withloverousselle ¡ 9 months
Christmas Au! ☃️🤍
! Strictly Gunter x Rylee !
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It’s the second day of Christmas! The festive jolly season of the year that everyone had been looking forward, the snow that has been falling which brings so much joy to everyone, to be able share their warmth with their families, friends and partners.. “Wow, It’s already the second day of Christmas. Everyone seemed to have so much fun…” Gunter let out a small sigh as he puts down his phone after scrolling down the timeline, watching everyone enjoying their holidays with their loved ones while he’s currently in a tropical country, scorching hot most of the time despite of being in Christmas month.
Without wasting any time, he pick up his phone again before snapping some photos of the two inseparable duo. “Dang, my camera skill is so rusty. Even my great grand grandpa who own 10 dogs could took a better shot than this for sure” He eventually rise up from his seat and moves closer to them, his legs are stretches from an end to an end so he could match the level of the adorable furries as he clicks multiple of shots before getting a good one. “Aha!!-“ He almost shout it out loud, forgetting the pets are sleeping before he quickly taps his lips as he quickly returns to his seat. “This is definitely an oscar-worthy shot to be shown in an art gallery” He spew out some words even-though there’s indeed, no oscar award for photography. “Mhm hm hm mhm” He sends out the pictures to the person he has been thinking about as he hums happily at the couch, just having the thought of her replying excitedly to him makes him feel happy enough.
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‘this you & me’
To his surprise, his phone chimes shortly afterwards indicating the girl has replied but, he looks at the text in confusion. “Huh, What does she means by ‘Open up the door!!!!’ like what door—“ His words has been cut off in the middle as the ring bell has been heard across the room, definitely in confusion as he is not expecting any guest at the moment. “They said, they’ll be back on 28th aren’t they.. Well!maybe, there’s a package that has been delivered for them”, He thoughts optimistically, walking his way towards the door before being greeted with a surprise by the presence of someone who he has been missing the most.
“BABY! SURPRISEEEEEEEEE!!” The girl throws her hands up as she greets him with a big smile upon meeting him at the doorstep. “BABY?!!?!!!!?!! What are you doing here?!- I mean, how are you here and and, like?! how did you even know i’m here—“ As the younger guy was taken aback by the big grand surprise, he chokes on the tears which are filling up his dearly eyes.
“Baby?.. Are you.. crying?!!?!!” She panickly hurries towards him as she cups his face, gently wiping the little tears dropping onto his cheek with a small frown on her face.
“Why why why? Why are you crying, mhm? I’m sorry that I came here without a notice, I was just thinking to spend the Christmas with you here as you’ve no one to celebrate with today and, jackie gives away your runabout to me sooooooo don’t cry, please?”, She explains carefully as she look at him with such a worry face before he pulls the small girl into a tight hug, burrowing himself in the embrace.
“Aaaaaaaaaaaa seriously, how could you come out of nowhere!! I was totally taken aback by it!! I wanted to show you my cool sides instead of crying infront of you, ueeee”, He stomps his feet slightly as he complains about the whole situation, meanwhile the girl who was taken by surprise due to the sudden hug let out a laughter before she ruffles the back of his hair.
“Baby!! I thought I did something wrong but that’s all you’ve been thinking about?! Gosh, you reallyyyy..” Rylee sigh softly as a smile creeps out on her face while her hands are all wrapped up around his body. “So, I’m here now. Are you not letting me to see your beautiful face?” Teasing playfully, knowing the younger guy is too embarrassed to face her now.
“No. Nope. Never.” He puffs as he snuggles onto her bare neck, hiding his red face in the tiny spot. “Oh come onn, can I see my beautiful dearest adorable little baby?” She giggles a little as she feels ticklish due to his action before she pokes the side of his waist which makes him jolt up straight away. “Baby, that’s a foul!” His face forms a pouts while his hands are still around her tiny waist before the pout has been kissed by the tiny girl shortly afterwards. “Was it? Was it?” She keeps on teasing him playfully while planting kisses all over his face. Gunter, who feels frustrated with the whole situation suddenly pulls her into a deep kiss, biting her lips a little bit too hard as a revenge before pulling away from the kiss. “There, that will certainly shut you up.” Rylee was literally standing in shock before she hits his chest softly in order to hide her shy face. “God, You can’t just do that?!!?”
“Oh yeah? I did and, I just did” Gunter sticks out his tongue playfully as he looks at the woman of her dream infront of him. “I used to dream a day like this, I still couldn’t believe you’re here, literally here, in my arms”
He pulls her into a hug once again but this time, he kisses the crown of her head. “aaaaaa baby, I miss you”, he confesses as he rest his chin on her head.
“I know, I miss you too my baby.”, she snuggles into his warm embrace despite of the hot weather outside before she remembers something, “Oh!! I’ve another surprise for you!”
Gunter slightly tilts his head in response but letting her out from the embrace, watching her rummaging around in her luggage. “Do i have to like.. close my eyes or something?”, He asked.
“Yeah! Yeah!! Close your eyes, baby!!”, he immediately follows her instruction as he waits patiently before she ask him to open it shortly afterwards. “Surprise!!”, there she was, Rylee with a big bow on top of her head, grinning from ear to ear at him, receiving an adorable laughter from Gunter as reaction. “Merry Christmas, my dearest baby Gunter Schafer. And uhm, happy first month to us! And! And! I’ve got a gift card for you to read here!”, she points on the gift card that she has attached on her right shoulder but before he could’ve reached out for it, she stops him with her hand out.
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Your Christmas’ Present 🎀
“I’m sorry that I couldn’t prepare anything beforehand, how could I redeem myself for this unfortunate fault of mine?”, the thin line of his lips falls into a frown as he look at him with a pair of such a cute pleading eyes, praying he’ll be able to get away from this.
Rylee pretends that she’s got hurt badly due to his lack of preparation before she comes out with an idea, “Well.. there’s this one thing you could do and it doesn’t require anything”
He looks at her with a curiosity, “Hm? What is it?”
She took his hand and rushes over under the mistletoe before tapping on her lips with her index fingers, indicating an action he should be doing as she form a sly smiles on her lips. “Whoops, seems like we’ve have to kiss now since we’re under the mistletoe and a kiss shall solve everything.”, she giggles afterwards.
Gunter who just watches his girlfriend’s action, let out a laughter before he moves closely to her. “You really, just making this up so you could receive a kiss right?”, his question was answered by her small grins before he slowly pressed his plump lips against her soft pink lips which has been returned the favour of the kiss by her as she kiss him back deeply. The room has been filled with a warm atmosphere as he push her slowly to the nearest couch, making her sitting on top of him. She notices on how this is escalating well but she decided to break the kiss softly before leaving a kiss mark on his cheek. “I’m sorry, unfortunately the kids are watching, we should make it PG-13 as it is”, she sticks out her tongue playfully as points at the adorable duo that has woke up from their deep slumber before she hears a loud groans from the man. “I wasn’t !! even!! doing anything!!”, he tries to defend himself with a very red face, trying to control his cool as he brushes her hair softly to take the gift card message in order to read it.
“Alright alright, I won’t tease you again” She laughs in response, before she leans her head down against his chest, snuggling up in his arms once again as he holds her closely to him before reading her gift card.
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🔖 Little note from me to you.
With that, the two of them spends the whole evening cuddling up together, making them the new inseparable duo. Gunter wouldn’t imagine that he would be able to spend the day with his lover but, he is grateful enough that she’s here by his side.
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