wolysayleweek ¡ 7 months
For day 3 - Dragons of #wolysayleweek
Warnings and tags are in the description, if anything was forgotten lmk.
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wolysayleweek ¡ 7 months
WoL-Ysayle Week #1: Dream | Journey
IN WHICH Ysayle learns that Phina has some unusual talents.
In the shed outside the workshop lay the battered fuselage of a manacutter. It had lain there for a year and a half now, awaiting repair. 
It bore signs of having been flown too hard, of being peppered by the shrapnel of Garlean anti-aircraft artillery fire, and of undergoing a rough landing.
It also bore signs of a more peculiar phenomenon.
Its paint and metal etched deeply with faintly-iridescent spiralling designs that appeared to have somehow blossomed out from within the cermet alloy itself. Nearby, the aircraft’s tattered aether-sail and wings rested against the wall, marked with identical spirals. 
As the sun sank lower, the shimmering became more apparent.
Were Ysayle to look into the cockpit, she knew she would see those same designs scrolling across the seat and instrument panel.
Their point of origin was technically the craft’s corrupted-crystal engine, but the true source of the peculiar phenomenon was the manacutter’s pilot.
Said pilot stood beside Ysayle now, looking slightly sheepish.
“I panicked,” Phina said, the tip of her tail flicking nervously. “I panicked and flew this thing to you the weird way.”
Ysayle crouched by the fuselage and traced a spiral with the tip of her index finger. “How remarkable,” she said.
Phina’s tail increased its tempo. “I was so afraid I’d - I couldn’t just let you - they were - everything was happening so much at once and I couldn’t fly it normally.” She looked up at the ceiling. 
“…This came as a result of how you flew the manacutter?”
“Yeeeees.” Phina looked at her left boot. “I flew it WEIRD.”
“…Would you be comfortable explaining what that means…?”
“Eeeengh.” Phina’s ears went uneven and she stared at a wall beam. “It’s unsettling.”
“Nothing about you could unsettle me, Phina, I promise.”
Phina’s tail briefly imitated a corkscrew, and then she exhaled slowly. Finally, she met Ysayle’s eyes.
Ysayle gave her a slow, reassuring blink. Phina relaxed further and mirrored the gesture. 
“All right,” she said, and she crouched by Ysayle,  putting a palm on the largest of the trifoliate spirals. “So…this is what happens when I funnel my mana into a thing to make it MY weapon. You’ve seen me borrow the shapes of other people’s weapons - the dreams of those weapons, really - and I can do the converse of that, too. So can Jherr. it comes from being a certain kind of a knight, and from having a certain kind of a gift. …I promise I’m not using that description to be vague? it’s just hard to explain.”
Ysayle said, “It sounds as if what you did is…” She paused, searching for the right words, then went on, “Rather than placing another’s dream in something you created, you placed your dream into another’s creation.”
Phina nodded. “No knight should fall empty-handed - thus, anything I can conceive of as a weapon, if I really need to…I can bless that with my own dreams in the same way as others’ dreams can bless my weapons. …It’s tricker to do it with my dreams and someone else’s weapon, though. And it’s a bit - mean, I think? Presumptuous? Something like that. Cid didn’t intend for a manacutter to be JUST a weapon, but I went and basically wrote OH, LOOK AT THIS SHINY AIRSHIP, IT’S NOW PART OF MY ENORMOUS ARSENAL all over it. ...My dream was to save you. And the manacutter became the vessel for that.”
“And this is the outward sign of your blessing,” Ysayle said, tracing a spiral. 
Ysayle turned to face Phina and then kissed her forehead. “Thank you, Phina. Thank you for using your dream to rescue me.”
Phina blushed furiously. “I couldn’t just NOT do that.”
“I know, dear, but…you did that at great cost to yourself. I remember the burns on your hands…”
“I heal fast!” Phina squeaked as Ysayle embraced her, and then began to giggle and buried her face in Ysayle’s shoulder. “I was sore for a week at most. I was fine, I’m fine, you’re fine, it’s FINE, Everyone is fine, we’re all alive and I don’t regret anything. Burns be fucked. I regret nothing, damn it. I can apologize to Cid…”
“Thank you for telling me what you did,” Ysayle said, stroking Phina’s fluffy ears. “It’s not unsettling or disturbing or weird - and neither are you. It’s marvellous. You’re marvellous.”
Phina began to purr. She kneaded Ysayle’s shoulders, sighed, and then said, “I’m glad I’m not disturbing.”
“Phina, I channeled an eikon. Why would I find what you do disturbing?”
“I don’t know? Other people’ve gotten scared. And it IS weird.���
“It’s unusual, but I’ve seen weirder.”
“That’s true.” Phina withdrew a bit to smile at Ysayle again. “You lived in Tailfeather and those Ninki-Nanka things were just - on your front porch all the time, basically. They’re weirder than anything I can do, I think.”
“FAR weirder. Did you know that they see with levin aether? They emit it from those ‘petals’ on their faces. Not enough to stun or harm, but enough to sense the aether of other being nearby. Their eyes can only sense light and dark - they don’t see well at all visually.”
Phina blinked, then beamed. “That’s far weirder than me.”
Ysayle kissed her forehead again, and then her lips. “Much weirder. And even if they weren’t…I could never be afraid of you, Phina.”
Phina’s purr increased in volume and her tail moved to twine around Ysayle. “Thank you. I love you. And I’d do what I did back then over agin in a heartbeat if I had to.”
“I know you would.”
8 notes ¡ View notes
wolysayleweek ¡ 7 months
WoL-Ysayle Week #1: Dream | Journey
IN WHICH Ysayle learns that Phina has some unusual talents.
In the shed outside the workshop lay the battered fuselage of a manacutter. It had lain there for a year and a half now, awaiting repair. 
It bore signs of having been flown too hard, of being peppered by the shrapnel of Garlean anti-aircraft artillery fire, and of undergoing a rough landing.
It also bore signs of a more peculiar phenomenon.
Its paint and metal etched deeply with faintly-iridescent spiralling designs that appeared to have somehow blossomed out from within the cermet alloy itself. Nearby, the aircraft’s tattered aether-sail and wings rested against the wall, marked with identical spirals. 
As the sun sank lower, the shimmering became more apparent.
Were Ysayle to look into the cockpit, she knew she would see those same designs scrolling across the seat and instrument panel.
Their point of origin was technically the craft’s corrupted-crystal engine, but the true source of the peculiar phenomenon was the manacutter’s pilot.
Said pilot stood beside Ysayle now, looking slightly sheepish.
“I panicked,” Phina said, the tip of her tail flicking nervously. “I panicked and flew this thing to you the weird way.”
Ysayle crouched by the fuselage and traced a spiral with the tip of her index finger. “How remarkable,” she said.
Phina’s tail increased its tempo. “I was so afraid I’d - I couldn’t just let you - they were - everything was happening so much at once and I couldn’t fly it normally.” She looked up at the ceiling. 
“…This came as a result of how you flew the manacutter?”
“Yeeeees.” Phina looked at her left boot. “I flew it WEIRD.”
“…Would you be comfortable explaining what that means…?”
“Eeeengh.” Phina’s ears went uneven and she stared at a wall beam. “It’s unsettling.”
“Nothing about you could unsettle me, Phina, I promise.”
Phina’s tail briefly imitated a corkscrew, and then she exhaled slowly. Finally, she met Ysayle’s eyes.
Ysayle gave her a slow, reassuring blink. Phina relaxed further and mirrored the gesture. 
“All right,” she said, and she crouched by Ysayle,  putting a palm on the largest of the trifoliate spirals. “So…this is what happens when I funnel my mana into a thing to make it MY weapon. You’ve seen me borrow the shapes of other people’s weapons - the dreams of those weapons, really - and I can do the converse of that, too. So can Jherr. it comes from being a certain kind of a knight, and from having a certain kind of a gift. …I promise I’m not using that description to be vague? it’s just hard to explain.”
Ysayle said, “It sounds as if what you did is…” She paused, searching for the right words, then went on, “Rather than placing another’s dream in something you created, you placed your dream into another’s creation.”
Phina nodded. “No knight should fall empty-handed - thus, anything I can conceive of as a weapon, if I really need to…I can bless that with my own dreams in the same way as others’ dreams can bless my weapons. …It’s tricker to do it with my dreams and someone else’s weapon, though. And it’s a bit - mean, I think? Presumptuous? Something like that. Cid didn’t intend for a manacutter to be JUST a weapon, but I went and basically wrote OH, LOOK AT THIS SHINY AIRSHIP, IT’S NOW PART OF MY ENORMOUS ARSENAL all over it. ...My dream was to save you. And the manacutter became the vessel for that.”
“And this is the outward sign of your blessing,” Ysayle said, tracing a spiral. 
Ysayle turned to face Phina and then kissed her forehead. “Thank you, Phina. Thank you for using your dream to rescue me.”
Phina blushed furiously. “I couldn’t just NOT do that.”
“I know, dear, but…you did that at great cost to yourself. I remember the burns on your hands…”
“I heal fast!” Phina squeaked as Ysayle embraced her, and then began to giggle and buried her face in Ysayle’s shoulder. “I was sore for a week at most. I was fine, I’m fine, you’re fine, it’s FINE, Everyone is fine, we’re all alive and I don’t regret anything. Burns be fucked. I regret nothing, damn it. I can apologize to Cid…”
“Thank you for telling me what you did,” Ysayle said, stroking Phina’s fluffy ears. “It’s not unsettling or disturbing or weird - and neither are you. It’s marvellous. You’re marvellous.”
Phina began to purr. She kneaded Ysayle’s shoulders, sighed, and then said, “I’m glad I’m not disturbing.”
“Phina, I channeled an eikon. Why would I find what you do disturbing?”
“I don’t know? Other people’ve gotten scared. And it IS weird.”
“It’s unusual, but I’ve seen weirder.”
“That’s true.” Phina withdrew a bit to smile at Ysayle again. “You lived in Tailfeather and those Ninki-Nanka things were just - on your front porch all the time, basically. They’re weirder than anything I can do, I think.”
“FAR weirder. Did you know that they see with levin aether? They emit it from those ‘petals’ on their faces. Not enough to stun or harm, but enough to sense the aether of other being nearby. Their eyes can only sense light and dark - they don’t see well at all visually.”
Phina blinked, then beamed. “That’s far weirder than me.”
Ysayle kissed her forehead again, and then her lips. “Much weirder. And even if they weren’t…I could never be afraid of you, Phina.”
Phina’s purr increased in volume and her tail moved to twine around Ysayle. “Thank you. I love you. And I’d do what I did back then over agin in a heartbeat if I had to.”
“I know you would.”
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wolysayleweek ¡ 7 months
The AO3 collection for WoL x Ysayle Week is up and running! When ship week starts, feel free to add your written works to it!
28 notes ¡ View notes
wolysayleweek ¡ 7 months
The AO3 collection for WoL x Ysayle Week is up and running! When ship week starts, feel free to add your written works to it!
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wolysayleweek ¡ 10 months
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Get in heretics, we’re going Wolysayle shipping!
Date: Nov. 4th - Nov. 10th, 2023
The event will be hosted here and on X Twitter, please post your fan art, fic, gpose, etc in the wolysayle week 2023 tag! An AO3 collection will also be opened as the event approaches for posting your written works.
Day 1: Dream | Journey
Day 2: Forest | Dragons
Day 3: Destiny | Conviction
Day 4: Cold | Secrets
Day 5: Home | Rapture
Day 6: Chosen | Tenderness
Day 7: Free Day
Feel free to use one or both prompts each day, whatever you wish!
1) All kinds of fanwork (art, fic, gpose, etc) are welcome.
2) Polyships with your WoL and Ysayle are 100% welcome!
3) Please be respectful of each other’s ships and headcanons. No hateration or holleration in this dancery. Be excellent to each other!
4) NSFW is cool (well, not on here lolsob), but please tag it appropriately on AO3 and twitter.
5) This is intentionally a super chill, low pressure event. If the dates don’t work for you, please know there is no time limit. Mod ( @elfyourmother !) will be following the tag and will continue to reblog works whenever. This is all about love and appreciation for Ysayle and her WoLs!
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