wonderles · 4 years
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A 21 year old can’t congratulate his 18 year old friend on graduating??????? What kind of cursed timeline is this? 🤢
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wonderles · 4 years
take this quiz to find out which modern feminine archetype you embody 💘✨💐
reblog ur results along with ur sun + rising sign if you’d like xo
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wonderles · 4 years
“i wish i could go on platonic dates with people”
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wonderles · 4 years
my genuine advice to younger-than-me wlw & questioning women about sex: it’s supposed to feel good. if it doesn’t, you shouldn’t have to do it. if you don’t enjoy something, you’re allowed to not like it. no matter what it is. even stuff that our culture says is essential to sex. you’re allowed to not like pain or crude language when you have sex, you are allowed to not like penetration, you’re allowed to not like oral or anal, you’re allowed to straight up not like being touched (being a stone top is okay!!!), you’re allowed to like things that most straight people don’t even consider sex but feel good, you’re allowed to like things that most cis people don’t even consider sex but feel good, you’re allowed to have preferences and enjoy sex and decide against sex that doesn’t feel safe and good. there is so much pressure to feel like you should like certain things, and I want you to know that it’s important to find out what you actually do like, not just what you feel like you’re supposed to like. you’re the one living in your body, and you get to decide what feels pleasurable 
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wonderles · 4 years
y'all were chomping at the bit to shut down that bihet nonsense (and RIGHTLY SO) so why is it any different for this bi lesbian bullshit, which is the exact same biphobic principle but with extra lesbophobia added in?
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wonderles · 5 years
shane dawson is like “my life is extremely hard because i’m not as rich as jefree despite being just as racist” in hour long videos and people think it’s a deep documentary
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wonderles · 5 years
The creator of the seven stripe lesbian flag (the pink and orange one) is getting bullied and harassed on twitter for not supporting “bisexual lesbians”. Ppl who are not lesbians are proposing flags that look horrid and are inclusive of lesbians of “all sexualites”. People are also implying that the creator of the seven stripe flag is as bad as a TERF or a biphobe for being adamant that lesbianism does not include men.
I had a point here but I’m just gonna say like. You all hate lesbians and you’re absolutely fucking sick in the head. I said it on twitter and I’ll say it here: lesbians are the smallest group in the LGBT community and we’re constantly harassed and sidelined. You all need to do better
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wonderles · 5 years
Happy international lesbian day, what a beautiful day to remember that we don’t love men, we don’t need our minds to be changed, we’re not your porn fantasy, we don’t support TERF, we don’t need male figures when constructing our own families, we are not gross or predatory for having sexual desire towards other women, butches aren’t basically men and reproducing toxic masculinity, and that we have always existed and always will. 
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wonderles · 5 years
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Here we go again…
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wonderles · 5 years
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wonderles · 5 years
Gender reveal parties, and big planned reveals, literally were not a thing ten, fifteen years ago. Don’t let anyone pull that “it’s a tradition!” crap on you, youngsters. They’re LYING. People would either get the ultrasound or not to find out about the genitals, and tell people or not. That was that.
The fuss over “revealing” a baby’s gender in utero stinks of pushback against the shift toward a more nuanced understanding of gender. I mean yeah part of it is social media, and trends catching on, but don’t think for a minute this isn’t part of some regressive attitudes creeping into the mainstream with a cute (blue or pink) bow on it.
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wonderles · 5 years
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Oh wow! I had no idea this is sickening.
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wonderles · 5 years
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excerpt from “queer today, gone tomorrow” by emma healey in diva magazine, c. 1990s
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wonderles · 5 years
Replacing “LGBT” with “Queers” was a mistake, allowing academic use of the word Queer was a mistake, and allowing corporate use of the word Queer was a gigantic fucking mistake
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wonderles · 5 years
What the fuck did i just read?
Why do you think it's ok to use queer as a blanket term? As a bi trans person I find it incredibly hurtful and offensive
Do you really want to know my answer? Like seriously, are you actually open to listening to what my answer may be and absorbing any new information I may offer on the topic?
Because from here it doesn’t seem like you are. 
Let’s be honest with each other, you started out with the phrase “why do you think it’s ok” which is aggressive language, and then you justified your disagreement with your identity. Which I always found to be an interesting tactic, because when this clarification exists in an argument it assumes that by having this particular set of identities you are somehow more qualified to discuss this problem than someone else, while at the same time personalizing you so it is harder for anyone to disagree with you.
You then use the words hurtful, and then offensive. Both button words that illicit a certain type of response, hurtful in how inarguable it is. That is your feeling and I would never argue what a stranger is feeling to them. Then there is offensive, which is a word that is very well used in the LGBT+ community to discuss important issues surrounding our dehumanization. 
I don’t think that this message was a carefully crafted masterpiece of debate and trickery that you spent hour figuring out the direct phrasing of obviously, but I do think you had an intent when you wrote this message and the words you chose make that intent clear. 
You don’t want to talk to me. Hell I doubt you even follow me. I have anonymous turned off on my ask box, but I am almost 100% sure that if I didn’t you would be sending this under the little sunglasses wearing icon.
Also if you checked my FAQ you would have found a helpful little link explaining to you my views on the queer discourse. You may have noticed that I have my own reasons why I decide to use that word, and my own history with it. You probably also would have seen my post saying that I don’t mind people disagreeing with me. Or you could have seen that I have a link set up that blocks the word from all my content so no one has to see it if they don’t want to, and they can still have access to the history that I give insight into. 
But you didn’t care about that did you? Because you aren’t actually interested in what I have to say, if you were you would have already seen all of this and you would have seen my request for people to stop asking me to drag out my arguments for why I use the word again and again. You probably would have realized that either A) it is a lost cause so why bother B) that I have nothing left to say on the matter that I haven’t already said and you may have respected my professional boundaries enough to leave it alone.  
But here we are, you uninformed and angry, and me annoyed and tired. We aren’t going to have a good dialogue, and I am near certain you wouldn’t have accepted one if I offered it. You are not here to change my mind, because I have to assume that you at least did a basic check to see that my entire project has the word queer in it and it is pretty clear that isn’t changing. And you are also not here to have your mind changed. 
And to be honest I have no desire to change your mind. I don’t mind people disagreeing with me on this. It actually isn’t that big of a deal to me if someone doesn’t agree with my viewpoints all the time. 
I have read a lot of arguments in favour of removing the word from our lexicon completely. I disagree, but I understand them. As I have said before, this isn’t a huge dividing point for me. 
I have given people access to my work without the word queer in it, and that is the extent of what I am going to do here. 
So why are you sending this in? Nothing is going to change from it, and honestly it is a pretty boring message so I can’t believe you thought something would.
I think the sole reason you sent this was performative. 
You wanted to show that you tried to convince that big mean queer person without actually trying to convince them. Maybe this was a performance; for your followers, maybe you will screenshot my response and share them in a group chat. Or it is also possible this is a performance for yourself, maybe you want to convince yourself that you are doing something. 
Maybe you feel ineffective or like you need to make a difference so you are sending this message to me to feel proud of yourself for trying to change something that you don’t like. 
But you aren’t doing this to actually do the hard work of changing something. 
And it is fine if you aren’t able to do that work for any reason, but leave other people out of your sense of inadequacy. I am not here to be your punching bag that you hit so you can feel big and strong.  
I am tired, and I am bored of people sending me this performative garbage.
Which of course lends itself to the question, why am I answering this publicly?
I will admit there is a little bit of performance from my side as well, I want people to see how right I am and how much this behavior sucks. I want people to see me destroying this ask, and I am not going to lie I am totally going to send screenshots to the group chat.
What makes us different, is that I didn’t seek this performance out. I clearly did not send this to myself, and I haven’t made a post about the queer discourse in months. Which means, this person had to search for me so that they could get mad at me. Whereas I just had to check my inbox this morning and respond to what was there.
But outside of the performance of it all, I want my answer to sit with you for a couple of days. I don’t care if I change your mind about the queer discourse because honestly I do not care about the queer discourse. But I do want to change something. I want you to stop sending asks like these, because this doesn’t seem like it is your first. 
And if you were just sending them to me I would be fine with it. I can delete asks, and they roll off my back if I decide to let them. But not everyone is like that. 
I could now give a rant about the little baby queers I am protecting, but it is not just about them. It is about all of the people you send this kind of thing to (who almost certainly don’t deserve hate mail), whether they are affected deeply by it or not it doesn’t make what you are doing any better. 
And if me writing this long message publicly makes it less likely for you to send something like this again, then it is worth the five minutes I have spent crafting it. Because if you are a little more self conscious about doing something like this again, then hopefully I will have spared a couple of people the annoyance of having to deal with this kind of garbage message. 
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wonderles · 5 years
‘asexuality’ as a personal descriptor for how you experience sex and attraction is completely fine, for adults.
but it doesn’t hold up as a social identity and that becomes extremely obvious whenever you hold it up to literally any other social identity. race, gender, class, ability, religion, sexuality, all of these are coherent identities that come with shared social, cultural, and political experiences. all of these are also things that children can be. all of them (except for race) can change over time of course, but children are still these things.
children can’t be asexual. point blank. to say there are asexual children is to say there are non-asexual children which is by definition sexualizing children, and extremely vile. this is also why ace =/= lgbt, bc children can be lgbt but they can’t be asexual.
im not even gonna get into all the ways the “asexual community” is non-cohesive bc it would take too long, but more importantly, the asexual/non-asexual dichotomy is false. made up. a lie. not grounded in any sort of reality.
i think conceptualizing “asexuality” as a social identity and presenting it as a go-to option if you’re even remotely uncomfortable or uninterested with sex is…. bad. it’s just bad! sex is COMPLICATED and personal and everything from your upbringing to religion to sexuality to race to gender to dysphoria to mental health etc is going to factor into your relationship to sex. minors are developing their sexualities. young adults are figuring out their rltshp to sex. grown ass adults are also still figuring it out! 
if you have spent time with yourself reflecting on your rltshp to sex and figuring out with makes you happy and healthy, and the conclusion you came to is asexuality, that’s COMPLETELY fine. good for you!
but that’s not an identity the same way that someone coming to the conclusion that they love sex and having sex all the time, is also not an identity. and it’s also a conclusion that only adults can come to. to send any other message just makes it harder for minors to safely figure out their own rltshps to sex and attraction.
you literally have people suggesting to 15 year olds that they might be ace bc they’re “not interested in sex like all their friends are.” that’s bananas. completely ridiculous at best, actively damaging at worst. like that’s a literal child, and it’s completely normal for 15 year olds to not be interested in sex. again, if you believe a 15 year old can be asexual, what does that say about how you think of teenagers in general?
i think we’re too far gone in this current cultural moment to like, recalibrate people’s understanding of asexuality. and it’s worrisome. all i hope for is that minors aren’t harmed / repressing their sexuality even further / getting into situations that are unhealthy for them / etc as a result of this cultural moment.
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wonderles · 5 years
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