worldofauie · 4 months
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In the process of cultivating progress and holistic development within the four corners of a classroom, students are observed to be exposed in a setting wherein there is variation and diversity. With this, the richness of a diverse classroom lies in the multiple perspectives students offer to the table. However, harnessing unity and collaboration amidst differences can be challenging. How can students effectively collaborate when they are exposed to a diverse classroom environment?
For future educators, it is important to acknowledge the need to consider various factors, especially in dealing with learners in a diverse classroom. In this article, the following strategies will be emphasized in promoting collaboration in classrooms— brimming with cultural, linguistic, and learning style variations:
INCLUSIVE GROUPS. Homogeneity hinders exposure to diverse viewpoints. Hence, teachers can counter this by strategically forming groups that have a mix of learning styles, cultural backgrounds, and skillsets— exposing students to a wider range of ideas and approaches. This fosters rich discussions and problem-solving within a group.
DIVERSE ACTIVITIES. Employing diverse learning activities is crucial as not all students learn the same way. By incorporating various learning activities into collaborative projects, teachers cater to these different learning styles. This allows students with different strengths to foster a sense of collective responsibility within a group.
COMMUNICATION SKILLS. Students from different backgrounds may have varying communication styles, leading to misunderstandings or missed opportunities for collaboration. Teachers can address this by explicitly teaching communication skills for students to learn how to navigate different perspectives with effective connections.
Collaboration indeed fosters empathy and understanding as students learn to appreciate the value of different perspectives and unique traits, strengths, and skills. This leads to a more inclusive and respectful learning environment wherein learners are honed to thrive in a diverse world.
Overall, learning how to collaborate and communicate with others is an essential life skills to immerse oneself with the truths and hard facts that is occurring in the real world. By learning and following the strategies, learners are equipped with skills and techniques that are pivotal in embracing differences and diversity.
Edutopia. (2023, January 23). 5 Strategies to Deepen Student Collaboration. edutopia.org
GSEHD, The George Washington University. (2020, February 24). 10 Strategies to Build on Student Collaboration in the Classroom. George Washington University
Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, R. T. (2009). An overview of cooperative learning. In C. D. Schunk & K. R. Pintrich (Eds.), Motivation in education: Theory, research, and applications (Vol. 3, pp. 231-278). Erlbaum. (This chapter discusses the positive impact of cooperative learning on developing positive interdependence and appreciating others' contributions)
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worldofauie · 4 months
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UNITY WITHIN THE UNIVERSITY USePians showcase collaboration within diverse USeP community thru INDIGAY 2K24 by Aura Bonn Via E. Jamoner
Fostering the INDIGAY 2k24 Celebration with the theme, “Uniting through Talent, Embracing Diversity, and Empowering Inclusivity within the Community”, the University of Southeastern Philippines (USeP) aims to highlight the goal of the university community to promote an inclusive and empowering environment to which USePians can freely express their differences and hone their talents.
The inauguration of this week-long celebrated intramurals allows USePians from different programs within the campus to interact and participate in various events— honing not just their academics but also exposing them to sports, literature, and cultural events.
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