wooismyuniverse ¡ 1 year
I'm glad to know that you're well❤️ I'll be here to support this masterpiece you're writing❤️but it definitely should blow up cause is perfect, makes my heart so soft❤️
Take your time sweetie❤️don't overwork yourself okay?
- ❤️
ch. 3 is up now! thanks for your patience and support!❤️ is there anything you specifically want to see happening in the series? i’m always open for ideas~
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wooismyuniverse ¡ 1 year
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his muse ch. 3
pairing: collegeau!lee jihoon x reader
genre: slice of life, fluff, strangers to best friends to lovers
word count: 1.4k
ch. synopsis: in which it’s (y/n)’s recital day and jihoon’s realization of his feelings
a/n: this is a rather short one, but i enjoy writing these small moments so that we get to know the character’s personalities more. enjoy!
“best of luck on your performance!”
“you got this!”
“it’s gonna be okay.”
these words of encouragement from (y/n)’s friends are the only things keeping her sane right now. it’s the day of her recital, and any normal person would feel nervous. she and jihoon were backstage, about to perform in ten minutes.
even if she enjoyed the nervousness, she still feels scared. she’s had performing experience before, but the anxiety is starting to overwhelm her. what if i mess up? what if my friends think i’m a bad player? this anxiety eventually turns into fear, something that she hasn’t felt in a long time.
these nerves must have been obvious to jihoon, because he stands next to her and takes her hand in his. he squeezes it lightly. this action would have caught her off guard in any other scenario. but the performance anxiety was just too strong and clouded those current emotions. instead, it’s comforting and exactly what she needed at the moment.
“nervous, yeah?” he asks.
“who wouldn’t be? it’s scary that i’ll be performing really soon,” she confesses.
“whatever you’re thinking, just remember to have fun and relax. take some deep breaths,” he says softly. she turns to look at him and smiles nervously. he smiles back, hoping to relieve her in any way. he wishes to fight those fears for her because she was so patient with him throughout the semester.
“yeah.. yeah,” she takes a deep breath slowly. her heartbeat accelerates as the time is ticking, and her breaths aren’t helping. “relax.. i don’t know. it’s been so long since i’ve played in front of people. in front of my friends!”
“i know, but doesn’t that excite you too? isn’t this what you were talking about?” he was referring to their past conversations. (y/n)’s eyes widened in realization. it’s a sign that he actually cares to listen and remember their conversations.
“it does! but.. if i mess up, then i’ll feel terrible. like i’m an awful player and shouldn’t be on stage.” her tone was uncertain, frail, completely different from thirty minutes ago. it triggers jihoon—
“don’t say that,” he lets go of her hand and grabs her shoulders, facing straight at (y/n). he was glaring at her, looking offended at why she would even think like that. it almost intimidated her if she didn’t know him too well. “you are a good player. don’t let your anxiety take over you.”
she stares into his eyes before nodding slowly, placing her hands over his. she takes another breath. “okay.”
his glare softens. “you’ve helped me go through so much this past semester, and i want to do the same for you.”
“i know, jihoon.”
“we practiced together so much, and i think your playing is beautiful. messing up? it’s what makes you normal, and i think there’s also beauty in that. just remember to-“
“have fun.” she finishes for him. five minutes until the show starts, and (y/n) feels herself slowly relaxing. she takes one last breath before letting his hands go and asks. “can i please have a hug before we go?”
jihoon blinks at the sudden question. it must be the anxiety, he thinks. he’s not one to outwardly give physical affection like that. sure, they would do small motions for support. but they have never hugged because he feels awkward, and she usually senses this from his unapproachable nature. despite that, he nods and slowly opens his arms up for her.
(y/n) wraps her arms around him and immediately sighs into his body. it was rather tight at first, but their bodies both start to relax together. warm— jihoon’s body is so warm, and she feels safe in his arms. the negative thoughts start to dissipate and the only thing holding her together right now is this embrace.
“thank you,” she whispers in his ear. “for the encouragement.”
jihoon feels his face slowly turn red from her warm breath. although he’s not used to physical affection, it felt quite nice to him. even though he’s not the main person performing, he still feels his small nervousness disappear as well.
“a piano accompanist is just as, if not more, important than the main performer.” (y/n) had once said during their rehearsals together.
“no, thank you. you’re going to do great out there.”
“so are you. i wouldn’t be on stage right now if you didn’t accompany me.”
after what felt like an eternity, she lets go first. immediately she felt emptiness as she lets go, missing the warmth that radiated jihoon. the stage staff gives them a minute warning and (y/n) feels a lot better now. they both head to the stage and began to showcase their musical talents together.
the moment they stepped on stage, (y/n) could see almost all of svt sitting on the front rows. they were obviously the loud ones, cheering and clapping for their two favorite people in the world. they both bow together and jihoon walks to sit in front of the the piano.
just have fun.
(y/n) and jihoon make eye contact before starting on their first passage together.
the performance anxiety immediately disappears right when they started to play together, instead getting replaced by compassion and confidence. jihoon notices the change in demeanor based on the kind of tone (y/n) was playing.
rather than the frail and shallow tone in the difficult passage he was used to hearing, he instead hears a full and powerful tone. he smiles softly at the approach, and matches with her tone as he accompanies her.
“i love that each day, i’m constantly learning something new about music.”
jihoon finds himself admiring her even more as they perform together. she has been nothing but kind and supportive to him in school, allowing him to slowly yet surely open up to her. and now, to see her passion flowing through these musical notes makes that a cherry on top.
he then realizes that the emotions that he’s feeling, it’s not just admiration. but it’s also adoration and love. he loves listening to her stories. he loves that she is patient and understanding towards him. he loves and appreciates everything about her the moment she came into his life.
she was the one that approached him first, breaking his persona of being called “unapproachable” and “cold-hearted”. she was the one to help him with his writer’s blocks, giving insight on her ideas in music. she was the one that stuck with him in classes and never made him feel left out.
it’s at this moment that he realizes that he’s in love with her.
playing the final chord of their last piece, (y/n) dramatically pulls her bow off of the violin string. she was drenched with sweat from performing, panting heavily. but the audience began to clap and roar in celebration. jihoon gets up from his chair and stands next to (y/n). he held her hand again and they bowed together before leaving the stage. the audience still was so loud from the clapping that they went back on stage for an encore.
she looks at her svt friends fondly and gives them the widest grin. seungkwan was holding back tears as he was clapping. seokmin and soonyoung were obviously the loud ones cheering and screaming for their close friends. jeonghan and joshua were holding up a poster dedicated to them. the rest of them were all clapping and waving, absolutely moved by what they have witnessed.
“you did so well, (y/n),” jihoon says for only her to hear. “look at the people who came out to support you. they loved it! i’m.. we’re all so proud of you.”
(y/n) slowly starts to feel her tears well up as they bowed together one last time before going backstage. she couldn’t believe that just happened to her. this experience right now is a reminder of why she loved performing. thanks to jihoon, her svt friends, classmates, and professors..
they are the ones that shaped her to become a musician. through their guidance and support, she wouldn’t have imagined her first recital in seoul university in any other way. she gives jihoon another quick hug, to which he flushes and hugs back.
“i cannot thank you enough for accompanying me!” she says.
“it’s nothing. the least i could do for you.”
“how was it, seriously? how did i sound?”
“i told you, you did so well. your tone was beautiful today. i could tell the adrenaline made you sound confident,” he smiles warmly at her. she lets go of him and instead grabs his hand, tilting her head towards the door backstage.
“now let’s celebrate with a post-recital dinner, shall we?” she winks at him. he flushes and nods at her, and they leave backstage together to celebrate with their friends.
pt. 2 | pt. 4 |
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wooismyuniverse ¡ 1 year
Hey lovely❤️ How are you? I hope you're taking care, please eat properly and keep yourself hydrated❤️
So I come to say that I'm sooooooo in love with his muse is so perfect, I fell in love with your writing and the story, I keep waiting for your updates and I just wanna let you know that is my favorite story already❤️
Can I be your ❤️ anon?
hi! i’m doing well, and i’m so thankful for your support ❤️ i honestly did not expect this to blow up in any way
of course you can be my ❤️ anon, i’ll try to update as fast as possible!
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wooismyuniverse ¡ 1 year
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his muse ch. 2
pairing: collegeau!lee jihoon x reader
genre: slice of life, fluff, strangers to best friends to lovers
word count: 2k
after settling in music classes for about a month, it’s safe to say that this major is something not everyone can commit to. (y/n) is struggling just to find a nap or break time to get through her day.
luckily, she had her friends that would brighten up those days. it became an everyday routine for her to sit at the lunch table with jihoon, seungkwan, and some of the other non-music majors. she had almost every classes with jihoon and seungkwan and they were sitting together like glue. sometimes, the teachers would have to make group projects just to split up the cliques in class.
throughout this time, she was still getting to know her shy friend. she’s determined to crack the shell from him, and she could tell that he’s slowly opening up to her.
seungkwan had to rush out of the lunch break today. he said something about a rehearsal for his upcoming performance. it was just (y/n) and jihoon at their usual lunch table together.
“so, what made you want to choose composition?” (y/n) asked. jihoon thought about it as he was eating his sandwich. he has been doing it his whole life, it’s almost like his passion.
he grew up playing clarinet, but with his small figure, he felt that he reached his limit in it. so he transitioned to singing and fell in love with it too, which is why he chose vocal for his primary instrument. he self-taught himself piano along the way to sing with his chords, which made it his secondary instrument.
“there was one day where i was visiting wonwoo’s apartment. i needed to use his macbook, and was curious to see a music-making app. ever since then, i was hooked.” he smiles at the thought of when he first found out about that app. if he didn’t make that decision, he wouldn’t know what he’d be doing instead.
“wow, you must really be thankful for wonwoo for accidentally creating your passion.” she chuckles. jihoon chuckles with her as he feels his ears turning red.
“what about you? why did you pursue in music performance?” he asks her.
she hums, looking ahead as she started to think.
“ambitious, isn’t it? i could have done something more productive with music, like education or therapy to make some sort of money. but performing… it’s like my entire life. i just love playing music in front of people. the nervousness before i start to play— i love that each day, i’m constantly learning something new about music.”
as she was telling her story to jihoon, he couldn’t help but be entranced in her bright smile. her eyes are sparkling and her tone oozes with passion. he couldn’t help but admire that about her. he feels like he found someone who is just as passionate as him. it’s touching in a way to find someone who empathizes with him. his lips instinctively start to curl up while listening to her.
she noticed that he was staring at her and sheepishly stops. “sorry. i’m rambling, aren’t i?”
“no, no. keep going! i love listening to your stories.” he shakes his head. she smiles at him for the nth time before continuing. because of how engaging their conversation was, they turned their lunch break into skipping guitar class together. they could use a break, anyway.
months go by, and (y/n) would always pick up jihoon from his apartment and they would go to classes together. they admittedly call each other best friends now. despite their differences in personalities (bright vs. shy), they stick together like glue.
if jihoon had a problem with his composition, (y/n) would help him all night trying to figure it out with him. if (y/n) struggled to interpret a certain section of her piece she’s playing, jihoon would help her in the same way. when focusing in music, they work together in harmony. this didn’t go unnoticed by everyone else, though. particularly her roommates have been nosy.
“so,” jeonghan starts as (y/n) is sprawled on their shared couch. she’s flipping through the tv channels like there’s no tomorrow. “you and jihoon, huh?”
she raises an eyebrow at him, finally finding the channel she wanted. “what about us?”
“i’m just saying. you two have been super close ever since that bowling night,” jeonghan’s eyebrows wiggle at her teasingly. she stares at him back, unamused.
“yeah? i mean, we’re like in the same classes everyday. he’s a really nice guy.”
“he’s just nice, and nothing more?” joshua perks up from his eavesdropping. he walked out of his room to go to the kitchen. (y/n) groans in annoyance at her roommates.
“you too? guys, we’re really just friends!”
“it took us months for him to open up to us like that.”
“yeah, and he got close with you really quickly,” joshua opens the fridge. “if anything, we think he has the hots for you.” (y/n) shakes her head in denial.
“there’s no way. he wouldn’t like me like that..”
“why not?” jeonghan furrows his eyebrows. “you’re objectively smart, hard-working, and pretty. what more does a man need?”
“gee, coming from you, it sounds kind of offensive to me.” (y/n) deadpans, to which joshua starts cackling.
“you’re not exactly denying it either. i’d give it a shot with him. he hasn’t dated in years, and neither have you.”
that statement left (y/n) in her own zone for weeks. so what if he does like her? she’s too busy with school to even think about a relationship anyways. just thinking about it made her head hurt and she decides to sleep it off.
usually after music theory classes, it was coffee break time. jihoon and (y/n) had a head start to go to the famous campus cafe, light a flame. the cafe is known for handsome workers and the manager, chwe hansol. to be fair, they already are friends with him and don’t bat an eye towards the fangirls who would visit everyday just to see the workers.
“hey, ya’ll,” hansol greets them as he was cleaning one of his mugs. “you both look extra tired today. the usual?”
“yep,” (y/n) says, emphasizing the “p” sound with her lips. “busy today?”
hansol shrugs. “a little bit. since it’s almost finals week, i’d assume it’ll get worse soon.”
“don’t even bring that up,” jihoon groans, causing hansol to chuckle. (y/n) sheepishly grins at him.
“exactly why we’re here today, too. practice has been killing us.”
“put an extra shot in my drink, will ya?” jihoon could barely open his eyes as he asks, to which hansol shrugs off and does what is requested.
they paid for their drinks and hansol made it for them quickly, and they sat down in one of the booths. shortly after, seungkwan arrives to the cafe.
“your favorite boo is here!” he sits down across from (y/n) and jihoon with his iced americano.
“boo, it’s the morning. you’re excited for two reasons,” she crosses her arms over the table. “one, you just had the best rehearsal today.”
“or two, this is your second iced americano of the day,” jihoon finishes for (y/n).
“is it much if i say both?” seungkwan’s eyes widened at how exactly they could match how he’s feeling today. this caused all three of us to laugh down the halls of the cade. it took a second for seungkwan to see how baggy their eyes were today.
“speak for yourself, you both look awful- no offense.”
she shrugs. “none taken. barely could sleep because i was practicing for my recital. you’re coming, right?” she eyes him as he nervously laughs.
“right.. when was it again?”
“boo.” (y/n) glares at him.
“okay! i was joking! yes, i’m definitely going,” he made sure to confirm the date before putting it in his calendar. “are you accompanying for her, ji?”
“of course i am,” jihoon takes a sip of his coffee and sighs. “you should come to my solo recital too. it’s recital season already.”
“yeah.. the time when all hell breaks loose in the music building,” seungkwan chuckles.
as the time passed, more people started to fill up the table. some of the non major friends have time to come during our gap and would come as well. seokmin and soonyoung came ten minutes later and decided to chat.
“well if it isn’t the music majors!” seokmin shouts and sits down next to seungkwan. soonyoung squeezes into their row as well. “how are things going for finals?”
“awful,” jihoon deadpans. (y/n) chuckles at seokmin who starts to pout at jihoon’s straightforward answer.
“what about you? any big theatre acts or musicals coming up soon?” she asks seokmin. he immediately brightens up at the question.
“of course! we’re going to perform hamilton in two weeks!” seokmin gives them a thumbs up. “you all should come, i’m playing burr’s part so it’s going to be crazy!”
the others congratulate him for his big part on the musical. seungkwan puts his hand on his shoulder and squeezes it for support.
“minghao and i are also doing a dance duet real soon too!” soonyoung took this opportunity to promote his events as well. being able to meet up with the svt crew felt really nice is what (y/n) came to a conclusion to. they get to have their time to shine and promote the events that they’re working on. she could tell that everyone is ridiculously working hard on them, so watching is the least she could do for them.
as everyone finishes drinking their coffees, they start to bid each other farewells.
finals week was not going so hot for jihoon. he already is sleep deprived from the late night producing, and on top of that, he needs to study for his classes. he slowly feels his health deteriorating as the days go on, and he just wishes that the week would be over.
(y/n) could sense how tired he really is when he kept messing up on their rehearsal together. her recital is also in a couple of days, but the rehearsal wasn’t going as well as they hoped for.
“shit, i’m sorry,” jihoon curses after playing the rhythm wrong on the piano. “i’m letting you down, aren’t i?”
“not at all,” she stares at him, concerned. “let’s take a break, i think we need it.” to which he hesitantly nods. she put her violin back in her case before sitting next to him in front of the piano. they were silent for a few minutes before she speaks up first.
“are you okay?” it’s a simple question, but something that jihoon hasn’t been asking himself lately. he realizes this as he roughly sighs in frustration and stretches.
“honestly.. no. it’s bad enough that i have to cram for classes, but if i can’t even accompany you for your recital, i just feel useless.” she puts a hand on his shoulder.
“jihoon… we all feel this way. it’s inevitable,” she smiles sadly to him. “music.. it’s beautiful but it’s also time consuming. if we can’t put in the effort now, then we won’t be able to persevere in the future. i know it’s hard now, but we just need to push through these weeks. i promise that it’ll get better.”
he stares at the piano keys as he listens to her. he silently nods, processing her words. he knows that she’s right. she’s always right. at the end of the day, nothing will matter if there is no effort made.
“that being said, don’t push yourself too hard either. i’ve had burnouts before, and i never want that to happen to you. that in itself will kill our purpose in why we’re doing this today.” she says. he couldn’t help but look back at her again. everything she says, it’s almost addicting to him. these words of wisdom, filled with empathy and experience, is what has been picking him back up to place.
“i know how hard-working you are. and i’ll always be there for you. tell you what, when we get through this week, i’ll treat you out to dinner! how does that sound?” she gives his shoulder a squeeze. he smiles for the first time at her today. a lovely sight for (y/n) to see, to which she widely grins back.
“that sounds perfect.”
they finished off that rehearsal within twenty minutes with no regrets.
pt. 1 | pt. 3 |
a/n: slice of life is harder than i thought, honestly! if there are any scenarios that you would love with jihoon in this au, please let me know! i am open for ideas~
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wooismyuniverse ¡ 1 year
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his muse ch. 1
pairing: collegeau!lee jihoon x reader
genre: slice of life, fluff, strangers to best friends to lovers
word count: 2,140 words
lee jihoon is an awfully shy kid. he never approaches people nor does he care to. when he got accepted into seoul’s school of music, he was ecstatic. but at the same time, that meant that he needed to make new friends and have time away from the people he already knew. people that he was so comfortable with. the thought of this has terrified him because at a certain point, he’s going to be alone without knowing what to do.
kim mingyu, his roommate, was almost the opposite of him in terms of personality. mingyu thrives to go out and make new friends, and loves the attention especially since he got into the school’s football team. despite these differences, they were more than okay with rooming together because in a way, it keeps them both in their places.
whenever mingyu notices that jihoon is home way too often, he would beg him to come out to a party to relax. on the other hand, jihoon would make sure that mingyu didn’t alcohol poison himself and always had an extra pain reliever for him the next day. they match well together as roommates, as friends.
it was because of mingyu that jihoon was able to be closer with his group of friends. a lot of them are in the frat group, SVT. he found himself naturally talking to seungkwan a lot because they are both music performance majors, and he’s seen him in class a lot. they relate to each other and harmonize well together, in music and in friendship.
during the first few weeks of school, jihoon intentionally would sit in the back. he never bothered to bat an eye to the other students in his music theory class. people are aware of his presence, but are too intimidated to approach him. that is, except for seungkwan. then again, seungkwan being the extroverted person he is, he knows almost everyone in school. but since they both have mutual friends and are in the same friend group, seungkwan likes to stick with jihoon a lot in the school of music.
whenever jihoon has downtime in between classes, he would go outside of the school. there is a middle area called the quad, with four different buildings— including the school of music— surrounding that area. it was aesthetically nice, full of trees, open areas, and benches for students to relax in. there is an open area right in the middle with a large tree as well. after being in the building for too long, jihoon wants to relax with fresh air, sitting on the bench. it became an everyday routine for him to sit on one of the benches, take his laptop out, and work on his upcoming compositions.
as jihoon was taking out his laptop, he noticed one of the girls in his music theory class. as far as he remembered, she wasn’t that vocal in theory class either. but jihoon does remember her as the one that he finds admittedly attractive in terms of appearance. is that enough to make him want to approach her? if he had the confidence, yes. but for now, he doesn’t mind just admiring her from the back. she had her violin case with her and set that down along with her book bag. she also took out her laptop and started to do homework on it. it became an everyday thing is what he noticed, but he didn’t think much about it at the time.
coincidence is an scary thing is what jihoon came in conclusion to. he reserved a room so that he could have a practice session with seungkwan. he had some time to spare and went to the room ten minutes earlier than it was reserved. as he was about to walk in, he saw the violin girl again through the window. she was practicing on the mozart sonata, he noticed. it was a simple piece but a lot of the interpretation was relied in order for it to be executed properly.
before he walked into the room, he just wanted to listen out of curiosity. she had great intonation, tone, and her interpretation for the piece was unique to say the least. it wasn’t conservative which was debatable to be a good thing in the violin industry. but the time was ticking and he decided to walk in. she stopped playing and went to see who walked into the room, her eyes widened. it was awkward at first— the two of them didn’t know to speak up and just stared at each other. but jihoon technically did claim this room, so he eventually spoke.
“hi..” he mumbled. “this room is reserved in a few minutes.”
“oh, i’m sorry!” she quickly packed her things and rushed to leave the room.
“no, no it’s okay. take your time.” he raised his arms up to comfort her rushed state. as she finished packing up, she looked at him and smiled.
“have a nice day.” she said, causing his ears to turn red.
even though it was one statement, it was enough for his heart to flutter. he nodded at her in acknowledgement. she closed the door behind her and was out of sight. he let out a breath that he didn’t even know he was holding and texted seungkwan to ask where he was to continue his practice session with him.
another time he saw her made him think: it had to be fate at this point. mingyu was begging for his friend to get him out of his shell and come out for bowling night with the guys.
“hyung, please come. everyone else will be there, too! please stop staying cooped up in your room and come out.” he begged jihoon.
“you know that i like staying home.” jihoon sighed, rejecting the idea of going out.
“please, i’ll buy you food for the rest of the week!”
“deal.” he said with no hesitation. he can never deny free meals. so, they both carpooled and went to the bowling alley that night to meet up with the guys. jihoon expected for it to be a typical bowling night but as he walked in with mingyu, he was shocked to see a vaguely familiar face.
it’s the same girl in jihoon’s class— the same girl that he had to kick out of the practice room. what’s she doing here? she was laughing at what seungkwan and jeonghan were talking about, and then she caught jihoon’s gaze on her. his eyes widened and he looked away. there are so many questions going through his mind. the main one consisting of: how does she even know them?
“jihoon! mingyu!” jeonghan greeted them and threw his arm around them. “have you met my roommate?” he was pointing to the girl. roommate..?
jihoon was scared to make eye contact again with her, but couldn’t help it. it would be rude just to look away. she still chuckled and felt her face heat up at the sudden attention.
“we’ve met before, actually.” she mentioned, looking up to jihoon. jihoon’s eyes widened at the sudden eye contact. this perked up seungkwan, jeonghan, and mingyu’s attention. jihoon sighed at them. “we’re in the same music classes.” he said.
“i was about to say..” seungkwan said, still shocked.
“yeah, there’s no way jihoon knows people outside of us and we wouldn’t know.” mingyu chortles, giving his roommate’s shoulder a pat. jihoon felt his ears getting red every second. he suddenly thought that having a meal is not worth it to stay here. “i’m mingyu, by the way.” he introduced himself, holding out his hand.
“i’m (y/n), nice to meet you.” she happily shook his hand. “i’m a music performance major, and jeonghan and jisoo’s roommate.”
“you already know jihoon,” jeonghan points out to him, “mingyu and jihoon are roommates. that should be all of us, i think.” he was busy introducing everyone to her, it’s honestly going to be hard for her to remember their names until they meet multiple times.
bowling night went a lot better than expected. jihoon thought that he would be awkward but it turned out to be fine for him. everyone also seemed to hit it off with (y/n). the more he sees her, the more it makes him wonder how she was never in his life before college.
she had a bright smile, constantly laughing and cheering for her bowling team. he has to admit, her laugh was addicting to listen to. jihoon could listen to it all day without getting sick of it. she would ask small questions to him in between turns, to which he would shyly answer. he’s not completely comfortable yet, but he’s getting there. nevertheless, it was a good bonding moment for her and the rest of the crew. jihoon at a certain point felt like he could actually approach her now that he’s acquainted with her. he concluded that he’ll definitely see her a lot more than he thinks, and he’s more okay with that.
after a few weeks, it became an everyday thing for jihoon to sit on the bench, and for (y/n) to sit next to the tree. there is no way that she wouldn’t know that he sits there, he thinks. some days, jihoon would be working on his composition on his laptop. (y/n) would also be on her laptop doing who knows what.
during those weeks, (y/n) was contemplating in approaching jihoon at all. based on the vibes in school and bowling, it would be weird for her to just go up to him. but honestly, she thought that he seemed shy and almost lonely. she was thinking that maybe.. maybe one day she can get him out of his shell. when you see a shy person, instinctively it makes you want to approach them and get them to like you even more.
so on one bold day, she approached him first. jihoon was on his usual spot on the bench, working on his piece when suddenly, he noticed (y/n) approaching up to him. he looks up, a little startled and she gave him a small smile.
he blinked. “hi.”
“mind if I sit next to you?” she asked as she pointed at the empty spot.
“not at all,” he says as he scoots to the edge to make space for her. she thanks him and sits down next to him.
“i always saw you everyday, and we also have mutual friends. i figured that.. i don’t know. i just wanted to talk to you. get to know you more.” she told him. jihoon felt himself being awkward again. he didn’t know what to say, and she could sense that. but she still smiled at him. “sorry, was that too forward?”
“no, no.. i just don’t know what to say.” he mumbles.
“that’s okay! i can always ask you questions.” he’s glad that she got the hint because she started to ask a question that piqued his interest.
“what are you working on?” she asked him, gesturing to his laptop.
“my composition for class.”
“oh, a composition major? that’s awesome! i barely know anyone here who does compositions,” she grinned, causing him to flush even more. “do you mind if i listened?”
while he was hesitant to let her listen, he thought at the same time that this is the perfect opportunity for him to gain more ideas from others. after all, he is in the school of music, full of students who share the passion and talent for it. perhaps getting input from other people will help with his music block. so he took out his ear bud and handed it to her, to which she softly thanked and put it on.
after listening to it with her eyes closed, she put her hand in her chin, thinking hard. this was not what Jihoon was expecting at all. he just thought she would say “oh, that’s great!” or simple compliments but instead,
“i liked your interpretation on this part. letter b, was it? i feel like that could be brought out more in the return because this is supposed to be binary form, no?”
his eyes widened at that. the fact that not only did she give actual music theory criticism, but she said something that he has been pondering for hours.
“sorry, was that too blunt?” she asked sheepishly.
“n-no!” Jihoon stutters. “i mean yes, but.. that’s exactly what i was thinking!” he quickly began to make changes on his composition. she grinned again, hoping to get him to crack out of his shell through their bond of music.
the days that used to be two individuals sitting alone instead became days of bonding. they began to sit together almost everyday ever since, talking about their passion of music and their interests.
intro | pt. 2 |
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wooismyuniverse ¡ 1 year
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his muse
collegeau!woozi x reader fic
genre: slice of life, fluff, strangers to best friends to lovers <3
synopsis: when two music majors meet, their friendship takes them to a road that they have never expected. lowercase intended.
this is a reference of all of the svt members, their majors, friend groups, etc.
reader: music performance major, primary instrument is violin. constantly busy with competitive performances but loves to party in order to relax.
choi seungcheol: business major, leader of the infamous frat group SVT. the dad of the entire group, keeps people in check and can be overprotective.
yoon jeonghan: co-leader of frat group, neurologist major. barely studies but aces his tests. childhood friends with reader.
hong jisoo: art major, sells necklaces for extra money. moved to korea from america at an early age.
moon junhui: poli sci major, very good with his words. dances as a hobby with minghao and soonyoung, his roommates.
kwon soonyoung: dance major, part of a crazy trio called booseoksoon (bss). loves to make his friends laugh and goes to parties.
jeon wonwoo: ed major (subject undecided), quiet and reserved but loves debates and teaching. (ironic since he’s in SVT)
lee jihoon: music composition major for piano/vocal, very reserved and is always stuck in his studio making compositions.
lee seokmin: theatre major, but he has an angelic voice. loves to sing everywhere he goes. people pleaser especially to strangers. part of bss.
kim mingyu: major is undecided (bc he loves to switch) charmer of the group, plays football for the school so everyone in university knows him.
xu minghao: dance major, partners with soonyoung most of the time but is quiet bc of language barrier. he’s learning korean along the way and is slowly opening up to ppl.
boo seungkwan: music vocal performance major, well known by everyone so he knows tea about everything in school. part of bss
choi hansol: cs major, he is a smart boi. manager at the campus’s hot cafe.
lee chan: business major, but is a hardcore dancer. (he needs to make money somehow) always get shit on for being the youngest, but is actually very loved by everyone.
roommate list:
reader, jeonghan, jisoo
seungcheol and wonwoo
soonyoung and seokmin
junhui and minghao
mingyu and woozi
seungkwan, hansol, and chan
a/n: welcome to the start of my series that i have been planning on for a while now! please stay tuned for slice of life moments in college featuring the perspective of the reader.
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wooismyuniverse ¡ 1 year
this is a little new..
sideblog of @roh-hyonnie (which unfortunately has shut down years ago.)
call me eunae! born in 2000
woozi biased (biaswreckers are bss)
rather than translating, this will be my writing blog! i’m excited to write things mainly for my own satisfaction and improvement.
i will be writing seventeen content only as of now, and requests will be open shortly!
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