wizdomtooth · 1 year
...i'm just very thirsty now.
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wizdomtooth · 1 year
jorja smith, i mean. so yeah. there's that. i need to get that sticker out of the car. i need to do a lot of things...
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wizdomtooth · 1 year
february 3rd. she was conceived in '96. i was christened in '96.
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wizdomtooth · 1 year
i'm home and i'm going to do it all.
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wizdomtooth · 1 year
"i swear this was another random poem i wrote but i don't know where i saved it. i added some stuff to instagram stories to try and explain some more. this relationship thing means all the polyamory stuff as well without actually being polyamorous. he used the word himself; even though i knew he didn't quite know what it meant. he said he was new to this kind of thing. i just want communicational" communicate!!!
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wizdomtooth · 1 year
"'wrap all individually. bbq shapes, p plates, cigarettes, 3 lighters, red one piece minion, comical jocks, 2 kmart candles...' again. just one version of the story. he knows i got him something from cool shirtz now because of the stickers in my car. we went to the shops to get him some last bits and pieces. saw the m" mmm? i just need to get that spare change thing out of the car...
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wizdomtooth · 1 year
"i'm writing poetry again, it doesn't need to go anywhere. because it being just is. it's already there. it's already here. i love him, but that's the point of the main character. i wanted to be that side character like that tumblr post said. i want to be it still. my ocd is going to get what it needs. finally. the 27 club."
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wizdomtooth · 1 year
"gryffindorks. he gave me pneumonia. the two different antibiotics i'm taking because there are two main infections or reasons for the chest infection. so him and mike... why do i not regret what i did. and seeing lachlan. his sister's bed. his sister literally working at monash hospital clayton. straight after me being there... but why do i feel like this. i feel sad, but i also don't. if it stops, i'll be sad - but he still wants me in his life. it can go back and it can go forward. it is still early days. it really is. dylan is gone from snapchat; so the couple, proper swingers thing. because patrick makes jokes about it and the pineapple things but i doubt he'd actually do it in terms of the male thing. same with nic. nic is gone too, for some reason... the key holder th" the. this. and that. there.
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wizdomtooth · 1 year
i swear this was another random poem i wrote but i don't know where i saved it. i added some stuff to instagram stories to try and explain some more. this relationship thing means all the polyamory stuff as well without actually being polyamorous. he used the word himself; even though i knew he didn't quite know what it meant. he said he was new to this kind of thing. i just want communicational. communication. write. don't save as a draft. fuck off.
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wizdomtooth · 1 year
once, twice, thrice. twice, twice, twice.
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wizdomtooth · 1 year
see instagram for some updates on things…
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wizdomtooth · 1 year
i’ve lost count the amount of times i’ve told him i’ve loved him now. he’s told me twice.
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wizdomtooth · 1 year
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wizdomtooth · 1 year
…the other thing is the third harry potter book. he is turning 28. that’s 30 things; but 28 things…
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wizdomtooth · 1 year
triple p????? a parenting program thing???? i spelt parenting wrong and it autocorrected to pre ring… anyway i’ve got to try: i’ve got to fixing try. fixing? again, autocorrect… i meant to say fucking. ducking try. FUCKING.
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wizdomtooth · 1 year
i hate the way he talks to them. still that couple of months thing. another couple of months thing. april. kahli’s wedding is in april. well, another of her weddings… or whatever they’re calling it…
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wizdomtooth · 1 year
i want to go home. i don’t want to be in an open relationship anymore.
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