wordsbyjay · 8 years
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What if you could jump ahead to next year at this time? How would your life look? What will have changed for the better? Or for the worse? Because you know if you don't make a few changes soon, you could end up right where you are now. Another year will have passed you by - and you're no closer to achieving your life goals. Our ability to invoke the power of Self-Discipline in our lives can be the tipping point between success and failure for us. Self-Discipline is what sets the ultra-successful apart from the just-scraping-by. It's the secret key ingredient in the recipe for ultimate achievement. Why not go for it? It's time to get everything you wanted out of life before it's too late. a wise man, once said - "you impose self-discipline, daily." Rest well, Jay. I know you were scared sometimes. No need to be anymore. 🕴
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wordsbyjay · 9 years
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ndibizeleni uNomvula wam....
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wordsbyjay · 9 years
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Be thankful for this gracious gift of life... fight your battles. grow stronger. make the most of your time here on earth. // Stay rooted.
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wordsbyjay · 9 years
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A grandfather is someone with silver in his hair and gold in his heart. | Still fresh and flourishing. | 📷: @nomshado_lubisi (at Somewhere in Welkom)
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wordsbyjay · 9 years
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Because it's Thursday.. Peace, peace. | December, 2014. " #JiggaWangKhawata 😂😂 " ✌ (at Somewhere in Welkom)
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wordsbyjay · 9 years
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You cannot always live on the mountaintop, but when you walk through the valley, the memory of the view from the mountain will sustain you and give you the strength to carry you through.. So do not fear the struggle; rather, embrace it. — “for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose” (Philippians 2:13) ✌
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wordsbyjay · 9 years
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😁 #KCExcel
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wordsbyjay · 9 years
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Load shedding selfie.. 📷 cred: @eskomsa
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wordsbyjay · 9 years
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#ThrowBackThursday We'll be asking the questions old man. Who are you? - You. No, not me. You! - Yes I'm you. Just answer the damn questions, who are you? - I have told you. Are you deaf? - No, you is blind. No, I'm not deaf, you blind. That's what I just said. You just said what? - I did not say what, I said you. That's what I'm asking you.. - And you is answering. Shut up! You.. Yes? Not you, him. What's your name? - me...... 😂😂😂😂
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wordsbyjay · 9 years
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Grounded. Blue suede.
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wordsbyjay · 9 years
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A place called home.. ⚽ = ♥
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wordsbyjay · 9 years
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Eat. Healthy.
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wordsbyjay · 9 years
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⤵ Reflect on how life changes, Then take the time to smile. Know that as the days go by, These things that challenge you Will one day just be memories of times you have gone through. Recognize the strengths you have gained, The blessings you have received.. One day in the future You will think about today You will see just how these challenges Have helped you on your way. ✌ (at Somewhere in Pretoria)
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wordsbyjay · 9 years
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wordsbyjay · 9 years
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Keep walking 🚶... What you seek, is still beyond.
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wordsbyjay · 10 years
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Reaching for something greater than all that I am. Striving for divinity.
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wordsbyjay · 10 years
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⤵ The task at hand will not be easy, but you have mandated us to change South Africa from a land in which the majority lived with little hope, to one in which they can live and work with dignity, with a sense of self-esteem and confidence in the future. // #NelsonMandela [10 May 1994]
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