witchyasshole · 2 years
Small happiness spell 🍊
What you’ll need
An orange
Sugar (brown or white)
Lemon juice
Red wine or cider
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Peel the orange and separate its wedges
Place the wedges in a circle on a plate and charge them with your intent, in this case, happiness
Sprinkle sugar over the circle for sweetness, then cinnamon for spiritual power
Let honey drip at the center of the circle while saying: ‘For days doused in sunlight, I drip honeyed delight’
Add a few drops of lemon juice at the center of the circle and say: ‘For luck to come my way, I keep hexes at bay’
Now drip the alcohol at the center while saying: ‘For blessings along the road, I invoke powers of old’
Eat the orange one wedge at a time, starting from the top and working clockwise. Dip each of them in the mix at the center before eating.
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witchyasshole · 2 years
Simple Lucky Item Enchantment 
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Items: rain water or filtered water 1 tsp allspice or cinnamon bay leaf small glass or white bowl * the item you wish to enchant (must be okay to soak in water!!)
Process: 0: Create your circle, ground yourself. Do any pre-spell rituals you do.
1: Pour water and allspice into bowl; stir clockwise with finger to input intention. Envision green light pouring into the bowl.
2: Draw luck sigil on the bay leaf.(either given example or your own) 
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3: Set item and bay leaf in the bowl, weighing down the leaf with the object.
4: Set the bowl on the windowsill under the full moon, opening the window. Leave for 1 hour.
5: Take the item out and wash off the cinnamon in either river or filtered water. Dispose of the water by pouring on the roots of a tree.
There you have it, your very own luck charm!
(Recharge with frankincense incense once a month on the full moon)
* Easy to Get Item Recommendations: an acorn, a small charm or amulet, a coin, a pebble, a keychain
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witchyasshole · 2 years
"I am made of earth, fire, water and air
I have a purpose, I declare
In this world I shine bright
From this moment on I recognise my light"
Enjoy this self-love spell, I hope you like it!
Say the incantion as you reblog this and throughout the day when you feel like you need it.
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witchyasshole · 2 years
Tips for baby witches, lazy witches, tired witches, or any witch really:
Enchant your morning cup of tea/coffee
Match the colours of your makeup to your intentions for the day
Visualise the water washing away all the negativity when you shower
Enchant your nail polish (bonus: match the colour to the intention, black for protection, red for love, green for prosperity, etc)
Say your affirmations (for clear skin, fading scars, reducing dullness, etc) when doing your skincare
Charge your perfume with the energy you wish to attract
When tying your shoes, visualise them symbolically protecting you from tripping and “falling” into places and situations that disturb your peace
Use music to your advantage, listen to songs that match your intentions, or alternatively, use music as a tool for divination
Some witches veil to keep their energy from draining and to protect them from others’ emotions, but a beanie works too
If you wear glasses, use them as a tool so that they help you “see clearly”
Put your moisturiser on in the shape of a sigil before massaging it in
Child’s pose is always there for you, use it when you need it (alleviates stress and anxiety, helps clear the mind, releases tension in the back, helps to steady breathing, is overall great for grounding, etc)
Visualise the A+ (on your report card/on the paper after it’s been graded/etc) right before beginning to solve your test/exam, it also helps if you can draw a sigil somewhere on the paper, or trace it on the paper with your finger
When shaving, visualise any energy buildup being shaved off as well
If you play the guitar, draw a sigil on your plectrum/pick for an added boost (this works with other instruments too)
Do not litter out of respect for nature and its spirits
Feel free to add more things onto the list
When you’re just starting out, or even when you’re just too drained to practice your craft like you used to, it can feel like there isn’t enough magic in your life. This is your daily reminder that a lot of the time, the only difference between routine and magick is intent.
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witchyasshole · 2 years
A Simple Shower Spell
For when you’re in pain (emotional or physical) or for when you just need a little something extra that day.
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This can be done any time of day, feel free to experiment with what you find most effective.
As you step into the shower, take a moment to stand under the water and feel it gently patting onto your skin.
“Flowing water from above,
Wash over me
With peace and love.
As you flow down the drain,
Take from me,
My ache and pain.”
Continue your shower as usual. Feel free to add (water safe!) Crystals around your shower as well to help amplify the spell.
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witchyasshole · 2 years
Voice of Sirenix
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A lipstick glamour for confidence, inspired by Musa's spell "Voice of Sirenix" in Winx Club.
Your favorite crystals
Orange candle
Small mirror
Draw a pentacle with your lipstick on the mirror.
Place your orange candle above the top point of the pentacle, and your crystals around the rim of the mirror.
Place your lipstick in the center of your pentacle and light the candle to let it charge.
Say the following chant: "My words are my power, for I am always heard. As I will it, so mot it be."
Wear your lipstick.
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witchyasshole · 2 years
Here is a simple list, for adding a little glamour magic you your life~
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-enchant your makeup. Hold your hands over the makeup and image a glowing light around the makeup, and say “ give me beauty, bring me charm.” 3x.
- you can also place sigils on your makeup palettes.
- you can dress your aura with colors. Black will make people avoid you. Yellow will make people think you are a ray of sunshine. Purple will make you seem powerful and wise.
- you can wear red clothing to make you more attractive to people. Even wearing it under your clothing works. Like if you want to wear a black dress to a date, you could wear red lingerie underneath.
-perfumes like ylang ylang, rose, jasmine, and vanilla. Will make you more attractive.
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witchyasshole · 2 years
Here is a simple list, for adding a little glamour magic you your life~
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-enchant your makeup. Hold your hands over the makeup and image a glowing light around the makeup, and say “ give me beauty, bring me charm.” 3x.
- you can also place sigils on your makeup palettes.
- you can dress your aura with colors. Black will make people avoid you. Yellow will make people think you are a ray of sunshine. Purple will make you seem powerful and wise.
- you can wear red clothing to make you more attractive to people. Even wearing it under your clothing works. Like if you want to wear a black dress to a date, you could wear red lingerie underneath.
-perfumes like ylang ylang, rose, jasmine, and vanilla. Will make you more attractive.
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witchyasshole · 2 years
🌙Enchantment spell 🕯
Kay kay lets get started- this is the first spell i’ve ever written , so lil forewarning.
🦢 have an object to enchant, maybe something that you carry around with you alot.
🦢 write on a piece of paper what effect you want this object to have- a very simple statement. And as any good witch knows; becareful what you wish for.
🦢infuse some moon water with herbs or flowers that correspond to your wishes. While not necessary, you can sprits perfume too.
🦢Fold your paper twice and let it sit in a windowsill for a day or so.
🦢 Finally , on a full moon - light some candles, play some music (that fits your wishes) Sit with your object and get to know it, most objects have a sense of spirit, or a vibe.Unwrap the paper and rub it on the object. Repeat your statement as many times as you see fit to the object.
✨if you can- wrap the object in the paper, or just have the object sit on top of the paper. Put your object and paper some where safe, (near some crystals is never a bad idea)
Now you got ur enchanted object- use it to your heart’s desires.
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witchyasshole · 2 years
shydryad’s list of nasty shit to put in curse jars
Since my altar/offering idea list seemed to get a good response, here’s another list on the opposite end of the spectrum.
Be warned, some of this stuff is dangerous to handle, like, physically, not just magically. Don’t leave a curse jar full of anything that might rot in or near your house. I’m not responsible for the results of whatever you do with this information, or the results of any hexes you cast.
cemetery dirt
maceration water (if you’re not familiar with taxidermy terminology, it’s the water leftover after you let animal parts sit in it for a while to clean flesh off of bones)
labyrinth dirt
animal claws/teeth (pick an animal that corresponds with your intention)
rotten flesh/meat/eggs (be sure to bury the damn thing outside as far away from you as possible if you go this route)
the cheapest, nastiest vodka you can find, or malt liquor (good for spells targeting an abusive alcoholic)
dead insects (especially spiders)
thunderstorm water
cat shit
wasps nest
barbed wire
rusty nails/coffin nails
spanish moss
iron filings
broken glass
razor blades
goofer dust (this one might be a bit controversial; depending on your views, this might be best to skip and leave for hoodoo practitioners to use)
mars water (especially if made on the day of mars, hour of mars)
crushed ants, wasps, and scorpions
blood root
black snake root
high john root
whole chili pepper
dragon’s blood
blackthorn bark
coriander seed
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witchyasshole · 2 years
After the Saturn-Jupiter alignment night of hell, I went on a massive search for curse reversal spells. I found tons under various names (curse reversal, return to thee, return to sender, reverse mirror spells, etc). I read for hours… days in truth. I wrote down several spells and nit picked what I liked out of each spell to make something of my own that I felt matched my power and my needs. At this point in time I do not know where I actually found all the sites to be able to put a reference list together, I apologize. We decided that, to our knowledge, there was only three people that would come after us, even unknowingly, through manifestation via their loathing for us. We decided to do 4 complete reversal spells: 3 aimed at each person individually and 1 for a possible unknown culprit. The following is what I came up with:
Items needed: 
-Small mirror (Do NOT reflect your face in mirror)
-Anointing oil (Any oil will do, I used olive)
-Black Pepper 
-Black candle
-Something to carve writing into candle with (Athame, a pin needle, etc)
-Permanent marker
-Lighter or matches
1. With the permanent marker, without catching your reflection in the mirror, write the known cursers name on the reflective surface. 
2. With your sharp carving tool, carve the cursers name into the side of the candle, take up as much space as possible. You can write their name multiple times if you’d like. If you do not know your cursers name you can opt to carve ‘return to thee’ or ‘return to sender’ instead. 
3. Mix black pepper and oregano together.
4. Anoint candle with oil, then roll in spice mixture to cover the sides of the candle.
5. I melted the bottom of the candle with a lighter and placed in the center of the mirror so it would stand up on its own. You do not have to do this. You can use a candle holder instead if you feel it safer. 
6. As you light the candle, state your incantation. Mine was:
“Sender of evil, menacing foe, after this spell you reap what you sow;
This mirror reflects the will that you send, 
My hands are clean, my soul will mend;
Return to maker and leave me in peace,
Should the way be barred, your power will cease;
With this spell my soul is free;
As I will, so mote it be.”
7. Let the candle burn out on its own. Do not blow it out. Dispose of the remains away from your home and property. Do not keep it near you. 
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witchyasshole · 2 years
Powerful "return to sender" spell
After reading many classic and different versions of return to sender spells, I've created my own twist on a mirror version of this spell. It has aspects of binding spells, too. It's most useful if you know the person who has wished you ill will, but it's not necessary. This can be used for someone who has intentionally or unintentionally put the evil eye on you, attacked your psyche, has been wishing negativity on you, or has actually used magick to harm you.
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Black pepper
Cloves, whole if you have it.
Black salt (incense ash and sea salt)
A black tealight
A mirror **a 3x magnification mirror
A marker (dry erase preferred)
Sage, for cleansing before and after
**An image of the person who you wish to return the energy to
** = variation in the spell. It can increase the power of this spell.
When: During a waning moon, a moon in Scorpio, or a moon in Pisces
Preparation: Set up your space to your liking where you feel most comfortable and most powerful. Prepare yourself so you're in the right headspace whether that means grounding yourself, casting a circle, or calling on your spirit guides or deities to aid you. Wearing a black onyx stone on you for protection is also a good idea.
The spell
Charge your mirror
Cleanse the mirror using sage, sage incense, or patchouli incense. Pass it multiple times over the smoke, focusing on cleansing the mirror. After you cleanse it, do not let it catch your reflection. While you work on preparing your candle in the next step, set it up in front of a photo of the person you are sending back to. If you do not have a photo, meditate on the person's face, visualizing them. Make sure you have a strong, clear image of them in your mind's eye. While you do this, sit to the side of the mirror so your reflection isn't caught. When you are ready, project the image of the person into the mirror. If you don't know who it is, meditate on the negative energy you are feeling and then visualize it bouncing off the mirror and going back where it came from.
Dress your candle
Combine your herbs into a bowl, saying out loud your intent for each ingredient.
"I add pepper, to banish your attack,
I add garlic, to exorcise you from me,
I add black salt, to repel your energy from me,
I add cloves, to turn you away from me
And I add ginger, for a speedy return back to you of your intent towards me."
Heat up the candle (on a pan on the stove or in the oven on low heat) so that the wax is liquified. Sprinkle your herb mixture into the wax.
Now, get your mirror and draw in the center the rune Naudhiz/Nyd (below)
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I've always seen Nyd as a binding rune, which I am using here to bind the return of the negative energy of the sender to them. However, use whatever binding symbol or rune you see fit. Just don't use a protection rune because that could actually protect the wrong person.
Now, place your candle on top of the mirror, over the rune, and light the candle.
The spell
Here, your will must be strong. Meditate on the candle flame and focus on your intent to send the energy of the sender back to them. Manifest it going back to them three times stronger than it was when they sent it your way. Whenever they think of you with ill will, they will feel anxious. If they think themselves better than you, they will feel beneath you. If they have hexed or cursed you, that magick will come back to haunt them. If they've gotten between you and someone else, their own relationships will fall apart. Whatever trouble they've caused to you and yours, they will feel in their own life.
After your conviction is unwavering, say the incantation:
"Negative energy sent my way,
The mirror reflects, the sender repays.
Evil that was sent to me,
Returns to where it came times three.
As above, so below,
As I will it, so mote it be."
Let the candle burn down until it is finished, then discard the remnants away from your house. You can cleanse the mirror and keep it, but ensure it is thoroughly cleansed with multiple methods like sage, sunlight, or salt. Be sure to thoroughly cleanse your space as well.
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witchyasshole · 2 years
reblog if you’re gay and love plants
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witchyasshole · 2 years
’On Fire’ Confidence Spell 🔥
a candle spell for self-confidence, fearlessness and boldness
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🔥 gather: celery leaves, thyme, red ribbon, an orange candle
🔥 wrap the candle with the red ribbon
🔥 light the candle
🔥 burn leaves and thyme in the flame
🔥 concentrate on absorbing the vibrant energy from the candle.
🔥 when satisfied, blow the candle out. 
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witchyasshole · 2 years
The Lemon Hex
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For when someone has REALLY done you dirty and you just need a quick and powerful burst of baneful energy. This one is powerful, fast-acting, and short-lived, by nature it can really f a person up and can't be undone/reversed once you've cast it. As always, practice responsibly and be safe!
What You Need
A lemon (naturally.)
A knife to help handle said lemon
A leaf or piece of paper with your target's name/identifying info on it (taglock)
Ginger/Cayenne Pepper to help empower/speed up the spell. Both preferred, but just one can do.
Salt/Black Pepper, good baseline ingredients for most hexes
Anything nasty or spicy you can think of. Hot sauces/peppers, old vegetable juices, lint/dust, dish scum, you name it.
Important note: This is not a spell you want to use needles, nails, or other hard things in. Keep it soft and organic if you can. You'll see why.
Throughout all of this, I find hexes to be a good opportunity to speak your mind, let the target know exactly how they fucked up and how this is the consequence of their actions.
Prepare your taglock and cut an opening in your lemon. Give it some room in the middle.
Roll up or stuff the taglock inside the lemon alongside all of the other ingredients. Be sure to add the ginger and cayenne for best results.
Once it's all in there, give it a little roll/squeeze to make sure those lemon juices permeate all the nasty insides. Let the citrus sting and the spices burn, let the grossness reflect the grossness they've wrought on your own life being sent back.
Chop the whole thing into pieces in preparation for the next step.
Once you're ready, chuck it into the garbage disposal.
If you don't have a garbage disposal, a blender with some liquid should work too. You could even continue using nasties like lemon or pickle juice.
Your lemon is now ground up and liquefied. Dispose of the remains however you please.
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witchyasshole · 3 years
like half my personality is just symptoms
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witchyasshole · 3 years
“I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself, to give birth to a dancing star.”
— Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
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