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By Salar Kheradpejouh
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Christina Ricci, who as a child famously portrayed Wednesday Addams, dressed up as Morticia Addams…
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GRIMTALK - Week 10
GRIMTALK is a weekly snapshot of my personal Grimoire as it progresses each week and this week on GRIMTALK is a spell to increase the love between a couple. This spell will not make someone fall in love with you. This spell is to strengthen a bond between a couple so that they can weather any hardship together.
Our Love Will Grow
To help love grow strong and last until death. This spell is perfect for couples that are considering marriage and want their relationship to last.
“If a couple wishes for their love to endure;
To remain strong, healthy and pure;
Plant a sapling of a fruit-baring tree;
And their love shall grow for eternity” 
-          Apple (Love, Good Fortune, Healing)
-          Apricot (Love, Romance, Happiness
-          Cherry (Love, Happiness)
-          Lemon (Love, Friendship, Longevity and Purification)
-          Peach (Love, Lust, Longevity and Fertility)
-          Pear (Love, Lust, Romance)
Once the sapling of the chosen fruit-baring tree has been planted by the couple, dig a moat around the base of the tree.
Grind and combine
-          Dried Rose Buds
-          Cloves
-          Cardamom Seeds
-          Dried Plums ~ Prunes
Once ground pour into a large ceramic bowl and pour in a 2 cups of whole milk or plain yogurt. Add two spoonful’s  of honey and half a cup of almond meal. Mix clockwise with a wooden spoon while pouring your love for your partner into the spell.
Then take the mixture to where the tree is planted and pour it into the moat around the base of the tree.
This was a spell I originally designed for @wiccan-elements however I tweaked the version for them a bit so that it wasn’t as permanent as this one.
Since this is Week 10 of GRIMTALK, this is the last week that I will be publishing weekly photos of my grimoire on tumblr. I have achieved my goal. I’ve created a habit to work regularly on my grimoire and I’ve gotten to share this wonderful experience with you guys!
Don’t worry, I will post pictures of my grimoire in the future but it won’t be a weekly thing. Thank you for sharing this experience with me!
-          Marci
To see any of the previous weekly photos, check out the GRIMTALK page!
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the zodiac, planets and correspondences.
symbol: ram
element: fire
planet: mars
stone: bloodstone
sister sign: libra
symbol: bull
element: earth
planet: venus
stone: sapphire
sister sign: scorpio
symbol: twins
element: air
planet: mercury
stone: tigers eye
sister sign: sagittarius
symbol: crab
element: water
planet: moon
stone: pearl
sister sign: capricorn
symbol: lion
element: fire
planet: sun
stone: ruby
sister sign: aquarius
symbol: maiden
element: earth
planet: mercury
stone: sardonyx
sister sign: pisces
symbol: scales
element: air
planet: venus
stone: sapphire
sister sign: aries
symbol: scorpion
element: water
planet: pluto
stone: jasper
sister sign: taurus
symbol: archer
element: fire
planet: jupiter
stone: topaz
sister sign: gemini
symbol: goat
element: earth
planet: saturn
stone: black onyx
sister sign: cancer
symbol: waterbearer
element: air
planet: uranus
stone: amethyst
sister sign: leo
symbol: fishes
element: water
planet: neptune
stone: moonstone
sister sign: virgo
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Masterpost of Simple Beginner Friendly Potions
Here is a masterpost of a ton of potions I have in my grimoire that are simple and easy to make with simple easy to get ingredients. 
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Tea Potions
Headache Relief Potion
Ginger Root
Lemon Wedge
Steps: Add herbs to hot water and let them steep for a few minutes. Squeeze in lemon then let the wedge and skin soak for another 1 or 2 before drinking. 
Sour Tummy Be Gone Potion
Chamomile Tea
Ginger Root
Spoonful of Honey
Steps: Brew tea then add herbs to it, let them steep for 5 minutes before stirring in your honey counter-clockwise to banish the cramps and sourness in your stomach. 
Deep Slumber Potion
Chamomile Tea
Dried Rose Petals/Buds
Lemon Balm
Steps: Brew tea then add in herbs to steep for 5 to 6 minutes, add sugar or honey to taste. Drink slowly before bed in a quiet place.
“Bring Me My Own Love” Self Love Potion
Rose Water or Rose Tea
Milk or Milk substitute 
Steps: Brew your tea or warm your rose water. Pour in milk and sugar to taste and stir it clockwise to welcome in your own love. Drink while doing something you enjoy.
Release from a Bad Day Potion
Green Tea
Lemon Wedge
Steps: Brew and steep your tea and catnip, squeeze in your lemon and stir it counter clockwise to banish the negativity that the day has given you. Add sugar or honey to taste
Give My Heart Strength Potion
Black Tea
Orange Peel
Steps: Brew tea and let orange peel steep for 5 minutes, stir in your honey clockwise to bring yourself emotional strength.
Open My Mind Awareness Potion
Black Tea
Milk or Milk substitute
(Optional) pinch of Mugwort (use with caution)
Steps: Brew tea and add ingredients. Sit in a quiet place and drink the tea slowly while centering yourself and if you can meditate.
Cleansing Potion
Moon Water
Steps: Heat your moon water and let herbs steep for a minute or two before drinking. You may add sugar if you desire
Protect Me From Parasites Potion
(protects from psychic and energy parasites)
Moon Water
Steps: Heat moon water and steep your herbs for 5 minutes. Drink at the start of your day.
Coffee Potions
Strength For a Big Day
Sugar to Taste
Like a Storm Confidence Potion
Hazelnut creamer
Fresh Orange peel
Spark of Creativity Potion
2 Drops Vanilla extract
Fresh Orange Peel
Spoonful of Caramel
Romancing Myself Potion for Self Acceptance
Hot chocolate mix
Red rose petal
To Good Friends Friendship Potion
A cherry
A good friend to share it with
Hot Chocolate Potions
Warm My Bones Happiness Potion
Hot chocolate
Marshmallow/Marshmallow fluff
1 drop vanilla extract
To Get Through Hard Days Potion
Hot Chocolate
Fresh Mint Leaf
For Enhanced Energy Potion
Hot Chocolate
Orange Peel
Gem Elixir Potions
Note! Unlike the others, these ones are NOT edible nor should they be ingested! These potions are for anointing or bath magic.
None of these potions are made with the crystals in the water! I ALWAYS put my crystals around a jar or cup of water to charge over night. SOME OF THESE CRYSTALS SHOULD NEVER GO IN WATER!!! So please just place them around your jar of water over night, not in it.
I am Beautiful Potion
Angel Aura Quartz
Clear Quartz
Coconut Oil (small amount)
Peaceful Thoughts Potion
A Pinch of Luck Potion
Divination Improvement Potion
Orange Peels
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Latin phrases to use as incantations.
This is gonna be a long list.
ab intra - from within
ab origine - from the source
absit iniuria - “let insult be absent”
absit invidia - “let envy be absent”
absit omen - “let omens be absent”
ab uno disce omnes - from one, learn all.
abyssus abyssum invocat - deep calleth unto deep
a capite ad calcem - from head to heel
acta non verba - actions not words
ad altiora tendo - “I strive to higher things”
ad astra - to the stars
ad fontes - to the sources
ad meliora - towards better things
ad oculos - to the eyes
ad undas - to the waves
ad victoriam - to victory
adsum - I am here
a fortiori - from the stronger/from strength
a mari usque ad mare - from sea to sea
audeamus - let us dare
audentes fortuna iuvat - fortune favors the bold
audi, vide, tace - hear, see, be silent
beatae memoriae - of blessed memory
bona fide - in good faith
bono malum superate - overcome evil with good
capax infiniti - holding the infinite
carpe diem - seize the day
carpe noctem - seize the night
cave - beware
ceteris paribus - all other things being equal
circa - around
citius, altius, fortius - faster, higher, stronger
clavis aurea - golden key
cogito ergo sum - I think, therefor I am
compos mentis - in control of the mind
concilio et labore - by wisdom and effort
concordia cum veritate - in harmony with truth
concordia salus - well-being through harmony
coniunctis viribus - with connected strength
consummatum est - it is complete
corruptus in extremis - corrupt to the extreme
crescit eundo - it grows as it goes
de novo - from the new
de profundis - from the depths
dies irae - day of wrath
dona nobis pacem - give us peace
ego te provoco - I challenge you
esse est percipi - to be is to be perceived  
esse quam videri - to be, rather than to seem
esto quod es - be what you are
ex animo - from the soul
ex luna scientia - from the moon, knowledge
ex scientia tridens - from knowledge, sea power
ex silentio - from silence
ex undis - from the waves of the sea
experientia docet - experience teaches
fac et spera - do and hope
fac fortia et patere - do brave deed and endure
faciam quodlibet quod necesse est - I’ll do whatever it takes
faciam ut mei memineris - I’ll make you remember me
facta, non verba - deeds, not words
fortis et liber - strong and free
fortis in arduis - strong in difficulties
gloriosus et liber - glorious and free
hic abundant leones - here lions abound
hic et nunc - here and now
hic sunt dracones - here there are dragons
hinc illae lacrimae - hence those tears
hinc itur ad astra - from here the way leads to the stars
igni ferroque - with fire and iron
in memoriam - into the memory
in nocte consilium - advice comes over night
libra - balance
littera scripta manet - the written words endure
locus standi - a right to stand
luceo non uro - I shine, not burn
luctor et emergo - I struggle and emerge
mare liberum - free sea
memento vivere - remember to live
more ferarum - like beasts
natura non contristatur - nature is not saddened
nec spe, nec metu - without hope, without fear
noli me tangere - do not touch me
ophidia in herba - a snake in the grass
pro se - for oneself
propria manu - by one’s own hand
quaere - to seek
quod abundat non obstat - what is abundant does not hinder
resurgam - I shall arise
semper ad meliora - always towards better things
semper anticus - always forward
semper apertus - always open
semper fortis - always brave
semper liber - always free
stet - let it stand
tuebor - I will protect
vera causa - true cause
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Marie Von Behrens
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A rare giant hellbender salamander found dead because some hiker’s rock-stacking collapsed on her. I didn’t even know rock stacking was a thing until this year but there are many ways it disrupts the environment.
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sukiicat 💗 instagram
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Cabin paradise
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Photography by Michael Block LA/NYC
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