wordstoponderupon · 3 days
‘If you knew the unseen, you wouldn’t have chosen anything but that which Allah has chosen for you’
لو عرفت الغيب ما كنت لتختار غير ما إختاره الله لك.
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wordstoponderupon · 21 days
The best version of yourself is when you find Allah.
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wordstoponderupon · 21 days
Al-Awza’i رحمه الله said:
“Learn honesty before you learn knowledge!”
[Al-Jami’ Li Akhlaq Ar-Rawi: 1/304]
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wordstoponderupon · 21 days
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wordstoponderupon · 24 days
The longest journey is the journey inward.
-Dag Hammarskjold
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wordstoponderupon · 24 days
Sheikh al Albani رحمه الله said,
“The best migration is the migration from what your Lord dislikes.”
[Silsilah Ahadith as Saheehah 553]
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wordstoponderupon · 24 days
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wordstoponderupon · 24 days
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wordstoponderupon · 24 days
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wordstoponderupon · 24 days
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wordstoponderupon · 24 days
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As soon as you die, your identity becomes a "body".
People use phrases like, "bring the body". "Lower the body to the grave yard", etc..
People don't even call you by your name. Whom you tried to impress your whole life..
Live a life to impress the creator not the creation.
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wordstoponderupon · 24 days
The secret to success as a Muslim is to recognize that in the beginning, it was just you and Allah, and in the end, it will just be you and Allah. This life is a journey towards Him. You choose your path with the goal of getting close to Allah, and whatever you encounter on the way should not deter you from Him.
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wordstoponderupon · 24 days
Ibn al Qayyim رحمه الله;
“Too much socialising, wishing for things, attachment to others besides Allah, filling one's stomach and sleep. These five affairs are among the greatest corrupters of the heart.”
Uddatus sabrin 197
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wordstoponderupon · 1 month
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wordstoponderupon · 1 month
يارب سهل على أهل فلسطين وأنصرهم
“O’ Allah grant ease to the people of Palestine & make them victorious.”
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wordstoponderupon · 2 months
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wordstoponderupon · 2 months
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