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‘I’m from New Jersey. I was born in toxic sludge.’
- Maia Roberts
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Where the Downworlders Meet {x}
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"Do you have fleas?" - maxielightwood
Maia frowned as she looked down at the little shadowhunter in training. Good to see they started the indoctrination young. “Who told you that kiddo?”
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when. exactly. is maia going to get to be angry for everything thats been done to her, for everything and everyone she’s lost without someone trying to calm her down and telling her to relax and be rational or what the hell ever. shes lost gretel, alaric, taito and half of her clan, she’s been locked up, isolated, tazed and mistreated in general. she deserves to be angry. she deserves to be able to confront the people who have hurt her, for those people to deal with the consequences of their actions, instead of her having to shove them aside bc her feelings aren’t convenient 
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@chokingonrosewater started following you
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“I’m looking for Lily.” Maia made a face at the vampire at the door, somewhat disgusted at the blood dripping from her mouth. Who answered the door like that? Still, the wolf tried to keep her cool as the stranger spewed off a few trite insults about mutts and dog breath. Just another night on the doorstep of the Hotel Dumort.
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Hey, I got it…
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He blinked his large eyes. What was he? Some people called him an alien. He wasn’t from the sky though. He had been called a lot of things. He was just Snow. Speak! Yes, yes he could… but not like this. Up on all fours, bones dislocated and shifted, skin ripped and healed over and over, and soon, he was “a normal two-leg.” “Snow speaks!” The tall creature chirped proudly.
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“Oh. Fantastic. Probably could have led with that without going all ‘Slender Man’ on me but I guess I get it. Sometimes it’s more comfortable being a wolf than being a human for me.” Said wolf rubbed at her forehead, letting her sharp red eyes fade to a more neutral brown. The sound of breaking bones and ripping flesh was a familiar one, and Maia found herself wondering if it was painful for this creature to shift as well. “Your name is Snow? Well I’m Maia. Do you mind telling me what exactly you are?”
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The noise he made could be considered reptilian, a type of clicking in the back of his throat. It was his good noise. His bad noise was more like a rumble. He perked up happily when he heard the two-legs call out to him. Oh! So, they were friendly? He eagerly jumped down from his perch, skeletal body crouched low, though relaxed. If he stood, he’d be just over seven feet, and a lot of things were scared of that.
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Maia took a step back as some sort of creature crouched before her. She had seen a lot of weird shit in her life, but this might take the cake. The wolf frowned when she realized she was growling, a low rumble that spoke more of disquiet than aggression. She cleared her throat, willing the wolf inside her to calm down. The thing hadn’t moved, it’s... muscles... weren’t tensed. “I guess I should ask why you’re following me - if you’re following me. You can speak right?”
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I guess some girls are immune to your charms, huh? You know what, there’s always that one rare exception,  yeah.
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He liked to watch people. He only did it at night mostly. Two-legs had weaker eyes than his (Snow could see everything at night.) Giant eyes, eyes that took up the upper part of his face, watched from a distance. He was harmless, really, even friendly, and always curious. He had never seen these two-legs or what they were doing. What were they doing? He climbed a little higher and a little closer to get a better look.
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Maia paused when she heard the crunch of leaves underfoot. For a moment she second guessed herself, wondering if the crunch had just been the leaves settling behind her. But her wolf was practically clawing at her insides, desperate to get out and hunt. Her eyes began to glow a steady red as she looked into darkness of the forest. “You might as well come out. It won’t be pretty if you make me come and find you.”
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Antonia Thomas for Constellation magazine
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hundred badass ladies ➼ maia roberts
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Shadowhunters moodboards: Maia Roberts
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get to know me meme
[3/5] favorite female characters - Maia Roberts
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