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ocarina of time: adulthood
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i love cloud yelling at seph
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FFXiVWrite 2022
Prompt 22: Veracity Word Count: 1,895 words
((I actually didn’t intend to participate in FFXIV Write this year due to time constraints, but this idea had been floating around in my head since the start of Endwalker. It’s the canon story of how Joey became… well, you’ll see. Some Endwalker spoilers. I didn’t get a chance to edit this so it’s rough. I also still can’t write short to save my life. orz))
‘Can’t sleep…’
The boat rocked softly amid the gentle night waves. Underneath the deck, tucked away in the cargo hold, Joey huddled in a fetal position with his back against the wall. His short, stubby fingers pushed a pressure point in each opposite hand two fingers below his wrist–a point he had been told alleviated motion sickness, but did little to soothe his nausea. So much for the fabled ocean bands.
He gave up his futile endeavor a half hour after he began. His hands wrapped around his short legs and instead, he bathed himself in the warm glow of a simple healing spell. A gentle green glow enveloped him. Small orbs of aether hovered around him, slowly rising in the air, taking with them the discomfort that rattled within his stomach. At the very least, steadied his vestibular system somewhat.
‘Should’ve cured in the first place.’ Joey thought. ‘Can’t believe I forgot the number one rule of thumb–that magic can do anything. Of course magic can do anything. I must feel worse than I thought.’
Glancing to the side, Joey watched Alphinaud–or specifically, Alphinaud’s shoulder. The young elezen had nodded off into slumber, with Alisaie’s head nestled on her brother’s shoulder. Joey smiled softly. Nice to see the siblings did get along once in awhile. At least between the three of them, someone had to be sleeping.
Azrael… Azrael…
Joey’s eyes widened. A woman’s voice? And why did she call specifically for a name of which no one cared to ask?
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"nooo you can't use it/its pronouns!! i wont use those for you, they're dehumanizing!!" bold of you to assume im human
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I’m curious about this: to all of you who play depressed characters, how did they survive the Final Days without transforming?
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In this human age, the people of Liyue must find a way to overcome this crisis on our strength alone!
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A soul that carries empathy is a soul which has survived enormous pain.
Unknown (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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See you in Endwalker!
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According to legend, the guandao was invented by the famous general Guan Yu during the early 3rd century AD, hence the name. It is said that he specified its form and size to be made by a smithy, and was uniquely able to wield such an imposing weapon due to his large stature and legendary strength. Guan Yu’s guandao was called “Green Dragon Crescent Blade” (青龍偃月刀, Qīnglóng yǎnyuèdāo) which weighed 82 Chinese jin (estimated either at 18.263 kg or 48.38 kg—a Han Dynasty jin was 222.72 grams in the metric system, while the jin used in the Ming Dynasty—during which the Romance of the Three Kingdoms was written—was about 590 grams). 
  A guandao is a type of Chinese pole weapon that is used in some forms of Chinese martial arts. In Chinese, it is properly called a yanyuedao (偃月刀; lit. “reclining moon blade”), the name under which it always appears in texts from the Song to Qing dynasties such as the Wujing Zongyao and Huangchao Liqi Tushi. It is comparable to the Japanese naginata and the European fauchard or glaive and consists of a heavy blade with a spike at the back and sometimes also a notch at the spike’s upper base that can catch an opponent’s weapon. In addition there are often irregular serrations that lead the back edge of the blade to the spike. The blade is mounted atop a 1.5 m to 1.8 m (5–6 foot) long wooden or metal pole with a pointed metal counter weight used to balance the heavy blade and for striking on the opposite end.
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Control Flames
cantrip transmutation
Sorcerer, Wizard
gif source
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How is your Soul perceived?
the analyzing heart
you have the soul of an intellect. you like to figure out how things work, you want to take them apart and put them back together again. you strive for answers and you're not afraid to ask the difficult questions. one day you'll have to learn to accept not everything can be explained away. it's okay to let your heart bleed. it's okay to let your soul long for impossible things. the most incredible mysteries are the ones that are never solved, but merely felt.
(Quiz here!)
This is pretty much Joey in a nutshell. He likes to analyze and understand everything. On the one hand, this helps him on the battlefield to analyze combat situations and determine solutions - even some outside the box answers, to come up with new magic spells on his own, and possibly see ulterior motives from others. On the other hand, he tends to overthink things to the point that even a simple conversation, he thinks of at least ten different possible answers and outcomes before he finally says something. Some say it’s anxiety, others say it’s his trust issues, and they are right. But I think for all the trouble he causes, he’s saved many a situation in and outside of battle.
On the flip side, the description is also accurate in that he has a hard time understanding or processing his emotions. He feels but he doesn’t understand why he feels that way. Though most people wonder why he’s the way he is, leading him to analyze anyway. What a cycle.
Tagged by: Myself! ... there are only 4 people following this Tumblr. I feel like I can be a little more selfish here. >_>
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reblog and tag if your avatar can commit arson
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Reblogging this old entry here since I was thinking about this for the past while.
FFXIVwrite2018 #13 - Results
Word Count - 550
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Beyond the world of mortals, beyond the world of any plane of reality, there exists a world of gold. Those who are worthy enough to call themselves strong live here. I’ve never been there personally, but I’ve seen the door to this world many times. It’s a place I can never reach.
A place where I don’t belong.
Sorry. I’m not making much sense, am I? I’ll make an analogy.
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