womquat · 5 months
I never though of the intricacies of human communication until recently.
The hard part is that words only make sense if you agree they make sense. Like you can describe a color to a person who can see color because you agree it makes sense. In contrast describing color to a person who can’t see it is impossible, other than them understanding the concept.
Two separate people that both can see color have an outside objective standard that both can agree is a certain color. But we don’t have that standard for things like words and emotions.
In terms of words there are tons of complexities. The main one being that words change over time in different cultures. The difficulty with this is that some works may have changes that may seem small but have entirely different meaning. Here’s an example, the color seafoam is a bluish green, But can be understood as an ivory color from the color foam that is actually produced form the sea.
And those misinterpretations of words add to the absurdity of misinterpretation and miscommunication of sharing emotions. This being said because there is no outside standard for any given emotion, so it could be the case that multiple people can describe the same emotion differently. Or even describe different emotions as the same thing. As an emotions can illicit different responses form people. And like any other thing each person can favor certain emotions over other one other people like.
It hurts my brain and I don’t like it.
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womquat · 5 months
Solving logic puzzles is like so *Brain Hurty* but so rewarding.
It kinda feels like when you think of infinity. How that is so immeasurable, yet possible in terms of just the numbers of numbers.
But the solving of those types of puzzles just give a immense dopamine hit with the bonus of completing the idea so that it doesn’t hurt to think about.
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