worldtodaysposts · 1 year
Dental Provider And Associated Individuals Agree To Resolve Allegations Of Improper Billing Of TennCare
A Knoxville dentist has agreed to pay nearly $1 million to resolve allegations of false claims to TennCare, according to a news release from the U.S. Attorney's Office.
Dr. Michael Sawaf and his company, Premier Dental Group of Knoxville on Concord Street, violated the False Claims Act and the Tennessee Medicaid False Claims Act by knowingly and improperly submitting false claims, the release said. TennCare prohibits billing of services that are not provided or are unnecessary, or claims with upcharges to receive higher reimbursements.
Two people who worked with the dental group, Erin Ferdowsi and Reja Ferdowsi, have agreed to resolve similar allegations made against them, the agency said.
The amount Sawaf agreed to pay was $985,541. It covers allegations that between Jan. 1, 2016, through Dec. 31, 2020, and a period of time between Aug. 14 and Sept. 11, 2019, the group submitted claims for payment that misidentified credentialed dentists as the provider for services done by uncredentialed dentists.
The settlement was a collaboration between the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Tennessee, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Tennessee Attorney General's Office and the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – The United States Attorney’s Office announced today that Dr. Michael Sawaf and his affiliated company Premier Dental Group PLLC of Knoxville, f/k/a Orthodontic Designs by Michael Sawaf, PLLC (“PDG”), have agreed to pay $985,541 to resolve allegations that they knowingly and improperly submitted false claims for dental services to TennCare in violation of the False Claims Act (“FCA”) and the Tennessee Medicaid False Claims Act (“TMFCA”).  Erin Ferdowsi and Reja Ferdowsi, both of whom were affiliated with PDG, also agreed to resolve similar allegations against them.
TennCare prohibits billing for services that are not provided, upcoding claims to receive higher reimbursements to which a provider is not entitled, and billing for unnecessary services.  TennCare also requires that dentists apply for and receive approval to participate in the TennCare program before billing for services rendered to beneficiaries.  The credentialing process is intended to ensure that beneficiaries receive the highest quality of care from competent providers who have been vetted prior to rendering services.
Dr. Sawaf owns and sees patients at PDG, a dental and orthodontics clinic located at 303 S. Concord Street, Suite 323, in Knoxville, TN.  Erin and Reja Ferdowsi operated, managed, and/or worked at PDG.  The settlement resolves allegations that, from January 1, 2016, through December 31, 2020, PDG knowingly submitted, or caused the submission of, false claims to TennCare for payment relating to various dental procedures.  The settlement also resolves allegations that, between August 14, 2019, and September 11, 2019, PDG knowingly submitted, or caused the submission of, claims for payment to TennCare that falsely identified credentialed dentists as the rendering provider for services that were actually rendered by uncredentialed dentists who were ineligible to bill TennCare.
This settlement is the result of a collaborative effort between the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Tennessee, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Tennessee Attorney General’s Office, and the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.  The investigation that preceded the settlement was prompted by a lawsuit filed in 2020 under the qui tam or “whistleblower” provisions of the FCA and TMFCA, which permit a private individual (known as a “relator”) to sue on behalf of the government for false claims and to share in any recovery.  The relators’ share of the recovery in this case is $182,325.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph C. Rodriguez represented the United States.
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worldtodaysposts · 1 year
London Fintech Owner Accused of Facilitating Massive Drug Money Laundering via Crypto
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A fintech owner in London is under scrutiny for allegedly assisting notorious drug traffickers in laundering hundreds of millions of euros through a crypto exchange platform. 
Caio Marchesani, the 38-year-old Italian owner of Trans-Fast Remittance, a regulated payments business, is accused of knowingly hoarding cash for Sergio Roberto De Carvalho, a Brazilian drug lord, and managing crypto accounts for Flor Bressers, a Belgian criminal known as the "finger cutter."
Authorities in Belgium, who started an investigation into Marchesani three years ago, are seeking his extradition from the UK as part of their effort to dismantle a transnational gang, according to a recent Bloomberg report.
Per the report, the investigation gained traction after Dutch customs officials seized over 12 tonnes of cocaine, worth more than €260 million ($283 million), at Rotterdam port.
The authorities traced the drugs to Bressers and De Carvalho, eventually leading them to Marchesani through decrypted communications.
So far, 33 suspects from different countries, including Brazil, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and France, have been identified.
The investigation also revealed that Marchesani stored significant amounts of cash in an apartment near the US embassy in London, which was guarded round the clock. 
Additionally, he was found with approximately £1.5 million ($1.9 million) worth of crypto assets, frozen by authorities.
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worldtodaysposts · 1 year
'Senior and highly experienced' SA officials in Malawi to testify in Bushiris' extradition hearing
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A delegation of officials from South Africa, led by the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development, has arrived in Malawi to provide evidence in the case to have self-proclaimed "prophet" Shepherd Bushiri and his wife, Mary, extradited to South Africa.
The couple face charges of fraud and money laundering.
Department of Justice and Correctional Services spokesperson Chrispin Phiri said the hearing was scheduled for 30 May.
He added that the delegation consisted of "senior and highly experienced" prosecutors from the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), the Investigative Directorate (ID), and investigators from the SA Police Service.
"In leading this delegation, the department is fulfilling its role as a central authority," Phiri said.
"In the extradition context, a central authority is a designated government department that has the responsibility for receiving, managing and executing extradition requests."
Bushiri, who is the leader of the Enlightened Christian Gathering Church, and his wife, skipped bail in November 2020, after being arrested for fraud and money laundering to the tune of R102 million linked to an investment scheme.
In February, the High Court in Lilongwe ruled that South African witnesses in the extradition case would be required to travel to Malawi and give their testimonies in person.
However, the justice department clarified the "misinterpreted" judgment and said that no witnesses would have to go to Malawi to testify, and that the court had only asked state and law enforcement officials to testify in the extradition hearing.
The department said at the time that the judgment spoke for itself, adding that "an extradition hearing is not a trial".
"The judgment also resolves the question of what type of witnesses are required for the extradition hearing as follows: 'Witnesses to a preliminary inquiry/extradition hearing are representatives/agents of the requesting state who will be able to answer questions and be cross-examined by the fugitive on the issues'," it said.
Phiri added that the court was asking officials to testify on a set list of questions about the extradition hearing only.
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worldtodaysposts · 1 year
Kijkers herkennen Jesper uit Steenrijk, Staatarm van Radar: 'Dropshipper'
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Kijkers van 'Steenrijk, Straatarm' zitten zich enorm te verbazen over het rijke stel dat zich heeft aangemeld voor het SBS-programma. De kijkers herkennen Jesper Hensgens namelijk als de dropshipper, iemand die producten bij goedkope Chinese webshops inkoopt om ze voor veel meer geld te verkopen, waar consumentenprogramma Radar aandacht aan heeft besteed.
"SBS 6 slaat de plank mis met het rijke stel. Geven oplichters een podium" 
Jesper vertelt in Steenrijk, Staatarm dat hij meerdere webshops heeft. Met die webshops verdient hij naar eigen zeggen miljoenen. Maar volgens de kijkers van het programma is Jesper 'een oplichter'. Hij zou namelijk goedkope, Chinese producten voor veel geld doorverkopen via zijn webshops terwijl hij doet alsof het wel kwalitatieve producten zijn. 
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worldtodaysposts · 1 year
US places sanctions on officials of Intl Investment Bank in Budapest
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The United States imposed sanctions on three leading officials of the Russia-controlled International Investment Bank in Budapest on Wednesday, including a Hungarian banker.
The three names added to the sanctions list are Russian Federation nationals Nikolay Kosov, the bank's former chairman, and Georgy Potapov and Hungarian national Imre Laszloczki.
"IIB executives have coordinated with Russian Federation officials on IIB business even after Russia's further invasion of Ukraine in February 2022," the U.S. department of treasury said on its website.
The U.S. Treasury Department announced the penalties, which will target the International Investment Bank (IIB), a controversial institution located in Budapest with ties to the Russian state. The bank’s presence in Hungary has drawn the ire of Western officials, who fear it could be used for Russian intelligence operations inside Europe. 
Speaking to reporters in Budapest on Wednesday afternoon, U.S. Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman said Washington had repeatedly shared information with Hungarian counterparts about how Russia could use the bank to expand its influence — to no avail.
“Unlike other NATO allies previously engaged with this Russian entity,” the ambassador said, “Hungary has dismissed the concerns of the United States government regarding the risks its continued presence poses to the alliance.”
The IIB was originally created in 1970 to foster trade within the Soviet bloc and moved its headquarters from Moscow to Budapest in 2019 despite worries from Hungary’s allies.
“We have concerns,” Pressman said, “about the continued eagerness of Hungarian leaders to expand and deepen ties with the Russian Federation.”
In addition to the broader IIB sanctions, the U.S. will also penalize three individuals affiliated with the bank’s leadership — former board chair Nikolay Kosov, a Russian citizen, and two current senior management officials, Imre Laszlóczki, a Hungarian, and Georgy Potapov, a Russian. 
While Hungary is a member of both NATO and the EU, U.S. officials have expressed growing concern over the past decade about Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s moves to centralize power at home and build closer ties abroad with Moscow and Beijing. 
But the relationship has deteriorated significantly since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. 
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worldtodaysposts · 2 years
Le Château De James William Awad N’a Rien D’un Conte De Fées
James William Awad semble vivre dans un conte de fées, mais son château est au cœur d’une saga qui perdure depuis des mois avec son contracteur... à l’image du reste de son domaine qui cumule les scandales.
La colline est glissante. Si votre voiture n’arrive pas à monter, laissez-moi savoir, averti par texto Awad, avant l’arrivée de notre représentant.
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Sa résidence principale trône sur une petite montagne à Bois-des-Filion. Impossible de monter cette pente lundi avec notre véhicule. Même la dispendieuse Rolls-Royce du jeune homme de 29 ans n’y arrive pas. Il est donc obligé de grimper la pente pour rentrer chez lui, à ses risques et périls.
Attention, je suis tombé l’autre jour. Le déneigeur a oublié de mettre du sel», lance-t-il.
Pas très magique
Parmi la dizaine de propriétés qu’il possède, Awad nous fait d’abord visiter son imposant château qui semble tout droit sorti d’un film fantastique.
Mon inspiration? C’est Edward aux mains d'argent. Je ne sais pas, c’est mon film d’enfance préféré», confie-t-il, en posant pour notre photographe comme un acteur hollywoodien.
La magie commence et s’arrête toutefois lorsqu’on pénètre dans le bâtiment. Aucune pièce n’est encore terminée. Tout le château est un immense chantier de construction recouvert de contreplaqué et d’outils abandonnés.
Là, ça va être le garde-robe de ma femme. [...] Ici, ça va être un gros dance floor et là-bas les toilettes publiques», explique James Awad, qui s’improvise guide. 
Les travaux du château sont en effet arrêtés puisque le jeune homme est en croisade contre son entrepreneur. Awad refuserait de lui payer plus de 150 000$ pour les travaux réalisés jusqu’à maintenant. 
Il a commencé en 2019 et ce n’est toujours pas fini, s’insurge-t-il. Pouvez-vous croire? Il y a de quoi qui ne marche pas. On est en train de régler ça. [...] Il servira bientôt pour les fêtes, mais aussi pour accueillir les vedettes internationales qui vont venir ici.
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worldtodaysposts · 2 years
Le château de James William Awad n’a rien d’un Conte de Fées
James William Awad semble vivre dans un conte de fées, mais son château est au cœur d’une saga qui perdure depuis des mois avec son contracteur... à l’image du reste de son domaine qui cumule les scandales.
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La colline est glissante. Si votre voiture n’arrive pas à monter, laissez-moi savoir, averti par texto Awad, avant l’arrivée de notre représentant.
Sa résidence principale trône sur une petite montagne à Bois-des-Filion. Impossible de monter cette pente lundi avec notre véhicule. Même la dispendieuse Rolls-Royce du jeune homme de 29 ans n’y arrive pas. Il est donc obligé de grimper la pente pour rentrer chez lui, à ses risques et périls.
Attention, je suis tombé l’autre jour. Le déneigeur a oublié de mettre du sel, lance-t-il.
Pas très magique
Parmi la dizaine de propriétés qu’il possède, Awad nous fait d’abord visiter son imposant château qui semble tout droit sorti d’un film fantastique.
Mon inspiration? C’est Edward aux mains d'argent. Je ne sais pas, c’est mon film d’enfance préféré, confie-t-il, en posant pour notre photographe comme un acteur hollywoodien.
La magie commence et s’arrête toutefois lorsqu’on pénètre dans le bâtiment. Aucune pièce n’est encore terminée. Tout le château est un immense chantier de construction recouvert de contreplaqué et d’outils abandonnés.
Là, ça va être le garde-robe de ma femme. [...] Ici, ça va être un gros dance floor et là-bas les toilettes publiques», explique James Awad, qui s’improvise guide. 
Les travaux du château sont en effet arrêtés puisque le jeune homme est en croisade contre son entrepreneur. Awad refuserait de lui payer plus de 150 000$ pour les travaux réalisés jusqu’à maintenant. 
Il a commencé en 2019 et ce n’est toujours pas fini, s’insurge-t-il. Pouvez-vous croire? Il y a de quoi qui ne marche pas. On est en train de régler ça. [...] Il servira bientôt pour les fêtes, mais aussi pour accueillir les vedettes internationales qui vont venir ici.
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worldtodaysposts · 2 years
Barretense é preso acusado de chefiar organização criminosa
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Polícia Federal com auxílio da Interpol, localizou e prendeu o barretense Mohamad Kassem Najm, foragido da Operação Octopus. Ele foi detido na República Dominicana e desembarcou nesta quarta-feira (30) no Aeroporto Internacional de São Paulo, em Guarulhos (SP), onde foi cumprido o mandado de prisão.
Ele é acusado de liderar um esquema ilegal que movimentou R$ 22 bilhões em sete anos.
A polícia já havia prendido outras 36 pessoas no mês de outubro, entre eles os irmãos e cunhado de Najm, em uma ação realizada em Barretos.
Segundo a Polícia Federal, Mohamad além de ser réu por organização criminosa, o suspeito é investigado por falsidade ideológica, evasão de divisas e lavagem de dinheiro.
Os investigados obtinham recursos ilegalmente com a venda de produtos eletrônicos da China e dos EUA. Os produtos eram trazidos ao Brasil pelo Paraguai, sem pagar a tributação de importação. Nesse sentido, ele mantinha empresas de fachada e contas bancárias de “laranjas” para lavar dinheiro.
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worldtodaysposts · 2 years
Why Is CPAC Having a Conference Next Month in Budapest?
As Vladimir Putin grows increasingly isolated, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán becomes the chief conduit to the West for Putin-style authoritarianism and corruption.
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Come May 18, the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), for nearly 50 years the largest and most influential gathering of conservatives in the world, will assemble in Budapest, with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán as its keynote speaker.
That means leading American conservatives who are supposedly deeply committed to the ideals of personal liberty, limited government, free markets, human dignity, and the like will be joining forces behind one of the most authoritarian and antisemitic heads of state in the world. The speakers reportedly will include Orbán, who won his fourth term as prime minister on April 3; Eduardo Bolsonaro, the son of Brazil’s president; and Santiago Abascal, leader of Spain’s far-right Vox party.
At this writing, it’s unclear which big name American conservatives will be headlining the event. “I can’t tell you who is actually scheduled to speak,” said Daniel Schneider, executive director of the American Conservative Union (ACU), which sponsors CPAC. In recent months, however, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Alex Jones, and Tucker Carlson, have all made highly visible appearances on the Orbán bandwagon, with Carlson repeatedly extolling the virtues of the Hungarian strongman to millions of viewers on Fox News.
The hard-right’s growing affinity for Orbán’s Hungary should come as no surprise to anyone who has followed how the Republicans became Putin’s Party and how they have responded to the ongoing Russian atrocities in Ukraine. Think of Hungary in terms of Russia’s trajectory in recent years, during which Putin ushered in an era of global theft on an unimaginable scale, putting together a mafia state in which his handpicked oligarchs had monopolistic control of Russia’s strategic resources—an authoritarian kleptocracy in which billions in dark money were stashed in anonymous shell companies. As has been widely reported, Ukrainian-born billionaire Leonard “Len” Blavatnik, a naturalized American citizen, has contributed millions to leading GOP candidates, including Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, Marco Rubio, and Lindsey Graham. Similarly, as I reported in House of Trump, House of Putin, and American Kompromat, Russian oligarchs have paid countless millions to huge white-shoe American law firms representing their banks and energy companies and have plowed millions of dollars into supporting right-wing, populist movements elsewhere in the West.
But now that Russian atrocities in Ukraine dominate the news cycle 24/7, the mechanisms through which Putin’s propaganda, disinformation, and dark money flow to the West are finally being shut down. More than a thousand Russian businesses and individuals have been sanctioned. Russia has defaulted on foreign loans. Its banks have been removed from Swift. All Russian flights have been banned from United States, the U.K., the EU, and Canadian airspace. New investment in Russia from the West is being shut down. Yachts are being seized. One by one, the faucets are being turned off. And, as The Bulwark put it, that’s why the right has begun to increasingly “launder its Putinism” through support of Orbán.
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worldtodaysposts · 3 years
Couple Banned from Owning Animals After ‘House of Horrors
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A Manitoba couple has been fined $20,000 and banned from owning animals for life after animal protection officers seized dozens of sick and malnourished dogs, rabbits and birds.
“By any stretch of the imagination and understanding, I see no reason not to properly describe this as a house of horrors for these animals,” provincial court Judge Keith Eyrikson said Thursday.
Bruce and Maureen Feaver pleaded guilty to several offences under the Animal Care Act, including keeping animals in unsanitary conditions, failing to provide adequate food and water and failing to provide medical attention.
According to an agreed statement of facts provided to court, the dog had “significant medical issues and was deemed to be emaciated” and had not received proper medical attention following an earlier injury or illness.
The couple surrendered the dog to animal protection officers who, a day later, visited their home and found 21 dogs, 14 rabbits and 25 birds, all of them in various states of medical distress.
The animals were confined in a small space, in unsanitary conditions, without adequate lighting or ventilation and no opportunity for exercise.
Animal protection officers seized all of the animals, a number of which were euthanized, court heard.
“It seems strange that this got this far and how could it get this far is something that I can’t stop turning to,” Crown attorney Lee Turner told Eyrikson. “It seems the Feavers’ desire to have animals is much, much higher than their interest in caring for them.”
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Animal protection officers inspected the couple’s home a second time on Jan. 31, 2018, and found another 10 dogs and three rabbits living in unsanitary conditions, many of them in need of medical attention. In a garage, officers stumbled over three dead dogs under a blanket on the floor. The couple said the dogs had died after being left alone in a car for three hours during the officers’ Oct. 5 visit.
In April 2018, officers seized three more dogs from the couple’s home and another three in January 2019.
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worldtodaysposts · 5 years
Prominent Couple Indicted Following 19-Year-Old's Drowning Death
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A prominent Nashville couple faces criminal charges stemming from the August 2019 drowning of a 19-year-old Montgomery Bell Academy graduate during an overnight graduation party.
Forrest Conner, 49, was indicted on charges that he purchased alcohol for underage partygoers and allowed them to consume alcoholic beverages on the Dickson County farm that he owned.
His wife, Stephanie Barger Conner, 51, faces a single charge of allowing underage drinking on the property.
Both crimes are Class A misdemeanors, which carry a potential penalty of 11 months, 29 days in jail.
Dickson County sheriff's investigators were called to the farm at 1500 Timber Ridge Road, near Charlotte, on the morning of Friday, August 2. The party included recent graduates of MBA, an elite, all-boys school, and the all-girl Harpeth Hall.
A farm aide discovered the body of Will Caver in a pond on the property after he could not be located. 
Will Caver's autopsy has been sealed at the request of District Attorney General Ray Crouch's office.
“Mr. Conner did not provide alcohol that evening to the group, nor did he provide alcohol of any type to anyone under the age of 21 who attended, outside of his immediate family.”
Young provided a statement attributed to Forrest Conner.
“The loss of Will Caver is a devastating tragedy, and we mourn him above all else," the statement said.
"Since the accident occurred, we have cooperated fully with the investigation. We understand and respect the process undertaken by the office of the District Attorney of Dickson County and the Grand Jury. We will continue to work with the authorities and, out of respect for their process, will not have further comment.”
Stephanie Conner's lawyer, Timothy Potter, said in an email that she "is heartbroken over the death of Will Caver. It was a terrible tragedy, and she prays daily for the Caver family."
Potter said Stephanie Conner "did not provide alcohol to anyone. She is also not an owner of the property, nor does she have an ownership interest in the property."
Forrest Conner is the CEO of the manufacturing company McCarthy Jones & Woodard. Stephanie Barger Conner is a member of the Tennessee Arts Commission and former executive director of the Tennessee Film Commission.
The couple was quietly indicted, with no public announcement, on December 9th. DA Ray Crouch had not responded to requests for updates on the status of the investigation.
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worldtodaysposts · 5 years
百名中国人申请移民被骗7800万 FBI悬红通缉华人律师陈丹虹
美国联邦调查局(FBI)指控加州着名华人律师陈丹虹与其律师事务所,涉嫌炮制一场大规模的移民欺诈案件,不仅导致上百名中国申请者绿卡和钱财均两空,涉案金额更高达上千万美元(折合近7,800万港元),而陈丹虹怀疑已逃离美国,FBI因此悬红500万美元(折合约3,900万港元)通缉她归案。 本报国际组报道
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worldtodaysposts · 10 years
Former Southport A&E Doctor Made Up Qualifications in Bid to Win Lucrative Work as Expert Court Witness
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A former Merseyside A&E doctor who filled his CV with bogus qualifications in a bid to win work as an expert witness in court cases was struck off.
Dr Titus Odedun, an ex-consultant in A&E medicine at Southport and Ormskirk hospitals, pretended to be a specialist in trauma, orthopaedics and surgery.
A medical misconduct tribunal ruled he had “no right to use the various titles he awarded himself” and found he did so “in order to obtain a greater volume of medico-legal work at a significantly higher fee”.
Odedun gave expert evidence in court cases while claiming to be more highly trained than he was, as well as exaggerating his professional experience in witness statements.
He also claimed to be a consultant in trauma and orthopaedic surgery in an online database of medical experts, despite having no such qualifications.
The tribunal described his lies as “persistent misbehaviour over a long period of time” and ruled his name should be erased from the doctors’ register.
The Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS) said in its ruling: “His conduct amounts to persistent dishonesty and an abuse of his position as an expert. Dr Odedun’s misconduct was a serious breach of good medical practice.”
A medical expert, known only as Mr A, who testified against Odedun, said he would have been the “youngest consultant ever” if his alleged work history had been accurate.
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worldtodaysposts · 14 years
Turn your Interior into a Flaphouse with Retro-Style Cushions
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We’re really digging Urban Barn’s new Far Flyer pillows ($30 each). The cotton-polyester covered cushions feature a variety of real-life-looking birds — the House Sparrow, the Black-crested Titmouse, Western BlueBird and the Red Crested Black Bird (see picture). Created to bring nature indoors, the cushions have a hazy vintage quality to them, and are a quick way to switch up winter decor.
The birds all have a postcard background, each bearing a story of travel and adventure. The Red Crested Black Bird pillow, for instance, has a postmark from a Welsh town, the BlueBird has a postmark from Paris and the Yellow Bird displays a Latvian stamp. Some of the pillows have romance languages displayed on the them. Birds on home accessories? Here’s a trend sure to take flight. 
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