withthecherrytrees · 4 years
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withthecherrytrees · 5 years
Visual representation of Crowley trying to seduce Aziraphale
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withthecherrytrees · 5 years
David Tennant Characters Ranked by How Slutty They Were
Tenth Doctor
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10/10 (hehe)
Perfect slut. Fucked the Virgin Queen. Snogged Madame de Pompadour. Flirts with everyone.
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World’s Greatest Lover. A sub. I don’t think this one needs too much explanation.
Peter Vincent
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Only wears leather. Shirtless half the movie. Kissed Anton Yelchin for no reason (okay I would too). Had a bunch of vampires crawling all over him in a slutty manner. Had fake vampire ladies crawling all over him for his tv show. Lives in Las Vegas.
Alec Hardy
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Not a slut, but I’m giving him 1 point for when he awkwardly asked the hotel lady if she wanted to “stay with him” one night.
Peter Carlisle
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Cuckolded David Morrissey. Sang and fucked at the same time. A lot of slutty dancing and singing. Slutty cop.
Scrooge McDuck
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Where do you think he actually got all that cash🤔. Has a money fetish. Got a tail that just won’t stop.
(This post is unfinished and will be completed by @sapphicprinceofice)
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withthecherrytrees · 5 years
Re: that the one tag you put under the Adam and Steve book comic. Crowley indeed can talk to whatever the heck he wants, including god \o/
I love the idea that Crowley’s imagination allows him to accomplish spectacular feats - simply because it never occurs to Crowley that he can’t do them.
- - - - -
I mean, of course plants don’t normally have quite so many feelings - and even if they did, they wouldn’t be quite that good at expressing them. But Crowley remembers a slithering journey through Eden, where everything, including the plants, was vivid - had just a bit more life. And so it really only takes a day - two at most - for the plants Crowley collects to fill his own imitation garden, to start acting just a bit more cognizant.
And despite what Crowley thinks, demons do not come standard issue with the ability to sense their angelic adversaries anywhere on the globe. Honestly, it wouldn’t even be fair.
It’s after Crowley witnesses Aziraphale have not one, but two near discorporations during one of the earlier religious wars (a bloody one which Crowley would really rather not remember), that it occurs to him that the world is a very large place, and that his angelic adversary could be struck down without him even knowing about it. The longer Crowley contemplates it, the more unacceptable the notion becomes - until he realizes that if he closes his eyes and really, really thinks about it, he can feel the angel’s presence flitting about, a spark of white light on a comparatively dim globe.
And so when Crowley offhandedly thinks of Aziraphale one day and senses the angel’s glowing presence in the heart of France (which was inconveniently in the midst of a very bloody revolution, by the way), he expends a month’s worth of demonic miracles in order to teleport across half the globe and into a very dark, very dreary, very angel-occupied prison cell.
And of course, when the world is ending, and Crowley needs to get to Tadfield to reach Aziraphale, he believes rather strongly that a burning Bentley with no tires left to speak of can drive just fine. And so it does.
It all really comes to a head when years later the world does end - or rather, Crowley’s world ends as the occult blade, dark and flame licked, sinks with deadly certainty beneath his angel’s left breast.
It happens during a skirmish - as Aziraphale and Crowley attempt to save humans from a celestial and demonic battle that has spilled over onto earth. In fact, Crowley doesn’t even realize it’s happened. Not at first.
He’s miracling pale, quaking children to safety, and when he finally looks up, Aziraphale is kneeling on war torn earth. Golden, celestial blood drenches his shirt, pooling around him. Aziraphale’s blue eyes burn and he has time to cast a single, agonized look toward Crowley before he goes limp, and eyes rolling back, he falls.
For an infinite moment, reality bends as Crowley circumvents the laws of space and time to catch his angel.
The battle is finished - battles between Heaven and Hell never last long. In the aftermath, a frigid silence has fallen.
And it’s too late, a part of him knows it’s too late, because Aziraphale is quiet, and cold, and so horribly empty where he rests, cradled in Crowley’s shaking arms.
But this is not a truth Crowley can accept. Because if his angel is gone - really and truly gone, then it means the universe is cold, that existence is fundamentally cruel; because Aziraphale is good, and true, and how can a universe without him in it be a part of Her supposedly great plan? Without Aziraphale nothing is great, Crowley thinks, shivering and rocking his angel. Without Aziraphale, nothing is even remotely good.
As Crowley tries to contemplate an existence without his angel, his mind stutters and stalls. He can’t conceive of it - can’t even imagine. No, he doesn’t want to. He refuses. He won’t. He won’t. He won’t. He won’t. He won’t. He won’t. He won’t-
Enough already.
The voice comes from everywhere and nowhere, and Her words press in, forcefully carving space for themselves within Crowley’s mind.
Just this once.
And before Crowley can contemplate the significance of Her words, a soft hand is cradling his tear stained cheek, and Aziraphale, flushed and blinking, stares up at him in wonder.
“My dear, whatever did you do?”
Crowley, bends - curling protectively, reverently around his angel who is warm, and moving, and very much alive.
“Couldn’t imagine a universe without you in it, is all,” Crowley admits, face pressed into Aziraphale’s soft hair.
“Oh,” Aziraphale breathes, and then the angel’s warm fingers are caressing him, brushing away hot tears.
A demon, armed with an abundance of imagination and just a touch of faith is, as it turns out, a power to be reckoned with -
Or - at the very least, a power worthy of annoying a kindhearted god into giving into his demands.
Just this once.
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withthecherrytrees · 5 years
One of my favourite scenes in Good Omens is the nunnery scene— and no, not the part you're thinking— when they go in and Crowley turns all the paintball guns into real ones, because he's just having so much fun with it.
And, what's more, it's very clear that he's not having fun because he's scared the humans. He couldn't care less about that, beyond making sure that nobody's actually hurt. He's having fun because of Aziraphale's reaction.
This is especially clear in the book, where he lets Aziraphale go on thinking that he's actually started a massacre in a nunnery for significantly longer, and is "wretched" when he has to admit the truth. Y'know, because he was clearly having so much fun being a Proper Demon™ doing Actual Evil, but now Aziraphale's getting upset and so he has to confess that it's all basically just one big practical joke.
I dunno, it just makes me think that, while Crowley does secretly value Aziraphale's belief in that "spark of goodness" inside him, he also appreciates having someone in his life who truly sees him as capable of proper demonic behaviour.
Because Hell doesn't really show much appreciation for him. Sure, the higher ups think he's doing good work and send him commendations— but it's very obvious that they're not really keeping track of what he's actually doing, to the extent that her regularly recieves commendations for things he hasn't even done. Meanwhile his coworkers, Hastur and Ligur, accuse him of having 'gone native' and bemoan his lack of 'craftsmanship', and I really don't think he's getting much positive feedback from Lord Beelzebub.
Aziraphale, on the other hand? He's definitely giving feedback to Crowley. Sure, most of it's negative, but he's a demon. That's what he wants.
Aziraphale believes that Crowley is a good person, deep down, but also sees him as demonic enough that he automatically blames him whenever anything evil happens. He's shocked when Crowley painlessly hypnotises a woman so as to spare her the stress of being confronted with two supernatural beings— how evil!
Crowley has found the one being on Earth who probably would find letting down car tires and sticking coins to the pavement to be genuinely demonic behaviour. Hell doesn't know what a mobile network is, but Aziraphale does and he was probably suitably horrified when he found out what Crowley had done.
Honestly, I just really like the idea of Crowley deliberately making sure that Aziraphale is aware of all his 'demonic activity', partly because of the Arrangement, but mainly because it's just so gratifying to have somebody actually respond appropriately to your acts of evil.
Crowley: "Sorry I couldn't make dinner last night. I had a meeting with the lords of Hell. I... er, interfered with the planning of the M25 so it forms a demonic sigil. Now everyone who drives upon it will increase its power."
Aziraphale (horrified): "Crowley! So that's what you've been working on all this time! How could you? I know it's in your demonic nature, but think of the poor humans driving along it not even knowing that they're giving praise to Hell. Not to mention the traffic jams it will cause! Thousands of souls tarnished by roadrage every day, and then there'll be the knock on effect from people being made late to appointments and— honestly, I can't believe you've done this behind my back..."
Crowley: "I don't suppose you could throw a 'wahoo!' in there while you're at it?"
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withthecherrytrees · 5 years
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incorrect good omens
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withthecherrytrees · 5 years
Pour one the fuck out for Agnes Nutter (witch) who knew 100% that an actual angel of the Lord would read her words centuries into the future and took the opportunity to tell him, directly, that he’s a dumbass.
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withthecherrytrees · 5 years
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withthecherrytrees · 5 years
This is my new project, mixing the radio adaptation with the tv show.
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withthecherrytrees · 5 years
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Ineffable Husbands as some of my favourite text posts
Bonus: one for my witch wife
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withthecherrytrees · 5 years
hey guys whats up
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withthecherrytrees · 5 years
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i….. really liked Good Omens 
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withthecherrytrees · 5 years
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Good Omens + Tumblr text posts
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withthecherrytrees · 5 years
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I’ll have known, deep down inside, that there was a spark of goodness in you.
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withthecherrytrees · 5 years
a lot of great Crowley & Aziraphale moments brilliantly cut!
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withthecherrytrees · 5 years
i’m not a shakespeare expert, but i do know a thing or two about the bard, and one of those things is that will shakes wrote every role with the thought in mind that david tennant would one day play that character, sans, like, othello.
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withthecherrytrees · 5 years
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