’s pretty much exactly what it sounds like. You bake a bunch of things into a cake- a ring, a piece of cloth, a nut, a coin, a cheap porcelain baby doll, a key, a thimble, a button, or any combination of those and/or other items -and each has a different meaning for the future of the person who finds it in their slice.
As with most of these games, there were about a thousand variations. Similar cakes are baked in certain cultures for Twelfth Night or Three Kings Day at Christmastime. One variant, called a dumb cake, had to be baked in complete silence and had pretty complicated rules for its creation and consumption. Interestingly, the dumb cake started as a way to tell only who a woman’s future husband would be, but the 1890s source I’ve found involves tokens that give the (almost always female) participants clues about other parts of their lives. Perhaps it’s a silent commentary on women gradually becoming more independent and having options other than marriage?
Anyway, that’s a quick rundown of Halloween cake divination in the 19th century. And your English is excellent, by the way.
source (read to the end to find out about a girl who choked on a chicken heart while trying to swallow it in a distinctly less fun divination ritual)
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What are energy signatures?
An energy signature is the unique combination of energy that makes someone or something’s energy memorable and recognizable; it is a form of identification. This is because energy signatures are extremely detailed. They are composed of different levels with both changeable and unchangeable parts; the changeable parts are usually related to personality and other individual characteristics, and the unchangeable parts other related to static/core aspects, such as species. It is possible to sense different entities’ energy on someone along with environmental influences as well, which serves to increase the detail one can get from reading an energy signature.
 Why the word “signature”?
The word ‘signature’ is defined as “a distinctive pattern, product, or characteristic by which someone or something can be identified.” This is exactly how one would identify someone’s own energy.
Uses of Energy Signatures
Identification: The unchangeable portions are used to identify spirits with high certainty that it is the correct spirit species.
Verification: If you know energy signatures, you can verify if you’ve got the real spirit or entity. Energy signatures are difficult to duplicate/copy/glamour.
Security: You can customize your magical protection measures to only allow specific energy signatures through.
Targeting: If you can sense someone’s energy signature, you can target them anywhere, at any time, for spells, divination, energy sending, and more. As your skill improves, you’ll also be able to sense an energy signature from taglocks/targets with less energy, such as usernames, email addresses, etc 
Going Beyond Surface-Level Energy Sensing
Energy signatures are how you can differentiate spirits which seem to have similar energies on the surface from each other. For example, lowborn demons, underground hellborn demons, and unseelie fae all have generally “dark” energies. If you can’t go beyond sensing simply “dark” energies, how would you be able to differentiate them?* Energy signatures go beyond simply “dark versus light”, or “fiery versus watery”; they are extremely detailed and you can always grind a signature for more info.
An example of an energy signature worksheet can be seen here.
 Portions of an Energy Signature, Outwards Going Inwards:  
Influential People/Spirits/Entities
Your own personality/likes/dislikes
Core stuff
The more “outer” a portion is, the easier it is to change, and the more inner/core the more difficult.
 Changeable Aspects:
 Changeable aspects generally deal with characteristics of individuals. 
Unchangeable/Resistant to Change Aspects:
Soul-level Influences
Past Life Influences (since you can’t change the past)**
 How Energy Signatures Change
Changes can be made by:
Outside Entities (Including other people)
Your Environment
 Most energy signature changes are passive, meaning that they happened over time simply by hanging around someone/something else with a different signature.
 However, active changes may happen by way of attunements, initiations, or insertions.*** Active changes are often much more rapid than passive changes, and can be permanent or temporary.
 What should you call energy signature readings?
The term “energy signature reading” is the most direct. However, it could also be called “energy recognition” or “energy identification” because that is the exact purpose of this type of energy perception.
 *Note: Appearances alone are not a good basis for identifying a spirit as many are capable of shapeshifting or glamouring their appearance. What a spirit claims alone is not a decent basis either as spirits can lie and many often use masquerading as other spirits to their advantage.
 **Note: You can change the amount of influence a past life has on your current life through “awakening” or “closing it off”, but you can’t change a past life in itself.
 ***This is just an intro post, so these will be covered in a different article. Though, I’m using them pretty much the way the words are defined.
My other energy work resources: 
Energy Work FAQ
Jelly’s Energy System Notes: Introduction
Types of Energy Reading
How to Read an Energy System
Healing: Energy Systems
Types of Energetic Blockages/Anomalies (and how to deal)
Healing: Communicating With Points
Detecting and Dealing With Energy Parasites
Dangers of a Direct Binding (aka Body Binding, Soul Binding)
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🌿Bath Witch: Heal a Broken Heart🌿
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Hello, my greenies! This spell is a ritual bath for mending a broken heart. It is not to attract a new love, but to heal that which was injured by a past one. It’s not easy to forgive or to forget, but hopefully with this spell I can ease the pain a little.
Please make sure you understand a little about bath magic before you perform this. Some ingredients can irritate certain skin types and I want everyone to be careful. For those who have sensitive body parts I recommend taking a shower after, so you can rinse off if you feel irritated.
1 tbsp of dried lavender
5 drops of lemongrass oil
5 drops of tea tree oil
2 dried bay leaves
4 ounces of epsom salts
a bowl of any size
jar of some sort
paper and pen (not color specific)
Place dried lavender and bay leaves together in a grinder of sorts and grind a few before adding the epsom salts. After a minute or two add, one by one, lemongrass and tea tree oil. Mix after each oil and then stir and grind together until in a combined form. Place the completed salt into the mason jar and label.
As your bath is filling up take the paper and pen and write your feelings of hurt and suffering on the parchment. Once complete, fold and place paper into the bowl. Move the bowl next to the bath, we will use it later.
Get the bath ready and once the water is hot place 3 tbsps in the bath and mix with your hands. While you mix chant
“The heart is but broken glass, and mind fragile flower petals. Mother strengthen my soul, heal the wounds of an old love, and birth me anew. Like the phoenix, like the butterfly, I come naked and ready to fly.”
Before you step into the bath, place a good amount of the infused bath water into the bowl with the paper in it. Place it next to your tub and hop in.
Sit for about 30 minutes and carefully step out. Slowly dry your body.
When you are ready, take the bowl and dump the contents into the bath. Make sure you take the paper out and you can roll it into a ball, rip it apart, or just throw it away. Once you are done, I recommend sitting with a nice book or listening to calming music.
Love is a strange emotion that can morph into something we don’t recognize. Don’t let someone turn you into a stranger. Love yourself enough to knowing you are beautiful and amazing and deserve love.
You deserve to be happy.
- Kenzie
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