wolffrising · 3 years
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I’m so glad I can finally share this 😭 I ADORED ACOSF. Nessian have my heart ❤️
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wolffrising · 3 years
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I found the Az POV. I didn’t hate it. Rhys - what the hell? I have no idea where she’s going with the next book, but it sure as shit is about Az. I have no clue where she’s going to go with it, and I bet she doesn’t either. Still going to read it.
How in the hell can I get me eyes on the Azriel POV from ACOSF?? For the love of god! I have to know what happened and why people are freaking the fuck out!?!
And by the way, ACOSF was fabulous- not outstanding. With that said, Cassian and Nesta though, imperfectly perfect.
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wolffrising · 3 years
How in the hell can I get me eyes on the Azriel POV from ACOSF?? For the love of god! I have to know what happened and why people are freaking the fuck out!?!
And by the way, ACOSF was fabulous- not outstanding. With that said, Cassian and Nesta though, imperfectly perfect.
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wolffrising · 4 years
I just finished House of Earth and Blood. My mind was blown by the amazingness of that ending. Welcome back Sarah.
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wolffrising · 5 years
Thank you to @lady-therion @azriel-is-my-cinnamon-roll @julesherondalex @illyrianbeauty @rhysanoodle @tacmc @throne-of-ashes-and-beauty for all of your endlessly beautiful work!!!
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Motivation Monday 
Fans: tag your favourite fandom creators and let them know what an awesome job they’re doing. Add a comment to an unfinished fic. Reblog fanworks with enthusiastic tags. Send them an ask to let them know what an awesome job they’re doing.
Creators: tag your favourite fandom participants and let them know how they motivate you to do what you do. Send them asks of appreciation or dedicate some of your work to them.
Feel free to repost this header!
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wolffrising · 5 years
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On the pillow rests a yellow sticky note. I prop myself on my elbow and read his legible handwriting. No one has ever left a note for me. Not like this. My heart swells and I stare longer at the note like it’ll disappear in my fingertips.
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wolffrising · 5 years
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“And the road ahead may be filled with more potholes and storms, but I’m not driving down a one-way street. We’re together. Whatever we have to face, that’s all that matters to me. We’re together in love.”
- Tangled Like Us by Krista & Becca Ritchie
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wolffrising · 5 years
SWOON!  I loved this book so much.  This is a fantastic edit.
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books i’ve read in 2019 » Tangled Like Us by Krista and Becca Ritchie
“He’s safety, the forceful gravity that grounds me, that helps stop me from rattling sideways inside a world that tries and tries to shake me.”
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wolffrising · 5 years
If you are a fan of the ACOTAR series, this is really a truly amazing fan fiction that is a blend of the actual work with fantastic new perspectives from the view of Elain & Azriel.  Love it!!
Perfectly Aligned
A/N: Elriel POV for ACOWAR, ACOFAS, and beyond. Where Elain explores her powers, both as a seer and the affinity Az’s shadows have for her.
There are canonical scenes included in this fic where much of the dialogue and the general plot of those scenes belong to Sarah J. Maas.
“I have been a little off balance since the day I met you. This is because I had never known what it is like to be perfectly aligned.”
- Courtney Peppernell
Elriel fluff, angst, slow burn
Word count: 4625
Thanks for beta reading, @sncinder! 😘
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20| Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23
Part 24
Elain felt jubilation and joy course through Azriel only a few minutes later, not quite understanding what it meant.
It contrasted so deeply with the sorrow and anguish she’d felt so recently that she wondered if the Siphon had not cracked under the strain she’d put on using it today.
She pulled the polished stone out of her pocket, turning it over between her fingers.
Whole. It was whole. As lustrous and beautiful and endlessly blue as last night when Azriel had given it to her.
Keep reading
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wolffrising · 5 years
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Perfect Couples: Daisy Calloway and Ryke Meadows
“You always cared about me. You were always there for me, but this time felt different. You wrapped your coat around me, picked me up in your arms, and said, ‘When life gets fucking hard, you can always turn to me. You need to run? I’ll run with you, Calloway. Just put on some fucking shoes first.’” She smiles, tears streaming down her cheeks, and I feel another roll down mine. “I realized then that I’d never want to be vulnerable with any other man but you. Someone that understands me. Respects me. Loves me–so wildly. You were the only one. You are the only one.”
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wolffrising · 5 years
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for @slytherinbloodwhore
And the road ahead may be filled with more potholes and storms, but I’m not driving down a one-way street. We’re together. Whatever we have to face, that’s all that matters to me.                                                   We’re together in love.
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wolffrising · 5 years
Ahh, Maximoff. So subtle.
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notes from maximoff ‘fair warning’ hale.
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wolffrising · 5 years
I do love this series... this was one of those laugh out loud moments...
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“God, could you even imagine? What would I say? Hello Mr. Moretti, I’m in need of some oral assistance. Would you be so kind to spread my knees?”
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wolffrising · 5 years
This is awesome!
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Addictedverse Pairings by @kbmritchie​
A D D I C T E D : | Lilo - you’re easily loveable | Coballoway - nerd stars colliding  | Raisy - more than chocolate cake | Gillow - best friend i’ve ever had | 
L I K E   U S : | Marrow - i share with you, only  | Cobaretti - like an italian painting | Lunelly - and we’d go down | Kitsulli - he notices everything |
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wolffrising · 5 years
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I’m not a sad little cub about to be eaten. I’m a motherfucking lion.
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wolffrising · 5 years
another excerpt from a lunnelly fic that’s not happening
“I mean, you have to admit it’s weird,” Donnelly rants, failing pretty badly at whispering.
“It’s a —,” I hiccup into my next sip of beer, “coincidence.”
“No, there must be a reason. What exactly am I doing wrong? Help a guy out.”
“Even if people don’t know much about you, everyone knows Beckett’s straight.” I can’t hold back a laugh when he looks at me like I don’t make sense.
“Luna! They ship him with the other guys. Besides, it still doesn’t explain why it doesn’t happen to you and me.”
“People probably think you’re too basic for me,” I muse, lying back on the ground around my pool.
He scoffs, looking down at me with a huge grin. “Maybe they know I’m out of your league.”
I am 98% sure he’s joking, so I try not to take it to heart.
“Well, they haven’t seen your face between my legs,” I think it’s safe to say I’m pretty drunk.
Donnelly and I had had quite a few beers (well, I had quite a few; he drank one) in a convenience store parking lot around my gated neighborhood before walking all the way back. We were both wearing enormous The Carraways black hoodies and even though he was supposed to be off-duty (Beckett was at his parents’) and I was supposed to be in bed (Quinn was off-duty since I was staying in), Donnelly had both his gun and his security radio on him.
Had I not written at least a dozen fics where he professes his undying love, I’d say our friends with benefits thing was going great.
“Luna Hale!” he says in a mocking reprehensive tone.
“Paul Donnelly!” I imitate, making him roll his eyes with a smile.
He smiles back at me for a second and then turns serious. “Maybe you should go inside. We’re being loud and your dad—“
“Let’s go out again. I’ll come back when you have to meet Beckett.”
“Hey, I already made a thousand mistakes by having that beer while being in your detail, so—“
“My detail?  You’re not my bodyguard.” I sit up, raising my eyebrows. I feel the single star sticker on my cheek moving.  
“No, but tonight I was supposed to be and—“
“I thought we were going out.”
“Stop cutting me off, Luna.”
Donnelly gets up and extends me a hand so I can do the same. I clasp his hand doing my best to look angry, but he’s just grinning at me.
“I’ll see you soon, don’t worry.”
“I’m not worried, I’m—“
I hear a door opening and before we can move, there’s a voice behind us. “Luna?”
I don’t even have time to worry about the irritation in my father’s voice because suddenly he sounds confused. “Donnelly? Is that you?”
Paul pushes his hood back. “Yes, sir. That’s me.”  
He manages to sound sober, serious and responsible; all things I’m not.  
“Don’t ‘sir’ me. What are you doing here?” Dad looks down at my empty bottle of beer beside the pool. “You went out? What the fuck, Luna? Where’s Quinn?”
My mind goes in a million directions; I’m very grateful there’s only one beer in sight, which makes the whole situation seem a lot less suspicious. At least when it comes to the whole Luna-and-Donnelly thing. Is that even a thing? But I also don’t know how to explain this shit to my dad, additional beer or not.  
“Mr. Hale, look —“
I have no idea what’s going through my dad’s head, but Loren Hale has a look. The look is an actual thing and even if I get it too often, I’m already dreading this. He’s about to go all threatening and murderous on Donnelly’s ass and even Donnelly knows it, judging from his cringing face. So I try to make it better.
“Quinn is dead.”
Ok, I made it worse.
“Quinn is what now?” Dad, who was trying to speak quietly (he probably doesn’t want to worry mom, which is sweet and makes me feel bad), almost screams at me.
Paul seems to be holding in laughter. Or maybe he’s angry. It’s kind of hard to tell because it’s dark.
“Not literally, sir,” there’s a sharp glare in his direction so he adds, “I mean, Mr. Loren. Mr. Hale.”
“In what way can he be fucking dead?”
“He’s… y’know. Sick. Man down. Dead, as the military would say.”
“Why the hell would the military say that?” Donnelly hisses as if my dad weren’t able to hear him.
“Soldiers die all the time,” I clarify.
“Not for being sick, Luna!”
“Okay, what the fuck?” Dad is starting to look kind of scary. Maybe really fucking scary if you’re not his child, but I’ve been in this ride way too many times to be freaked out like Donnelly is.
“I’m filling in for Quinn,” is the reply he goes with it. It makes me feel funny, but not in a nice way.
“Because,” Loren Hale says in his aggressive sarcasm-filled voice, “he is, as the military would say, dead.”
“Yep.” I chime in. “Deceased. That’s Quinn.”
“Why you?” Dad asks Paul, ignoring me.
“I was available… sir.”
“So was every other bodyguard to a Cobalt kid, I suppose. Not to mention Sullivan’s, or anyone in goddamn Alpha. Why you?”
“Akara had lead stuff to do,” he starts rambling, “Luna has an Omega bodyguard so why would we bother going to Alpha for help?”
“Oliveira and Moretti are in Omega.”
“Oliveira and Moretti didn’t want to miss their nights off. They have lives.”
“Don’t you?”
If we were in a fic, he would say “Luna is my life” and we’d kiss. But in real life, my dad doesn’t even let him speak.
“I’ll let it go. You can leave and not miss your night off. Luna, come inside.”
I look at Donnelly and he looks back at me.
“Do we have a fucking problem?”
“No, Mr. Loren. I mean, fuck. Mr. Hale.”
Lights flicker on upstairs, probably from Kinney’s room.
“Unbelievable,” dad mutters, walking inside, but leaving the door open behind him.
“Sorry,” I mumble, but Donnelly is grinning.
“I will 100% tattoo the sentence ‘as the military would say’ in my own ass. Maybe yours too.”
“We’ll have matching ass tattoos?” My smile is hurting my face. The star sticker actually falls off.  
��That’s the dream, babe.”
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wolffrising · 5 years
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“And while I’m in his protective, warm clutch, while we’re alone, I feel safe to ask him anything. “I have so many questions,” I say softly, thinking aloud. “I want to know all about you, but I can’t ask fast enough—and when I think about you, I wonder what your hands have held. What your eyes have seen.” My pulse has skyrocketed, but I keep speaking. “What your ears have heard and where your feet have landed.”
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