wordsthatresonate · 2 days
No matter how many Dramione stories I read, the shift from 'Granger' to 'Hermione' and from 'Malfoy' to 'Draco' does inexplicable things to my heart. every. fucking. time.
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wordsthatresonate · 11 days
Do you kids know how hard it is to hyper fixate on shit as a goddamn adult?? Sorry boss I know you need those files done but I’m too busy giggling like a goddamn school girl over a fictional man
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wordsthatresonate · 28 days
My mom : kanhaji, krishnaji
Me :
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wordsthatresonate · 1 month
the commodification of friendship is the most annoying thing to come out of the internet in ages. like actually i love to break this to you but you're supposed to help your friends move even if it's hard work. or stay up with them when they're sad even if you're gonna lose sleep. you're supposed to listen to their fears and sorrows even if it means your own mind takes on a little bit of that weight. that's how you know that you care. they will drive you to the airport and then you will make them soup when they're sick. you're supposed to make small sacrifices for them and they are supposed to do that for you. and there's actually gonna be rough patches for both of you where the balance will be uneven and you will still be friends and it will not be unhealthy and they will not be abusive. life is not meant to be an endless prioritization of our own comfort if it was we would literally never get anywhere ever. jesus.
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wordsthatresonate · 2 months
Radha isn't just Krishna's lover, she's his biggest supporter, teacher, best friend and literally his counterpart. We are drawn to our kanha without worldly logic as to what exactly he does to us that makes him so mesmerizing but Radha is the one who hypnotizes even him. All of us want him by our side but she let him go. For us. Rukmini threatened to kill herself if he didn't marry her, Mirabai devoted her entire life to him, Arjuna was desolate without his guidance, they all choose Krishna again and again but Radha lets Krishna choose his path, his dharma always. It doesn't mean any of them loved Krishna less, but Radha just understood him the most. We all long for his arrival including Radha but she realized the importance of his departure too. Radhakrishn isn't just some greatly sacrificing, godly, dreamy teens in love, unachievable story of passion but the journey of self love, unconditional love, picking our battles, finding our purpose, circumstances leading to separation from each other because of that purpose, growing and learning more each day individually for ourselves and each other, and finally letting it all go out into the world with only the utmost compassion and empathy <3
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wordsthatresonate · 2 months
Morning cuz if it was good, Krishna would’ve been engulfing me in a hug till I was out of breath.
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wordsthatresonate · 2 months
Imagining Krishna everywhere with me is literally one of the most fun things ever. I close my eyes and I feel like he's thrown an arm around my shoulders and gossiping ki "hawwww I know what you're thinking, but he doesn't deserve a punch....kick him!!!!! (Wait your mother said it's not okay to teach violence for fun, come back—)"
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wordsthatresonate · 2 months
when kanha said -
rath yuddh ka ho ya jeevan ka, main uttam saarthi hu parth!
i believed him.
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wordsthatresonate · 2 months
Whenever Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita says,
"..भक्तिमान्य: स मे प्रिय: ||"
"..those Devotees are very dear to me"
I blush and kick my feet like a teenager with their first crush. How can I, a mere speck in the vastness of His magnificent universe, be dear to Him, the Supreme God Himself? I marvel at His boundless grace and affection.
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wordsthatresonate · 2 months
Sahadev has had a lifetime of practice in reading his brothers' faces, the tightness of their jaws, the force in their eyes, the arches of their eyebrows. He knows, without a sliver of doubt, what they truly wish for.
War, that is what they wish for, every single one of them. And yet, they engage the rational parts of their mind and agree to bring forth a peace proposal. He knows why they do it, and for a moment, he is tempted to follow them like he always has.
But his mind replays the scene in the dice hall, filled with Krishnaa's screams and the rattle of dice and the not- so- discrete giggles of those men, and he knows what he must do.
The wisest man in the world sets aside his wisdom for the rage in his heart and says, "If my brothers wish for peace, then forsaking all sense of righteousness, I shall fight Duryodhan myself."
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wordsthatresonate · 2 months
I cannot believe there's absolutely no way to watch free shows and movies anymore, there are too many paid streaming platforms and pirating websites have viruses and ads preventing you from watching it uninterrupted((.)) id rather follow the rules and purchase media moving forward because it is too inconvenient. Seriously, free and no ads or viruses with 1080p streaming is DEAD.
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wordsthatresonate · 3 months
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wordsthatresonate · 3 months
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I'm starting a collection
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wordsthatresonate · 3 months
krishna is really the god of the gays like my boy is full of grace and mischief he's full of gentle masculinity he married aravan (who's the god of transgender communities) and literally wears a peacock feather on his head (it's a secret queer symbol) like nothing about him is for the breeders
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wordsthatresonate · 3 months
Can we talk about Balram please? That guy went along with all of his brother's leela. Imagine how frustrated he would be to see things going smooth and then hears a little snicker from Krishna and just knows that shit's about to go down.
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wordsthatresonate · 3 months
Nakul being able to talk to horses is single-handedly the hottest thing he's ever done idc
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wordsthatresonate · 3 months
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Ab Samrat prasann hue, Mamashri.
This scene is the funniest 🤣
A normally calm Yudhishthira beating his uncle up and taking savage pleasure in it 🤣🤣
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