words-of-ashel · 2 years
Why do Filipino Teachers work abroad?
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  Teaching is one of the noblest professions in the world today. Without teachers, no student will become successful lawyers, doctors, historians, nurses, engineers, and scientists. Due to our ease and proficiency in communicating using English—the universal language, most Filipino teachers consider teaching abroad.
Based on the Overseas Filipinos by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), there is already an estimated total of 2.2 million Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) abroad during April to September 2019. Fifty-six percent (56%) of the total comprises females, while forty-four percent (44.0%) are males. From the 2.2 million overseas workers, nine percent (9%) or an estimated 207,000 are Filipino professionals, a major occupation group that includes OFWs teaching abroad. Filipinos teaching abroad are known for their competence in academics, especially in teaching the English language. As a result, Filipino teachers are very in demand, especially in countries that expand their curriculum to include the English language as part of their subjects/courses. Filipino teachers are also known to be great instructors for pre-school, music, and physical education.
But is that the real reason why Filipino teachers choose to leave their own country to teach children in different countries? 
The low salaries in the Philippines, constitute a significant factor in why many Filipino teachers look abroad for employment.
Leaving their own families and the Filipino students that they vowed to serve is a difficult decision that teachers make, but the government is leaving us with no other choice, especially with such a stance of the DepEd being unsupportive of our call for salary upgrading. In no time, we will be losing the best of our teachers both in the public and private sector if the government does not remedy our situation quickly. 
 As a future educator, I have mixed feelings about this issue. I once dreamed of working abroad to be successful in my field, to earn more money so I can finally provide for the needs of my family. 
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words-of-ashel · 2 years
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words-of-ashel · 2 years
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To me, these two words feel like vast sky 
Darkness, but not hallow
Black but not bitter
Far but close to wonder 
Is it reachable? 
Can feeling get so real, that they become tangible? 
A spacious bed for me and my thoughts to sleep in 
Head above my pillow and question above my head 
Insomnia feel like drought because all I do is look up thinking
Will it ever , ever come?
 I was a frequent by-passer but now I am no stranger 
A girl who grew up living with sharks does not need to be taught how to swim
It is more likely for swimming to come to her naturally 
I wasn’t told to write, but these nights made it come to me naturally, 
Bare with me.
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words-of-ashel · 2 years
Reaction Paper
Hi! Welcome to Educares by Ashel Gesta and Bernie Solsona <3
Paper boat vs ship: The influence of assessment and pedagogy on student’s love for reading.
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In her article titled Four Literacy Practices to Retire, Sarah Gonser (2021) wishes to emphasize the four reading practices to retire and six approaches that work better in teaching reading. By citing numerous researches, she mentioned several practices that should not be used anymore as they do more harm than good. She also cited six reading approaches that work better in teaching children how to read. Meanwhile, in her article, The Importance of Reading Assessments, Kirstina Ordetx (2021) states that assessments are tools so that educators can improve student learning by augmenting their pedagogy, objectives, and content of the lesson in congruence with students’ needs. Assessments come in many forms and can serve a myriad of purposes. Not only that but Ordetx claimed that through assessment, we can spot the sweet spot (Zone of Proximal Development) which tells us what areas students need teacher’s assistance and areas that do not.
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Upon reading, we have come to a realization that in teaching our students how to read, we have to take to our hearts the difference between a paper boat and a ship. On the first hand, a paper boat is made out of fragile paper which makes it vulnerable. And so, if our students become paper boats, their foundation for the love of reading is not that strong. Thus, it will not last a lifetime. Nevertheless, if teachers are successful in instilling in a student's heart and mind that reading is a portal to blissful experiences, the student's love for reading will be like a ship—unwavering and durable. They will develop life-long reading. Hence, as aspiring teachers, we have to keep in mind that we must not only teach them how to float but also how to sail and start their own journey in reading. But how can we help students develop ship-like love for reading?
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As teachers, we have to employ effective pedagogy and assessment. First, we agree that round-robin reading and mandatory reading logs run rampant in our education because they were used by our former English teachers at both elementary and high school levels. We could also not agree more with Gonser that they are not good approaches to teaching students how to read. This is because, since round-robin reading enables students to read broken chunks of text, they will not be able to establish connections between the brief passages. Not only that, but it also worsens a student's reading stamina (Kuhn, 2014). Meanwhile, because of compulsory reading logs, the student’s interest and attitude to reading will decline. Hence, students will only read out of obligation and fear of getting a failing mark. As a result, students’ love for reading will be like paper boats that will float for a short span of time but it will not last.
Second, we agree with Gonser that stimulating the student's background knowledge is a helpful tool to develop a love for reading among our students. This is because, through this, they will have a clear mental picture of how reading is related to their lives. Also, here, teachers can do pre-vocabulary activities. In addition, this will also be a good avenue to connect to things that pique their interests. Therefore, they will understand the potency and significance of reading in their lives. In simpler terms, their love for reading will be a ship that knows how to sail and start its own course traversing across different literature.
Third, we agree with Ordetx that assessments are tools to improve student learning and teachers’ pedagogy. Therefore, we, as teachers, should take advantage of the variety of assessments such as diagnostic, formative, interim, and summative assessments. By having an effective assessment, we can also augment the content and goals of learning in congruence with the student's needs. Also, by having an assessment we can determine the student’s weaknesses and strengths. Furthermore, we can point out the sweet spot or areas in which students need assistance or not.
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Finally, students may perceive reading as a very taxing, boring, and intimidating task depending on the teacher’s approach and assessment method. But, as the two articles explained, teachers who are equipped with immersive and nurturing pedagogies and assessment methods could make the overall reading activity not a terrorizing activity but a joyful experience for the students. Hence, when teaching students how to read, pedagogy and assessment should go hand in hand. This is because effective pedagogies and assessments are big aspects to help our students gradually build a ship-like love for reading.  Thus, as teachers, by utilizing nourishing pedagogy and methods of assessment, we hope that our students will not only read what is assigned to them. Instead, they will read—according to their own free will— for pleasure, enthusiasm, and genuine pursuit of knowledge and enjoyment.
Gonser, S. (2021). 4 Reading Strategies to Retire This Year (Plus 6 to Try Out!). Edutopia. https://www.edutopia.org/article/4-reading-strategies-retire-year-plus-6-try-out
Kuhn, M. (2014). What's Really Wrong With Round Robin Reading?. International Literacy Association.https://www.literacyworldwide.org/blog%2Fliteracy-now%2F2014%2F05%2F07%2Fwhat%27s-really-wrong-with-round-robin-reading-
Ordetx, K. (2021). The Importance of Reading Assessments. Institute for Multi-sensory Education. https://journal.imse.com/the-importance-of-reading-assessments/
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words-of-ashel · 3 years
Late night scribbling...
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“LOVE EXIST” with an absence of eternity.
Reading these words made me look back on the days I felt like my boat was sinking with no hope of getting my feet back on land. Deep down the river, I swam and swam UP until I reached the end of my thoughts.
 I’m seized by desire
I hide behind my back.
and postpone all answers.
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words-of-ashel · 3 years
late night scribbling..
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Caps are underrated 
The way they connect to my long hair, to the back of my shirt is just perfect
 pleasure from perfect alignment that also goes for the ability to be parallel with my thoughts and actions I try to live out what’s on my mind, and keep it consistent even when forgotten like a study habit. A moment to think twice about what seemed unimportant CAPS have been making my day these days and I knew I had to return the favor one day by acknowledging them.
I threw you in the bin only so that you can be renewed again. 
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words-of-ashel · 3 years
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words-of-ashel · 3 years
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It's the study of words, how they're produced, and how they interact with other words in the same language. It examines the structure of words and their constituent elements, including stems, root words, prefixes, and suffixes. Morphology also considers components of speech, intonation, and stress, as well as how context may affect the pronunciation and meaning of a word. Morphology is distinct from morphological typology, which classifies languages based on how they use words, and lexicology, which studies words and how they fit into a language's lexicon.
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words-of-ashel · 3 years
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Word Formation Processes
 is a subcategory of morphology, also known as morphological processes are a method of creating new words, either by modifying existing words or by completely inventing new ones, which then become part of the language
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words-of-ashel · 3 years
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Prefixes, suffixes, and circumfixes are examples of the process of adding a morpheme—or affix—to a word to generate either a variant form of that word or a new word with a different meaning type.
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words-of-ashel · 3 years
 a word, letter, or number placed before another.
Ø   /trans-/act
Ø  /inter-/national                        
Ø  /sub-/text
Ø  /over-/load
Ø  /semi-/circle
Ø  /mid-/night
Ø  /super-/star
Ø  /pre-/view
Ø  /in-/capable
Ø  /ir-/responsible
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words-of-ashel · 3 years
 a morpheme added at the end of a word to form a derivative.
Ø  Wreck/-age/
Ø  Import/-ance/
Ø  Assist/-ant/
Ø  Refer/-ee/
Ø  Bake/-ery/
Ø  Spoon/-ful/
Ø  Care/-less/
Ø  Quarrel/-some/
Ø  Wool/-en/
Ø  Life/-like/
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words-of-ashel · 3 years
   is an affix which has two parts, one placed at the start of a word, and the other at the end. Circumfixes contrast with prefixes, attached to the beginnings of words; suffixes, attached at the end; and infixes, inserted in the middle.
Ø  /in-/adequate/-ness/
Ø  /im-perfect/-ion/
Ø  /un-/fit/-ness/
Ø  /in/-consider/-ion/
Ø  /im-/practic/-able/
Ø  /in-/surmount/-able/
Ø  /il-/leagal/-ity/
Ø  /im-moral/-ity/
Ø  /be-/witch/-ment/
Ø  /dis-/figure/-ment/
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words-of-ashel · 3 years
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Borrowing, is another term for a loanword. 
The process of speakers adopting terms from a source language into their own language is referred to as abstract noun borrowing. The terms have simply come to be employed by a speech group that speaks a language other than the one in which they originated.
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words-of-ashel · 3 years
Examples of Borrowing
Hikaw- (Fukien Chinese: Hi-kao)- ear rings
Mami (Fukien Chinese: Ma-‘Meat’, Mi-“ Noodles’) noodles and meat in a soup
Daw/Raw (Mandarin Chinese: Dao, originally means “God”, “Way”, or “God’s Way”) he said/she said/they said/it was
Jueteng (Fukien Chinese) illegal numbers game
Basketbol (American English) Basketball
Breyk (American english) Break
Kamote (Nahuatl: Camotli) sweet potato
Pitaka (Nahuatl: Petlacalli- a container made of petate; suitcase) coin purse
Tiyangge (Nahuatl: Tianquiztli; Mexican Spanish:Tianguis) seasonal market
Tsonggo (Nahuatl: Chongo) monkey
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words-of-ashel · 3 years
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In English, one of the numerous ways new words are created is by blending. It refers to combining the beginning and end of two words to create a new term with a different meaning.
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words-of-ashel · 3 years
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