withoutlightning · 8 years
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withoutlightning · 8 years
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star wars trios: the sequel triology
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withoutlightning · 8 years
the signs as i know them
aries: has a great sense of humour. soft voice. strong willed and stubborn. kind. fair. stunning appearance. doesn't talk much about feelings. adventurous. neither angry nor up to a fight 24/7. dreams of starting a family. gets along with people. never insults or hurts others on purpose. is actually quite sensitive.
taurus: master of organization. sometimes a little confused. is stubborn and rarely changes their opinion but always listens to what other people have to say. quiet when lost in thoughts. financial genius. generous. sometimes a little mean. will never let you down. great friend / husband / dad. is actually a great cook but doesn't eat 24/7. does sports and loves nature. is a "wow look at the moon"-person.
gemini: clever. hates boredom. always has a plan b/c/d. cares for their education. talks a lot. sometimes lost in thoughts. tends to overthink. always have a great story to tell. never underestimates others. believes in their friends. always know the answer. is not annoying 24/7. know when to shut up. bright smile. active. loves adventure. never shouting when angry. doesn't let others feel their anger. nature-lover.
cancer: very caring. will ask you how your day has been. invites you to their house to make popcorn and watch your favourite movie/series. very funny. good sense of fashion. is the friend who will take you home when you're drunk. makes sure you're ok. is fascinated by science. lovely eyes. adorable. never loud but always present. emotional but not a cry-baby.
leo: proud and loud. not easily insulted but when they are they roar. knows so many cultures. is interested in new things. can be very soft but won't show it unless they trust you. bright smile. always polite. will be there for you when you need them. unique sense of fashion. hard workers. chatty. always know how to handle a difficult situation. reliable. trustworthy.
virgo: feel much more than they would admit. don't have many friends but would do anything for the friends they have. careful. neither waste money nor time. a little stingy. the friend that feels what you feel. can read your mind sometimes. loves to surprise people. to be avoided when angry. calm down easily. loves to make others smile. sometimes too caring. loyal.
libra: sometimes a little weird. hardworking. sometimes they believe in themselves, sometimes they give up on themselves. aesthetic-lovers. usually very well dressed. polite. interested in art, history and literature. doubt their skills a lot. sometimes a little absent. instead of shouting they don't talk. loves conversations with new people.
scorpio: NOT EVIL AT ALL!! very emotional but never reckless. you can call them at 3am and they will be there for you. sometimes they don't know what to do with all their feelings but they will never let you suffer because of that. the best friends. adorable. stunning look. hard voices, hard souls, soft heart. are interested and show their interest in you and your feelings. will apologize immediately when they see they treated you wrong and they are truly sorry. mysterious. when they trust you they tell you everything. a little revengeful but would never harm others.
sagittarius: hilarious. clever. tell great jokes. are interested and caring. fight issues. don't show their emotions. won't be angry for long. colourful people with colourful minds. somehow they always know what's going on. love to work out. learn languages quite fast. honest.
capricorn: serious people. sometimes very stubborn. well educated. strong. smart. working to achieve their goals. never ever ever give up. never show defeat. don't cry very often. love the sun. good at making friends. do not forgive easily. forgive but don't forget. will remember almost everything they did / heard / said in their lives. loyal. know what they're worth.
aquarius: entertaining. bright personality. you can always spot their voice. has a very emotional part they won't show anyone. can make a bad situation good. great friends. sometimes a little bossy. tend to put on a show. won't mess around. chatty and makes new friends easily and quite often. has many friends but only like 2-3 real friends they would trust with their lives. hate to show when they hurt. very intelligent.
pisces: not crying 24/7. not weak at all. develop crushes easily but get over them very fast. either things don't mean anything to them or they mean the world to them. lost in daydreams but have the brightest fantasy. can be a storm. if they see you treat them wrong they leave. loyal to the people they love. can be revengeful. scheming. knows exactly what people deserve. would never harm anyone who doesn't deserve it. want justice. hard to get. hard to understand. great friends. worth the fight. will hold your hand and go through hell with you. passionate lovers.
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withoutlightning · 8 years
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                                    meet the ultimate poetry saloon
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withoutlightning · 8 years
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Wait for me to come home. - 24/1/16
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withoutlightning · 8 years
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Lightning over Colorado, image credit Joe Randall (via NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day).
Explanation: Have you ever watched a lightning storm in awe? Join the crowd. Oddly, nobody knows exactly how lightning is produced. What is known is that charges slowly separate in some clouds causing rapid electrical discharges (lightning), but how electrical charges get separated in clouds remains a topic of much research. Lightning usually takes a jagged course, rapidly heating a thin column of air to about three times the surface temperature of the Sun. The resulting shock wave starts supersonically and decays into the loud sound known as thunder. Lightning bolts are common in clouds during rainstorms, and on average 44 lightning bolts occur on the Earth every second. Pictured, over 60 images were stacked to capture the flow of lightning-producing storm clouds in July over Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA.
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withoutlightning · 8 years
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You are cordially invited to make history in the wedding of Yuuri and Viktor.
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withoutlightning · 8 years
may your ass get fatter and your heart get wiser in 2017
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withoutlightning · 8 years
the last of the 90s kids turn eighteen in 2017 so it’s time to become….. 90s adults
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withoutlightning · 8 years
Do you have any Stallison fic recs? I only got into this ship recently and I'm not sure where to start
Not really. I know I wrote one, but that was because I like the pairing and because I couldn’t really find all that many Stallison fics to begin with. These are the only ones I know.
the definition of disaster by doctorkaitlyn
Allison’s only been to a few weddings, enough to count on one hand, and none of them had been enjoyable experiences. Sure, the dresses were always gorgeous and sure, she always found herself tearing up in time with the happy couple, but that didn’t make up for the fact that weddings were always long, tedious and hot.
And yet, despite all that, Allison would take any other wedding over the absolute disaster that is Jennifer and Kali’s.
written for the prompt “Stallison + two miserable people meeting at a wedding au.”
you are my only pretense by RonnieMinor
“The first time Stiles sees Allison after the battle with Gerard – in the store, of all places – he’s angry.”
In the aftermath of the showdown with Gerard, things between Stiles and Allison take an unexpected turn.
Sweeter Than Gingerbread by taylorpotato (this one’s incest and endgame Peter/Stiles/Allison)
The saying goes that lovers who commit suicide together start their next life as twins. Perhaps that’s why Stiles and Ally feel the way they do about each other.
Escape by Rrrowr
“You ever thought about getting away from it all?”
Okay, So I’m the Dragon. Big Deal. by orphan_account
She wishes they had been drunk the first time. She wishes it so much she almost believes they were. She very nearly imagines a bottle of wine in the cup holder of her car, stolen from Lydia’s counter when they left the pack meeting. In her head, she flavors the kiss with the smooth redness of one of Lydia’s parents’ better bottles. Later Allison thinks that maybe there was a woozy aftertaste to Stiles’s tongue. It’s possible.
After all, why else would they have done that? Why else would she have said, sitting in her car outside of Lydia’s, “Stiles, you know, you could—if you don’t want to go home—you could come to my place?”
And why else would Stiles have nodded?
Obviously they were drunk when she pressed Stiles back against the wall of the elevator and kissed him. When he kissed her back. Of course they were, because she dated Scott and Stiles is Scott’s best friend.
Of course they were drunk, except they weren’t.
Not even a little bit.
EDIT: inell replied to your post: allirica has written some great Stallison! I’ve done a few, too, though not as great as Allrica’s!
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withoutlightning · 8 years
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withoutlightning · 8 years
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withoutlightning · 8 years
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Fukurōdani Academy’s Volleyball Vice-captain and Setter || Akaashi Keiji
a gift for @kawarou  ☆ insp.
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withoutlightning · 8 years
Hey do you have any Naruto fic recs? 'Cause your wip The World Tree is pretty neato, and I'd love to see what you like within that fandom. Anything in particular that inspired it?
First of all, thank you so much! I’m glad you’re enjoying my story, it means a lot. As for fic recs, I have a TON for the Naruto fandom, but I’ve tried to restrict it to my absolute favorites and the ones that inspired me the most, for the purposes of this ask. I’m always happy to provide more if anyone’s interested!
Also, this got way longer than I intended, so recs are right below!
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withoutlightning · 8 years
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by camiyabi
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withoutlightning · 8 years
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withoutlightning · 8 years
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