The Beginning of My Purpose
What do you do when you wake up and you forgot who you are? You look to the side of you to a man you love but doesn’t love you the way you need him to love you. When you open up your mouth to offer advice, counsel or simply speak your mind, he gets upset and puts his hands around your neck to shut you up.
What do you do when you as an adult is living in the same environment that you grew up in as a child. You are now in the same shoes as your mother.
What do you do when you have a child with this person? You are so afraid to leave because you don’t believe you can make it on your own. You are not wanting to separate your child from their father. So you rather suffer than leave.
What do you do when the violence has now caused a broken bone? Instead of using this moment to escape, you lie when asked what caused the fracture.
What do you do when depression, suicidal thoughts, low self-esteem and weight gain is at your front door? You lose yourself. You get so deep in depression that you don’t know how you woke up. How you went to work. How you took care of your child and home. Walking around empty. You find yourself day by day closing more of yourself off. Putting up wall after wall in order to protect yourself from more hurt. Becoming such an introvert that you get anxious of the thought of being out with other people but at the same time hoping someone sees your brokenness and rescues you.
What do you do when your about to lose your mind? The walls are closing in on you. Things are getting worse. Cheating, mental and emotional abuse are on high. You think to yourself, it’s either me or you. Then you look at your children and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. 6 years of abuse. I HAD ENOUGH.
The thoughts of murder/suicide was the lowest point in my life. I did the greatest thing that I could ever do. I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior. Not knowing God was shaping me for my purpose. This decision changed my life and my children’s lives forever. I learned more about myself getting closer to God. I was able to become a better person because of it.
I have not been dating for the past 3 years after the divorce. I have been healing, finding myself and reshaping my life. With God’s help of course.
Always remember, you can overcome your circumstances. You are not what you go through. We are made in the image of God. We have power and dominion over darkness.
Just know God will never leave you nor foresake you.
Roman 8:26-28 MSG Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our acing groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, know our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.
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Domestic violence is more than just physical. It is emotional, mental, verbal and sexual. Some characteristics are intimation, control and manipulation. According to the National Coalition against Domestic Violence, 22-25% of women of all races experience domestic violence at some point during their lives. Women between the ages of 18-24 are most commonly abused by their intimate partner. On average, 20 people per minute are physically abused. So in one year more than 10 million women are physically abused by an intimate partner. Men are not excluded in these statistics (Ncadv.org/learn-more/statistics). Wow! That's not even counting mental, verbal, sexual and emotional abuse. In some relationships, physical abuse is not involved. People, discernment is key. Be very observant of the people around you. You never know what people are going through. Mothers, let's teach our children from very young to love themselves. Teach them confidence and self-worth. Fathers, let your daughters know they are beautiful. Take them out for father-daughter time. Open up the door for them, take them to the best restaurants, etc. This will teach them when they get involved with a man, that this is what they are supposed to do. They won't be sucked into a toxic relationship because they weren't taught the roles and characteristics of a man and a woman. I am not excluding the boys. Mothers and fathers do the same for the young men that you are raising. The children are our future. Men be the father that you would want you daughter to married. And mothers be the woman that you would want your son to marry. I encourage everyone if you haven't found Jesus please do. He will lead you to the Father. When you meet the Father. He will bring you through all the rough times. He will direct your path. He will perfect all things concerning you.
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