wondergurl-cassie · 22 hours
Bruce Wayne except he texts like an ominous boomer
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wdym you can't tell if he's threatening them?
Based on this post by @mysterycitrus :)
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Happy birthday, Tim 🥰
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wondergurl-cassie · 2 days
I do so love the Bats being the "immovable object" and/or "unstoppable force" (depending) in any given situation, especially when those situations involve actual gods, metas, and aliens.
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wondergurl-cassie · 4 days
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Batman's for Batman Day
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wondergurl-cassie · 4 days
”batman isnt emotional” he sobbed on the top of a building because he knew everyone in his city was safe
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wondergurl-cassie · 4 days
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Adolin & Kaladin, feat fancy suits from pinterest ✨
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wondergurl-cassie · 4 days
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this bruce wayne would NEVER hit his kids fuck you dc 
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wondergurl-cassie · 4 days
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Batman and Superman by Adrián Gutiérrez
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wondergurl-cassie · 4 days
Furthermore whoever removed the audio jack from phones should be grilled in front of congress. The fact that I need a dongle to listen to music on a modern telephone while 20 years ago I could have simply plugged a universally standardized cord into the audio jack everyone knew how to use is an anti-human move that should be punished.
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wondergurl-cassie · 4 days
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wondergurl-cassie · 4 days
no, no. you’ve got it all wrong. girls don’t want flowers. all girls want is to look for his coming from the white tower and see him return. all girls want is for the tower guard to take up the call and tell us the lord(s) of Gondor have returned.
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wondergurl-cassie · 7 days
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What is this witchery?
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wondergurl-cassie · 10 days
The command structure / ranking of the Justice League is actually super hard to understand from the outside, if you think about it. How many times have alien diplomatic missions arrived to meet with them, only to struggle to pick out who they should direct their communications toward? Sure, you’ve got the Kryptonian, he’s big and flashy and recognizable across sectors. But there’s an Amazonian princess standing next to him who looks dangerous and speaks like a royal. You’ve got an Atlantean king behind her, also royal, also dangerous. You’ve got a Green Lantern of the Sector with trace ion signatures from all the recent battles in nearby galaxies, and then — then — you have a man in black, shadowy armor who doesn’t introduce himself, who doesn’t speak or negotiate unless the others falter, yet ever single one of them looks to him as the conversation proceeds — checking, assuring, looking for guidance etc. is he the leader, then?
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wondergurl-cassie · 10 days
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wondergurl-cassie · 10 days
Bruce: I don't like magic >:/ I'm gonna stick to science and my fancy tech
Magic users everywhere, breathing a sigh of relief: OH, THANK GOD
The idea that he's basically banned from using magic because he might go full supervillain greatly amuses me
Bro has a destiny that no sane magic user ever wants him to touch.
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wondergurl-cassie · 10 days
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The foreshadowing in this show was amazing
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wondergurl-cassie · 12 days
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Batman canonically using magic
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Why dont we talk about this?
My boy straight up using magic and nobody is talking about it
(The last pic is from CBR.com)
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wondergurl-cassie · 12 days
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