withay 6 months
never really noticed before how TWELVE percy鈥檚 quest companion choices are. its his best friend and that one bossy girl that seems to know whats going on. peak group project in middle school choices
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withay 6 months
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withay 6 months
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Having a blast designing sea prince Percy outfits :))
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withay 6 months
seeing people consider their own critical thinking skills in response to Plagiarism and You(tube), i'd like to share the SOAPSTone analysis framework i learned in AP lang & comp.
Speaker: who is this person? what are their credentials? any obvious motivations, personal or financial?
Occasion: when did the speaker say/write this thing? yesterday? a decade ago? was it for a specific event, or perhaps part of a larger series?
Audience: who did the speaker expect their message to reach? a certain age group? a specific fanbase? people with certain political opinions?
Purpose: why did the speaker say/write what they did on this occasion? what did they want the audience to think or do in response to their message?
Subject: what is the speaker talking about? is there a reason to take them seriously on this topic? why did they bring it up on this occasion?
Tone: how did the speaker choose to address their target audience? as a friend? a supplicant? an authority? why did the speaker choose this tone?
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withay 7 months
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You can鈥檛 escape the dodgeball of prophecy.
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withay 8 months
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Wanted to draw some other Apollos 馃幎馃徆
I don't remember much from Blood of Zeus but Apollo's design slayed so I had to include him
And Apollo's design from Hades II is soooo good, can't wait to play the game.
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withay 8 months
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withay 9 months
not being dramatic i promise but this is actually the best exchange i鈥檝e ever read
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withay 9 months
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Off to college!!!
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withay 9 months
I think people get mixed up a lot about what is fun and what is rewarding. These are two very different kinds of pleasure. You need to be able to tell them apart because if you don't have a balanced diet of both then it will fuck you up, and I mean that in a "known cause of persistent clinical depression" kind of way.
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withay 10 months
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Just some tartarus memes inspired by my reread <3
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withay 10 months
Shocked how many people think you can just turn on a computer and leave it on for weeks or months or years and never turn it off and it'll be fine. Computers need their sleep, and sleep mode does not count
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withay 10 months
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Saw this post and was suddenly overcome by the urge to draw them <3 they make me so unbelievably sad
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withay 10 months
I haven't seen anyone mention it yet but the Percy Jackson live action series is coming out Dec 20, 2023.
And that's the winter solstice.
Someone remind me, when did the lightning bolt get stolen in the first book?
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withay 10 months
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Apollo and Artemis :D This is part of a drawing I'm working on, but I like their designs, especially Artemis'
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withay 11 months
i hate seeing people now making fun of those who care about privacy online. i've seen people saying things like "well they already have your data. what are companies going to do with it" and it's like, that's not the point. it's that companies /shouldn't/ be able to have my data and sell it. am i aware they probably already have my data? yes, absolutely. but i'm still going to try and keep them from monetizing it any further, why are we defending companies selling data they shouldn't have to begin with though?
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withay 11 months
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聽Butterfly gown by聽Chung Tranh Phong
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