wordsinmymemory · 6 years
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Get To Work!
Stop! Make a list of things which you are passionate about! Take a moment to jot down moments, events, and opportunities which you have enjoyed. These moments, events, and opportunities should be things that made you feel empowered, inspired, unlimited and unstoppable. Are you Innovative? Do you like to design or create things? Are you at your best when you are on an outdoor adventure? Do you like fixing and building things? Are you passionate about helping and severing others? Do you feel that you were created to impact the lives of others? Are you excited to perform or to speak in front of large crowds? Whatever it is that you are passionate about, make a list of these things under this heading:
Things I That I am passionate about:
Once you are finished, take each one of those things and explain why these moments, events, and opportunities made you empowered, inspired, unlimited and unstoppable. Why do you love these things? Now circle the ones that you genuinely believe you could earn money from doing? Imagine if you were to lose everything today and no employer was willing to hire you which of these things would you use to take care of yourself and your family? Under this heading remake a smaller list:
My Bread and Butter List: ______________________________________
Here Where The Real Work Starts:
Now analyze your bread and butter list that you just made, find out if there is a recurring theme. Maybe, you will find that you like teaching small children how to create art or you like to eat and discuss music with friends. Whatever it is, your goal is to identify the central theme of the things you that you are passionate about. Now take that central theme and try to put it in a short and precise statement. Now you have created your personal ‘Mission Statement’!
A personal mission statement is essential to creating a framework for what you want to do. It helps you to define your why and keep you focused. This statement can sometimes take hours to create because you are trying to establish who you are as a person. A mission statement is the highest level of introspection that integrates who you are as an individual with your purpose and goals. This statement will make your life focused and will simply and decision-making process. Lastly, your mission statement will hold you accountable for your decisions, your actions, and your life.
Happy Writing! You will love me when you finish!
Live Life-Be Unlimited-Become Legendary
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wordsinmymemory · 6 years
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We are an iconic symbol for the disruptive activist, artist, hipster, clergy, motivational speakers, civic leaders, educators, entrepreneurs, innovators and minimalist who serve the urban community. Life Life-Be Unlimited- Become Legendary!
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wordsinmymemory · 6 years
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The Power Of Choice
We are all the reflection of our choices. The most important power that God has given to humanity is the power to make decisions. Unlike animals, our ability to mental chooses our fate and destiny gives our choices the power to rule over us. The scriptures are filled with countless example of how mankind suffers or excel from their decisions. The life that you have at this moment is based on what you have chosen. The great thing is that if you are not happy with your life, you can choose to change it by improving your choices.
An adult makes over 35,000 decision or choices per day which account for the most important activities of your mind. When you make choices, you are proclaiming your desires to your subconscious mind. Over a period of time, the subconscious mind develops a program or a blueprint based on your known desires. The fantastic thing about the subconscious mind is that it is very efficient in running the plan and blueprint that it is given. The brain will do anything to manifest the thoughts and choices that it is presented. Therefore, whatever decisions in life you make they become your goals, and there is no reason why you should not accomplish them. That is why we can say we are a product of our thoughts and choices.
Indecision, on the other hand, is a virus to the mind. It jams up the subconscious mind, and it prevents it from running the program and blueprints efficiently. The brain cannot determine what you want if your choices are indecisive or not based on your true desires. That is why it is critical that every choice that you make are made by you and you alone. It is essential the 35,000 decision that you make a day is following your desires and your purposes. Stop Letting Others make choices for you! Every time someone makes a decision for you they are uploading a virus into your internal subconscious program. It might seem right, but it might not be right for you. You have to listen and follow your program and your blueprint for your life.
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wordsinmymemory · 6 years
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Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed!
You are the product of your thought! The great thing is if you are not happy with the product you can change it. You can train your thoughts! You have the power to choose what you think, you don’t have to be in bondage to negative, random, or unproductive thoughts. You were created to live a life that is governed by your spirit. The world around you should not decide what to think! This requires training and discipline because the untrained mind has more emotional rollercoasters than individuals that have focused and trained thoughts.
Your mind is like soil. It can’t decern what is being planted it will grow both weeds and crops. You have to determine the seeds! You have to remove the weeds! Your mind will grow any thoughts that you allow to be planted.
If you want to end the cycles and the unhappiness in life change your thinking. Just, stop focusing on what you don’t want! Focus on what you want! Your mind doesn’t know the difference between factual reality and imagined reality. If you focus on what you don’t want, your account will create yours don’t wish to seed.
If you want to change, focused on what you do want. Every day, spend time defining yourself as the person you want to be. If it is negative, then it is a weed. You were not created to be overweight, below-average, poor, uneducated, depressed, sick, weak, miserable, and unhappy. If you allow these thoughts to come into your mind, they become true.
Control the directions you give your brain. Stop Negative self-talk! Your words are a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you vocalize or meditate on negative thinking, you are programming your life. You are reinforcing your habits, you are empowering the weeds to grow.
If you would merely change your self-talk to positive reinforcement your life would change. Live Live-Be Unlimited-Become Legendary.
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Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed! was originally published on C.A. Perkins
Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed! was originally published on C.A. Perkins
Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed! was originally published on C.A. Perkins
Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed! was originally published on C.A. Perkins
Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed! was originally published on C.A. Perkins
The post Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed! appeared first on G & P Unltd. Urban Co.
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wordsinmymemory · 6 years
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Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed!
You are the product of your thought! The great thing is if you are not happy with the product you can change it. You can train your thoughts! You have the power to choose what you think, you don’t have to be in bondage to negative, random, or unproductive thoughts. You were created to live a life that is governed by your spirit. The world around you should not decide what to think! This requires training and discipline because the untrained mind has more emotional rollercoasters than individuals that have focused and trained thoughts.
Your mind is like soil. It can’t decern what is being planted it will grow both weeds and crops. You have to determine the seeds! You have to remove the weeds! Your mind will grow any thoughts that you allow to be planted.
If you want to end the cycles and the unhappiness in life change your thinking. Just, stop focusing on what you don’t want! Focus on what you want! Your mind doesn’t know the difference between factual reality and imagined reality. If you focus on what you don’t want, your account will create yours don’t wish to seed.
If you want to change, focused on what you do want. Every day, spend time defining yourself as the person you want to be. If it is negative, then it is a weed. You were not created to be overweight, below-average, poor, uneducated, depressed, sick, weak, miserable, and unhappy. If you allow these thoughts to come into your mind, they become true.
Control the directions you give your brain. Stop Negative self-talk! Your words are a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you vocalize or meditate on negative thinking, you are programming your life. You are reinforcing your habits, you are empowering the weeds to grow.
If you would merely change your self-talk to positive reinforcement your life would change. Live Live-Be Unlimited-Become Legendary.
Share This Article and Be Awesome!
Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed! was originally published on C.A. Perkins
Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed! was originally published on C.A. Perkins
Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed! was originally published on C.A. Perkins
Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed! was originally published on C.A. Perkins
The post Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed! appeared first on G & P Unltd. Urban Co.
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wordsinmymemory · 6 years
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Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed!
You are the product of your thought! The great thing is if you are not happy with the product you can change it. You can train your thoughts! You have the power to choose what you think, you don’t have to be in bondage to negative, random, or unproductive thoughts. You were created to live a life that is governed by your spirit. The world around you should not decide what to think! This requires training and discipline because the untrained mind has more emotional rollercoasters than individuals that have focused and trained thoughts.
Your mind is like soil. It can’t decern what is being planted it will grow both weeds and crops. You have to determine the seeds! You have to remove the weeds! Your mind will grow any thoughts that you allow to be planted.
If you want to end the cycles and the unhappiness in life change your thinking. Just, stop focusing on what you don’t want! Focus on what you want! Your mind doesn’t know the difference between factual reality and imagined reality. If you focus on what you don’t want, your account will create yours don’t wish to seed.
If you want to change, focused on what you do want. Every day, spend time defining yourself as the person you want to be. If it is negative, then it is a weed. You were not created to be overweight, below-average, poor, uneducated, depressed, sick, weak, miserable, and unhappy. If you allow these thoughts to come into your mind, they become true.
Control the directions you give your brain. Stop Negative self-talk! Your words are a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you vocalize or meditate on negative thinking, you are programming your life. You are reinforcing your habits, you are empowering the weeds to grow.
If you would merely change your self-talk to positive reinforcement your life would change. Live Live-Be Unlimited-Become Legendary.
Share This Article and Be Awesome!
Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed! was originally published on C.A. Perkins
Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed! was originally published on C.A. Perkins
Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed! was originally published on C.A. Perkins
The post Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed! appeared first on G & P Unltd. Urban Co.
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wordsinmymemory · 6 years
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Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed!
You are the product of your thought! The great thing is if you are not happy with the product you can change it. You can train your thoughts! You have the power to choose what you think, you don’t have to be in bondage to negative, random, or unproductive thoughts. You were created to live a life that is governed by your spirit. The world around you should not decide what to think! This requires training and discipline because the untrained mind has more emotional rollercoasters than individuals that have focused and trained thoughts.
Your mind is like soil. It can’t decern what is being planted it will grow both weeds and crops. You have to determine the seeds! You have to remove the weeds! Your mind will grow any thoughts that you allow to be planted.
If you want to end the cycles and the unhappiness in life change your thinking. Just, stop focusing on what you don’t want! Focus on what you want! Your mind doesn’t know the difference between factual reality and imagined reality. If you focus on what you don’t want, your account will create yours don’t wish to seed.
If you want to change, focused on what you do want. Every day, spend time defining yourself as the person you want to be. If it is negative, then it is a weed. You were not created to be overweight, below-average, poor, uneducated, depressed, sick, weak, miserable, and unhappy. If you allow these thoughts to come into your mind, they become true.
Control the directions you give your brain. Stop Negative self-talk! Your words are a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you vocalize or meditate on negative thinking, you are programming your life. You are reinforcing your habits, you are empowering the weeds to grow.
If you would merely change your self-talk to positive reinforcement your life would change. Live Live-Be Unlimited-Become Legendary.
Share This Article and Be Awesome!
Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed! was originally published on C.A. Perkins
Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed! was originally published on C.A. Perkins
The post Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed! appeared first on G & P Unltd. Urban Co.
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wordsinmymemory · 6 years
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Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed!
You are the product of your thought! The great thing is if you are not happy with the product you can change it. You can train your thoughts! You have the power to choose what you think, you don’t have to be in bondage to negative, random, or unproductive thoughts. You were created to live a life that is governed by your spirit. The world around you should not decide what to think! This requires training and discipline because the untrained mind has more emotional rollercoasters than individuals that have focused and trained thoughts.
Your mind is like soil. It can’t decern what is being planted it will grow both weeds and crops. You have to determine the seeds! You have to remove the weeds! Your mind will grow any thoughts that you allow to be planted.
If you want to end the cycles and the unhappiness in life change your thinking. Just, stop focusing on what you don’t want! Focus on what you want! Your mind doesn’t know the difference between factual reality and imagined reality. If you focus on what you don’t want, your account will create yours don’t wish to seed.
If you want to change, focused on what you do want. Every day, spend time defining yourself as the person you want to be. If it is negative, then it is a weed. You were not created to be overweight, below-average, poor, uneducated, depressed, sick, weak, miserable, and unhappy. If you allow these thoughts to come into your mind, they become true.
Control the directions you give your brain. Stop Negative self-talk! Your words are a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you vocalize or meditate on negative thinking, you are programming your life. You are reinforcing your habits, you are empowering the weeds to grow.
If you would merely change your self-talk to positive reinforcement your life would change. Live Live-Be Unlimited-Become Legendary.
Share This Article and Be Awesome!
Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed! was originally published on C.A. Perkins
The post Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed! appeared first on G & P Unltd. Urban Co.
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wordsinmymemory · 6 years
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Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed!
You are the product of your thought! The great thing is if you are not happy with the product you can change it. You can train your thoughts! You have the power to choose what you think, you don’t have to be in bondage to negative, random, or unproductive thoughts. You were created to live a life that is governed by your spirit. The world around you should not decide what to think! This requires training and discipline because the untrained mind has more emotional rollercoasters than individuals that have focused and trained thoughts.
Your mind is like soil. It can’t decern what is being planted it will grow both weeds and crops. You have to determine the seeds! You have to remove the weeds! Your mind will grow any thoughts that you allow to be planted.
If you want to end the cycles and the unhappiness in life change your thinking. Just, stop focusing on what you don’t want! Focus on what you want! Your mind doesn’t know the difference between factual reality and imagined reality. If you focus on what you don’t want, your account will create yours don’t wish to seed.
If you want to change, focused on what you do want. Every day, spend time defining yourself as the person you want to be. If it is negative, then it is a weed. You were not created to be overweight, below-average, poor, uneducated, depressed, sick, weak, miserable, and unhappy. If you allow these thoughts to come into your mind, they become true.
Control the directions you give your brain. Stop Negative self-talk! Your words are a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you vocalize or meditate on negative thinking, you are programming your life. You are reinforcing your habits, you are empowering the weeds to grow.
If you would merely change your self-talk to positive reinforcement your life would change. Live Live-Be Unlimited-Become Legendary.
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The post Your Worst Habits Need To Be Reprogrammed! appeared first on G & P Unltd. Urban Co.
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wordsinmymemory · 6 years
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The Torah-Part 3-Genesis 1
The Torah-Part 3-Genesis 1
After laying the foundation for the Torah Study, K.A. Perkins begins his line by line study of the Torah. In Genesis chapter 1, K.A. Perkins unfolds some essential truths about how to identify the God of the Torah. While distinguishing from the illuminating presence of the Most High as the light in darkness and that of the celestial bodies that were created to emit light.  The darkness that exists in the absence of the illumination and enlightenment of the Most High is a hopeless entity.
The Torah-Part 1-Introduction
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wordsinmymemory · 6 years
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Torah Study Reflection-Church vs. Community
Torah Study Reflection-Church vs. Community
Author and Teacher, K.A. Perkins, discusses the communal perspective of understanding the Torah. K.A. Perkins answers a question regarding what The Most High intended for establishing – a church or a community of believers. K.A. Perkins explores Matthew 16:18 and uncovers the meaning of “church” in this text. It does not refer to a building; instead, it refers to “a called out people”. This community was called out to represent The Most High and to serve each other K.A. Perkins examines how this picture of the community directly opposes the current model of the Christian Church that focus on making a profit and running a business for the sole benefit of the leader.
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wordsinmymemory · 6 years
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The Torah-Part 2-Conspiracy
GPUNLTD Presents- The Torah-Part 2-Conspiracy
The Most High came to fulfill the teachings of the Torah, not to replace them. It was not  The intention of The Most High to create a new religion or establish the “Church” with the birth, death, burial, and resurrection of the Messiah. He came to fulfill that which was already written; to build upon the Hebrew Faith. Why then is the modern Christian Church so far removed from the sacred principles of the Hebrew Faith? Author and Teacher, K.A. Perkins, discusses the deliberate process of how the Roman Catholic Church moved away from the original teachings of the Torah when it formed the modern Christian Church.
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wordsinmymemory · 6 years
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SIFTED LIKE WHEAT, But I Prayed! Luke 22:24-34
In this teaching, K.A.Perkins delivers an encouraging and inspiring word of hope for those in the midst of their season of testing and trials. While the enemy desires to sift you or to try you, the Messiah himself has already prayed for you. You will be victorious because The Most High already has our back.
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The post SIFTED LIKE WHEAT, But I Prayed! appeared first on G & P Unltd. Urban Co..
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wordsinmymemory · 6 years
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The Torah-Part 1-Introduction
GPUNLTD Presents- Lion Lifestyle-The Torah-Part 1-Introduction
Imagine being released from ann institution of slavery which stole from you your name, your heritage, and your culture. You are given freedom, yet your identity has been stolen and the life you once knew is now foreign. Author and Teacher K.A. Perkins introduces the Torah Series and explains how the Torah was not law but instruction given from the Most High to His Chosen People recently released from Egyptian Captivity. His people who needed to be reminded of their identity and how to live in relation to God and each other. K.A. Perkins identifies the importance of such instruction for the Hebrew Children of that time and sheds insight on how the same instruction is relevant to the true descendants of the same Hebrew Children today.
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wordsinmymemory · 7 years
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Remember Your Special Moment
Special Moments
Life is comprised of unique memories which make it worth living. There are many treasured minutes that are missed because we don’t take the opportunity to live. We should open our hearts and minds to special moments. This is an ambient chill track that will take you on that journey to remember your special moments.
The post Remember Your Special Moment appeared first on G & P Unltd. Urban Co..
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wordsinmymemory · 7 years
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Holding Hands
Holding Hands
Holding hands might be a little thing, yet it holds a considerable measure of importance as a signal in a loving relationship. … The arousing quality in touching hands and stroking fingers is like kissing, and it can be a profoundly suggest signal when you are enamored with somebody. This melodic piece is a reminder of the simplicity of true love. The love of a spouse or the love of YHWH. Enjoy!
The post Holding Hands appeared first on G & P Unltd. Urban Co..
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wordsinmymemory · 7 years
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Boire De L’eau – Drinking Water
Boire De L’eau- Drinking Water
It’s a well-known fact that water is vital. Without it, all of us would die within a few days. Along these lines water frequently is artistic components that serve as a symbol of life. Boire De L’eau is a dubstep EDM cleansing that takes you on a soulful journey to a new life.
Proverbs 25:25-Like cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news that comes from a distant land.
The post Boire De L’eau – Drinking Water appeared first on G & P Unltd. Urban Co..
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