withjake-blog · 1 year
After the battle
Hey hey hey ! I AM SOOO HAPPY to come back here for a new story about our favorite duskwood couple I named : Jaaaake annnd Mccc(me). The story that you're gonna read takes place after Richy and Jessy phone each other in the tunnels.
There will only be 2 points of view. The first is mine. I don't know if I would do other chapters of this one, this story is mostly about what I would have done I was in the game. Good ! We can start I think :)
Genre : Romance, violence, mystery
Warning : spoil ep 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mc pov :
It happened too fast. It shouldn't have happened. Why? Why did he do that? We could have talked about finding a solution. I had forgiven him!
The only thing left was the fire. I can't leave my phone. A solution, I needed a solution. I have to go see them.
But you made a promise.
But they need me! I was desperately looking for a bag in my vast apartment. Shit. Shit. Shit !
-Where is it ! I scream
A bark made my head spin. It was Whisky my dog, he has my travel bag in his mouth.
-Good boy !
I run to take the bare necessities and I take the first ticket for Duskwood. Only six hours away, okay. I'm sorry Jake, but I have to do it. I take Whisky with me and I grab my phone.
-Here we go my baby.
Jake pov :
I am stuck. Between one of the tunnel exits, the river and two agents. Okay Jake, think twice. If they catch me I'm finished.
And you made a promise
Yes. Well I have to attract one to me to knock him out. It will give me more chances to go into the water and go through the forest. But if I do that my hardware will be damaged.
Ok. So we improvise.
I took a stone to throw it towards one of them, he turned around and came towards me. It was dark, so I was able to go behind him and nudge him behind the head, without making a sound I took off his uniform and put it on. His colleague who was talking on the phone doesn't pay attention to me. Quad I was far enough I started running in the forest even if I didn't know where I was going. Behind me I heard dogs barking. Shit ! I ran even faster but I heard it getting closer and closer to me fortunately I fell on a road and I stopped one of the cars passing by to get into it.
-Get started !
The person who was driving rushes towards the city and luckily for me, the agents had probably lost me in the forest. I took a moment to breathe but when I turned my head I saw a familiar face staring at me like I was a ghost. Wait a minute?
-Dan !
-But who the fuck are you?! He shouted
-And why did you jump in my car ? said a female voice to me
-Cleo ? I say shocked
What a crazy coincidence
-How do you know our name ? Who are you ? she ask me
I take the hood off my hoodie so they can see my face.
-My name is Jake. I say seriously
Cleo braked suddenly and Dan put his hands on his head.
-Jake ?! they both screamed
-We don't have much time for presentation, i need you to get me away from here.
-Was it really Richy ? Dan ask me
-What are you talking about ?
-Jessy... Jessy was crying before we left for Duskwood, she said it was him and then she locked herself in a room. Cleo answers me
-So that was him... He is the one who started all this, but how? And why ?
-We don't know more than you. As usual it is Mc who has the answers to our questions. But she answers none of our calls and messages. Dan tells me
Mc... I hope she don't do what I think she wants to do.
Mc pov
Five hours after Jake escaped.
One more hour until I get to Duskwood. I was on a bus after taking a train, Whiskey was sleeping next to me, but I couldn't. I kept crying thinking about Richy and Jessy. I thought that after I found Hannah, everything would be easier. But it only got worse. I didn't even know what to do when I arrived.
The bus stopped at the penultimate stop, Moonvale. I think I'll go see Alan Bloomgate first like I promised him if he was going to save Hannah.
-Everyone get off, last stop Duskwood !
-Come on come Whisky, we've arrived.
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Yeah it was short ;) I wrote it just for fun and because I missed Jake...
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withjake-blog · 1 year
MC : WOW why do you sing this song ?
Jake : 'Cause last night we...
MC : OMG shut up !
Jessy and Dan who don't understand
Jessy : What are you two talking about ?
Dan : OH GOD, THEY...
MC and Jake : SHUT THE F UP DAN !
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withjake-blog · 1 year
JakexfemMC, Phil and Jessy, Dan, Lilly and Hannah, Thomas Cleo…
Jake left MC for 3 months to run away from the FBI without telling her. He comes back but things have changed a lot, especially her.
Jake’s pov :
I'm back After three months on the run, I was back.
Will she be happy to see me again? Is she angry? And… Does she still love me? So many questions whose answers were in his hands I know it won't be easy to be forgiven, but I was so scared that something would happen to her, well, I don't know how to explain it to myself.
I was heading to the Aurora to see Hannah and Thomas first, I know she's there because it was Friday noon and they were always going there at this time. But it's strange Duskood seemed changed, as if there was hatred in the air, a tense atmosphere between everyone
But I paid no more attention
As I walked inside, Phil's waiter recognized me and stopped to look at me with shock and then with disgust. He rushed behind the locker rooms. Weird. Usually he comes to greet me.
- Oh no, Jake ?
-Hannah ! Good to see you !
-Why are you here ?
-What is that question ? I answer her with humor, I'm back, aren't you happy to see me again ?
-No ! I mean yeah but…
-You shouldn't have come back, said Thomas who looked sad to see me
What's going on?
-Jake it's
-So it's true, he's back! interrupts a voice that was familiar to me
-When she finds out she's gonna kill him, she sneered
-Who ?
-How who ? Mc of course, wait a minute! Doesn't he know? Haha! It's even better !
-Not aware of what exactly?
-You'll see little hacker… See you in hell!
And she left as fast as she came
-Hannah? You explain to me ?
-I do not believe you
-And yet it's the strict truth Jake, after your departure Mc freaked out she was mad at you. It created stories in the group, Jessy, Dan and Lilly are on her side Cleo didn't take sides and this story even touched the city because half of them felt sorry for her, today it's a little she who controls Duskwood.
-So you're telling me that Mc, my girlfriend, started some kind of war? Between the people here and half want me dead? it must be a joke
-But it's the truth Jake! shouted Thomas, you're in danger man, you broke his heart! She went to the hospital for two days because of a bout of panic, and she didn't eat for days or sleep for a month!
It's like I've been stabbed a hundred times, did I do that?
-Where is she now? I will go see her
-Not a good idea, she won't listen to you anymore, even we don't know where she is, but tonight she'll come as usual, especially now that she knows you're there.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mc pov :
I am in pain I have been suffering for three months But I've also been preparing for revenge for three months, I wanted him to suffer as much as me, no, more than me. Even if I missed her smell, her body and her presence more than anything. A tear ran down my cheek, I quickly wiped it away when I heard Jessy coming.
-What ? I tell her hostilely
-He's there
-Who ?
-Santa ! Jake you idiot!
-Pardon ? He dared to repoint himself asshole?
-Who's the asshole, come in Dan while drinking a beer
-Haha he dared?
-What are you going to do ? asked Lilly
Obviously breaking his heart
~~10 hours later~~
Jake pov :
-What do I look like ?
-Of a guy who wants his girl back, Thomas tells me
-Do you know you're gonna die?
-And you know she hates you?
-Where there is hate there is love
-Aren't you coming Thomas?
-To be killed by her? No thanks. But take pictures for me! If you're still alive…
I had sweaty palms, what if they were right? What if she really doesn't want me anymore?
You'll never know if you hesitate
Ok then here we go
There were a lot of people tonight, but not this woman with golden curls and sapphire blue eyes, brown freckles and luscious red lips. No. Where was she?
Mc pov :
Everyone pissed me off. Where was that man with black hair? Ocean blue eyes and thin, pink lips. I wanted to see him so badly. Another thing, finally someone caught my eye, Phil… Without even realizing it, my body moved towards him, he was in front of the stage talking to the musicians, he finally saw me and trotted towards me too. Instinctively he grabbed my hips and kissed me like his life depended on it, I deepened our kiss. When he stopped I felt a void.
-Hi you
-I missed you today
Without me even being able to realize it, a glass crashed on his head and he fell backwards.
-Don't touch my wife, you fucking bastard.
Jake pov :
I had been looking for her absolutely everywhere for minutes and on purpose I bumped into a guy
-Oh sorry man I'm looking for… Dan?!
-Holy shit, hacker boy?! What are you doing here son of…
-Wow calm! I'm looking for Mc
-And you think you deserve to see it? After leaving like a thief?
I dream otherwise it is not possible. She wasn't kissing Phil Hawkins. Because she had told me that he didn't count but that me so logically she shouldn't be doing it, right?
Uncontrollably and ignoring Dan's words, I walked over to them glass in hand and smashed it on his son of a bitch skull.
-Don't touch my wife, you fucking bastard.
As I walked back to her, she aimed a gun at me, what?
-Shut up
-Mc put your
-SHUT UP Tears ran down her rosy cheeks, her hands were shaking and I felt her heart beating a thousand miles an hour.
-Mc calm down and put that gun down
-Otherwise what ?
And then she pulled close to my ear, and there, black hole
-Jake ? Wake up !
I heard a distant voice calling me.
-I am dead ?
-No not yet bro
-What happened?
-Thomas and I were worried about you so we came to get you, you were on the ground with Phil and we took you home. What happened ?
I explained everything to her
-But are you crazy?!
-She is my girlfriend !
-Uhm, you gave her up Jake
-Thanks, I know !
-What I mean is she's been dating Phil for two months and everyone thinks they're a couple now.
-You all think wrong!
First you will have to pass me on the body
Part 2 ? I wrote all this really quickly so sorry for the boredom or the spelling mistakes!!! Hope you having fun !🫶🏽
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withjake-blog · 2 years
started : 10/11/22
last update : 10/07/23
total works : 3
Couple life(JakexfemMc)
After the battle/part1
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withjake-blog · 3 years
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My new wallpaper, do you approve?
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withjake-blog · 3 years
Phil: A pessimist sees a dark tunnel.
Jessy: An optimist sees light at the end of the tunnel.
Jake: A realist sees a freight train.
MC: The train driver sees three idiots standing on the tracks.
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