wolvdenkingdom · 4 months
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In this vast and unfamiliar terrain, the line between right and wrong blurs into obscurity. Amidst a diverse tapestry of tales, distinguishing truth from fiction becomes the ultimate challenge. As the wolves endure relentless persecution, it becomes clear that every tribe harbors its own secrets and flaws, including the revered Capital.
Choosing allegiance to a tribe will set you on a path filled with uncertainty. It's a decision that could lead you towards the shimmering heights of success or plunge you into the depths of ruin. At every turn, adversaries lurk, ready to pounce with bared fangs. Betrayal, heartache, and conflict permeate the landscape, amplified by the merciless whims of Mother Nature, who shows no mercy for one's identity or past struggles.
Amidst the changing seasons and shifting loyalties, your decisions will shape your destiny.
The very earth hums with echoes of ancient power and whispered secrets. In this world, the name Valdis isn't merely a word; it's a legacy, promising untold adventures and unfathomable mysteries.
Welcome to VALDIS, a third-person roleplay site based off the Home comic.
Coming Soon
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wolvdenkingdom · 2 years
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wolvdenkingdom · 3 years
Wolvden Kingdom 3 Years Active!
Its crazy to think this discord has been up for 3 years : D make sure to join, we are a fan made wolvden discord. We offer events, give aways, contests and just a community for you to join and be apart of. 
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wolvdenkingdom · 3 years
Advice for playing Wolvden casually
When starting out, I definitely had trouble, but after a few months, I think I'm in a nice rhythm that's fun for me! Here's some things that I found make the game more relaxing and less of a chore.
1. Pick something you like, and focus on that.
- When I first started playing, I decided to make my pack entirely honeydew wolves. Are they valuable? Absolutely not! But I wanted them, and a wolf that nobody else wants is a wolf that's easy for me to buy!
2. If you're not using it, sell it!
- Lots of people really like using lucky feet, but I forget I have them 99% of the time, so they're a good way for me to make currency pretty fast. Now I have cones to buy things I do want!
3. Don't be afraid to change how you play
- Like I said, I started off collecting honeydews, but when I got bored of that, I moved on to collecting any wolf that looked like a rottweiler, and now I'm working on breeding the panda marking, because I really like it and I want to see it become more common! If what you're doing isn't fun anymore, don't do it.
4. Re-scout every time you can
- I find that this is the best, easiest way to get amusement items, and you're building up the stats at the same time.
5. Ignore the market
- Seriously. I do not give a single fuck if my wolves are "valuable." I like them, and that's good enough for me. If you need currency, sell items, and then you don't have to worry about markings and lineage and all the other stuff some players obsess over with their wolves.
6. Make your own challenges
- I like to do the snake challenges (easy money!) but if I can't, I don't stress. Right now the stupid reptile wants me to kill 3 bears, and I'm sure as hell not gonna focus on that, so off I go doing literally anything else.
7. Make your own story
- Lore! Fanart! Ships! Whatever you want, do it! Have fun! Write a story! Buy and sell art! If you don't like writing, people (like me!) do commissions, and same for art.
8. Be lazy
- Skip a rollover. Buy something stupid. Let your pups age up instead of selling for fodder.
9. Keep in mind, this is a fairly new game
- Not every feature has been implemented, and everything that does exist might have some bugs. Don't be an ass to the developers, they're doing incredible work!
10. Ignore all my advice
- Or don't! It's up to you! You'll be much happier if you don't take anyone else's opinions as The Only Way To Play.
11. Remember that it's a game.
- It's okay. Take a step back. Breathe. It's meant to be fun, not a chore.
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wolvdenkingdom · 3 years
Here we go! So excited to see this base on wolves!
Lunar Event!
You lie down, letting the moon bask your muzzle in its blue light. Closing your eyes, you begin to doze off, feeling your body slowly relaxing. You start to feel as though you’re falling down, losing your grasp on gravity with the ground crumbling away beneath your body. With a startled gasp, you open your eyes, looking at everything around you. You feel hazy, and everything appears to be covered in blue fog, glowing lights, and dissolving darkness. Are you dreaming? What is this mystical world?
Wolvden’s first event is here!  This will be a week-long mini event that reoccurs every single month.
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In the day time, you will start to find strange glowing dust among your travels.  You will passively collect this Lunar Essence, storing it up for night time in-game.  You can collect up to 100 Lunar Essence at any one time, and up to 100 maximum from Explore per Rollover.  On Rollover, you will automatically have gained 25 Lunar Essence which doesn’t count towards your daily maximum.  Lunar Essence can only be collected from explore when it isn’t night time - from Dawn until Dusk.
Lunar Essence is used as a secondary resource which you will spend in place of Energy on explore steps in the Dreamlands, a different, lunar-touched world.
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At night time, the Dreamlands will become available.  A banner on the Event page will light up and become available to use, or you can visit Explore and a button will appear in the top right hand corner which allows you to “Fall asleep…”.  This way you can enter the Dreamlands - a warped reality which is touched by Lunar powers.
In the Dreamlands, you will find a variety of new encounters with various creatures and experiences, as well as a large variety of Lunar opponents to battle!  All of these encounters and battles will reward you with our first event currency - Lunar Tears - which can be used to purchase items from the Lunar Shoppe with a pair of brand new NPCs.
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Log in today to find out more and join in on the fun!
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wolvdenkingdom · 3 years
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Join Wolvden Kingdom! (WDKD) our discord is 2 years old and we plan to make a future clan on Wolvden. We post frequent giveaways such as GC, games, art, css and more! https://discord.gg/nx8ZhZY.
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wolvdenkingdom · 4 years
Recent Additions to Wolvden!
Our second update to the game has been released which includes the following wonderful new additions!
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New custom markings: Cover and Half Cover
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New Newly Befriended Wolf Markings: Points
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11 Craftable Decorations, 2 Craftable Backgrounds, and 1 Expression - all recipes can be found in explore!
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New Scars that can be gained as battle trophies!
And more…
* Egg and Tala have been added as very rare Explore encounters. * You can now Bookmark pages and save them to your sidebar. * Mistaken purchases can now be refunded at the Grove. * The difficulty of the hunting quest has been lowered. * Lots of minor tweaks to systems, as well as lots of bug fixes!
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wolvdenkingdom · 4 years
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In light of events the art on Wolvden is so pretty and lovely 😭
It truly is 😭 the artists really did such an amazing job.
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wolvdenkingdom · 4 years
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We are aware of the current *drama* with a member in our discord, we know about the salt blog, which we are sure most people do. The blog itself is fine, we know everyone feels salty and that’s a place people can go and express that however, to attack members and dox them is wrong. 
Anyone who participated in this will be banned from the server, anyone who continues to spread hate within our server will also be banned. If anyone has proof of others who participated in this please feel free to message us as we do not want those people in our server. Wolvden is a free to play game, a brand new one as well, I’m sure everyone has different opinions on the features or even the art and that should be able to be talked about in a civilized manor, not by attacking others. We share no hate towards this blog only ask in the future that things are done differently and not taken to such extremes that a member is spammed hate in their personal pms. 
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wolvdenkingdom · 4 years
You guys saw how many people were getting online for early access and didn't think there would be more??? You've been working on this game for so long and now people are upset because you couldn't do the one job you have. This is ridiculous.
Copying your other ask in for reference as well:
“If early access got messed up because you guys didn't prepare enough dont you think even MORE people would show up especially for public release i mean why didn't you guys prepare for this stuff??? I'm extremely upset as a future player.”
The problems aren’t really as simple as “there will be more people so the server is going to break”.  This is something that we would have been able to fix sooner and we would not have had to delay.  We were (and still are) prepared for the people we expect to see on public launch.
The server has actually been performing magnificently with usage load and requests.  The problems we’re seeing have only arisen in the past week or so, and is on a much smaller scale than that - it just has the potential to be a lot worse in the long run if we let it go unfixed, and that’s why we’re calling for a delay.
We understand that you’re angry and we are sorry for the distress caused by this, but we felt it much better to delay a little bit and try to fix the issues instead of opening the game publicly and letting hell break loose on the data, and potentially have to have a LOT of maintenance days to fix the issues.
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wolvdenkingdom · 4 years
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To make up for the public launch short delay, enjoy the old age retirement art <3
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wolvdenkingdom · 4 years
😂 accurate
Content warning for animal injury/mild depiction of blood.
It turns out my wolves are simply very unlucky pups, so here are my hunting party feeling sorry for themselves. Poor, poor wolves, they were no match for that mean and vicious bird :'(
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wolvdenkingdom · 4 years
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😭 😂 make sure to join Wolvden Kingdom we are at 1,200+ members! Future Wolvden clan ✨❤️ https://discord.gg/nx8ZhZY
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wolvdenkingdom · 4 years
Prya on Discord who is in WDKD was so nice and made my starter for me 😭 it’s so cute ❤️ (000 because I don’t know my ID yet 😂)
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wolvdenkingdom · 4 years
WE DID IT!!! We hit 1,000 members 🎉 we will be doing some give aways to celebrate!
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wolvdenkingdom · 4 years
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Alright Wolvden I’m ready 🥺❤️ I have my wolves designs! Who else already has their wolves designed? Let’s see those beautiful starter wolves!
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wolvdenkingdom · 4 years
*ahhh* GL guys and GL wolvden team! I hope it goes smoothly
Wave 2 of Early Access Sales
Here’s a 30 minutes heads up before our next wave releases for Early Access sales. We’re really hoping this one goes a little better and have beefed up the queue system, but we’re on hand to pause it straight away if we run into issues again. 🐺
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