witchpaladin · 3 months
I keep getting signals from the whole world that I'm just a fucking idiot so fine, I'm a fucking idiot, leave me alone then. don't ask me for help. don't ask me to do projects with you. don't ask me for shit. just all of you leave me alone since I'm so fucking stupid
I don't even want to be online anymore because it's the same shit
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witchpaladin · 3 months
I'm only stuck in this apartment for 21 more days but it's gonna be a rough fucking 21 days man. I wish I could fast forward time. people keep interfering with my packing and disturbing and distracting me then getting offended when I finally snap at them
"oh I was just asking a question" no you fucking weren't you were making an assumption because you assume I'm not organised, you assume I need things I don't need, then when you see me doing what I know I need to do you interrupt and distract me thinking you're helping, because I'm clearly too fucking stupid to pack my own shit
you are not helping you are actively making things harder by not letting me just do what I have to fucking do, and assuming I need your help when I did not fucking ask
let me run my own fucking life! stop controlling me! stop fussing!
this is why I'm leaving! because you people don't allow me to just fucking live! you have to be involved with everything I do! fuck off!!
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witchpaladin · 3 months
I can't wait to be out of this fucking apartment I'm so sick of hearing their heavy shuffling right outside my door I want to fucking die
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witchpaladin · 4 months
DID treatment is so funny to me "we need to open this big vault door that will make everything worse so that we can make you better" or maybe we can just leave that closed! thank you!
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witchpaladin · 4 months
life might actually get better soon
I'm moving into a new apartment lol
away from this shithole town yay
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witchpaladin · 4 months
and from above your suburbia looks like a graveyard
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witchpaladin · 4 months
overpriced shitty half made games reminding me how I'm not allowed to squeeze any joy out of this existence ayyyye
I just wanted a distraction but even the distractions suck
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witchpaladin · 4 months
why is everything in life such utter shit
I'm going to fucking bed
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witchpaladin · 4 months
so incredibly stressed
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witchpaladin · 4 months
bought some legal hemp today. actually pretty good
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witchpaladin · 4 months
All I can think about is killing myself lol
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witchpaladin · 4 months
I reblogged all those to the wrong blog but it doesn't really matter and now those artists get an extra reblog! everyone wins
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witchpaladin · 4 months
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Quick 20 min sketch of the emperor
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witchpaladin · 4 months
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I am attempting Tumblr again bc I hear the emperor lovers like it here and I love you
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witchpaladin · 4 months
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seafoam <3 "speedpaint" study of this photo, got carried away, oops
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witchpaladin · 4 months
tfw I punch my chair so much I get the super manly bleeding knuckles
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witchpaladin · 4 months
I feel like when you reach the point of depression where you don't even see the point of self harm but keep imagining throwing yourself out of the window, you need help
can't get that help and my life means nothing but y'know
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