witchylovess · 14 days
Oh to live in a weird little town with gloomy weather and strange weird sounds in the woods and hushed whispers about strange sightings and an alarming amount of hauntings and a concerning amount of eye motifs and a library with conveniently placed section for everything that's relevant to the mystery and cloaked figures sneaking around and the occasional uncanny person and weird notes and maps and books and stuff being found around the town and oh to live in a weird little town with a mystery
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witchylovess · 14 days
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witchylovess · 23 days
I want to make him the happiest he’s ever been
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witchylovess · 2 months
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witchylovess · 3 months
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☽ 𝔊𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔠 𝔞𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔱𝔦𝔠 (x) ☾
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witchylovess · 8 months
lets out a single agonized bloodcurdling scream but doesnt elaborate on why and just walks it off
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witchylovess · 11 months
i go to bed. i am consumed by overwhelming loneliness. i stare at the ceiling. i long for something i can't name. i question if i'm real. i see a funny little meme on my phone and laugh. hysterically for several minutes. i get too invested in an unrealistic fantasy. i pass out around three.
via seashellronan
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witchylovess · 1 year
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— Jean-Paul Sartre, from “Nausea.”
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witchylovess · 1 year
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Joan Tierney Why Are You Haunted? / @/oceaii (tumblr) / Liv Ullmann Changing / The Elektra Complex / Rosario Castellanos Monologue of a Foreign Woman from "Meditation on the Threshold: A Bilingual Anthology of Poetry / unknown / @/violentcherries (tumblr) / @/nutnoce (tumblr) / Jean-Paul Sartre Nausea / unknown
i. Joan Tierney Why Are You Haunted? [ "This haunting is architectural. It is not about you. It is about where you are. There are bones in the foundation. This house is a graveyard. This house is a corpse. You are inside the corpse. That makes you the maggot." ]
ii. @/oceaii (tumblr) [ Black and white illustration of a deer. The deer looks forwards in the first panel and turns back to face the audience in the second panel. "Turn and face / the person you've become." ]
iii. Liv Ullmann Changing [ "I will never forget the loneliness I knew as a child. For a period in my life I hid behind a mask. Did not want to acknowledge any longing. / Now it is a part of me-something I can share. / Both the loneliness and the longing." ]
iv. The Elektra Complex [ "If you were to peel the skin of me apart as a fig's, you would finally understand. I am my mother's daughter. From poisoned seeds sprout poisoned fruits." ]
v. Rosario Castellanos Monologue of a Foreign Woman [ "I didn't want / to be the dead star / that uses borrowed light to survive." ]
vi. unknown [ Black and white illustration of two deer. They are both labeled with words. The deer in the background says "just be." The deer in the foreground replies "just being is the hardest part." ]
vii. @/violentcherries (tumblr) [ "the environment you are not thriving in is not yours forever / IT'S OKAY TO LEAVE / ... / IT'S OKAY to abandon the things you used to love" ]
viii. @/nutnoce (tumblr) [ Black and white illustration of a scorpion doing chores. It's tail just barely curls over the front of a clothes line. Various pairs of socks hang from the clothes line. It stands before a bucket with more clothes inside. "I come from the toughest, meanest place you can imagine. / I want to be gentle, I want to die gently, but / It seems that when life gets hard / I have to get harder to match." ]
ix. Jean-Paul Sartre Nausea [ "I am going to outlive myself. Eat, sleep, sleep, eat. Exist slowly, softly, like these trees, like a puddle of water, like the red bench in the streetcar." ]
x. unknown [ "1. Man is a MORAL animal. / 2. You can get human beings to do anything - IF you can convince them it is moral. / 3. You can convince human beings that anything is moral." ]
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witchylovess · 1 year
We couldn't speak about my childhood without me getting angry. It puzzled her. What had she not done? What had she not given? A sense of rightness, a sense of self. It was nothing when you had it. You hardly noticed it. But once it was missing, it was like a sliver of fruit on a long sea voyage, the difference between bleeding gums and survival.
— Chibundu Onuzo, Sankofa
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witchylovess · 1 year
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Bloodsport - Yves Olade / Aleksandra Waliszewska / Every Single Night - Fiona Apple / Eat (2014) / Heavy Balloon - Fiona Apple / Ana Teresa Barboza / Dark Places - Gillian Flynn / Game of Thrones / x / Much Ado About Nothing - Shakespeare / Angelica Carnis - Mark Ryden / Ashley - Halsey / Johnny Panic & The Bible Of Dreams: Short Stories, Prose And Diary Excerpts - Sylvia Plath / Gold Satin Dreamer - Nicole Dollanganger / Brain Damage / Jessica Harrison / Blood Roses - Tori Amos / Riot Poof - Tori Amos / Michelle Pfeiffer (Solo Version) - Ethel Cain / 🥩
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witchylovess · 1 year
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witchylovess · 2 years
“Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All that blood was never once beautiful. It was always just red.”
— Kait Rokowski
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witchylovess · 2 years
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Goddess of the hearth, home, sacrificial flame, hospitality, and the eternal warmth within us all
"Hestia, in the high dwellings of all, both deathless gods and men who walk on earth, you have gained an everlasting abode and highest honor: glorious is your portion and your right. For without you mortals hold no banquet, —where one does not duly pour sweet wine in offering to Hestia both first and last. And you, Slayer of Argus, Son of Zeus and Maia, messenger of the blessed gods, bearer of the golden rod, giver of good, be favorable and help us, you and Hestia, the worshipful and dear. Come and dwell in this glorious house in friendship together; for you two, well knowing the noble actions of men, aid on their wisdom and their strength. Hail, Daughter of Cronos, and you also, Hermes, bearer of the golden rod!"
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witchylovess · 2 years
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witchylovess · 3 years
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Edith Sitwell / Ryan O'Connell / André Gide / Virginia Woolf / H.G. Wells
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witchylovess · 3 years
Alien with a universal translator decides to test it on a cat.
Alien: Hello cat.
Cat: Hello strange-cat.
Alien: why do you call me strange-cat? I am an alien.
Cat: Everything is either cat, strange-cat, not-cat, or not-food.
Alien: I am not-cat.
Cat: Not-cat is food!
Alien: NO! I am Not-food!
Cat: You bigger than me, but you is not trying to eat me. You is very strange not-food. You say you is not-food, then you is not-food. You sure you not strange-cat? You act like strange-cat.
Alien: Nevermind. Can I ask you a question about your owner?
Cat: don't know this word.
Alien: The strange-cat you live with.
Cat: Yes, that is my strange-cat. I take care of them. We play. We sleep. They groom me and make me happy. They can do many things. They are a clever strange-cat. But they dont know how to hunt. Poor strange-cat starve without hunting. So I hunt them food. I bring them food. They share food. They are a good strange-cat, even if they don't know how to hunt.
Alien: Is that why you bring mice and birds to them?
Cat: I see not-cat. I hunt not-cat. I have food for me and my strange-cat.
Alien: But you don't need to do that.
Cat: I do. Me and Strange-cat would starve if I didnt hunt.
Alien: No, look, when your strange-cat takes away your not-cat, and they give food later, dont you ever see that it doesnt look, or smell like the thing you caught?
Cat: My strange-cat is clever. Even if they don't know how to hunt. They take the not-cat and make food.
Alien: Dont you ever notice that you always get the same amount of food even though it's been days, or weeks, since you last caught a little rat, or tiny bird?
Cat: You say many strange words Not-Food. I hunt not-cat. I bring hunt to my strange-cat to show them how to hunt. They take my hunt and they don't hunt, because they are strange-cat. But they make food, because they are clever strange-cat.
Alien: Your strange-cat is called a human. They are powerful predators. They can survive many dangerous things. They are perfectly capable of looking after themselves. They are the ones who look after you! They get the food, not you!
Cat: You are very silly Not-Food. If this is true, why do I need to hunt for them?
*Cat leaves because it is time to go eat with their Strange-cat*
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