{— my new URL is whatwolveswear, I hope to see you soon!}
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{-- my new URL is whatwolveswear, I hope to see you soon!}
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{-- Miss Ruby's been, in all the ways it can be interpreted, a bitch (lately). For a while now I've wanted to come back to this blog but ugh the layout is disgusting.
Thus, I'm moving! Once the blog is all nice and pretty, I'll let you know the URL!}
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❝Pity for you or for me?❞
She smirks, raising an eyebrow. Whoever he is, he's worse than the pirate.
❝If it makes you feel any better, I don't have to turn to tell you to piss off.❞
{ wolves-wear-red }
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Surveying the young woman, a smirk slipped onto the vampire’s face.  ”You know, it’s a pity that such a pretty little thing is stuck going all furry.”
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See through my eyes
Muse A is the only child of a wealthy lord and land owner. She was born most blind, her eyes a milky white. Her father forces her to wear a covering over them at all times as suitors come to win her hand. Muse B is the squire of the lead suitor and knows this man plans to wed Muse A and lock her away while he takes mistresses. Muse B falls for Muse A and begins to sneak her out, showing her attention that she’s never had. Muse B knows he cannot win her hand but hopes to win her heart. Muse B hopes even if she marries his master that they can still be together.
Twist: Muse B enters the contest for Muse A’s hand
Twist: Muse B's master discovers his plan and dismisses him and has him banished. 
More plots
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❝I am not a wolf in sheep's clothing, I'm a wolf in wolf's clothing.❞
☾ indie & selective Ruby Lucas/Red Riding Hood ☾ OC, AU and crossover friendly ☾ multi-verse & ship ☾ one-liner, para, novella. it's all good ☾ two hundred years of experience ☾ flower crowns everywhere ☾ mun is a narwhal and scary friendly  ☾ approach loudly & with marshmallows for best results
                                                { home } | { ask } | { rules }
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If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.
Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince (via materxnatura)
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Halloween is coming up soon. Send me an ask with what you think my muse should dress up as.
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❝It's bread covered in eggs and then fried.❞
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❝Not disgusting but I'm disturbed that you can put anything on it and it will still be good.❞
  "Hey, but you forgot the most important one! My namesake!"
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"French toast is pretty good, too!"
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OUAT Season Three AU:
The Home Office was unaffiliated with Pan and they were able to nullify magic. Victor saved the day with science. He and Ruby are in a relationship when the season begins.
One, properly paced, overarching story with smaller character driven subplots.
Victor is the Wizard of Oz.
Jefferson, Gerhardt, and Gold are the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion respectively. (Cap 3 starts filming late 2015. Don’t expect to see Jefferson back on the show anytime soon. Or Ever. They missed their window of availability.)
Ruby and Victor are the ones expecting a baby. Zelena plans to use their child in her plot.
Ruby and Victor are also the ones who get married, because those Rumbelle vows work just as well for Frankenwolf.
Ruby and Victor get substantial screentime and focus.
Meghan is still a regular. David got promoted to regular. Neither of them had to look for work elsewhere and take roles that could be considered ‘beneath them’.
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"Someone's gonna get hurt here, and it's always me."
❝You don’t always!❞ 
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❝okay, often, I’ll give you that, but I’m not going around looking like a freak with a two-person bicycle! Now, sit on the damn handles!❞
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❝If expressing my delight about putting chocolate chips in waffle holes makes me overbearing,❞
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❝then I will be all up in your face always.❞
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  "I’ve never met anyone else who was so assertive about the breakfast foods they liked."
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"Yeah, it's freaky-looking, okay? That's what it is."
"I mean, what the heck is it, anyways?"
"Five more minutes? Two more minutes? One more minutes?"
"I sure scared you!"
"Can't you imitate any quieter animals?"
"Um, hello! Are you thick in the head?"
"Tell me I'm not looking at the hairless wonder."
"Are you SURE this water's sanitary? It looks questionable to me..."
"Don't you know a piranha can strip your flesh in seconds?!"
"I'm your mother, I know everything."
"How'd you know it was me?"
"Who needs ya, huh?"
"You're looking remarkably groomed today."
"Okay, it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye!"
"Someone's gonna get hurt here, and it's always me."
"What's all the hullabaloo about?"
"Well, this is absolutely peachy."
"Oh, it can't get any worse, can it?"
"That's a lovely heartbeat. It's very nice."
"You do speak! And all this time I thought you were just a big wild quiet silent person, thing."
"What kind of primitive beasts are responsible for this mess?"
"And I turned around and there's a whole FLEET of them!"
"Terrified I was, terrified."
"They took my boot!"
"Go on and rot for all I care!"
"Loincloth? Good Lord..."
"Oh, shall I leave you and the blackboard alone for a moment?"
"If I can teach a parrot to sing 'God Save the Queen,' I can certainly teach a savage a thing or two."
"I'm not gonna do it -- aww, c'mon! With the face and the eyes and the -- all right!"
"Oh, Your Majesty, you're such a tease!"
"If you'd have pulled over and asked for directions...!"
"Yeah, well, good ridance, all right?"
"Go on, get out of here, bald boy!"
"You-you ingrate! You bald ingrate!"
"That's it! I've had it with you and your emotional constipation!"
"I'm gonna kill ya!"
"Oh, by Jove, don't know my own strength."
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❝I like pancakes 'cause they're stackable.❞
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❝And waffles 'cause you can put things in the little holes if you wanna.❞
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"What's your favorite _______?" finish in my askbox. I'll have to answer honestly!
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