wonjeonwrites · 2 years
real | red handed
“I’m here!” The front door slams shut, startling a half asleep Minh. 
“Juyeon!” Minh scolds, yawning and stretching her arms as she rose to a sitting position on the couch, “That was fast.”
“I didn’t have a lot to say,” Juyeon casually explains, walking over and plopping onto the couch next to Minh and pulling her into his side, “And I missed you.” 
“Ew,” Minh swats him away, “I’m hungry.”
“Last time I checked, you also like me?” Juyeon teases, pulling Minh closer against his side, “Now that I’m done being stupid, I owe you all the affection I failed to give you before.”
Minh buries her head into his side, arms snaking around his waist, “You took too long to realize it.”
“I know,” Juyeon sighs, moving one hand to play with Minh’s hair, “But this time I wanna do it right.”
“Do what right?” “Make you my girlfriend.”
“So! Boba?” Minh blushes, trying to get away from Juyeon’s grip.
“Not so fast!” Juyeon laughs, pulling her back in, “I’m serious, Minh. I really messed up when I dated Chae and distanced myself from you. I should’ve just trusted my feelings.” 
“Did you only date Chae to get over me?” 
“Not really. I admit I did see her as a scapegoat and thought dating her would get rid of some of my feelings for you, but it didn't really work. She was pissed when I told her that.” 
Minh stays silent and Juyeon immediately recognizes her thinking face.
“Something wrong?” Juyeon asks, ducking down to her eye level, “You’re doing that thinking face that worries me.”
“Just thinking,” Minh answers. 
“Too much from what I can see,” Juyeon responds, placing a soft peck on the corner of her lips. 
“Juyo!” Minh giggles, “You’re getting bold.”
“I told you,” Juyeon places a kiss on her cheek, “I owe you.” 
“No, you don’t,” Minh laughs, patting his cheek, “Just don’t hurt me.”
“So what are we?” Minh questions, making Juyeon laugh.
“What do you want us to be?” Juyeon responds, cupping her face in his big hand, “Whatever you’re comfortable with.”
“I’m not sure,” Minh answers, “I like how we are right now. I don’t want to move too fast, especially since you just got out of a relationship.” 
“I agree,” Juyeon nods, “But can I still kiss you?” 
Minh snorts, throwing her head back against the back of the couch, “You’re cute, Ju.” 
“Is that a yes?” He leans in.
“Sure,” Minh smiles, closing the gap between them and placing a kiss on his lips. 
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25. red handed
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📓 masterlist
in which Minh just wants to see the real Juyeon
“I can’t believe you agreed to help him out again.”
“I’m this close to getting through to him, maybe this will be the day.”
Everyone knows that Juyeon is talented. Environmental science major by day and co-captain of the varsity football team by night. But when his grades begin to slip and his spot at the playoffs are at stake, it’s up to Minh to save the day, like she always does.
a/n: coming down with a bad case of writer’s block so I may be taking the rest of the week off to brainstorm new ideas :( school has also been super busy since spring break is next week, so this may be the last update this week. it’s kinda self-indulgent because I've been feeling tired/drained and needed some judo fluff to cheer me up. hope you like it and see you in the next update <3
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wonjeonwrites · 2 years
real | too nice
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24. too nice
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📓 masterlist
in which Minh just wants to see the real Juyeon
“I can’t believe you agreed to help him out again.”
“I’m this close to getting through to him, maybe this will be the day.”
Everyone knows that Juyeon is talented. Environmental science major by day and co-captain of the varsity football team by night. But when his grades begin to slip and his spot at the playoffs are at stake, it’s up to Minh to save the day, like she always does.
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wonjeonwrites · 2 years
real | leave us hanging
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23. leave us hanging
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📓 masterlist
in which Minh just wants to see the real Juyeon
“I can’t believe you agreed to help him out again.”
“I’m this close to getting through to him, maybe this will be the day.”
Everyone knows that Juyeon is talented. Environmental science major by day and co-captain of the varsity football team by night. But when his grades begin to slip and his spot at the playoffs are at stake, it’s up to Minh to save the day, like she always does.
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wonjeonwrites · 2 years
real | i was wrong
“C’mon, in you go,” Eric leads a pouting Minh into her apartment where Sunwoo and Sunni were waiting. 
She makes eye contact with her best friends before running over and plopping in between them, throwing herself into Sunni’s open arms. After a few seconds of silence, sobs begin to emit from the girl. 
“Minh,” Eric sighs, leaning over and rubbing the girl’s back in a comforting manner, “What happened?”
Minh lets out a few more sobs before burying her head deeper into Sunni’s chest, “I kissed Juyeon.” 
“You what?” Sunni gasps, “Again, you were muffled.” 
Minh shamefully lifts her head up, brushing the messy hair away from her face, “I kissed Juyeon!”
Minh whimpers going right back to her previous hiding spot in her best friend’s chest, “And he pushed me away! I’m so dumb. I don’t know what came over me I just figured it was the best time and we already weren’t on speaking terms so if I messed anything up-” 
“Wait!” Sunwoo interrupts, “YOU kissed JUYEON?” 
“Yes!” Minh sobs, “Don’t repeat it! I feel horrible! He has a girlfriend!! I’m a home wrecker!!”
“Well, maybe not for long,” A new voice answers before anyone could.
“Oh shit,” Sunwoo curses, turning his head towards the door, where a panting Juyeon stood with a hand on the wall as he tried to catch his breath. 
“Elevator was down,” Juyeon huffs, “Minh, can we talk?” 
Minh sits frozen as the boy finally catches his breath. She stays still as he crosses the kitchen over to her. 
“Yes!” Eric, Sunni, and Sunwoo answer for their friend. 
Sunni pushes Minh off as she looks at everyone but Juyeon. Fear sets in her eyes as the three friends pick up their things and head to the front door. 
“Be good!” Eric hollers as they leave the two standing in the living room, “We’ll check up on you in an hour! Bye!” 
Silence fills the room as Minh avoids eye contact with Juyeon. 
“Please look at me,” Juyeon moves closer, placing both hands on Minh’s face and directing her to look at him, “Please.” 
Minh takes a deep breath before finally looking up and meeting Juyeon’s eyes, which are filled with nothing but relief. They hold each other’s game before tears begin to fill Minh’s eyes once more. 
“I’m sorry, Juyeon!” She cries as Juyeon pulls her into his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around her body. 
Juyeon frowns as he moves to sit both of them on the couch, his arms never letting go of the smaller girl. 
“Don’t be,” He shushes her, lifting her head up to look at him. 
“There’s nothing to be sorry about, Mini,” He whispers, using his thumb to wipe away her tears, “You did nothing wrong.” 
“You have a girlfriend,” Minh sniffles, leaning into his touch, “We can’t do this. You shouldn’t be here.” 
“I made a horrible choice leaving you,” Juyeon starts, completely ignoring Minh’s previous words, “I’m in the wrong all because of my stupid feelings. I should be the one saying sorry.”
Minh stays silent as Juyeon continues to caress her cheek, “I was dumb and let my stupid brain tell me what to do instead of listening to my heart.” 
“What?” Minh croaks out, “What are you talking about?”
“I thought I was over you after I started dating Chae,” Juyeons scoffs, “I was wrong.” 
Minh’s eyes widen in realization as she processes what he had just revealed. She opens her mouth to respond but Juyeon continues. 
“I knew you liked me, Minh, and I liked you too. That’s why I loved having you as my tutor and being with you all the time. I was thinking about admitting it to you, but after the past few sessions we had, I saw how stressed and tired you were. I realized that all I brought you was stress and a heavier workload. I didn't want that for you. I wanted you to be free and relaxed. I figured distancing myself would give you more time for your own work and stuff.” 
“Are you dumb?” Minh interrupts, sitting up and on her knees in order to be closer to Juyeon’s height, “Are you hearing yourself?”
Juyeon stares back in confusion as Minh moves to cup his face in her hands, “You are so dumb, Lee Juyeon.” 
“This isn’t starting off too good,” He mumbles through pursed lips.
“Why would you think like that?” Minh scolds, “Why couldn’t you have just been honest! I should’ve just told you that I liked you sooner because we probably would not be in this mess if I did-” 
Minh is cut off as Juyeon leans in and pecks her lips. 
“Ju!” Minh gasps, letting Juyeon’s face go.
“You called me Ju!” 
“You kissed me!” 
“I did!” 
“You have a girlfriend!!” 
“She kissed another boy tonight, too!” 
“That doesn’t validate-” Minh is cut off again by Juyeon’s lips. 
“Oops,” Juyeon giggles as Minh smacks his arm. 
“Wait, she did what?” Minh backtracks, “Who did she kiss?”
“One of her friends,” Juyeon sighs, shifting to lean back on the couch, pulling her into his side, “She was at a party tonight and tried to kiss one of her friends.”
Minh frowns as she looks up at Juyeon, “Are you okay?” 
“Do you forgive me?” He counters, looking down at her doe eyes.
“Not yet, but I think the explanation helped a lot.” Minh yawns, snuggling into Juyeon’s side. 
“Good. Then, I’m ok,” He reassures, softly rubbing up and down her side, “Sleepy?” 
“Yeah,” Minh yawns again, adjusting so that her head was on Juyeon’s chest and arms wrapped around his torso, “Stay?” 
“Always.” Juyeons plants one final kiss on Minh’s forehead, “Go to sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.” 
Minh’s eyes flutter close as Juyeon careful pulls out his phone, opening Eric’s contact. 
“She’s asleep. No need to come back. I’m staying the night.” 
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📓 masterlist
in which Minh just wants to see the real Juyeon
“I can’t believe you agreed to help him out again.”
“I’m this close to getting through to him, maybe this will be the day.”
Everyone knows that Juyeon is talented. Environmental science major by day and co-captain of the varsity football team by night. But when his grades begin to slip and his spot at the playoffs are at stake, it’s up to Minh to save the day, like she always does.
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wonjeonwrites · 2 years
real | explain tomorrow
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21. explain tomorrow
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📓 masterlist
in which Minh just wants to see the real Juyeon
“I can’t believe you agreed to help him out again.”
“I’m this close to getting through to him, maybe this will be the day.”
Everyone knows that Juyeon is talented. Environmental science major by day and co-captain of the varsity football team by night. But when his grades begin to slip and his spot at the playoffs are at stake, it’s up to Minh to save the day, like she always does.
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wonjeonwrites · 2 years
real | just like old times
“Kevin, I’m fine,” Juyeon sighs for probably the 10th time since he’s picked up the phone, “She’s coming soon. I have to go now.” 
“Ok, I’ll let you go,” Kevin responds, “Remember, think before you speak. You messed up once. Don't mess it up this time.” 
Juyeon ends the call and crosses his living room to the front door to greet the delivery person. Since Minh agreed to meet at his place, Juyeon made it his mission to earn her forgiveness. Despite the pouting from Chae, Juyeon stood his ground. This was between him and Minh. The least he could do is give her his undivided attention. 
A few seconds after the delivery arrives, another knock sounds throughout the quiet apartment. Juyeon panics for a quick second before swinging the door open, revealing an equally nervous Minh. 
“Minh!” Juyeon smiles, reaching out and pulling her in for a hug. 
Minh lets out a gasp before hesitantly hugging back, the whole ordeal feeling weirdly relaxing for her. 
“Juyeon, hi,” She barely whispers as Juyeon pulls back and leads her into the house. 
She awkwardly stands in the entrance, looking anywhere but at the boy in front of her. 
“Is something wrong?” Juyeon nervously bites his lip, “Did I make you uncomfortable?” 
Panic sets in her eyes as she realizes her odd behavior, “No! I just...haven’t been here in a while and don’t know what to do.” 
“It’s still your house as much as it is mine, Mini,” Juyeon answers, “Are you hungry? I got your favorites.” 
Minh cracks a soft smile as Juyeon tries to make her as comfortable as possible. She leaves her shoes at the door and follows Juyeon into his kitchen and watches as he carefully removes everything from the bags, setting them out on his counter. 
“So are we eating on the couch?” She finally speaks up after gathering the courage to start a conversation amidst the awkward silence. 
“Of course we are!” Juyeon flashes a toothy smile, already making his way to the couch. 
Just like old times. 
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“Wait!” Minh giggles, “So that’s why you wouldn’t let me in that one time?” 
“Yeah! She said she’d leave before 10am, so I didn’t bother setting my alarm,” Juyeon blushes, “But when you came in the next day and she was still in my bed I was so embarrassed.” 
“Listen, do whatever you want outside of our sessions, but please make sure your one night stands leave before I arrive,” Minh teases, “I can’t be chasing half-naked girls out all the time.” 
Dinner was going great. After getting comfortable and tucking into the delivery ramen and sushi, the pair slowly began to warm up to each other again, sharing stories and filling in the gaps they’ve missed from each other’s lives.
“That was the last time I took a girl home before a tutoring session,” Juyeon laughs. 
The laughter dies down as Minh puts her almost-empty container back on the coffee table. 
“Listen,” Juyeon puts his food down, turning his body to fully face the girl cuddled into his couch, “I want to apologize, Minh.” 
Minh hums, looking directly at Juyeon. 
“I didn’t mean for it to end up this way,” He starts to explain, the nerves slowly coming back, “I know I've done some pretty stupid shit to you, but this by far takes the cake. One of my worst fears is losing you and it almost came true.” 
Minh nods, breaking eye contact. 
“I know that you have feelings for me,” Juyeon starts. 
“What?” Minh’s head shoots up, panic filling her face, “Who told you that? Where did you hear that from?” 
Juyeon moves closer, reaching out and holding the girl steady by her arms. 
“Juyeon,” Minh tries again, “I don’t know where you heard that from but-” 
Minh’s mumbling is cut off by Juyeon’s big hands moving to cup her face. 
“I just figured it out,” He explains, “But the guys confirmed it for me. Trust me, I didn’t know until a few weeks ago when Kevin, Chanhee, and Changmin confirmed it.” 
“You aren’t supposed to know,” Minh shakily responds, her vision becoming blurry as tears begin to form, “I was getting over it. You weren’t supposed to find out because I was working on getting over you-” 
“Minh,” Juyeon cuts off her rambling, “We can’t happen. You’re amazing and I appreciate you so much, but we can’t. You’re too good for me, Minh. All I’ll do is cause trouble and you have to fix everything for me. I don’t want you to go through that.” 
“That isn’t your decision to make!” Minh sniffles, “You didn’t even hear it from me. Who gave you the right to make decisions for me, Juyeon? I knew what I was in for when I started liking you. I don’t need you to tell me anything. Stop protecting me, Juyeon!” 
“Minh, it’s for the best-” Juyeon starts but is cut off by Minh’s lips on his. 
He gasps as she kisses him, tears freely falling down her face as she cups his face in her cold hands. He stays still for a moment before giving in, kissing her back with the same passion she was giving. 
Minh slowly melts into the kiss as Juyeon’s arms wrap around her torso, pulling her closer. Soon, she was fully in his lap, the kiss getting deeper. 
“Minh, stop!” Juyeon comes to his senses, pushing her back. 
Minh freezes as she realizes what she has done. She looks at Juyeon with wide eyes and swollen lips as he mirrors the same expression. 
“Minh,” Juyeon starts, reaching out for her. 
“No no no no,” Tears begin to fall faster down her face, “I’m so sorry, Juyeon.” 
The girl abruptly gets up from the couch, racing towards the front door. 
“Minh, no!” Juyeon chases after her, but to his luck, she grabs her shoes and runs out the door, sobs fading as she runs further away. 
“Fuck!” Juyeon groans, going back inside and dialing Eric’s phone number. 
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📓 masterlist
in which Minh just wants to see the real Juyeon
“I can’t believe you agreed to help him out again.”
“I’m this close to getting through to him, maybe this will be the day.”
Everyone knows that Juyeon is talented. Environmental science major by day and co-captain of the varsity football team by night. But when his grades begin to slip and his spot at the playoffs are at stake, it’s up to Minh to save the day, like she always does.
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wonjeonwrites · 2 years
real | i know a guy
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19. i know a guy
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📓 masterlist
in which Minh just wants to see the real Juyeon
“I can’t believe you agreed to help him out again.”
“I’m this close to getting through to him, maybe this will be the day.”
Everyone knows that Juyeon is talented. Environmental science major by day and co-captain of the varsity football team by night. But when his grades begin to slip and his spot at the playoffs are at stake, it’s up to Minh to save the day, like she always does.
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wonjeonwrites · 2 years
real | extra happy
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18. extra happy
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📓 masterlist
in which Minh just wants to see the real Juyeon
“I can’t believe you agreed to help him out again.”
“I’m this close to getting through to him, maybe this will be the day.”
Everyone knows that Juyeon is talented. Environmental science major by day and co-captain of the varsity football team by night. But when his grades begin to slip and his spot at the playoffs are at stake, it’s up to Minh to save the day, like she always does.
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wonjeonwrites · 2 years
real | crossing my fingers
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17. crossing my fingers
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📓 masterlist
in which Minh just wants to see the real Juyeon
“I can’t believe you agreed to help him out again.”
“I’m this close to getting through to him, maybe this will be the day.”
Everyone knows that Juyeon is talented. Environmental science major by day and co-captain of the varsity football team by night. But when his grades begin to slip and his spot at the playoffs are at stake, it’s up to Minh to save the day, like she always does.
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wonjeonwrites · 2 years
real | oops
“Yo, is that Juyeon?” Sunwoo loudly drops his spoon into the bowl, small drops of soup splashing onto his hoodie, “Dude, turn around!!” 
Eric’s small that was once occupying his face quickly disappears as he processes his best friend’s words, “What?” 
“It’s freaking Juyeon and his girlfriend. They just walked in,” The panic in Sunwoo’s voice slowly becoming more evident. 
Both boys turn their heads towards the empty table a few feet from theirs, where the couple was making an obvious beeline to. Eric whips his head around to face Sunwoo again, a look of panic overtaking his features. 
“Is Minh done eating?” He huffs out in a loud whisper, “We gotta get her out of here.”
“She’s in the bathroom. Quick, come up with an excuse so we can leave once we comes back,” Sunwoo ducks his head down, silently wishing that the dimly lit ramen restaurant is dark enough that Juyeon doesn't recognize them. 
Sunwoo’s wishes go unanswered as a soft “Eric?” is spoken. 
Eric freezes as he slowly turns around to face his taller senior, an uncomfortable smile making its way onto his face. 
“Yooo Juyeon!” He nervously responds, “Nice seeing you here!”
Sunwoo’s smile falters as he looks towards the bathroom door, where Minh is exiting from. 
“Just you two?” Juyeon questions, sending Sunwoo a small wave.
“Actually-” Eric starts. 
“The bathroom literally had just 1 working stall. How long will it ta-” A new voice joins the conversation but is quickly cut off. 
“Minh!” Sunwoo nervously laughs, “Are you done with your food? Eric and I were craving some ice cream and wanted to get some from the convenience store on our way home.” 
Sunwoo desperately tries to distract the girl as her gaze moves to the tall figure standing by the table. Eric and Sunwoo freeze as all the color drains from the girl’s face and her body freezes on the spot. 
“Minh?” Juyeon starts, “I-I didn’t know-” 
“Babe!” Another voice pops into the conversation, “Oh, Eric and Sunwoo! Nice seeing you here!” 
Minh’s eyes dart over to Juyeon, clothed in a casual hoodie and jeans, and the shorter girl, clad in a hoodie that she recognized as one she had previously borrowed from the same boy.
“It’s so nice seeing you guys here! I haven’t seen you guys in a while!” Chae continues as Minh stays glued to her spot. “Oh! And you’re Minh, right? You were Juyeon’s tutor!” 
Were. The word rings in Minh’s head as the world begins to spin and she struggles to respond to the greeting. 
Her eyes dart over to Sunwoo and Eric, who both shared horrified expressions, then to Juyeon, who was nervously scratching the back of his neck. The silence was deafening as an answer was brewing in Minh’s mind. 
“Yeah,” Minh finally spits out, a bitter smile replacing her previous look of shock, “I was. Are you his new tutor?”
Sunwoo fails to hold back a chuckle as Chae scoffs, “No! I’m Chae, his girlfriend actually.”
“Oh! How nice,” Minh responds, “You were the girl he was ditching my lessons for. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
Chae’s smile falters a bit from the other girl’s harsh response as she wraps her arms around Juyeon’s bicep, “Yeah, we’re dating now!” 
“Oh, perfect!” Eric interrupts, breaking the growing tension between the girls, “We were actually on our way out! It was nice seeing you guys!”
Minh yelps as Sunwoo grabs her wrist, pulling her next to him as he stands from the table, “Yup! It was nice seeing you guys, but we gotta run! See you around!” 
“It was nice meeting you, Shae!” Minh giggles and waves as Sunwoo drags her out of the restaurant. 
“My name is Chae!” Juyeon’s girlfriend yells back, a pout taking over her face, “Did she not hear me well?”
Juyeon stands frozen in place as he takes in what just happened. He quickly comes back to his senses, shaking his head to clear his thoughts. 
“Let’s go sit down. I’m starving!” 
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16. oops
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📓 masterlist
in which Minh just wants to see the real Juyeon
“I can’t believe you agreed to help him out again.”
“I’m this close to getting through to him, maybe this will be the day.”
Everyone knows that Juyeon is talented. Environmental science major by day and co-captain of the varsity football team by night. But when his grades begin to slip and his spot at the playoffs are at stake, it’s up to Minh to save the day, like she always does.
10 notes · View notes
wonjeonwrites · 2 years
real | time skip
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15. time skip
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📓 masterlist
in which Minh just wants to see the real Juyeon
“I can’t believe you agreed to help him out again.”
“I’m this close to getting through to him, maybe this will be the day.”
Everyone knows that Juyeon is talented. Environmental science major by day and co-captain of the varsity football team by night. But when his grades begin to slip and his spot at the playoffs are at stake, it’s up to Minh to save the day, like she always does.
16 notes · View notes
wonjeonwrites · 2 years
Sorry to be an ugly fun-killer but in light of the recent Invasion I urge you all to be mindful of the things you reblog and the memes that you repost. Please remember that behind every "world war 3 lmao" post there is a reality where real people are going to be displaced from their homes and are going to lose their lives.
Before you laugh at that tweet that talks about the draft or whatever ask yourself: are you laughing because it's funny? or are you laughing because you're safe and comfortable in the West and it's not a direct problem for you?
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wonjeonwrites · 2 years
real | normal
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14. normal
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📓 masterlist
in which Minh just wants to see the real Juyeon
“I can’t believe you agreed to help him out again.”
“I’m this close to getting through to him, maybe this will be the day.”
Everyone knows that Juyeon is talented. Environmental science major by day and co-captain of the varsity football team by night. But when his grades begin to slip and his spot at the playoffs are at stake, it’s up to Minh to save the day, like she always does.
11 notes · View notes
wonjeonwrites · 2 years
real | you heard me
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13. you heard me
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📓 masterlist
in which Minh just wants to see the real Juyeon
“I can’t believe you agreed to help him out again.”
“I’m this close to getting through to him, maybe this will be the day.”
Everyone knows that Juyeon is talented. Environmental science major by day and co-captain of the varsity football team by night. But when his grades begin to slip and his spot at the playoffs are at stake, it’s up to Minh to save the day, like she always does.
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wonjeonwrites · 2 years
real | pathetic
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12. pathetic 
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📓 masterlist
in which Minh just wants to see the real Juyeon
“I can’t believe you agreed to help him out again.”
“I’m this close to getting through to him, maybe this will be the day.”
Everyone knows that Juyeon is talented. Environmental science major by day and co-captain of the varsity football team by night. But when his grades begin to slip and his spot at the playoffs are at stake, it’s up to Minh to save the day, like she always does.
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wonjeonwrites · 2 years
real | the truth
“What is she doing?” Eric squints his eyes towards Minh, who was sitting on the other couch with her phone held closely to her face and fingers typing at lightning speed.
“Hmm?” Sunwoo questions, directing his attention to his friend.
“Minh?” Eric speaks up, putting his glass down.
Minh doesn't respond, her fingers seeming to move faster. Sunni moves to pause the movie playing on the television as Eric moves to the couch the two girls were sitting on. 
“Minh??” Eric tries to catch the girl’s attention again, but to his luck, she continues to furiously type on her phone. 
“Minh, what are you doing?” Sunni tries, leaning towards her to catch a glimpse at her phone. 
Sunni gasps once she gets a good luck at her best friend’s phone screen, “Minh! What are you doing?!” 
Minh’s head jolts up, making eye contact with Eric, then Sunwoo, before a frown plants itself onto her blushing face. 
“Telling him how I feel!” The girl catching everyone off guard, “He has the nerves to cancel on me and move our schedule around and now he’s trying to replace me!”
Minh struggles to speak clearly as the alcohol-induced breakdown begins to erupt, but she continues to ramble as tears begin to form in her eyes. 
“What?” Sunni softens, not used to seeing her best friend this agitated, “Who are you talking about, Mini?” 
“Juyeon!” The girl responds as more tears fall down her face, “He...”
“Slow down,” Eric sits on the couch next to her, pulling her in his side, rubbing her back in comfort. 
Sunwoo moves towards the couch, kneeling in front of Minh and wiping her tears with a napkin, “What did Juyeon do?” 
Minh takes a deep, shaky breath, trying her best to compose herself, “He asked if Chae could help him finish his paper instead. It’s not fair! I’ve always helped him and been there for him whenever he needed help. When he almost failed English last semester, I put work aside to help him! Whenever he needed help with assignments, I’d drop everything to help him!”
Eric, Sunwoo, and Sunni’s eyes dart to each other, with none of them knowing what to say. 
“It isn’t fair! I should’ve known. I'm just a tutor to him. It was a horrible idea to fall for him. I should've known!” Minh cries, tears falling faster than Sunwoo can catch and wipe away, “I don’t know why I was so stupid and actually thought that he’d like someone like me. I should’ve known since he started seeing that girl that I’d lose him.” 
“Minh, don’t say that!” Sunni scolds, earning a choked scoff from the girl. 
“It’s the truth!” Minh yelps, flailing her arms and startling her 3 friends, “I might as well accept it now. He only needed me when I had something to offer him. I can write and he needs a good paper in order to play in the playoffs.” 
“That’s not true, love,” Sunwoo tries to reassure the sobbing girl, “We all know that Juyeon loves and appreciates you and all that you do for him.” 
“That’s absolutely not true,” Minh coldly cuts him off, “He loves what he can get from me. I can’t give him what Chae can. She's pretty, charming, and smart. I’ve lost.” 
The three friends stare in silence as Minh gets up from the couch and storms into her bedroom, slamming the door shut. After a few seconds of silence, loud sobs begin to emit from the bedroom, the sound of their best friend in pain causing all their hearts to slowly break. 
“I’m gonna strangle him,” Sunni seethes, standing up to grab a glass of water from the kitchen, “I’m gonna check up on her.”
Sunni knocks on Minh’s door, softly calling out, “Mini, it’s me.” 
After a few seconds of silence, Sunni pushes the door open, seeing Minh buried in her sheets, uncontrollable sobs wracking through her body.
“Oh, honey,” She whispers, placing the glass on the nightstand as the 2 boys enter the bedroom, “Just let it out.” 
“I just,” Minh hiccups and Sunwoo plops into the bed to pull her into his chest, “It isn’t fair. How can I like someone so much and not get anything back in return. I thought I could be it for him.”
“Don't say that, Minh,” Eric frowns, pushing strands of hair away from his best friend’s face. 
“But it’s better that I accept it now instead of getting my heart broken later. This is a sign. Me and Juyeon aren’t going to be anything anytime soon. I thought there would be some feelings from both sides, but it seems like that will go unreciprocated.”
“You don't know that,” Sunni answers, trying to brighten the situation.
“I don’t want to know,” Minh sniffles, “Him wanting Chae to tutor him instead was the sign. A sign that I need to back off. I’m going to leave it at that.”
Silence takes over the bedroom as Sunwoo continues to rock Minh to sleep, her sobs slowing into sniffles and soon, she was snoring softly in her best friend’s arms. 
“Tomorrow will be insane,” Eric speaks up as the 3 friends move out from Minh’s bedroom, her soft snores the only other sound filling the room.
“It’s gonna be hard,” Sunni agrees, “But the only person who can fix this is Juyeon and I hope he does the right thing.”
“What is the right thing to do in this situation?” Sunwoo questions. 
“Tell Minh the truth,” Sunni sighs, plopping onto the couch in the living room, “The real truth about his feelings.” 
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📓 masterlist
in which Minh just wants to see the real Juyeon
“I can’t believe you agreed to help him out again.”
“I’m this close to getting through to him, maybe this will be the day.”
Everyone knows that Juyeon is talented. Environmental science major by day and co-captain of the varsity football team by night. But when his grades begin to slip and his spot at the playoffs are at stake, it’s up to Minh to save the day, like she always does.
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wonjeonwrites · 2 years
real | code red
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10. code red
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📓 masterlist
in which Minh just wants to see the real Juyeon
“I can’t believe you agreed to help him out again.”
“I’m this close to getting through to him, maybe this will be the day.”
Everyone knows that Juyeon is talented. Environmental science major by day and co-captain of the varsity football team by night. But when his grades begin to slip and his spot at the playoffs are at stake, it’s up to Minh to save the day, like she always does.
10 notes · View notes