woodriftjet-blog · 11 years
“You shouldn’t… but you want to..?” he teased before letting her lead instead. Jet wasn’t really much of a direction expert when it came to places that weren’t near the sea… “Just kidding. You should, but yeah, you know, no pressure. None at all.” He smirked.
Then there was this other thing, the… hand thing. It felt foreign, because he couldn’t really remember the last time he felt this. So it was foreign, but nice. Okay then. “So my idea of following the horse sounds isn’t working that much…” He trailed off as they reached the place that not only had sounds from horses, but also smelled like horses. Kind of like the feeling he had with the sea… but with horses. How many times did he already say the word 'horses' in his head? Wow.
Faye thought for a moment before responding to his question. It wasn’t as if she was offended, really, she just didn’t really know how to react, so she kept quiet and followed him instead. “I’m fine.” She tried to smile at him, shaking her head. 
“Should I..?” She chuckled this time, rolling her eyes playfully, before taking his hand in hers instead. “Maybe. I’m still trying to figure out if I should trust the stupid grin of yours.” She tugged at his hand, “Well, we won’t find if we’re not going in the right direction, are we? Come on.” A small laugh fell from her lips as she pulled him to the right path. 
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woodriftjet-blog · 11 years
He wasn't really sure which direction he was supposed to be going. He just followed the path he took the week before that led him to the stables and hoped that following the sound and the neighing was the right thing~
Jet realised that Faye wasn't saying anything at all and so he came to a sudden stop.  He faced her. "You okay, Faye~?" He was about to remark about that being a rhyme but stopped himself. "Do you trust me on my promise that I'll prove it later...?" He felt stupid now, knowing that he somehow did the wrong thing without intending to... 
Faye honestly wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but it sure as hell wasn’t for him to laugh. A tinge of both disappointment and relief built inside her and bit her lower lip softly, her eyes on him. 
Letting Jet drag her towards the exit of the building, she couldn’t bring herself to say anything, so she simply nodded at him, a confused expression on her face. 
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woodriftjet-blog · 11 years
He walked closer to her (if that was possible?) and for a few moments just grinned and said nothing just to put Faye on edge. He bit his lip and looked upward as if thinking of something, but he was on the verge of laughing.
"Later~!" He said finally with a small laugh and stepping back suddenly. Jet placed a hand on one of Faye's wrist and gently tugged on it to move them both forward. "Wouldn't want to keep Charlie waiting now, would we? After we feed him, I promise."
As Jet moved towards Faye slowly, she held her breath in slight nervousness. Once he was in front of her with that stupid grin on his face, she let out a small laugh, nodding in return.
“Yes,” She looked at him, an expression that was both hesitant and hopeful on her face, “Prove it.” 
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woodriftjet-blog · 11 years
"Does it matter what I think....?" He asked back while smiling just as the elevator doors opened.
Jet watched her as she exited the lift then followed her slowly. "Mmhmm," he said, "It does~ Do you want me to... prove... it...?" He grinned as he walked closer to Faye, stopping when he was only a few inches away from her.
Faye looked up at him, the doubt in her expression slowly fading away. “I wasn’t sure what you would think..?” She shrugged, smiling a bit wider for him. She still wasn’t sure what he really thought, but his response was honestly better than she expected. 
The elevator’s bell sounded signalling their arrival at the ground floor - the doors opening for the two of them to exit. The grin that was once lost returned to her face as she left the lift, somehow skipping as she did. She turned back around facing him, “Does it really? Make you happy, I mean?” 
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woodriftjet-blog · 11 years
The elevator doors closed in front of them and for a while there was nothing but the sound of the lift's ventilation.... and their breathing. Jet waited for Faye to finish her thought while he clutched the paper bag.
He smiled at her answer but noticed the change in her expression. "Hey, you okay? Did I say something wrong...?" His hand moved to touch her arm. "And if that's the case, then great. That is indeed very great and that makes me happy." Jet ended up grinning wider. He was doing an awful lot of grinning today, wow...
“Or..?” Faye lifted an eyebrow at him, amused at his reply. She wasn’t entirely sure what to reply for a second, but she decided that she could play along. She walked towards the elevator of the dorm, pressing the button indicating for it to bring them down. 
“I wasn’t aware that there was an ‘or’ to that statement.” Faye faced him, a smile on her face, “Hah, fine. Maybe for lady ghosts, as well.” She played with her fingers as she said this, her smile turning a bit hesitant. 
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woodriftjet-blog · 11 years
"Let's see about that..." He said before grinning.
Jet let Faye pass through the door first before walking out. "Oh, right, hah, okay~" He locked the door from inside before closing it and picking up his pace to catch up with her. "Not hard to fall in love with.... for a horse. So I'm a horse magnet now?" He looked at her then smirked. "Or.....?"Jet settled for... grinning. Right. Grinning was good.
“I’ve got the rest of this little trip to figure it out, then.” Faye laughed along with him, taking one last look around the room, before following him towards the door. She was glad that he liked the painting, or else, she would probably be disheartened for the entire time they were together. 
Faye shook her head, sticking her tongue out for a second, before opening  the door, walking towards the hallway. “Don’t forget to lock the door!” She grinned, “I was just saying…” She smiled, a teasing tone in her voice, “You’re not hard to fall in love with. Even for a horse.” 
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woodriftjet-blog · 11 years
"You will~" he says before winking jokingly then laughing. He was finding things.... fun this way. He didn't usually have a thing for art and stuff, but for a painting of Jane, maybe he'll make an exception...?
"Oh, right, pft." Jet sets the painting back down on her bed. "Wouldn't want to get this dirty or something, that'd just be... sad..." He stood up, fiddled with his hair, dusted off the inexistent dust on his shirt then put his hands on his pockets. That was a habit of his that never really went away... At what Faye said, his eyebrows shot up in amusement. "Really, now. Care to expound, miss...?" He copies her smirk while walking towards the door.
“Ha, I guess I’ll figure out the rest, then.” Faye grinned back at him, amused at his reaction. She didn’t really get this kind of reaction regarding her paintings, since she didn’t like making portraits. It was a whole lot better than she expected. 
Faye rolled her eyes playfully before speaking again, “You can take it later once we’re done with the stables. Wouldn’t want to be dragging that around with you, yeah?” Walking over to her desk, Faye took her bag and put in on her shoulder, “If Charlie falls in love with you, I won’t blame him.” She replied, smirking as she said so. 
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woodriftjet-blog · 11 years
"Me too," Jet murmurs before setting down the menu. "And the house's sandwich specialty, thanks."
He grins before replying, "Don't let Noah hear that, hah. He'll cling to you for continuous love and attention, that boy." He laughs lightly.
Suit & Dress
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woodriftjet-blog · 11 years
"You're getting there," he teased back, still grinning. Really though, if Jane was a girl, she would've been blushing if she knew someone made a painting of her. That may be the reason why he was feeling all the proud-owner-emotions that plastered that grin on his face.
"Thank you, m'lady, I'll hang this on my wall or somewhere visible," Jet replied before moving the painting from side to side as if making it dance. "I guess I have to repay you by feeding Charlie. Kidding! I'd like to meet him and make him love me, hah~"
“Did I just make you the happiest boy in the world?” Faye laughed, a teasing tone in her voice. The way that he looked at her painting was enough to make all the work she did it on it very much worth it. It actually took a few days to finish, but she was determined to get it done before the thrill of riding Jane left her. 
At his response, Faye stuck out her tongue at him jokingly, “Hmph, I was just making sure.” Another laugh escaped from her lips, before speaking again, smiling brightly, “Anything for my captain.” 
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woodriftjet-blog · 11 years
He was still looking at the painting, still not quite believing that this was something inspired from his boat, from Jane. And he was grinning. He was basically looking at a painting while grinning, and he was sure he looked like a kid at that moment, but he didn't care.
"What part of woah do you not understand, woman?" He kids with a smirk, then breaks into a grin. "Seriously though, I like it. Very much, in fact. Thank you~"
Seeing Jet’s reaction to her painting, Faye let out a breath, uncrossing her fingers. She wanted to believe he liked it, and if she was going by the expression on his face, then she was right, and that was enough to make her day at that moment. 
“Soooo?” She blinked at him, giving him a hesitant smile, “Do you like it?” 
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woodriftjet-blog · 11 years
He scans the menu and tries his best to find that one that Noah kept going on about….. "There's this garden salad that he told me about, the one that looks and I quote, 'pretty in pictures'." He grinned. "Their garden salad specialty, I think.."
Suit & Dress
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woodriftjet-blog · 11 years
The place was lit by little lights that gave the place a warm glow and a festive feeling. It apparently took advantage of the clear sky tonight, the moon showing just between thin layers of clouds. There were various tables set up and a waiter approached them, leading them to a table. "Thank you~" Jet said.
Suit & Dress
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woodriftjet-blog · 11 years
He didn't know what he was expecting once he opened his eyes. Jet didn't really have an active imagination, after all... So when he opened his eyes and saw the painting....
"Woah," he said, holding the painting. Sure, people said that Jane was a pretty boat and all, but no one ever... painted her. "Wow, Faye, I don't know... woah." He couldn't stop himself from grinning.
“Very good.” Faye grinned at him, switching her gaze between Jet and the painting on her bed. Once she made sure that he already had his eyes closed, she led him again inside the room, stopping once they were already in front of her bed. 
Taking her hand off his arm, she fixed the painting, before taking a deep breath, “Okay, you may open them now.” She bit her lower lip, crossing her fingers behind her back as she waited for his reaction. 
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woodriftjet-blog · 11 years
He smiled. "Thank you...." he said before walking by her side and leading them out the building. "So I haven't really been to this place before, but my younger brother said it was great so I just had to check it out," he continued while walking outside the street towards their location - an outdoor garden restaurant.
Suit & Dress
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woodriftjet-blog · 11 years
He grinned as he let himself be pulled into her room. "I don't and you know it." He was about to sit on one of her chairs when she stopped him in his tracks.
"Oh....?" He said when he heard the request as his eyebrows shot up in curiosity. Dammit, curiosity. "Fine, just because you said please..." He trailed off before closing his eyes.
“You suck,” Faye laughed, shaking her head at him, before going up to him, putting a hand on his arm to lead him inside her room. Before they were inside her room, she stopped at the door, and faced him. The painting was just lying on her bed, and she knew that he would see it immediately once he entered the room. 
“Okay. You have to close your eyes.” She looked at him expectantly, trying to hide how nervous she was. “Please?” 
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woodriftjet-blog · 11 years
"Hi," was the only thing that came out of Jet's mouth when the door opened. Okay, right door. "Hi, Georgie," he repeated, trying again. He smiled and handed her the daisy. Friend dinners were supposed to go like this, right…..? Right. "You look… proper." He said, then shook his head. "Wow, I mean." He wasn't good at this. "Sorry. Not good with words. You look… good." He grinned. "Ready?"
Suit & Dress
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woodriftjet-blog · 11 years
Opening his closet, Jet tries to remember what that urge felt like. The urge to put on a suit, as he phrased it. He found that black suit among the four suits his mother just insisted him to bring, paired it with a white long-sleeved shirt and a pair of slacks.
He looked… proper. Yes, that's it. Jet pocketed his wallet, picked up the lone daisy he got from outside earlier and set off. He made his way to Georgiana's building and after a while knocked at a door. He felt the anxiety of knocking at the wrong door again, why was he so bad at remembering room numbers? 
Suit & Dress
18:50. Georgiana stares at herself in a full-body mirror and is pleased with what she’s seeing. The long-sleeved, beaded black lace dress she’s wearing accentuates her slim figure well. She hopes Jet is wearing black too, because she likes very much when things match. The blonde then turns to check her bun, which she finds secured in place.
Who asked who out? Did I do the asking? She could answer neither. She understands that friends do go to dinner, but she thought it would be great shame if she, indeed, was the one who asked him.
She dismisses her thoughts and puts on a red lipstick instead.
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