wordsbylianne · 2 years
[Blog Article] Male vs. Female Vizsla
Male vs. Female Vizsla: Which Is Better?
If you are considering being a Vizsla parent, you should think about the differences between a male and a female Vizsla. Although gender is just one aspect affecting a dog’s personality, there are distinctions to take note of.
Generally, male Vizslas are larger, bulkier, more energetic, and a bit rowdier than females. On the flip side, female Vizslas have a considerably lighter and more compact build. Females are also gentle and more emotionally independent. However, they are more wary of strangers. 
No gender is better than the other, but some differences between male and female Vizslas mean one is more suited for certain environments than the other. This guide will help you make the right decision for you!
Physical Differences
Male Vizslas
Vizslas are medium-sized hunting dogs with lean, muscular frames and short, rust-colored fur. Physically speaking, there are no significant differences between a male Vizsla and a female one.
Like most dog breeds, however, male Vizslas grow slightly larger and heavier than female ones. On average, adult males grow up to 22 to 24 inches. They reach their full-grown size at around 6 to 8 months.
Furthermore, males are usually a bit more muscular and athletic, which means they have larger and bulkier builds compared to females. A male Vizsla can weigh anywhere between 45 and 60 pounds.
Female Vizslas
Upon reaching maturity, a female Vizsla’s height will be anywhere between 20 and 22 inches — only a few inches short of its male counterpart.
Females have slimmer, less muscular, and more feminine-looking builds. After reaching its full size, a female Vizsla can weigh around 40 to 55 pounds.
Although female Vizslas may technically be smaller and lighter than male ones, do not be fooled. They are still hunting dogs gifted with physical abilities, making them suited for outdoor runs and exploration.
Temperamental Differences
Male Vizslas
Regardless of gender, Vizslas are easygoing, affectionate pooches with a penchant for adventure and the outdoors. Their high energy levels and gifted physiques make them perfect companions for those with an active lifestyle.
A male Vizsla is a tad more energetic than its female counterpart, so be prepared for long hours of playtime and physical activities with this pup.
In some cases, however, having too much energy might lead to eccentric behavior, like chewing on household items or randomly getting zoomies. 
To avoid this, you should provide ample physical and mental stimulation to your Vizsla.
Because of their sociable and people-friendly personalities, Vizslas thrive as family pets. Male Vizslas, in particular, are very affectionate and devoted creatures that form strong attachments with their owners.
While this may be endearing, it also means that male Vizslas are slightly more sensitive. Vizslas do not bode well with isolation, much less a male one. Be prepared to devote a good amount of time and attention to your male Vizsla.
Female Vizslas
Vizslas thrive best when given ample time for regular walks and outdoor explorations. For female Vizslas, it is no different, although their energy levels may be slightly more docile than their male counterparts.
Most of the “feminine” traits associated with a female Vizsla can be observed in their social skills. Just like male Vizslas, they are cheerful and outgoing pups who love to meet and interact with people.
Female Vizslas are as loyal as male ones, and their protective instincts are just as keen. Still, a female Vizsla may take more time to become comfortable around strangers, but once it trusts you, it will shower you with love.
A female Vizsla also sometimes exhibits overly clingy behavior, but it is slightly more independent. It will demand attention and cuddles from its owners but also knows to take time alone.
If you’re looking to get a feel of how a Vizsla’s temperament can differ from dog to dog, check out this video below:
Behavior and Training
Male Vizslas
A male Vizsla is very eager to please its owners because of its desire for their attention. This is why positive reinforcement training is very rewarding for a male Vizsla, who usually desires affection and treats.
This love for attention means that male Vizslas and isolation do not mix well. Frequently leaving a male Vizsla alone might lead to separation anxiety, which leads to bad habits like barking excessively and destructive behavior.
Owners should watch out for the occasional territorial habits of male Vizslas. If it feels threatened, a male Vizsla may get aggressive. This often happens if it has not been properly socialized.
Just like other male dogs, male Vizslas may also have the tendency to mark territories by urinating in certain spots. This behavior can be lessened by neutering your male Vizsla once it reaches six months old.
Neutering also lowers the roaming tendencies and the aggression of your male Vizsla.
Female Vizslas
Female Vizslas have their own set of perks when it comes to behavior and training. This is also why some Vizsla owners believe that a female is easier to train than a male one.
For starters, female Vizslas mature faster than male Vizslas. They also have less dominating personalities than males. Hence, they tend to be more accepting of letting their owner or a trainer take the lead.
Compared to a male’s energetic disposition, the female Vizsla is more grounded. This is a big plus in training, as you will have fewer problems calling and holding its attention when needed.
Additionally, owners have to watch out for the heat cycles of a female Vizsla, which may first occur anywhere between 10 and 12 months of age. The cycle will then reoccur every 6 to 12 months, depending on your Vizsla.
Female Vizslas in heat can get incredibly moody, sensitive, and even aggressive. If you let a female Vizsla outside, it will want to roam around, mark spots with its urine, and sniff other dogs as it looks for a partner.
To avoid any of these unwanted behaviors and accidental pregnancies, spaying your female Vizsla should be a priority.
Health Differences
Male Vizslas
With their love of running, playing, and exercising, it is not surprising that Vizslas are a generally healthy breed. The lifespan of a healthy Vizsla is around 12 to 15 years.
Still, owners should watch out for health issues commonly developed by these dogs. Epilepsy, hip dysplasia, and hyperthyroidism are some of the usual disorders a Vizsla may develop.
For a male Vizsla, you should watch out for reproductive diseases that may afflict your pooch. Males are at risk of testicular cancer and prostatitis, which often go undetected until it is too late.
Luckily, the chances of developing these reproductive health issues can be lessened by neutering your male Vizsla.
Female Vizslas
Aside from the common health issues mentioned earlier, female Vizslas may also face gender-specific health diseases related to their female sex organs.
Mammary tumors and uterine tumors also go undetected in their early stages. If these diseases advance further, surgery is often the best but the most expensive route to take.
A female Vizsla may also develop vaginal prolapse, a condition wherein a mass grows around a female dog’s vulva. Although this is a less common illness, routine veterinary visits should be prioritized to spot this early on.
Just like male Vizslas, the best way to combat these issues is to spay your female pooches. Although sterilized female Vizslas may have occasional mood swings, spaying is one of the best ways to ensure your fur baby’s good health.
With Other Dogs and Pets
Male Vizslas
Male Vizslas may appear shy around other animals at first, but they are sociable dogs that can make friends with other pets. In fact, they can even get along with cats and other dogs.
However, if you have a small pet at home, you might want to keep a watchful eye around your Vizsla. A male Vizsla’s chaotic energy, combined with its hunting instincts, might lead this dog to harm smaller, more vulnerable pets.
Male Vizslas pair better with other dogs — even male ones. If you have other dogs at home, inter-dog aggression is not as likely to occur, as they typically do not attempt to dominate other animals in the household.
Generally, male Vizslas have cheerful and lovable personalities, and they would love to befriend other dogs and pets they come across.
Female Vizslas
A female Vizsla is slightly more reserved when socializing with other dogs and pets. As stated earlier, females are a bit wary around new people — and in this case, new animals.
However, once properly socialized and introduced to other pets, a female Vizsla will be comfortable enough to play and interact with them.
Similar to a male Vizsla, you should also keep small pets such as rodents, birds, and reptiles away from female Vizslas. 
Even though they are more gentle than their male counterparts, they still have a high prey drive due to their history as hunting dogs.
Regardless of gender, a Vizsla should receive proper socialization if you want it to get along with humans and other pets.
With Children
Male Vizslas
Vizslas are bundles of pure energy, and they will be no different when it comes to playing and interacting with children. Their company-loving nature will work well with older children who can keep up with their penchant for adventure.
Still, you should be cautious with leaving your Vizsla with younger children like toddlers or infants. A male Vizsla’s boisterous demeanor means they like to play rough, which might hurt the child in the process.
Although they mean no harm, there should always be direct supervision between male Vizslas and children to ensure their safety, security, and happiness.
Female Vizslas
The behavior of female Vizslas is quite similar to that of a male when it comes to children. Since they are quite an affectionate breed, a female Vizsla will love to play and run around with older children.
In a female Vizsla’s eyes, children are like small puppies — their maternal instincts are likely to kick in when dealing with them. They know to be more gentle and more considerate when interacting with kids.
In line with this maternal nature, female Vizslas tend to become overprotective of children in their lives.
Pros and Cons of Male and Female Vizslas
Male Vizslas 
Male Vizslas have larger and bulkier physiques that suit their inclination towards hunting and other physical activities. These traits make great companions for those with active lifestyles looking for a suitable pet.
They also tend to form very strong attachments to their owners. A male Vizsla will not hesitate to show its affection, love, and devotion for you. Despite not being the typical alpha male dog, it will also go to lengths to protect you!
Another benefit of having a male Vizsla lies in its people-pleasing personality when it comes to training. Male Vizslas will do anything to please their owner and will be inclined to obey a trainer, especially when treats are involved.
Although a male Vizsla is fiercely devoted to its owner, this can cause a few setbacks. Its constant need for attention might be a problem if the Vizsla has to be left alone or if the dog owner needs time away from it.
A male Vizsla can also tend to get rowdy and chaotic. With its boisterous energy and love for rough-housing, a male Vizsla may end up destroying household items or harming smaller creatures like children and other pets.
A male Vizsla also matures later in life, which can be a drawback when it comes to training.
Take a look at the summary of a male Vizsla's pros and cons in the table below:
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Female Vizslas
Much like its male counterpart, a female Vizsla is a well-rounded pet with distinct traits that make it suited for certain environments. The female bodes well with owners with active lifestyles filled with outdoor activities.
Female Vizslas are loving, devoted pets that will not hesitate to shower those it trusts with affection. However, it also tends to be more independent, which is great for owners who need their downtime as well.
Because it matures earlier than a male Vizsla, trainers usually have an easier time with a female Vizsla. It has no problem letting others take the lead.
Furthermore, female Vizslas are relatively calmer and more gentle, which is great when interacting with children. Its motherly instincts ensure that playtime with kids is relatively less aggressive.
Still, there are a few drawbacks to owning a female Vizsla. It is more wary of strangers, so an owner must ensure that it is properly socialized before introducing it to new people.
Owners might encounter problems with a female Vizsla’s independent nature because this means it might have a mind of its own at times. Thus, the training stage is crucial for keeping a female Vizsla in line.
Although it knows when to be gentle and considerate, a female Vizsla can also be aggressive sometimes, especially when it feels protective of its owners or people it trusts.
Finally, you may encounter more possible health disorders with a female Vizsla, especially if it has not been spayed. Mood swings can also be a drawback for unspayed female Vizslas.
You can keep track of a female Vizsla’s pros and cons with this summary below:
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Should You Get a Male or Female Vizsla?
As mentioned, no gender is better than the other. Vizslas, in general, are a great hunting dog breed that makes for devoted pets. However, certain situations suit a male or a female Vizsla better than the other.
A male Vizsla is a good match for people who have active lifestyles. As a hunting dog breed with an abundance of energy, a male Vizsla will thrive in activities like hunting, running, and outdoor expeditions.
Furthermore, if you wish to keep your pets intact, you will likely have an easier time managing a male Vizsla.
A female Vizsla, on the other hand, is more fit as an all-around family pet, especially if you are living with small children. Its smaller frame fits with apartment living, as long as it still goes out from time to time.
Although it is still a good companion for hunting and other outdoor activities, female Vizslas are more adaptable. Its independent nature also fits well for owners who need to be alone occasionally.
At the end of the day, choosing a certain gender over the other will come down to your preferences.
Gender does not necessarily influence a dog’s temperament or personality, and there are other factors to consider when getting a Vizsla, such as its overall costs.
You can also refer to our guide on the best Vizsla breeders of 2022 for more information on Vizsla breeding and upbringing.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Male or Female Vizslas Calmer?
Generally speaking, female Vizslas have been found to be calmer than their male counterparts. Although they are still a playful bunch, female Vizslas mature faster and take on a more reserved demeanor than male Vizslas.
Male Vizslas are overactive most times, bordering on rowdy. However, with proper training, it is possible to keep your male Vizsla calm and at bay.
Are Male or Female Vizslas More Affectionate?
While Vizslas are ultimately very loving dogs who form strong attachments to their owners, male Vizslas are a tad more affectionate than female ones, and they will not hesitate to demand their owners’ attention.
A male Vizsla is so devoted to its owners that it will not be eager to let you out of its sight. With this, you should be prepared for long hours of snuggling and playtime with this pooch.
Are Male or Female Vizslas Easier to Train?
There is a lot of debate over which gender of Vizsla is easier to train. From a general point of view, owners will have a better time managing a female Vizsla due to its maturity and non-dominant attitude.
Male Vizslas may love to please their owners most of the time, but you may encounter issues with it having too much energy.
Final Thoughts
Regardless of gender, Vizslas are exceptional hunting dogs that also make for adoring and good-natured pets. Both male and female Vizslas are great additions to any family, as long as you treat them with love and kindness.
If you’re still debating the merits of a male versus a female Vizsla, you should first remember that these male and female characteristics are general observations that aren’t set in stone.
These generalized traits are not the mark of a Vizsla's personality and temperament, but they are good starting points in deciding what will fit your current way of living.
After everything you have learned about male and female Vizslas in this article, which one would you choose? Let us know your take on the topic of male vs. female Vizslas in the comments below!
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wordsbylianne · 2 years
[Creative Writing] God's Not Dead (But Maybe I Am)
This was written in partial fulfillment of the requirements for my ENG101 (English Prose Styles) course.
I’ve never truly believed in God. Or any god, for that matter. My experience as a Roman Catholic probably began and ended with my birth certificate. Sure, I was baptized. I took catechism lessons. I ate the bland, wafery body of Christ and drank His blood as part of a ritualistic rite of passage in the holy journey of Catholicism.
But did I want any of that? Not really. You see, the problem with teaching the concept of God to a child is that you’re teaching the concept of God to a child. Kids get baptized before they’ve even grasped the concept of object permanence, for Heaven’s sake (pun very much intended). How are these children, who have very little to no knowledge on the physical world, supposed to understand the idea that there’s an Almighty, Intangible Force that Watches Over Us and Will Condemn Us To A Fiery, Sulphuric Hell If We Don’t Do His Holy Bidding?
Needless to say, we don’t really get along, organized religion and I. As a child it was just something to endure, but as I grew older it gradually became something to antagonize. The turning point was when my older brother pronounced his atheism at the ripe age of fifteen. You know how little siblings do everything their older siblings do out of admiration, and everyone finds it adorable and endearing? Same thing, only what happened was: my brother renounced the existence of God in front of our school priest, the school called my parents, there was a fight, big words (along the lines of enlightenment and separation of church and state) were thrown around over dinner, my brother ran away from home—long story short, now I’m an atheist, too (although nobody found it adorable or endearing). 
Now we don’t have time to unpack all of that. My atheist origin story may have been spurred on by my brother’s folly, but like I said, I’ve always known that I never truly believed. My prayers never held any conviction. I slept through most of the obligated first Friday masses at school. I was only nine years old when the Catholic church asked me to denounce Satan and all his evil ways, and even then I knew I was speaking empty words.
This apathy turned into spite in high school. The ironic thing about going to a Catholic school was that almost no one was religious. Real, practicing Catholics were rare beings that heathens like me and my friends mocked for no reason other than teenage hubris. I revelled in playing the Devil’s advocate in debates on ethics and morality under the Catholic doctrine, mainly because I hated my professor with the intensity of a thousand burning suns. Close-minded, bigoted, holier-than-thou—he was a walking Bingo card of all the worst traits a human being could possibly have. It was mainly because of him that my apathy turned into spite. All his little classroom debates became a playground for anti-Church propaganda, fueled on by me and my friends. Maybe in another life I would’ve respected religion more if I had a professor that, you know, respected people. 
But the summer after high school, something changed. Maybe it was divine intervention. Maybe it was just the existential crisis that comes when it’s summer and you’re lonely so you start realizing truths about yourself that were previously uncharted territories. Maybe it was just because I was drinking too much coffee. Whatever it was, it led me down an intense, religious rabbithole of questioning, a series of events I like to call The Great Spiritual Crisis of 2016.
So for some reason I went over to a friend’s house to watch a religious movie, you know, as one does. Now I know that this movie is important in terms of being the catalyst for the events to follow, but I cannot, for the life of me, remember what it’s about. This is all I recall: at one point the main character, a professor who doesn’t believe in God, gets into a heated debate with one of his students. When the student asks “Why do you hate God?”, the professor, in a moment of rage, responds something along the lines of “Because He was never there for me!” To which the student replied, “How can you hate something if it doesn’t exist?”
The student drops the metaphorical microphone and leaves his professor in stunned silence as he questions his faith—up until he dies in the end, right after he finally starts to accept the fact that he believes in God. Not a very charming ending for any atheists who might be watching, but it must have impacted my subconscious somehow—how else can I explain the deep existential ache that plagued me afterwards? As I trudged home I considered, for the first time in a very long time, that maybe there was a God.
At this point it was clear to me that I didn’t believe in God, but there was a part of me that was starting to wish I did. There is something so comforting in believing in something we can’t fully perceive. I started to envy their conviction that there is Something with a capital S after death, which meant that there was more to life than just this. It is so, so terrifying to think we’re all alone in this universe, and that our deaths signify nothing but the end. Because if that was the case, then what do we live for?
Imagine me, in all my seventeen-year old greasiness, thinking about the meaning of life and the existence of a God at ten o’clock in the evening. I can laugh about it now, but I still remember the urgency I felt that night, like I was running out of something I can’t quite place. In a moment of desperation I started messaging all my friends who believed in God, pleading them to tell me anything that can make me believe.
 It all just kept piling up. Stories after stories about God’s love, basking in His warmth, living with the belief that He will be there for us no matter what. Suddenly the weight of everything was crashing down on me all at once: the intensity that comes with talking about religion, the lingering thoughts of death and the Afterlife, the sorrow, the fear, the confusion, and underneath it all, the feeling that something big was happening at that moment, like maybe I was meant for something more, like maybe this was a Calling—
And then I started crying. It wasn’t just tears streaming down my face—I was fully weeping. Like a child lost in a shopping mall, frightened and overwhelmed by the sudden vastness and unfamiliarity of my surroundings. I don’t remember how long I spent crying in the darkness of my room with nothing but a computer screen to illuminate the picture of despair I must have looked like. I remember this: for the next few days I felt weird about the whole fiasco, like crying over whether or not God existed was a dirty secret I couldn’t bear to share with anyone. I mean, what  kind of seventeen-year old cries over God?
That was three years ago, and to this day I still dance the fine line between believing and not believing. I don’t know if I’m an atheist, or agnostic, or making too big a deal out of all of this. On some days, my conviction that we are completely and utterly alone is set in stone. But sometimes, on days when I have time to sit and think and breathe, I wonder where our souls come from. How, then, do we have the ability to think, to love, and to question the existence of a God, if not for some divine, unfathomable Being? How do we explain the distinction between being alive and living? Why do we even feel in the first place?
On most days I don’t think about religion at all. I have papers to do, and exams to study for, and even though God is omniscient He doesn’t seem like the kind of divine entity that can help me write a thousand-word argumentative essay on whether I’m for or against the death penalty.
If God were real, He’d probably be for it. It would be hypocritical of Him otherwise. 
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wordsbylianne · 2 years
[Caption Writing] Birthday Celebrants Pub
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Text reads:
Tonight, we at UP Bugkos would like to take a short đŸŽ”(sound)tripđŸŽ”down memory lane by shining the spotlight onto our first online batches, Batch Trianggulo đŸ”ș and Batch Hablondawani 🌈, whom we welcomed into our organization last year. The online set-up proved to be a challenge for most students' academic and organizational work, but our online batches showed that with hard work, determination, and love for the organization, these newbloods are just as formidable. We are in awe of the passion, zeal, and enthusiasm they have poured towards the organization and the betterment of the Bicol community, and we are looking forward to seeing more đŸ€©âœš Padagos, mga madi asin padi! Long you live and high you fly 💙
I also created the corresponding visual publication material (on Canva).
You can find the post here.
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wordsbylianne · 2 years
[Caption Writing] UPCA Passers Welcome Pub
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Text reads:
We at UP Bugkos would like to extend our warmest congratulations to the passers of the University of the Philippines College Applications this 2022! 🎉🎊 Sa lahat na nagsabi ng "up cutie!," we're sending love and postcards from the university system you will come to call home â€ïžđŸ’š Padayon asin padagos, mga bagong Iskolar ng Bayan!
I also created the corresponding visual publication material (on Canva).
You can find the post here.
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wordsbylianne · 2 years
Anagram: A Discussion of (P)ublic (R)elations in the (R)epublic of the (P)hilippines
This is an article review for "Colonial and Other Influences in the History of Public Relations in the Philippines" by Sison et al (2011). This essay was written in partial fulfillment for my SPCM154 (Speech Communication in Public Relations) course.
In the age of social media, the role of public relations in maintaining brand images appears to be more prominent than ever. It may seem that the sudden influx of these companies’ attention to their brand image through various public relation stunts is due to the advancements of technology and new media. However, the field of public relations in the Philippines is so ingrained into our societal consciousness that most do not even fully recognize it. This is what authors Marianne Sison, Zeny Sarabia-Panol, Caterina Lorenzo-Molo and Ritzi Villarico-Ronquillo discuss in their journal article entitled ‘Colonial and other influences in the history of public relations in the Philippines’, a study they presented at Bournemouth University in the United Kingdom at The Proceedings of the International History of Public Relations Conference back in 2011. 
The target audience of the study is not intended towards Filipinos, but to a more global audience. It aimed to analyze how our concept of public relations is rooted in Philippine history, specifically in our colonial influences. The authors presented an extremely thorough account of the nation’s narrative as victims of imperialism from countries like the United States, Japan, and Spain. Since it was presented during a conference discussing how the individual histories of each nation impacted their respective public relations, their analysis is highly relevant to their target audience.
As stated before, the article first chronicles Philippine history meticulously, beginning from the colonization of the Spaniards alongside the introduction of Christianity to the invasion of Japan and the triumph of finally declaring our independence as a nation. It also briefly mentions the dark days of the Marcos regime and the 1986 People Power Revolution.
Afterward, the authors start to analyze the role of colonialism in public relations. Their main thesis revolves around the impact of our colonial influences in many aspects of business and political environments — which is ultimately where public relations come into play. Religion in particular has a very keen relationship with the world of PR, followed by journalism and education, and development communication. In fact, they even mention the University of the Philippines Los Banos as a pioneer in the field of development communication. They conclude with the sentiment that “Filipino public relations practitioners have to juggle between their Eastern culture, their Spanish-inspired religiosity, and their Americanized education within the context of a globalized economy. Despite a western approach to public relations, the Philippines is revealing its own brand of public relations that combines elements of the Eastern approach” (272). 
The authors came to this conclusion through a thorough and meticulous understanding of the Philippine context, along with an analysis of how public relations is rooted in different fields. Their methodologies do not include any new statistical data to back their claims; instead, they opt for a more qualitative approach using related literature to support their thesis. The structure of the article is even structurally significant to that of a standard review of related literature.
Overall, the article is a very compelling read. It really puts the relationship of the Philippines’ history and public relations into perspective and invokes readers to question their understanding of modern public relations, especially in this age where brand imagery plays a large role in shaping the consciousness of the masses. The writing style is easy to comprehend, which is important considering the fact that their target audiences are from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Overall, they manage to emphasize their main points, especially in the conclusions they arrive at. Their usage of Philippine history as a main evidence to support their thesis is also an effective decision. It can even be a testament to some of the more positive impacts of colonization to our country’s development, especially considering the fact that our public relations opened us to the world of foreign or global trade and having good ties with neighboring countries. 
Personally, I believe the textual evidence is enough to support the authors’ main claim. It is hard to argue the fact that Filipinos do experience an amalgam of cultural nuances within our own societal consciousness, and public relations is a very big aspect of that. Public relations is in everything we do — we are saturated in a capitalist world that thrives on consumerism and relations. My only qualms with the article itself is perhaps the over-meticulousness of how they detailed the history of the Philippines. It is understandable that a thorough understanding of this is key to properly linking the evidences they presented to the main thesis they are arguing, but in the context of an audience that is mainly non-Filipino who have been exposed to a variety of cultures, it may be a bit too overwhelming or disinteresting at some points in the article. 
However, overall, the article effectively highlights the relevance of Philippine history and public relations and comes to a well-researched and satisfying conclusion. It proves itself as a relevant piece because it uses the past to explain the present while also giving us the perception of how the future will be. It changes one’s paradigm and compels us to ask questions about our history and what other implications it brings about in modern day society. Most of all, it brings public relations into a new light and challenges its audiences to rethink our perception of the world of public relations in the Philippines. 
Reference: Marianne Sison, PhD, Zeny Sarabia-Panol, PhD, Caterina Lorenzo-Molo, PhD, & Ritzi Villarico-Ronquillo. “Colonial and other influences in the history of public relations in the Philippines.” The Proceedings of the International History of Public Relations Conference. Bournemouth University, 2011. 265 – 275 pp. 
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wordsbylianne · 2 years
[Academic Essay] A Rose for Emily: A Formalist Literary Analysis
This essay was written in partial fulfillment of the requirements of my ENG100 (Rereading the Literary Canons) course.
In A Rose for Emily, William Faulkner wrote of various themes and meanings that can be picked apart and examined through multiple perspectives. However, the most prominent one manifests in the recurring imagery of death scattered throughout the story. Aside from the actual, literal deaths of characters such as Emily and Homer Barron, we see a figurative kind of death in other key concepts surrounding the story such as isolation, stagnation, pride, time, and romance. These are “deaths” represented through the passage of time, the emergence of new traditions (that will inevitably “kill” old practices), Emily’s lack of independence, and ultimately, her desire for human interaction and affection. These are all themes that support the general meaning that can be perceived from the events of the story: that these “deaths” occurring throughout our lifespan are oftimes inevitable and will have effects and consequences depending on how one embraces or shuns it.
First and foremost, the structure of the story itself supports the general theme. The narrative both begins and ends with death. From the first paragraph depicting Emily Grierson’s funeral all the way to the discovery of Homer Barron’s corpse, it is hard to miss death as a key concept in the story. The plot is then told and developed by a non-linear method of telling the passage of time. The readers perceive this passage of time through descriptions of the fallen, run-down Grierson estate, which was once grand and majestic; Tobe, Emily’s man-servant, who has grown old and gray after all his years of quiet service; the mention of “Colonel Sartoris’ generation” as a thing of the past (accompanied by the death of Colonel Sartoris himself); and of course, descriptions of Emily Grierson herself, how she was once a fair lady surrounded by suitors, but now lies six feet below the ground.
Furthermore, there are a lot of literary devices and descriptions that allude at and foreshadow the general theme of time and death. Faulkner uses words such as “coquettish decay” to describe the Grierson house, “faded ink” to emphasize the traditional nature of Emily, the phrase “bloated, like a body long submerged in motionless water, and of that pallid hue” to describe Emily’s physical being, as well as describing her as “tragic and serene” after the death of her father. 
The plot essentially boils down to the point of view of the townspeople as they watch Emily Grierson. In a sense, the townspeople as a collective become a character on their own. They see her more as an object of interest and speculation than as an ordinary human being, and they watch Emily Grierson’s slow and steady decline right before their very eyes. They refer to her as a “fallen monument” and a “hereditary obligation” – both of which is hinting at her “belonging” to the past in a sense, and that in the present, she is something of a nuisance that is tolerated by the townspeople. “Poor Emily,” they’d say time and time again, which meant that underneath that irritation and curiosity, the primary emotion they feel for her is pity. 
It is also interesting to note that the way the point of view is written gives off the illusion that more than one person is telling the story – that is, the narrator of the story is not a townsperson, but the town in itself. It seems to be a collection of anecdotes patched up together by members of the town – hence the non-linear approach to time – that emphasizes the idea that they watch her go through all these hardships in life without ever intervening.
Emily, on the other hand, single-handedly deals with most of the aforementioned concepts such as isolation, stagnation, pride, time, and romance. Growing up in a traditional town under a traditional patriarchal figure, it is no surprise that she remains stagnant in her views and practices. Though the times have changed, Emily does not accept the “death” of her traditional views, which is very similar to her refusal to accept the death of her father. She refuses to pay taxes in the same way she refuses to hand her father’s corpse over to the townspeople. This is how stagnation and pride heavily affects Emily in her later years, and ties in with the idea that in this story, death serves as both an end and a beginning. The death of her father and the generation she grew up with was the beginning of her mental health’s slow, downward spiral.
Emily’s familial and personal pride becomes the reason of her isolation and her misfortune with romance. When her father was alive, he denied Emily of the innate human desire for human interaction and affection, perhaps as a mixture of over-protectiveness, elitism, and paternal love. However, this control over Emily – the “death” of her independence – from an early age later becomes the source of her apparent loneliness. Although cliche, the saying that “no man is an island” rings very true for mankind. We simply cannot live alone. Because of her father’s control over her romantic endeavors, Emily is unable to romantically connect with anyone well into her adulthood. And when she finally does “connect” with someone, it ends in the most macabre way possible.
Emily’s death was simply described: “She died in one of the downstairs rooms, in a heavy walnut bed with a curtain, her gray head propper on a pillow yellow and moldy with age and lack of sunlight.” This entire sentence perfectly describes how Emily lived: dark, damp, depressing, and of course, alone. Even Tobe, who had been with her from the beginning, didn’t seem to have a particular affinity for Emily. There were no depictions of him mourning even in the slightest. Even her cousins and all the townspeople that attended her funeral were only there either for courtesy or out of curiosity. Even in death, Emily really, truly was alone.
However, this perspective changes again when the townspeople discover the corpse of Homer Barron on her bed.
Homer was, in many ways, the complete opposite of Emily. He was from the North, he wasn’t from an aristocratic family, he was socially-adept and approachable, and most notably, he was alluded to be a homosexual. Despite this, the townspeople’s initial conclusion after seeing her with Homer Barron was that she’d marry him. But after he is last seen entering Emily’s house through the kitchen door at dusk, he is never heard of again – until Emily’s death, when they finally found where he’s been all along. Based on the passage of time, it is safe to assume that Homer has been dead for more or less thirty years, and that it is Emily who killed him. At the end of the story, it is implied that after all this time, Emily has been sleeping (or possibly doing more than sleeping) with his skeletal remains. So Emily’s character, from this discovery, shifts from a tragic figure to a twisted necrophiliac, all in one shocking sentence. 
Once again, we come back to death. It is possible that Homer did not return Emily’s feelings, and so Emily, driven by the madness of not feeling love for most of her life, was driven into killing him, maybe even with the rat poison she had bought earlier on in the story. This is the action that manifested Emily’s isolation, rooted in her father’s disapproval of Emily being romantically involved with anyone well into her adulthood as well as the pressure of maintaining her family’s noble status and the constant watchful eyes of the townspeople. All of this eventually led to her driving herself mad. Each key concept comes into a crescendo after this discovery: death, isolation, pride, time, stagnation, and romance. After all these years of isolation and loneliness, Emily’s pride and the stagnant nature of her beliefs and traditions caused her fixation with romance to end with her killing Homer Barron in the name of having someone to hold. She kept Homer Barron’s corpse as an object of romance and affection just like how she kept her father’s corpse, which for her, embodied the nobility of the family and the traditional environment in which she felt the most comfortable. She kept their corpses just like how she kept her old-fashioned views and practices even after they have “died” and given rise to new, modern practices.
Emily Grierson believed that death was not the end. More accurately, she has come to the point where she refused to accept the concept of literal and figurative “deaths” as the end of all things. This refusal has caused her various repercussions throughout the story, which delivers the general meaning of this literary piece: “deaths” are inevitable, and we must face this reality whether or not we are capable of doing so. Even the title of the piece, A Rose for Emily, alludes to this main theme. Roses are ambiguous symbols most notably used in romantic gestures and in funerals. This is a play on love and death, which are essentially what the story comes down to. Emily wanted love so much so that she lost her humanity in the process of finding it.The plot, setting, and characters all played an important role in conveying this central message. It is structured in a way that we, the readers, understand the repercussions of Emily’s experiences and eventually empathize with her as the story progresses. If it were told in a different way, we might not have this same experience. At the end of the story, we see Emily not as a twisted, maniacal necrophile, but as a tragic figure, a victim to the environment and beliefs she grew up with. In a way, the readers have become immersed in the story. That is, we become the townspeople, because at the end of the story, we now share the same sentiment as them: “Poor Emily,” we’d say. But all we ever did was watch.
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wordsbylianne · 2 years
[Blog Article] How to Get Your Dog to Start Moving
As much as we would like our dogs to stay young and healthy forever, we have to deal with the heartbreak of our furry friends eventually getting older. However sad it may be, that’s a fact of life we cannot deny. The once active and playful puppy that used to zoom around your backyard like a speeding, energetic racecar will be no more. You might have to deal with the possibility of your dog having trouble getting on its feet and moving around. It will be heartbreaking to watch, but in times like these, your dog needs you more than ever.
However, it is essential to consider that there are many ways in which your dog can lose its mobility and ableness as they grow older. No matter how much we protect them or keep them safe, some of these may be inevitable or hard to avoid. We’ve listed a few reasons below.
OLD AGE. Just like people, our dogs won’t be young forever. Dogs may be considered “seniors” if they are between five to ten years old. However, “senior dogs” can still be active and healthy, with few signs of aging. It is also essential to talk about the common notion that one dog year is equivalent to seven human years. While that may be true to some degree, it doesn’t apply as a general rule. For example, large dogs typically age faster than small dogs. The term “senior” differs from “geriatric.” Geriatric dogs are at the older end of the spectrum. They are most likely to be experiencing multiple health-related issues. This is what pet owners should be on the lookout for. When your dog is bordering the edge of being geriatric, they will likely start having trouble getting around.
INJURIES OR ACCIDENTS. Dogs have a natural survival instinct that helps them get out of life-threatening or dangerous situations. However, the probability of them getting into accidents or getting injured is never zero. They may have an unexpected encounter with a wild animal or get into accidents from running around or exploring the neighborhood. The possibilities are limitless. Sometimes, no matter how closely we watch them, tragedy can still happen in a second. Because of this, some dogs can be temporarily or permanently disabled and will no longer be able to get around the house.
GENETIC DISEASES AND OTHER ILLNESSES. While vaccinating your dogs is a crucial step in taking care of their health, sometimes there’s nothing you can do when your dog is faced with a debilitating illness. Several deadly diseases can affect your dog. Canine parvovirus, Lyme disease, and degenerative myopathy are some few examples of this.
These illnesses can cause a variety of adverse effects like paralyzation, lethargy, and even blindness. These can quickly render your dog immobile, especially if you don’t take action at once. It’s always good to be watchful of possible symptoms so that you can take your dog to your local veterinarian and have them treated as early as possible. However, when the disease has taken effect on your dog, it is most probable that they will no longer be able to move around as much as they did before.
These are just a few reasons why your dog may have trouble getting around and being as active as they once were. Now the question still remains: what can we do to help?
Depending on the reason for their disability or immobility, there are various methods or accessories you can try to help your beloved dog get back the spring in their step. It is also important to note that you should have a conversation with your dog’s veterinarian before taking any action. These consultations can also give you a clearer idea of what your dog needs. Below are some of the available accessories and resources you can give your dog to help them get back on their furry feet.
WHEELCHAIRS. As mentioned before, dogs can be rendered immobile because of accidents or disease. Wheelchairs for dogs mostly work on the same principle as wheelchairs for humans. For example, if your dog’s hind legs are weak or disabled, a wheelchair can be designed where your dog’s hind legs are strapped to a portable chair. By using their front legs, the wheelchair gives them their ability to move around again like before. There are many models and types of wheelchair designs according to what your dog needs. Plenty of dogs use wheelchairs nowadays to move, walk, and even play. It will be an adjustment for your furry friend in the first few uses, but they will eventually learn to adapt. Your dog will generally be happy that they can move around again.
STRETCHERS. Pet stretchers also operate the same as regular stretchers for humans. With a stretcher, dogs are laid inside and strapped down so they don’t move or get hurt. Then you can pull on the stretcher and take your dog with you wherever they need to go. Any time you or your dog need to move, you just have to strap him in the stretcher and pull. It can be tiring, but your dog will surely enjoy the change of scenery.
MEDICATIONS. If your dog can’t move around as much due to illness or injury, it’s important to consult your veterinarian on the best course of action you can take to help your dog. Medications, especially if your dog is immobile due to disease, are a vital part of the healing process. Make sure that they get proper treatment before resorting to any additional accessories. If treated right and early enough, your dog will be bouncing around your yard again in no time.
At the end of the day, the decision on how to best help your dog is up to you. The bond between you and your dog cannot be compared to anything else — chances are you are the only one who truly knows what your dog wants and needs. Have a conversation with your dog’s veterinarian if you’re going to look into your options. Whatever you decide for the benefit of your dog, they will surely be grateful for the ability to move around again, even if it’s just to get some fresh air outside.
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wordsbylianne · 2 years
[Blog Article] How Much Should I Feed My Cat?
Meta description: “How much should I feed my cat?” is a question that all cat owners have. Keep reading and discover the answer for yourself!
Being a parent is not easy—especially a fur parent. Pet owners always want the best for their beloved pets.
This includes researching what to feed your cat. However important a nutritious diet is, you should also ask yourself, “How much should I feed my cat?”
The amount of food to feed your cat depends on many factors like age, size, energy levels, and body conditions. Read on to find out how you can calculate portions based on these factors.
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Source: https://www.istockphoto.com/photo/hungry-cat-at-home-kitchen-gm1134929565-301747632
How much should I feed my cat?
Knowing how much to feed your cat depends on several things. Age, size, reproductive health, body condition, activity status—these are a few factors you must consider.
First, you need to determine the amount of calories your cat needs on a daily basis. A sure-fire way to know this would be to consult your local veterinarian.
However, you can also make a rough estimate by age and by the physical appearance of your cat. An adult cat obviously requires larger portions of food than kittens. Although kittens need a lot of nutrients as they develop, cats over ten months develop stronger nutritional needs.
You can also base your measurements over your cat’s size. Typically, larger breeds need more food to sustain themselves. Maine Coons, Ragdolls, and Persians are examples of heavyset cat breeds that eat more food than breeds with lighter bodies.
However, this will ultimately depend on how much your cat actually weighs more than its breed. For instance, an average cat weighs around 4.5 kilograms or ten pounds. A typical cat of this size requires around 300 calories per day.
For each kilogram below or above the average, you can subtract or add around 50-60 calories to compute the caloric requirements of your cat. For example, a cat weighing 3.5 kilograms (or 7.5 pounds) needs 250 calories per day. On the other hand, if your cat weighs around 5.5 kg, then they need around 350 calories per day.
This simple calculator can give you an idea of how much to feed your cat.
Still, it is important to remember the other factors that go into measuring how much to feed your fur babies to ensure maximum nutrition.
Pets who are spayed or neutered typically require lesser portions than the average cat. This is because they tend to be less active than intact cats. On the other end of the spectrum, pregnant and/or nursing mommy cats should be given larger portions of food each day.
However, if you fear that your furry friend is nearing obesity, cat diets might be the necessary route. Although fat cats can be fun to look at and play with, your pet’s health should always come first.
You can learn more about the best feeding routines for different types of cats as you read further in this article.
All in all, different cats come from different backgrounds, health conditions, and food preferences. As a cat owner, you should be able to estimate how much to feed your cat based on these varying factors.
What should I feed my cat?
Now that you know how much to feed your cat in a day, it will be easier to figure out what type of food best suits their dietary needs.
An average cat owner has the option of both dry food and wet food. While they have their respective pros and cons, veterinarians recommend them equally.
The pros of dry food is that it is less expensive, stays fresh longer, and easier to measure. However, if you are feeding mostly dry food to your cat, it is important to provide lots of water.
On the other hand, wet or canned cat food is more appealing to most cats. Most wet cat food is about 70% water, which means it is easier to keep your cat hydrated.
Still, cats who eat mainly wet food may be more prone to overeating because of its appeal and taste. How much canned food you feed should still be within their recommended servings.
Some cat owners also choose to mix both wet and dry food together to maximize the taste and nutritional value of their pet’s food.
Companies like Purina and IAMS offer a wide range of wet and cat food to keep your cats healthy and well-fed. They also have different flavors and textures to choose from.
Before anything else, make sure any pet food you buy has been evaluated by a credible institution. A stamp of approval from the American Association of Feed Control Officials or AAFCO, for instance, is a clear mark of nutritional value. This will ensure that the food has the right amount of vitamins and nutrients for your pets.
Choosing whether to serve wet or dry food is up to you, but you should also know which type of food your cat likes best. Like humans, they are more likely to eat and finish their food when they enjoy it.
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When should I feed my cat?
Feeding cats once a day may be a common practice for some, but this might affect a cat’s metabolic health. Although it can sometimes depend on the situation, most veterinarians would recommend feeding your cat twice a day.
Once you know how much cat food per day you should be giving to your cat, using the portion-control feeding method is a great start.
Using a digital measuring scale, you can measure out your cat’s food in advance and separate them into two meals. The time in between meals should ideally be about eight to twelve hours apart.
You can still give them small treats in between meals if you are training them or simply bonding with them. However, treats should only take up around 10% of the required calories for the day. Any more than that might affect their nutritional health.
Though this is one of the most common feeding methods, it still ultimately depends on the conditions of your cat.
If you have a pregnant and/or nursing cat, free-choice feeding might be the way to go. In this method, dry food is available to the cats at all times. This is to ensure that both the mommy cat and her babies are getting the right nutrition.
There is also the time-feeding method, which works best for pets who tend to overeat. Time-feeding is when you give your cat as much food as they want, but only for a certain amount of time.
It may be hard to figure out the best feeding times for your cats at first. To establish the best feeding routine, take note of the times when your cat appears to be most hungry and start from there.
Feeding Tips and Tricks
There is more to cat feeding than just the food. Establishing healthy habits and even using the right tools can also go a long way in maintaining your cat’s health.
Here are a few general tips to remember:
Establish a consistent feeding routine. Cats are creatures of habit, which means that they will appreciate having consistent feeding times and portions each day. When starting out, try setting alarms to remind yourself to feed your feline friends.
Make sure that they have a specific area in your home dedicated to feeding. The best area is a clean, safe, and quiet place where they can feel comfortable while eating.
If you are having a hard time remembering whether you’ve fed your cat or not, try keeping a small chart near their feeding area. You will get into the groove of a daily feeding habit in no time.
Use flat saucers. Although it is common to use bowls to feed a cat out of, flat saucers are easier to use and clean.
With these tips, you can make sure that your cat is constantly well-fed and nourished enough to tackle the activities for the day!
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Source: https://www.istockphoto.com/search/2/image?phrase=two+cats+eating
How much should I feed my cat? How much food a cat eats in a day depends on different factors like age, size, and body health. Some cats require more food than others, while some only need a little to maintain themselves.
However, it is also important to remember that your cats can be very telling when it comes to their needs. If you study their body language, eating habits, and food preferences, you can learn a lot about the best feeding habits for your cat.
Your cat will most certainly thank you for the extra love and attention you are giving it!
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