Anonymous said (1) Hi dads. I asked my best friend if she was bisexual and she responded by saying she doesn't believe in bi people. So I was like: "well, I'm bi" And she said: "OK I hope I didn't offend you, that's totally fine... It's not like I don't believe in them, it's just that I don't think they exist" (Wtf?!?) And then went on saying it's just a phase and eventually people will chose what they like. She is also really religious and was taught that being gay is a sin and stuff, so she always says...
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(2).. Says that being gay is okay and religious people shouldn't judge them because it's a sin to hate and judge others... But she still says that God didn't intend same-sex people to be together and that's why its a sin in his eyes, even though he loves them nonetheless. Honestly this makes me so angry! Like, I get that that's the way she was brought up and stuff, but still!! I love her so much, and I know she loves me, but it just feels like she doesn't think my sexuality is valid? This sucks Hi babe. I'm so sorry you're going through this. That totally sucks. It's probably going to be near impossible to get her to see things your way. If she says it's okay that you're bi, then that's good. You could attempt to make her understand your side, but you're gonna have to do it in a way that makes sense to her. For example, bring up the fact that it is scientifically proven that sexuality isn't a choice. And if it's not a choice, and god makes no mistakes, then by saying that someone's sexuality is false and that god doesn't like gay people, then you're saying that your god has made mistakes. You have to fit it into the realm of her possibility. And if she still doesn't listen, then don't bring it up around her. Just because you're best friends, you don't have to agree on everything. It's gonna be difficult to get her to listen, so try not to be too upset if she doesn't listen.
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I'm so happy you're back I hope everything's okay now
🖤 thanks babe
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Hey I know this isn't the serious stuff but do you know any good accounts that do aesthetics thankyou xx
Remus does aesthetics sometimes. His aesthetic account is @lumos-loony-lupin
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Hey dads, Right now, three of my (close) family members are in the hospital, and two of them are propbably going to die before the end of this month. Yet I haven't shed a single tear. Does that make me some kind of selfish monster?😳 even my father cried and he normally never does that. I'm a little confused.
Hi Sirius admin here I just wanted to answer this bc I do the same thing. I didn't cry when my grandma died, or when my uncle died. I can only seem to cry when my cats die. I don't think your a monster. You still feel it, it just doesn't show. You're not a monster. You just show your emotion differently. (I didn't wanna answer as sirius bc he doesn't care about his family unless it's regulus or, like, two of his cousins, so I didn't think it would be great to answer as him) -Sirius
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*knows the ask box might be full of asks* so it's been a while, since the drama. Since "it cleared up" his gf texted me on Friday and wants to make up. An old friend who was also in the drama also wants to make up. But I don't want to. The thing is I always give to many chances and I don't want this to be a mistake. I feel like it will be. But, it won't be the same if we do make up or don't.
What I would do is make up with them, but keep them at arms length. There's no need to have a lot of enemies. Make sure you guys are okay with each other, don't make any promises, and keep your distance. Focus on strengthening other friendships. You don't have to be friends, just acquaintances. -Sirius
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P1. I have a core group of friends that I've know since I was little (like 2 or 3. I'm 14 now). All but 1 or 2 (including me) of us are gay/bi, and recently came out to the rest of the group. One of the girls (who's straight) was out of town for a long time. When she got back, she was really weird and none of us knew what was going on. Turns out she felt like we had all come out while she was gone (not true, we all were out before she left) and all we did was talk about "gay stuff" (also not...
2. (also not true). THEN she went home and told her mom (who's friends with our parents) that "we had all come out as lesbians". One, we didn't come out while she was gone, and two, only two of us are out to our parents. As far as we know, her mom hasn't said anything to our parents, but she essentially outed us. We don't want to lose her as a friend, and she's not homophobic (she's said she doesn't care who we like) but we do want to let her know that this isn't ok. I have no clue how though.Just sit down with her one on one. Too many of you will make her feel under attack. Tell her that this Is a big deal to you and your friends. Telling people is something you get to do when you are ready. Tell her that she has no business telling anyone, because she was violating your rights. You have to also listen to her side of the story. Make sure you give her an opportunity to speak and try to come to an understanding. But do not place blame and do not shut her down when she tries to talk. Be understanding and make sure she understand you. That's what I would do. -Sirius
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Dudes guess who needs a rant cause she seems to be mad at the moment :)
Go one ahead, kid. Whatever you need.
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So I've been struggling with an eating disorder for 5 years and was finally starting to feel more confident about recovery and all that other positive body image stuff. More recently (within the past 3 months) have gotten out of inpatient and stabilized myself for a little while. Now I have friends who are making rude and triggering comments about my body and I can feel myself falling into a relapse. Any support would be super appreciating cuz I feel like I'm alone in this (& btw I love u guys).
Gorgeous, you have to get yourself out of there. Do NOT talk to them for as long as you need. You should never subject yourself to that type of treatment, especially when you are vulnerable. And if you can't do that, tell them. I know it's scary, but you are a human being and you deserve respect. Remind them of that, and tell them that what they say really affects you. And make sure you talk to someone. It can be anyone you're comfortable with, even if that's us. Make sure you have an outlet. That's my advice. Also, I am so happy that you managed to overcome your issues. Remember how it felt to accomplish that, and fight to keep that feeling. -Sirius
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Hey dads I just saw that u guys got a new blog(congrats btw😘😘) and I just need to get some stuff off my chest. I've already asked on ur other blog but I figured on this one it would be better. Lately I've been feeling sad and depressed I feel so worthless . Today my dad shouted at me for no reason I go really scared and my anxiety took over and I had a panic attack and started crying and he just left. I feel like no one cares about me or my life. I just want someone to tell me it's ok😥.
Gorgeous little human. There are billions of people in the world who love you, or would if they got to know you. You are worth so much to so many people. It gets tough to remember that sometimes, but it's the biggest tragedy when people forget for too long. You're brilliant, beautiful, and worth SOOOOO much. Things will always get better. -Sirius 🖤
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Hey dads.. I'm having a problem and I'm bothering you with it. I think I'm autistic. Pretty sure to be honest. I took some tests on the internet and I recognise almost all the symptoms, so there's really only one problem left; I can't go to a doctor to know for sure or get diagnosed, because I'm too affraid to tell my *real* parents. I'm scared that they're going to be super mad or disappointed or something😳. I told a friend about my suspicions and she reacted kind of positive I guess? help?💚
You don't understand how similar this is to a situation is just faced. The exact thing happened to a fren of mine. She's also pretty sure she's autistic. If you think that your parents are gonna react negatively, then wait till your out of the house. As long as it is t too disruptive to tour every day life and you know how to handle it, you'll be okay. But your parents most likely want to make sure you're healthy and happy. Maybe test the waters a little bit, just to see. But wait until you're comfortable. -Sirius 🖤
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I wanna rant but I don't wanna Annoy you 😐
This account is here for you to rant on
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I'm sorry, love. A lot of things have been happening lately. We're both okay. But we'll probably be online a lot more now that things have become more stable.
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Thank you for letting me rant about 101 reasons why I'm insecure :/
Of course babe. That's what this account is here for.
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Hello dads, there have been a lot of issues with my friends lately. One of them is being really rude and childish and the other one keeps dragging on the fight. Me and a few others are caught in the middle of it all, it is at tho point that this fight has left me drained. No matter what I do I cannot get back to the place I was before the fight. I don't know what to do anymore, nothing is interesting or fun anymore and everything I do just makes me more and more tired than before...
Get space. Get out of there and give yourself space to breath. Let them know that you need a time out. If they don't respect that then they aren't good friends. Honestly they're probably not great if they drag others into the fight. But it's not your fight. Make that clear and tell them you will not be involved. You are both of their friends and will be more than willing to talk and listen to them. But you will not take sides. If they can't agree with that, then get out of there all together. When they calm down, they'll come back to you and apologize. And if they don't, they weren't real friends. God speed, love. Good luck. -Sirius 🖤
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Hey- so my mom already knows that I'm bi, but I haven't told my dad. He knows that some of my other friends are gay, but he constantly asks questions and questions wether or not they actually know if they are LGBT or not. He's not really homophobic in the sense that he doesn't like gay people, I'm just scared that he'll be overly intrusive and think I'm just "confused" because I'm 13 and know my sexuality. Help?
Well, love, I think that if you don't think he'll believe you, then wait until you're comfortable with the idea of being okay with him not thinking pure telling the truth if that makes sense. If you're concerned about him questioning you, make sure you're confident in yourself enough to not mind whether or not he understands. It's okay to wait. You don't need anyone's approval to be yourself. On top of that, if he asks questions that you seem too intrusive, ask him for a bit of privacy. If he still presses you, you don't have to answer. Just be yourself, my dear. These types of things are tricky. So don't force it. -Sirius 🖤
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Advice, I guess that was half of the reason why I wanted to rant
Okay. I think that the boy is being immature. It will probably be insanely difficult to come to terms with all of this, but he's young. He didn't realize how dumb he's being. But when he matures, he will undoubtedly realize that he has wronged you. It's gonna take a while. And it will probably be a thing until he's done being involved with this girl. I'm so sorry this happened to you. And I'm sorry if you're feeling lonely. My advice would be to try to move on for now. He's not worth your time until he's matured enough to know how much you do for him. I don't really know what else you can do. I would avoid trying to snap him out if it, mostly because he'll get defensive of himself and his girlfriend. Stay away, give him space. Come back to the issue when it's passed. -Sirius 🖤
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