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promo for @mythsnet | huāshén, a chinese flower goddess
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Ceratopsians of Bozeman’s Museum of the Rockies. 
The pictures include a growth series, a side by side comparison of a T. horridus and a T. prorsus, a Torosaurus, and an Achelousaurus.
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God of War - Ares
Ares was the son of Zeus and Hera, and one of the most prominent and powerful Gods of Olympus. Unlike Athena (who also represents war as Wisdom) he represents merely its [war] destructive capacity and is typically the personification of sheer violence and brutality.
Consequently, he was neither loved by the gods nor by men. In art, he [Ares] is usually represented wearing a helmet, a shield and either a sword or a spear. He drives a four-horse chariot and is accompanied by dogs or vultures. Sometimes, his sons Deimos and Phobos are also depicted beside him.
Epithets have referred to him, unflatteringly, as “the bane of mortals”, “the slayer of men”, “the city stormer” “the armor-clattering”, “the arm-bearing.” Since he was the savage god of senseless war, Ares was almost universally detested. At one point even, after Ares was wounded by Diomedes, even Zeus called him “the most hateful of all the gods” remarking if he hadn’t been his son, he would have surely ended up in Tartarus with Cronus and the Titans
- https://www.greekmythology.com/Olympians/Aris/aris.html 
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Folklore Of The World  — Charía
Charía is a spirit belonging to tupi-guarani mythology. The Tupi-Guarani say that solar and lunar eclipses occur because this spirit, represented by a celestial jaguar, always pursues the sibilings Guaraci and Jaci (Sun and Moon).  Charía is located in two opposite places of the sky and its right eye is represented by two red stars, Antares, of the constellation of Scorpio, and Aldebaran, of the Taurus constellation.
One night a month, the Moon approaches Antares and Aldebaran, and the sun comes near these red stars, and eclipses may occur. At the time of the eclipses, the Tupi-Guarani had a great feast with the goal of alienating the celestial jaguar, for they believed that it could kill the Sun and the Moon. If this occurred, the Earth would fall into complete darkness and the world would end.
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i am every being at once, yet i don’t exist at all
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“Every religion begins in a desert, because before people create a god they have to need it like water, like salt. Gods are the rain and humans are the earth; both are meaningless without the other. Divinity is a pillar built by mortal hands, but it is also the tower destroyed by them.”
— @professorsparklepants
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Folklore Of The World  — Anhangá
Anhangá (or Ahiag̃) is a spirit from brazilian native folklore, more specific from the indigenous tribes tupi and Mawé. It’s a shapeshifting spirit, but his most common form is known as a white deer with red eyes; his other forms include human shape and other animals. According to each form the Anhangá takes, he has a different name in tupi language. 
It’s said that Anhangá is a protector of the nature. He hunts and punish those who hunt animals in it’s territory, some even say that he kills people and feast on their bodies. The main sign he is near is an acute whistle before he takes the hunt to him, then he makes the hunter have visions, fever and cause even madness in his victims. According to some local legends, you can also ask for the help of Anhangá if you are being pursued by a wild animal by screaming “Valha-me Anhangá!”. Others say it’s possible to have a deal with him, offering good tobacco in exchange for one successful hunt in his territory.
The Jesuit used the word Anhangá to refer to the Christian demon. This was because of Anhangá (which means “old soul”) is similar to the term “Anhanguera”, which means “old devil”. 
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drawing of a forest spirit, inspired by a pic of an elk I saw with fluorescent paint on its antlers 
(it doesnt harm them and stops them from getting hit by cars in the night, while making them look ethereal… pretty neat!)
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{ AMERICAN GODS AESTHETICS // MR WEDNESDAY} what are you so pissed off about?
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