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Sometimes there are days you just...stare out the window when it rains.
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dark purple glitter
source source source - source source source - source source source
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Seeing Skee around makes me remember their boy- Rest!Blue and the sad- sad little idea I have about him with Sadrie. XD
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I'll caaaave~ Sadrie and Phobus please~ Maybe random snugs or whatever dorkness you can think of lol
I hope you enjoy~ ;3 How long ago had this strange lady come to their world? A year or so? He didn’t remember, having not much interest at first, the most he was about her was curious. But as the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat, and he still had a job to do for the guild. But her persistence wore down the walls, and he eventually warmed up to her. Usually they would go out on missions together, with her having been invested after the incident with the group of Elementals and the shapeshifter at the police station. Honestly he believed she would have felt more at home with the Emblem guild, but it wasn’t his right to judge or say. And he enjoyed her company, not that he would admit it to the others lest he be teased to hell and back for it. When he saw her outside among the flowers, looking at the gems that glowed in the wall and floor he knew she was low on energy. She had explained what happens and he agreed to help a few times. Most of the time it was cuddles, but every so often after a particularly long mission they did enjoy the bedroom a bit more. He could tell neither were in the mood for that at the moment though, so he ported behind her, sitting down and pulling her into his lap, leaning against a mossy rock. She huffed a bit, saying he was rud, but he didn’t pay any mind, used to her speech by now. He chuckled as she relaxed into him, feeling her siphon off bits of magic from him but as long as he ate, he’d be fine. “Sometimes, I feel like staying and watching the crystals glow forever… Your company in particular is nice too,” she said with a playful smile, looking at him. He chuckled. “Who says I would entertain your annoying ass?” he playfully shot back, raising a brow at her. She laughed as well, taking his hand in hers and he let her play with his fingers. They stayed there, sitting against the rock, and he caught her looking at his face a couple of times. He gave an amused huff, tilting her head up and bringing her into a kiss which she flushed at at first before relaxing into it. He let go after a bit, leaning back again with a smug and playful smirk. She gave him a playful glare, “Rud,” “I know,”
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Sometimes you just can't help it. Gotta have a smooch~
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Heart of the Valley
The second Month of Spring. The 30 days full of fun festivities where men and women court (or playfully court) other people. This is Sadrie’s world version of Valentine’s Day/Spring.
History of Heart of Valley
Like all traditions, this one is no different. The story is that the First Witch of the Valley and her love for a humble farmer. She had seen many villages and towns rise and fall over the flow of time as she was a Witch. She loved many in her days but none compared to the young farmer boy as he lovingly tilled the fields. She watched him work and would occasionally bring him cool spring water and a meal. It was not a surprise that villagers saw she was infatuated with him and he was the same, though it was awkward. 
She came up with an idea. She would give him gifts of flowers and herbs. Some to remember her by and some that were useful. In return, he would find rocks or sticks and carve them, too shy to hand them in person, so he leaves them at her door step every morning. For 30 days it was like this. When one day she decided to untie a ribbon from her hair and loop it around his fingers. It was then he proposed.
The Witch planted a flowering tree to mark their union and as the tree grew her husband crafted seats for others in the village to relax under. Their love deepened and their days filled with bliss.
As time passes, he grew old. And on his death bed, she wept with his passing. Heartbroken and fashioning a special grave, she lay in the barren valley till her end. It rained for months until the next Mid Spring. The witch had passed on to join her beloved.
In her place, surrounding an untouched carved stone grave, blooms a particular rare flower. And since then, everyone calls these flowers Heart of the Valley for the witch who loved her husband so much, she couldn’t bare be a moment apart from him.
Some say that obtaining a single flower and proposing with it to who you love, will promise a life time of happiness.
Modern times, people give gifts to those they love. Depending the color of the flower and what type of flower. White: Platonic Love Yellow: Friendship Love Pink: Family Love Red: Romantic Love Flowers: Lilies Tulips Roses Carnations Lotus - only white and pink Aster Daisies Penoy Other gifts options: Carved wooden bracelet, leather string with stone/wooden bead necklaces/bracelets, handkerchiefs, woven baskets of different sizes, small blot of cotton colored or bleached, any other hand made item. The point of this is that the gift MUST be hand made- you can buy tools. You can buy the string and beads and stones but you must assemble it by hand while thinking of the person you are making it for. Some places do not celebrate this to the T but close enough expectantly in the city. But the point is to give a heartfelt gift to those you love.
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….I 100% blame @sadrdkcblog for this… I haven’t thought about Mol in what feels like months because shits been fogged with me going deeper into my own Swapfell world.
But…. Here’s Molasses; Nightmare Stretch
…He is not a loveable character, but more than 5 people agree; He’s Baby
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A little continuation from the last picture- I needed to smother Mol in kesses~
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I needed some sweetness...so I doodled up Mol and Sadrie being cute. Well...Mol being being a cute and Sadrie finding it adorable~
@maiuoart - Pssttt  Mai- Mol’s being adorable~
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Meet Dree- the male Sadrie at first as in a redesign as a dude but...well...kinda kept him as a person. And he is a Wizard and like to sleep...alot.
Now he lives in Sadrie’s world- you can say he is like a brother.
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Fact: You and your ocs are amazing, awesome, cute, and beautiful Fact: Your artworks and art styles are amazing and very beautiful True Fact: You are the most beautiful, most amazing, and the most talented artist and friend I have ever met ://3 Sent this to your friends if you like to ^///^
AWHHH!! THANK UU! *squeak*
I'mma tag @iamboombox @theblacksheepdraws0001 @charmnyxia @allzyfont @missladytale @maria-ster @ and lots!
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[Due to the lack of time, the events have remained hidden~ perhaps later the events will be revealed.]
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 // ^**Ur3476$%@ ----gathering....COMPLETE //
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[DETOURING DESTINED PATH...] [ALTERING OUTCOME....] [...35%] [...49%] [...73%] [...95%] [FINISHED]
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<a message from 27^#>×[67>
[The message plays on loop- out as far and wide in many universes...though a little staticy.]
// This is very su--en, my sinc----st apolo---. But I re--est y-- help. Please aid t-is ---h. We --ed -- least [10] to ma-- it le-- --athal, [15] to be ----ndly and [25] to -- more t---rds --r favor.
// To --ose who ha-- ---iended her -- past ----tures, please -end ---- m---c you can.
[Message Ends]
Will you help?
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[Let’s play a game!]
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[You were gone....way too long~ I missed you!]
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