worldofkirby · 4 years
I’m a huge fan of Marx i’d like your take on a character and I also like the way you draw them. You’re a wonderful artist.😷👍✨
((Aw, thank you very much! I would be lying if I said I don’t miss this blog, I wish I could do things again, but I rarely have had the time. I’m trying to get life things in order, and it’s a bit tricky, plus I’m trying to plan out a web comic in my meantime, though I do hope to pick this back up again at some point!! <3 <3 <3))
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worldofkirby · 4 years
Hey I hope you’re doing OK with this virus outbreak stay safe out there.
((Oh wow, I’m surprised this blog is still getting asks! Well, thank you! I have been!!! I’ve been active online and been staying inside :)!! On my main blog I’ve been goofing around! Thank you!))
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worldofkirby · 6 years
R u n.
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worldofkirby · 7 years
Quick Update
Hey guys!! It’s been a long while hasn't it?  Well I am popping in to say when summer rolls around this blog will get picked back up!! (Although I am planning for it to be sooner!!)
With the upcoming new game, and spoilers will be under the cut, I can say that I’m already growing inspiration to pick this blog back up!!
For any of those close enough to me would know; Ever since they brought back Magolor, I have said from that day on that they needed to stop being cowards and bring back my boy AND THEY AREEEE AAAA I’m so HAPPY
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SEE!!! HE IS SO HAPPY!!!!! AND ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!
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worldofkirby · 7 years
Gryll: Conflict and war is the crucible through which we evolve.
Gryll: [eats Marx’s leftovers and puts the empty container in Magolor’s room]
(Source- Tumblr)
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worldofkirby · 7 years
Could you reblog this if you’re an active, or at least somewhat active, ask/RP blog in the Kirby fandom? Whether you play an official character or fan/OC is fine! I’d just like to see if coming back to this place would be worth it or not, please and thank you~
If you have any questions for me, please ask them on my personal blog here.
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worldofkirby · 7 years
 A Tag Meme
Tagged by: @star-stacker-champ​
Tagging: Uhhh,, I really don’t know any other blogs besides Star-Stacker so,, anybody else can?? :0
[ ☾ ] “Hey hey hey!! I guess I’m doing some sort of thing?? I guess? I got tagged into doing this so you guys can know me more? That’s pretty cool that people want to know more about me! Oh, and I’m Marx but I think you know that already if you want to know more about me!”
MUSE NAME:  [ ☾ ] “Marx!! Cool name right?”
LEAST FAVORITE NICKNAME: [ ☾ ] “I’ve got a couple of nicknames before and I don’t really mind them too much, but I really hate the term ‘grape’. I’m not a grape! Just because I am purple and a little round does not make me a food!” 
LEAST FAVORITE COLOR: [ ☾ ] “Green. Most of the shades look boring and bland and gross.”
LEAST FAVORITE SEASON: [ ☾ ] “Oh this ones easy: The winter. Do you have any idea how much money a jester makes? Even when I was the kings jester I only got the bottom of the barrel! So I don’t exactly have much in the way of shelter or food and trying to combine those with winter doesn't mix well...like oil and water. It’s super cold and even when you get inside you're still cold because all the snow melts into your clothes so you're now wet and cold and--- I just hate winter!”
LEAST FAVORITE WEATHER: [ ☾ ] “Anything that falls from the sky.”
LEAST FAVORITE—HOT OR COLD: [ ☾ ] “Well that depends. I hate the cold for weather but I hate hot foods if they are too hot...warm weather isn’t too hot to handle, cold is annoying but you can adjust to it a bit better-- I guess cold???”
LEAST FAVORITE HOLIDAY: [ ☾ ] “How can you dislike any of them? If I really had to choose I guess...uhh..Nope. Can’t really hate any.” 
LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: [ ☾ ] “Apples are starting to become bland. I guess they don’t really APP-eal to me anymore. Since I have them so often, I think that’s the CORE of the problem.” 
LEAST FAVORITE FLAVOR: [ ☾ ] “Apple or grape flavored anything.”
LEAST FAVORITE DRINK: [ ☾ ] “Apple cider orrr..some alcohol. Scratch that, most alcohols.”
LEAST FAVORITE SCENT: [ ☾ ] “For some reason I don’t like the scent of..I don’t know the word for it. It’s like, the smell of chalk and cheap paint mixed together?? But somebody burned them together or peeled it apart...I smelled that a couple times and I don’t know if there is a certain word for the smell?”
LEAST FAVORITE SOUND: [ ☾ ] “Loud popping of balloons or balls.”
LEAST FAVORITE BOOK: [ ☾ ] “It was this book called ‘Dream Warriors’ and it was super lame because the ending was awful!!”
LEAST FAVORITE MOVIE AND TV SHOW: [ ☾ ]  “I wouldn't really know since I never watched TV.”
LEAST FAVORITE ASPECT OF THEIR JOB: [ ☾ ] “I know the point of being a jester is that everybody laughs at what you do but people still laugh after the acts over. I don’t get any respect as a person because all they think I am 24/7 is some act to them!”  
LEAST FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER: [ ☾ ] “The protagonist of Dream Warriors. He was so boring I forgot his name.”
LEAST FAVORITE PERSON: [ ☾ ] “Kirby. I despise him for ruining what could have been great!! I could have been a great ruler and could have done whatever I wanted but nooo, he just cuts me in half and leaves me for dead! He left me floating around in space!! I had to find my own way back home...errr actually I don’t remember how I got back but!! That’s not the point!!”
LEAST FAVORITE TRAIT IN OTHERS: [ ☾ ] “Seriousness. Some people are too boring and serious all the time, learn to take a joke and laugh at the world! You can be serious but...lighten up!”
LEAST FAVORITE PLACE: [ ☾ ] “As much I use to love space, I think I floated around in it enough for a life time.”
LEAST FAVORITE THING TO TALK ABOUT: [ ☾ ] “Ehhh, I don’t really like people pointing out my status.”
LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT THEMSELVES: [ ☾ ] “Don’t tell anybody else this but, I really hate my ‘jump to action’ nature sometimes.”
LEAST FAVORITE SEXUAL POSITION: [ ☾ ]  “....yeah, no.”
LEAST FAVORITE DAILY CHORE: [ ☾ ] “Getting out from under the blankets. That’s a chore for me because it takes work to get out from a cozy blanket and out to the cold air.”
LEAST FAVORITE STYLE OF CLOTHING: [ ☾ ] “Scratchy and bland clothing.”
LEAST FAVORITE ACTIVITY: [ ☾ ] “Training for some of my acts. Some of them are a pain.”
LEAST FAVORITE SUPERPOWER: [ ☾ ] “I don’t anymore now which sucks, but when I was super cool and powerful I guess my least favorite was the vine things I would grow from the ground since they took a little too long to grow and they went away after.”
LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT HUMANITY IN GENERAL: [ ☾ ] “The people that look down on the others who can’t get everything they can. I’m sorry I don’t have a house because my job sucks but its the only thing I’m good at!”
LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT BEING IN LOVE: [ ☾ ] “Not knowing how the other feels about you...u-uh, ha- I get nervous if they like me or if they just say they do.”
LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT DEATH: [ ☾ ] “Knowing I have to relive it.”
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worldofkirby · 7 years
Marx and Gryll fusion?
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They win all their Star Stacker challenges by cheating
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worldofkirby · 7 years
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One more sketch! I really need to get some sleep now.
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worldofkirby · 7 years
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I-I’m so sorry for being so late! I hope this is acceptable, starlighthoshihikari!
…Ah! I have also been practicing with new styles of coloring again. I wanted this one to have a heartwarm feel to it. Even if they still look kinda nervous.
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worldofkirby · 7 years
If I had a gun with two bullets and I was in a room with the Nightmare, Zero and Marx, I would shoot Marx twice.
Kirby (via incorrectkirbyquotes)
(via star-stacker-champ)
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worldofkirby · 7 years
So now that you're back at Popstar,what are your plans?
[ ☾ ] “Not sure.”
Marx pondered the question to himself. He went through an awful lot and never really thought much as to what he would do from here. He was banking on success with his plans but since he has failed, he didn’t know what to do from here.
[ ☾ ] “I set up a little house for myself, but that’s not exactly a plan.”
His gaze shifted downward to the ground beneath him, dozing off in thought leaving behind a small amount of silence before he spoke up again. 
[ ☾ ] “I’ll think of something.”
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worldofkirby · 7 years
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For my cute friend @meisaeva
I had really lot of fun drawing these two adorable beans together❤ This is one of my favourite soft ships so far! I find the way Marx acts around Grill/Gryll damn hilarious~ he is technically a little tsundere, but in reality Marx cares a lot about her~ ;//w//;
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worldofkirby · 7 years
Super quick reminder that if you guys want to see more of my art, my art blog is here!!
And if you just want to see the boring stuff I post, my main blog is here
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worldofkirby · 7 years
Marx and Gryll fusion?
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They win all their Star Stacker challenges by cheating
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worldofkirby · 7 years
The Jester's head tilted from the one side to the other, curiously glancing over the new guest as they gave the rushed apology. He picked up on the fact that they seemed to be nervous still which was to be expected, those sorts of things weren't exactly a casual conversation. He thought that maybe a nice joke could help break the ice as well as the others nervousness.
[ ☾ ]  “Seems like you really fell for me there, huh?”
He grew a small smile after cracking the little joke. The smile seemed to be a little forced but was overall met with good intentions. He turned his attention back upward at the gaping hole above him to stare over the sunbeam that was now shining through, squinting at it since it was too bright for his eyes. The little purple blob was indeed a bit upset at the fact that he now had to fix his house even more but failed to show it. He figured it would be best to take up the offer since he already was working hard to keep up the place. Another wind gust like that and he wouldn’t even have a home anymore.
[ ☾ ]  “I wouldn’t mind a little help.”
Another awkward blink as his eyes locked back onto the other. His slit pupils grew bigger now that he wasn’t looking right at the light above him.
An Unexpected Meeting (closed rp w/worldofkirby)
The storm clouds had come upon Gryll much faster than they had formerly anticipated, the witch lowering down upon their broom as they hurriedly tried to make their way home. Though the rain had yet to actually reach their location, it was only a mere matter of minutes before it would inevitably arrive. If the flashes of lightning off in the distance weren’t enough of an indication, then the sharp gusts of wind that preceded such an arrival surely were.
As the edge of Whispy Wood’s Forest came into view, the wind gusts began to increase in their severity. Gryll was forced to hold on to their broom handle for dear life lest they risk getting thrown off by the overpowering air currents that seemed to be doing everything they could to act against them. While the witch had certainly flown through windy conditions prior to this, never before had they dared to remain outside during such weather as they were now facing.
It wasn’t until the wind seemed to die down and Gryll began to think they were home free before a particularly-violent and unexpected gust came at them dead on. In spite of their best efforts, a sharp gasp escaped their lips as the witch’s grasp upon the broom failed and they ended up falling swiftly toward the ground that was rising up quickly to meet them.
It wasn’t long afterward that Gryll blacked out, surrendering their life as lost—but not before crashing through the roof of a humble little hut belonging to a certain jester.
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worldofkirby · 7 years
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((A bit too simple or a bit overdoing it? You be the judge.
Anyways, here’s Gryll’s costume for The Spirit’s Masquerade Ball this upcoming weekend. I was hoping for a vampire/witch fusion of some sort. Is there a proper name for such a thing?))
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