wizardmetimbers · 5 years
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wizardmetimbers · 5 years
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wizardmetimbers · 5 years
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wizardmetimbers · 5 years
The death magic is a push and pull, moreso than its opposite. Life is all about push, all about the seedling pushing soil away to meet the air, the chick pushing out of an egg, the baby pushing out of their bearer.
Death is both the push and the pull. Pull always comes first. Pull your own lifeblood from your veins, push it to heal another or yourself. Pull undead beings and other atrocities against life out of their gravedirt. Pull open the coffin's door, push the creature out, and watch how your victim always cowers.
Something makes death magic oh so scary to others. It's a knife, a tool. In the hands of a surgeon it is surety and pain for eventual healing. In the hands of a man with an inferiority complex and the wrong person walking by, it's a murder weapon.
Push out the darkness. Make it face the light of day mid-battle. Pull in that same darkness, give it acceptance and sanctuary somewhere.
Life has to be doted on, nourished. Death merely needs a vessel to reside in, and will survive.
You do not coddle this force of nature.
The way the Spiral is balanced is strange. It's a terrifying cosmic dance that no one wizard should be arrogant enough even think about becoming the choreographer. Those wizards do exist though. They tend to be taken by death sooner than others.
Death, Life, Balance. They can work large magics. They can lead a dance for a song or two. As long as they remember that this masquerade has as many friends as foes, and the numbers must be even or there is no fun in playing this social game. If they forget their place, they meet an end.
Other magics can change the Spiral, of course. The astral schools combined dictate the space between worlds, the celestial skyways their pirates love to frequent. The elemental schools orchestrate a beautiful push and pull of their own, intent on what is happening on a world, not the machinations of their universe.
Shadow is the darkness. It's the fear. It's the fact that everyone will look out and see all those stars, and yet still think of the vastness of space, of an inifinity that intelligent creatures could not begin to comprehend. It is the fact that they will never fully understand why their worlds live, why magic works, why the Spiral is shaped how it is.
It is the fear of the infinite, and the shadows will always be there to define space and light.
It does not bother to push or pull. It is the gravity.
It just. Exists. And that's all it needs to strike fear and sink fools into their oh so feared oblivion.
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wizardmetimbers · 5 years
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wizardmetimbers · 5 years
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i’m begging ya’ll please go on r/wizard101
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wizardmetimbers · 5 years
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i feel like the balance wizard we were teamed with had a ‘steel is heavier than feathers’ moment whilst fighting the renegade druid
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wizardmetimbers · 5 years
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*extends leg* I went back into that color study I did lmao. Not really a finished piece but I wanted to add more to what I originally did so here ya go.
Also I will always be here to remind everyone that Old Cob is like the only one who knows what happened to Morganthe after being captured by the Arachna and I don’t think i’ll ever be over that thanks
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wizardmetimbers · 5 years
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Opening commissions for a bit! Look at them lovely prices lads :)))
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wizardmetimbers · 5 years
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angy bastard and my oc levi
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wizardmetimbers · 5 years
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It looks like Santa sent his elfs to deliver presents to Ravenwood. Although, those don't really look like Christmas elfs, do they?
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wizardmetimbers · 5 years
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Second part of the W101 War AU idea!
Death- Deaths are very versatile, able to play support or hitter. For the war, they will play the same role and be switched around to whatever is in need. Since they are capable of making enemies’ health into their own, they have very limited armor, the major one being their right arm. This armor piece serves to protect their arm that will hold their sword, using it to take down enemies while using their left hand for magic and drain spells.
Myth- Their armor is chaotic, much like the monsters they summon to their side. They are skilled enough to be a one man army if it comes down to it. Their armor is extremely heavy on their upper body and because of this, they are more likely to not carry potions around, sine they can easily take their monster’s health and simply summon another monster as replacement. (I’d also imagine they wear a mask as well since they’re most likely to identify more with the monsters they can summon rather than the other wizards they’re fighting with) ((since they like running it solo))
Life- Lifes are rarely on the battle field, and if they are, they are towards the very back with the Fire wizards. The only armor they wear are on their shoulders and hips so if they are to get hit, they have a higher chance of surviving to heal themselves or their fellow comrades. The only time a Life would be on the battle field is if there’s too many falling to the enemy line and/or if the Life has proven themselves to be a capable hitter, though those are extremely rare. 
Balance-  They wear light attire with no armor since they can easily adjust the rules of battle and avoid damage. They are assigned to every and any school, able to play a vital part with support, heals, and the occasional hits, but a attacking Balance is rare. If a Balance proves their resourcefulness, they are also assigned to help strategize. 
Like in the first W101 War AU post, these attires are not strict! Just a base of what each school should be wearing and the capes being the only thing seen as a “uniform”, which makes it easier to identify who you’re talking to/who to protect/etc. Since I’ve also finished all the schools of magic, I think I’m going to start diving into war stories with some schools since it’s winter break, so that should be fun!
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wizardmetimbers · 5 years
say what you want but blaze lifehammer is the perfect blend of “i appreciate this game” and “i literally cant stand kingsisle anymore”
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wizardmetimbers · 5 years
what if i,, spun my mount next to yours in the commons,, just kidding haha,, unless?? 😳
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wizardmetimbers · 5 years
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good and mercy
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wizardmetimbers · 5 years
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more aggie.io shenanigans i suppose
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wizardmetimbers · 5 years
This is fun.
Mine would be a world with lots of beaches, and some swampier remote areas. NPCs would be gators and probably a bunch of birds like seagulls, cranes, flamingos, ducks. And underwater areas with fish and crabs.
The main antagonist is Florida man.
You make a wizard101 world based off of your hometown, or a favorite town/area. What does it look like? What problems & monsters does it have? What animals are most of the NPCs? If it were the next released world in wizard101, how would the main story continue and integrate with your world?
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