worldwidesonyeondan · 4 years
omg a new au??? can i be in the permanent taglist please, if there's one? 👉👈
Of course 🥰 I’m really excited for this AU and I hope you are too!
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worldwidesonyeondan · 4 years
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part one - profiles
• the roommate •
*taehyung x reader x ex-boyfriend!hoseok*
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worldwidesonyeondan · 4 years
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↱ The Roommate
- in which your new roommate is a guy in your all girls dorm *and* he’s your ex-boyfriend’s step-brother
pairing: roommate!taehyung x reader x ex-boyfriend!hoseok
🎲 part one - profiles
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worldwidesonyeondan · 5 years
Canvas// Jeon Jungkook (m)
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(Part of the “Dream Career” Series)
In which Jeon Jungkook is a soft tattoo artist, and you are a very clumsy girl.
⤿ Pairing: Tattoo Artist!Jungkook x Reader
⤿ Word Count: 5,086
⤿ Genre: Fluff, Smut
⤿ Warnings: Oral (F Receiving), Fingering, Unprotected Sex
⤿ A/N: Aaahh! Finally the first part of this series! I hope you guys enjoy this ^.^
You stood at the door of the tattoo parlor, its presence was so familiar to you, yet so curious all at once. It looked the same as it always had since you were young. The windows were adorned with what you could only presume to be tattoo designs done by various artists in the shop, and the building itself was illuminated by the soft glow of the LED sign atop its roof. However, it certainly put off the unmistakable threatening aura and stench of regret that you always got from tattoo shops.
Walking through these doors and getting a tattoo was a decision you couldn’t reverse, and you knew this very well. Nights of staying up late with your friends in your younger years and laughing at the “top ten biggest tattoo mistakes” were enough to teach you this. However, you also knew you weren’t the type to back down from a dare, and a dare this was, so you couldn’t go back on it. 
With a heavy heart and shaking hands, you pushed open the door of the shop. You had half a mind enough to tell you to turn around and get out of there, dare is damned, but you knew you were too late when you heard the ting of the bell that would signify to the workers a customer had walked in.
Your brain barely had time to process before it felt like you had walked into a different world; you could’ve sworn you were having a sensory overload. The shop itself was relatively clean, and they had their licenses on display above the check-in desk, validating that you would, in fact, not go home with any weird skin rashes. It had the nauseating smell of disinfectant, which in this case you presumed to be a good thing. Several books were open for looking at on top of the desk, labeled by older works to newer ones. 
You knew that this shop had quite the reputation in your little old town, knew that ever since Woo-Jin passed away it had been struggling with business. Woo-Jin was the heart and soul of this whole business, the sweetest old man with a love for his job. Unfortunately, he passed away a few years ago due to a fishing boat accident. His death left not only a hole in the heart of the community, but a lingering feeling of something missing in the shop. Spread of word in the town told you that his grandson had taken over the shop, and spread of rumor told you that he was struggling. A lot of Woo-Jin’s loyal customers stopped coming in, saying that the boy was sweet but it just wasn’t the same. 
Shaking yourself from your thoughts, you realized you had no clue what you wanted to get. You simply came in here for a dare. You took tentative steps closer to the check-in desk and reached out for the binders scattered on top, hoping to see some design of interest or just anything to give you an idea really. However, it seemed that luck was not on your side as you didn’t even get a chance to look at the designs before you knocked over the stack of binders that had previously been by your elbow. Heads turned your way as you bend down shakily to clean up your mess. 
It seemed you had scattered some papers everywhere, with no clue of the order that they belonged in. The longer you took the more your embarrassment grew. You couldn’t help but feel like everyone was watching. You were in such a panicked state, you barely noticed the hands that had come beside you in assistance to pick up the papers. As the last paper was taken from beneath you and put in its rightful place on the desk, you lifted your head with a beating heart and a cherry red face. 
“Hey now,” the person’s voice chuckled, “No need to be embarrassed.” The voice belonged to a man. It was soft and warm, the type of voice that could make you feel peaceful and calm, make everything seem like it’s okay. Slowly, you tilted your head up to meet eyes with quite possibly the most beautiful man you had ever seen. His appearance was very soft, innocence is a prominent feature, but he also had an edge to him that you couldn't quite describe. He was almost god-like. Some sort of mythical being that you would learn about from Greek mythology. 
“Are you okay?” he asked, wondering if he had frightened you, a safe assumption based on your speechless nature. 
You suddenly remembered what was happening and felt even more embarrassed. “Yes, I’m sorry. I was going to clean it up, I just didn’t know where anything went.” You bowed in apology. “I’m sorry to burden you.”
The man smiled at you and you could’ve sworn you physically felt your breath leave your lungs. “It really is okay. It’s not the first time this has happened. I do it myself more than you would think.”
When your breathing had calmed down a bit, you looked up to meet the man in the eyes properly, ditching the red face and sweaty palms. This didn’t make him any less ethereal. You almost wanted to pinch yourself to make sure you weren’t dreaming. Before you could thank him or even get his name, there was a yell from behind the curtain where tattoos are done. He groaned and rolled his eyes before setting the binders down and taking off to go deal with the situation.
You stood at the desk for a few moments longer, before the lingering anxiety finally got to you. You would not be getting a tattoo today. Making your way back to your home, you couldn’t help but think maybe you had made a mistake. Your friends would never let you live this one down, and besides, if you had gotten the tattoo maybe you could’ve had the chance to have an actual conversation with the cute worker. 
Once you entered your home, you threw off your shoes and flung them up against the entrance that connected the living room to the dining room. You went to your bedroom and changed into more comfortable clothes and flung yourself down on the bed. Soon, you slipped into unconsciousness, the last thing on your mind for the night is the sweet voice of the young man you met today.
When you woke up the next morning, the sun was shining through your windows in contrast to the somewhat cloudy weather of yesterday. It seemed what was supposed to be a short nap had turned into your night’s sleep. You didn’t even get to eat dinner. You sat up and stretched, giving your eyes time to adjust to the light. Slipping out of bed, you made your way to the kitchen. You weren’t in the mood to cook, so you settled for a banana laying out on the counter.
As you sat on your couch eating your breakfast, you couldn’t help but think about the events of yesterday. You wondered if the man had noticed you left, or if he cared. As you ate, your mind drifted off somewhere else when you noticed something missing. On your finger was always a golden ring with a little heart, just a plastic one, nothing of real value but rich in sentimental value as it was a gift from your father from before he went off to the military. Today it was missing. You began to rack your brain about what could have happened with it before going off to your bedroom to see if you had taken it off last night. 
Your eyes scanned the tops of your dresser and your floor, hoping to find a trace of your ring. You knew it was highly probable that you dropped it outside, but you pushed that thought to the back of your mind and kept looking. As you searched your carpet on your hands and knees, you remembered a crucial detail from yesterday. This is exactly what you were doing when you dropped all the papers. The ring must have slipped off of your finger in your haste. 
Cursing under your breath you got up and checked your phone, seeing that the time was only nine in the morning. You hoped the little shop was open this early. You made your way back to the very place you had been yesterday, only to find the doors locked. Getting frustrated at yourself for losing the ring in the first place, you turned around to walk away, before being stopped by a familiar voice. The voice was smoky and silvery, and as soon as you heard the honey-laced tone, you knew it was the man from yesterday. As you turned back around to face him, his gaze met yours and your breath hitched in your throat. You thought yesterday’s anxiety was because of your embarrassment, turns out he just took your breath away at any given time. He was just as pretty as when you first saw him.
“You know we are closed right?” He asked with a small chuckle. He must have noticed your attempt at opening the door and you must have not noticed the LED “closed” sign flashing bright on the door. 
You flushed red with embarrassment. “Sorry. Guess I didn’t see the sign…” You professed sheepishly. 
He shook his head with a small smile. “You’re okay. I’m assuming you’re here for your ring.”
“Ah, yes, actually.” You breathed out a sigh of relief. So you did drop it here. He smiled and pulled it out of his pocket. 
“You know, you’re really lucky I’m the one that found this. There can be some not-so-nice people that walk through those doors.” 
“Thank you, again...where did you find this anyways?” 
His gaze never seemed to leave yours as he spoke. He nodded his head at the shop’s door. “On the floor by the front desk. You must have dropped it when you knocked all of the papers over.” You lifted up your head to quickly apologize again, but a glance of the smirk on his face let you know he was joking. Your body relaxed.
“I’m uh...sorry about that...again.” You twisted your lips in a train of thought. “Why did you keep my ring? You said to yourself that most people would have taken it home and pawned it for some cash. But you didn’t.”
“I guess I’m just not that kind of guy. Besides, Pops would’ve killed me if he found out I was doing something like that.” A little chuckle escaped him. You figured by Pops he was referring to Woo-Jin, the previous owner of the establishment and his grandfather. You figured it would be a sore spot to bring up, and as you looked at his face you could see that even if he didn’t show it, his joke had hurt him a little. 
“Would you like to go get a cup of coffee with me? If not for anything to at least let me thank you.” The offer flew out of your mouth before you could even think about it. Maybe it was the hurt expression on his face you knew all too well, or maybe it really was just you wanting to thank him for finding your ring, but you wanted to spend more time with him. Though he was surrounded by people everyday in his line of work, something about him seemed so… lonely. 
His gaze met yours and his eyes lit up. He gave you a nod and the slightest smile. You let him follow you to the coffee shop; he seemed to stay close but not too close, as if he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. 
When you arrived at the shop, you grabbed the door and held it open for him. “After you.” You smiled brightly, gesturing with your hand for him to go inside. He stepped in with a grumble, something about how it was his job to open the door for you, being a man and all. You giggled at his little comment. “It’s the twenty-first century, women can hold the door for men too. It’s called being nice.”  He blushed a bit, not realizing you had heard his comment. “Now. What would you like to drink?”
After ordering your drinks, you two went to find a table while they were being prepared. You made small talk for a while, but you couldn’t help but notice him staring at your ring, which had taken back its rightful place on your finger the instant he had given it back. 
“My grandmother gave it to me.” You commented, scaring him a bit since he didn’t seem to know you realized his staring. 
He nodded in understanding. “Were you close to her?”
“I think we were pretty close. She was like my mother in a way.” You smiled softly. Most people would be hurt from talking about a loved one that had passed, but talking about your grandmother just made you happy, sort of a sense of comfort.
“I’m sure she was a lovely woman...to raise someone like you.” 
“What do you mean?” 
A light shade of red dusted across his cheeks. “Oh… well, I just mean that you have a very kind soul… I guess.” He gave you a sheepish smile and looked away, too embarrassed to maintain eye contact. 
Before long, the coffee had arrived, and you both continued to make small talk over your cups. About mid-way through, something you hadn’t noticed before caught your attention. His coffee. It was black. Bitter, tasteless, black coffee. You scrunched up your nose in disgust. Who willingly drinks coffee like that?
“You like your coffee black?” you asked, a sort of bewildered tone to your voice. 
He nodded shyly. “I’ve never been into sweeter drinks. It seems like every time I try to order one with something in it, it’s just overbearing, and it gives me a headache.”
You clicked your tongue. “Then you, my friend, have been drinking the wrong coffee.” You picked up your own cup, tilting it towards him. “Try this. It’s cappuccino. There isn’t much sugar in it and the way this place makes it is,” You stopped and brought your fingers to your mouth, making a kissing sound, “chef’s kiss.”
He just chuckled, taking your cup and taking a small sip from it. A delighted noise conjured up in his throat and you giggled. He looked up at you after hearing your giggle, a soft smile appearing on his face. “You weren’t wrong. This is pretty good. Has nothing on black coffee though.”
You just shook your head and made a disgusted sound. “You don’t deserve my coffee dates if that’s your opinion.” You stared at him for a moment, before realizing you two had not yet exchanged some very important details. “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“I’m Jungkook.” He offered with a smile.
“Jungkook…” You said softly, trying to engrain the name into your memory. “Well, it’s nice to meet you Jungkook.” You grinned at him and he gave you a grin back.
“You too, Y/N.,” he said softly as if the name coming off of his lips was pure joy to him, and you couldn’t deny that your name sounded a lot nicer coming from him. It was strange how you felt a connection to him, only having known him for maybe an hour at most. 
You ended up spending the rest of your day talking to Jungkook about pretty much everything that comes to your mind. The coffee had been finished long ago, but the conversation never ended. Before you knew it, Jungkook was looking out the window at a setting sun. You looked out the window yourself with a sigh. “It’s gonna be dark soon.”
The sound of your voice caught his attention, and he nodded somewhat sadly at you, having had as much fun talking to you as you did with him. You both stood up, making your way to the door. He halted his movements for a moment, as if deciding whether or not he should say what he was thinking. Ultimately, he decided on speaking. “Thank you for this Y/N. You’re welcome back at the shop anytime.”
You shook your head and waved him off. “Nonsense. You’re the one that held my ring for me. I should be thanking you.” You smiled warmly at him. “But...I’ll be sure to stop by sometime.” He looked up at you, seemingly taken aback by your answer. He bowed his head and opened the door for both of you. 
“I’ll see you around, Y/N.” He said, giving you one last shy smile before you two went your separate ways. 
Days seemed to turn into weeks with your budding new friendship, and before long you and Jungkook had been attached at the hip for a number of weeks.
He had come over to your house once or twice. You two would have dinner together and he would help you clean up afterwards, which sometimes resulted in a sleepover as you would both be too tired to even think about him driving home. If you weren’t sharing a nice meal together, you were deep into a game of Mario Kart or watching some crazy nature documentary, which would soon both be abandoned by your long conversations that lasted well into the night. 
Slowly but surely, he had become a part of your daily routine, like you could no longer imagine a day without seeing him. He fit right in. You also took up his offer of coming into the shop every once in a while, where he showed you that the idea of a tattoo wasn’t so bad after all. You still remembered a conversation you two had after a particularly busy day at the shop. He was stressing over something or the other and you asked him why he kept the job if it did nothing but stress him. He told you he loves to listen.
At the time, you didn’t understand it, so you just left it at that, but after coming around for a while, you began to take notice of things. The shop was filled with a variety of stories and people from all walks of life, wanting to tell their stories through the ink on their skin. Of course, there was the occasional drunk college kid that would more than likely regret everything in the morning, but you would be lying if you said you hadn’t heard stories that brought you to tears. Tattoos for passed loved ones and promises of love for newly established family members written in ink on the skin. Symbols of strength for those that had just been through too much, and symbols of happiness and joy for those that felt better than they ever have. Customers would talk and talk while Jungkook drew what he heard on their skin, and that’s when you understood. You knew then how important this shop was to Jungkook and why, it went deeper than just his story, so many others were written on those walls. 
You confronted him about it that night at your house and he just smiled at you. That was the first night you experienced what it felt like to fall in love with someone. Maybe you weren’t deep in love yet, maybe you hadn’t known him long enough, but at that moment you would have fought against anyone who tried to tell you any different.
The second time you felt yourself falling in love was when you saw him cry for the first time. That night was the anniversary of his grandfather’s death. You two were sitting in silence, eyes on the Animal Planet documentary currently playing on your TV, when you heard soft sniffles. Slowly, you brought your eyes over to the other end of the couch where Jungkook sat. His eyes were red, and tears slipped slowly down his cheeks, which were also red, indicating that he was trying to hold it back. It killed you to see those usually bright eyes that you had come to love in so much pain. 
Without saying a word, you scooted closer to him. His eyes made contact with yours and you almost broke. You reached out your arms to wrap them around him, and as soon as he was engulfed by you, the dam broke. You could feel him shaking in your arms, and you began to draw little circles on his back with your thumb. “It’s okay.” You cooed softly. “I’m here Jungkook. I’m here.” 
You held him there for what seemed like hours, before you heard his gentle snores in your ear. You laid him down on the couch, covered him up, and went to bed. Neither of you spoke of it the next morning. 
The third time you felt yourself falling in love was different. You were far past falling, at this point you had already crashed. Touches and smiles that you once would’ve returned and left it at that were now keeping you awake at night. The only decent sleeps you got were on the nights he was in your living room, snoring away. He made you feel at home, and you were afraid of it. 
You didn’t know how he felt about you, and you were sure it could never be the same way you felt about him. You couldn’t risk losing your friendship, so you kept your feelings locked away, in a part of you that only you had access to. 
However, Jungkook didn’t make this easy on you. He was the same as he had always been: touchy. Yet it didn’t feel the same. It was different and it drove you crazy. And then one day you couldn’t hold it in anymore. 
The shop had closed up and you and Jungkook were the only two still in there, in the months that you had known each other closing shop with him and heading to your house was part of the routine. But not tonight. As Jungkook was cleaning up the counter, a thought crossed your mind. “Jungkook, what about your tattoos?”
He stopped wiping and turned to you, rag still in his hand. “What do you mean?”
“I mean... “, you fidgeted with the edge of your sundress. “Your story. The reasons behind your tattoos.”
He smiled softly and placed the rag down. “Well…” he started, walking over to where you were. “This one.” He pointed to a small butterfly on his neck. “Symbolizes change. A promise to myself to be a better me every day. This one.” He trails his fingers down to a key on his collarbone. “Loyalty. I’ll protect what’s closest to me.” He pulls the collar of his shirt down a little, revealing a semicolon somewhat to the right and below the key. “This was one of my first ones. After I overcame my depression. A symbol to stay strong.” 
Almost as if you couldn’t control yourself, you reached out to him, tracing your finger softly over the shape of the semicolon. His breath hitched in his throat, the feeling of being that close to you more than he could handle. Hearing his breath catch, you looked up at him, fingers still in the place they were previously tracing. 
“Y/N…” He let out in a breathy whisper. “Can I kiss you?”
“Please.” You almost begged, though you barely had enough time to get it out before his lips crashed against yours. At that moment, you didn’t care if he would hate you after this, maybe he regretted everything, but you needed to feel him. You craved his touch. The kiss deepened, the fiery passion that had been growing deep inside both of you for so long now exploding into fireworks. He wrapped his hands around your waist, lifting you up around him and setting you down on the edge of the counter, to which you did not object. 
He pulled away, breathing heavily. “Should we get you out of these clothes?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. You nodded almost too quickly and he reached down to pull off your dress. He tugged it up and you helped him pull it off, the only material separating you two now being your lace bra and panties. He stared at you hungrily, as if he were a predator and you were the prey. He dropped your dress to the floor and went back to giving you attention with his lips, trailing them around your neck and lower and lower down your body, sending a shiver down your spine. 
His hands made their way to your thighs, causing goosebumps to appear on your skin. He parted your legs, beginning to grind himself closer to you. God, that feeling alone was enough to drive you mad. “God Y/N, You’re so fucking beautiful.” He growled. “You drive me crazy, you know that?” You let out a sigh of intense pleasure, tangling your fingers into his hair and trying to pull him closer. You wanted to feel all of him. You let your hands slip down his body, coming to the hem of his t-shirt and raising your hands under it, feeling over his bare chest. 
“Y/N…” He moaned out breathlessly, the tight feeling in his pants making it hard for him to think. He wanted to ravage your body. He was so desperate to feel himself inside of you, to feel you around him. He wanted you in every which way. You felt the same, evident from your increasingly soaking panties. 
You faltered at the sound of him saying your name. “My name...say it again.”
He leaned in close to your neck. “Y/N.” He muttered, attaching his lips to the spot right below your ear. He kissed you again, this time lower. “Y/N.” He started to nibble on your collar bone and you felt like you were losing your mind. “Y/N. My beautiful princess, Y/N…” His hands slowly pushed you down, his lips never losing contact with your neck, until he had you laid on top of the counter, not caring about the binders and papers to be lost underneath you. He yanked his shirt off over his head, revealing the rest of his toned ink-filled skin. Your legs wrapped around his waist to pull him closer, tighter against you. 
His hands found their way to your bra, wasting no time removing the lacey material. He threw it on the floor with your dress, eager to give his attention back to you. Jungkook couldn’t believe the sight before him. You were so beautiful to him, and he couldn’t wait to show you. After all, actions speak louder than words. 
He lowered his mouth to your chest, letting his tongue explore around the new area. The feeling of his tongue on you had caused your nipples to harden, and Jungkook had no intentions to neglect this fact, immediately swirling his tongue around the perky buds. He traced his tongue relentlessly around, leaving no room for any untasted spots. 
“Jungkook.” You moaned out his name softly. This encouraged him more, his mouth now capturing your whole breast, making you mewl and squirm beneath him, mixing with his grinding against your center. You whined, eager for him to touch you, and he trailed his fingers down to your heat, rubbing the inside of your thighs in a circular motion, teasing you. You rutted against his fingers, causing him to slip two digits inside, a desperate whine erupting from the back of your throat.
He pushed them in deeper, swirling them around inside of you,stretching your walls and making you weak in the knees. You thrusted upwards, shoving him deeper inside of you, and he couldn’t wait any longer. He needed to be closer to you. He pulled his fingers away, to which you were about to object before he sunk down to his knees in front of you. He put his head in between your thighs, trailing kisses all around the inside. He looked up at you and you could unraveled right there, his lust filled eyes looking at you like you were a treasure to him, the only thing that mattered. Your thoughts were cut off as he placed his tongue over your slit, giving it one good lick. Your fingers found their way to his hair, pulling on it lately, making him let out a whimper and dive into you deeper. It felt euphoric, better than anything you had ever had before, and you could feel yourself edging closer to your orgasm. “Jungkook please..” You whimpered, and he let out a soft groan. You tugged on his hair again. “This feels amazing but please just get inside of me already.” When you told him like that, he couldn’t deny you.
He removed his belt buckled, sliding his pants down and positioning himself in between your legs, wasting no time pushing himself inside of you. He sighed at the feeling of your wet walls wrapping around him. You could feel him deep inside of you, and your back arched in pleasure, his hands going to hold your waist, giving him a better angle. He pounded into you mercilessly, and you let him take you over. No one could tell where you began and he ended, as your bodies molded together and your voices mixed to create the perfect song. One for only you two. As his pace quickened, you could feel your whole body getting tighter. Your walls clenched around him and your legs shook, your body wanted more of him, but it could only take so much. You let out one last yell and you swear you saw fireworks as Jungkook spilled the evidence of his pleasure inside of you. As you both came down from your high, Jungkook gave you one last kiss and pulled himself out of you. “I love you.” He whispered after he pulled away. 
You couldn’t believe what you had just heard. Jeon Jungkook, someone you didn’t think anyone could ever deserve, just told you he loved you. You loved him and he loved you. You smiled. 
“I love you too Jungkook. I have for a while now.”
He kissed you once more, but it wasn’t the last time. It was only the first of many. 
Tag List: @hazeljrz  @goldenwidow3  
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worldwidesonyeondan · 5 years
I Don’t Like To Share// Jeon Jungkook (m)
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→ In which Jeon Jungkook is a very stingy CEO.
⤿ Pairing: CEO!Jungkook x Employee!Reader
⤿ Word Count: 4,690
⤿ Genre: Smut, Fluff if you squint
⤿ Warnings: Oral (F&M Receiving), Fingering, Unprotected Sex, Possessive Jungkook, Being treated like an object sexually, Degredation
⤿ A/N: So, I know I said I wasn’t going to do smut, but my girlfriend really wanted me to do one so here it is. Hopefully, this makes up for my absence. I’ll get back on schedule soon I promise. Enjoy!
To say Jungkook was angry would have been an understatement. Jungkook was far past angry. Jungkook was seething. Jungkook was livid. That night was the company’s fifth-holiday party since Jungkook had been the owner, so naturally, he and all of his employees were expected to attend and dress suitably. You, being Jungkook’s main assistant, took the dress suitably part to the next level. The dress you wore accented your body in just the right way and made your already sparkling eyes shine a little brighter. If it had not been for his duty of making sure everyone was having a good time, the young CEO would not have left your side the entire night. Alas, things didn’t always work out this way. Jungkook was forced to smile his way through plenty of droning conversations about stocks or family vacations, while you made your way around the ballroom, talking to several of your company friends. Jungkook was also forced to watch as many of his employees- old men, young men, and even a few women- practically undressed you with their eyes. However, this was something he was used to, this was not what bothered him. No, what bothered him was a very specific employee by the name of Kim Taehyung. 
Kim Taehyung was a young man himself, around the same age as Jungkook, and he had joined the company’s staff about a year and a half ago. He was a charmer, to say the least, the type that would always hold the door open for you, or go out of his way to pick up something you dropped, even if you were halfway across the room. There was also no denying that Taehyung was a very attractive young man. His sharp features and caramel toned skin definitely caught the attention of more than a few women under Jungkook’s employment. However, unfortunately for Jungkook and fortunately for you, you were the only woman that caught his attention back. And it showed. It showed to everyone but you at least. Taehyung had been so desperately trying to get your attention for the past year, efforts that Jungkook would always have to shut down discreetly. When Taehyung figured out your favorite breakfast pastry and started bringing it for you every morning, Jungkook banned food from anywhere but the company cafeteria. When Taehyung offered to help you with some of your workload, Jungkook cut it in half. When Taehyung offered to drive you home one night, saying it was dangerous for a pretty lady like yourself to go home alone late at night, Jungkook went out of his way to hire you a personal driver. 
No one seemed to catch on to Jungkook’s antics. Except for you. You had stopped him walking out of his office one night when it was just the two of you left in the building. You confronted him about what he was doing, reminding him that you weren’t his girlfriend, something he had made fairly clear when the two of you started sleeping together. It was just a fling. You caught feelings for him and he shut them down quickly, so why was he acting like you were his. To this, he had nothing to say, except a simple reminder to make sure to turn off the lights and lock up his office before he walked off. Though the next day, the outside food ban was suddenly lifted and Taehyung started driving you home most nights. 
Since then, you and Taehyung became pretty close, and he was planning to make his move that night. To tell you how he felt. At least this was what a little birdy told Jungkook. And this is why when he saw you giggling away at Taehyung, and Taehyung’s eyes crinkle at the edges when he smiled at you, it bothered him so much. This is why when you left the party with Taehyung that night, Jungkook couldn’t stop thinking about you. This is why Jungkook was currently in his office, foot tapping impatiently against the floor, as he waited for you to walk in. When you did his eyes immediately shot up to yours, and then to the door, signaling for you to shut it, to which you quickly and nervously obliged. 
“You wanted to see me, Sir?” You asked tentatively, playing with the hem of your shirt. You had a good idea of what this little meeting was about. 
He nodded. “Sit.” His head signaled toward the chair across from his desk. You nervously walked over, each step you took feeling heavier than the last until you finally made your way to sit down. “Did you have fun at the holiday party last night?” You nodded your head, afraid to open your mouth and say the wrong thing. This was not the time for backtalk. Jungkook nodded his head slightly, making a little hum noise. He brought his attention to a pencil cup on his desk, playing around with a few of them. The calmness of the situation made you all the more nervous. “I saw you socializing. I went to talk to you later that night but I didn’t see you around. Did you not feel well? Is that why you decided to leave early?”
Before you had a chance to defend yourself, Jungkook cut you off. “Come to think of it I didn’t see Taehyung either. Rather odd considering how dedicated he is to make his appearance known at these sorts of things.”
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, forcing your eyes to look anywhere but at home, fearing that if you did he would only weaken you further. The tension in the room was thick enough to stop a knife from cutting through it, and you weren’t sure if it was just you but the temperature seemed to rise. 
“You wouldn’t happen to know anything about his whereabouts, would you Ms.Y/N?” His voice seemed to drop an octave as his now much darker gaze shifted back to you, your head still hung low to avoid his piercing eyes. 
“N-no, sir.” You stammered out, cursing yourself for sounding so nervous. Though you were almost positive he knew you left with Taehyung, you didn’t want to assume and reveal more than he knew. It would just be more trouble for you.
“Hm. Very well then. Suppose I will have to ask him myself.” He leaned back in his chair, now turning a pencil over in between his fingers. After what seemed like a deafening silence that lasted forever, though it only lasted a few seconds, he spoke again. “Have you ever had anything stolen from you Y/N?”
“No, sir.” You shake your head, wondering where he was going with this. 
“You’ve never had anything stolen?” he scoffed in disbelief. He put his finger to his chin as if lost in thought. “Well… let me put it this way. When you were a kid, didn’t you hate it when other kids touched things that belonged to you? When your mother forced you to share your toys?” You nodded, finally looking up to meet his gaze, trying to understand his point. “Well Y/N, there’s something you should know about me that’s never changed since I was a kid.” He leaned over his desk, closing in on you and making your breath hitch. “I don’t like to share my toys.” He growled lowly, slamming his pencil down on the desk and standing up, making his way around the desk to you. 
“Stand up.” He commanded, beckoning you to stand with his finger. You obediently obliged to his request, standing up and adjusting your skirt, before walking closer to him. At this point he was close enough for you to smell his cologne, the familiar scent of musk and a hint of mint that you had grown accustomed to after so many late nights in the office. He grabbed a strand of your hair, placing it close to his nose, before leaning into your neck. “You smell filthy. You reek of his scent.” He grumbled into your neck, his hot breath making a shiver run down your spine and, admittedly, straight down to your womanhood. 
“I’ll repeat it again, I don’t like to share my toys.” He pulled his head away, coming back to glare at you. “Strip.” He demanded. Your eyes widened in his direction. Was he insane? It wasn’t the usual situation. It was the middle of the workday. Anyone could walk in. “Are you deaf? I asked you to strip,” he commanded again, his tone harsher this time. You debated with yourself for a minute, and eventually decided it would be much better for you to do what he asked. Jungkook’s eyes traced every detail of your body as you undid your blouse to reveal the lacy red bra underneath. Before you could bother to touch another inch, Jungkook shook his head with a growl. “You’re taking too long. Let me do it.” 
His fingers clasped around the straps of your bra, giving you no time to think before he’s pulled it off. He tossed it aside, to be lost somewhere in some corner of his office. He turned his attention back to you, placing one hand on the inside of one of your thighs and the other on the lower part of your back, the hand on your thigh squeezing harshly. He leaned in close to your neck, starting to mark the area right between your collar bone and your shoulder blade with his lips, leaving soft kisses all around. He kissed around, before finally making it to the spot he knew you liked and giving it a little nibble. You couldn’t stop the whine leaving your throat, and as much as you hate to admit it, the situation you were in really turned you on. But it also pissed you off that he could make you feel like this. You weren’t supposed to give in to him again, but you were already soaking wet and he had barely even touched you. He knew it too, the cocky bastard. 
He smirked at the whimper you let out, snaking his hand that previously held its position on your back around to just under your breast. “I love the pretty little noises you make for me, kitten. I haven’t even touched you yet, not really.” He clicked his tongue. “You’re so fucking needy for me. Such a dirty little girl. God, I bet you love it when I talk to you like that huh? Of course, you would. I bet you want me to tell you all the things I’m going to do to you.” 
He leaned down to attach his lips around your erect nipples, biting down gently. You let out a sharp gasp, feeling some relief at the contact. He continued to suck and play with it, the hand that was under your breast just seconds ago making its way to the other breast to give it some much-needed attention. “Gonna fuck you so hard.” He mumbled, mouth still working on your nipple. “Gonna remind you who you belong to. Make you forget anybody else.” He growled lowly. “Fuck baby I’m gonna make you forget your own name.” You closed your eyes in pure bliss while he worked on your chest, his skilled tongue swirling endless circles around your nipple, leaving a cold sensation every time he pulled away even just a little. 
He moved his unoccupied hand down to your underwear, never losing contact with his mouth on your breast. He put his fingers in under the top of your panties. “Off. Take them off.” He growled impatiently, his mouth still attached to you, making everything sound muffled. You removed the lacy undergarments one leg at a time, eventually throwing them across the room to be lost with your bra. Jungkook pulled away from you, making you frown. However, your whole attitude changed when he lowered his face down to the place you needed him most. “Fuck, baby.” He hissed. “You’re soaking. So pink and pretty. Just for me. You want me to don’t you? You don’t have to say anything. Your body speaks for you.”
He pulled away, making a whimper arise in your throat. “You know what? You don’t deserve my touches. You should be pleasing to me. After the stunt, you pulled last night.” He clicked his tongue. “Get on your knees.” 
“Jungkook…” You cried. You needed him and you hated when he treated you like that. Teasing you just to get you all desperate. Leaving you wet and wanting. 
“Jungkook? Don’t be rude baby girl, you know that’s not my name.” Your eyebrows furrowed in frustration and he let out a low chuckle. “Say it right and maybe I won’t be too hard on you.” He waited for a moment before speaking again. “Well. I’m waiting. I said say my name.” 
“Daddy please…” You whined out, crossing your legs tightly together. 
Jungkook smirked. “That’s a good girl. Now get on your knees and please Daddy like I asked you to.” He brought his fingers to his waist and proceeded to take his belt off in one swift motion. He licked his lips, seemingly in anticipation, and as sexually frustrated as you were in the moment, you could’ve sworn your thighs dripped more at the sight and you knew you were at his complete mercy. Finally, he pulled his pants down, the sight of his growing bulge making your throat go void of any sort of moisture. You brought yourself down to your knees, staring up at him with wide eyes. 
“Fuck baby you’re so good to me. A good little princess just for Daddy aren’t you?” His gaze suddenly turns dark, his praising demeanor gone in an instant and replaced by an almost possessed look. “But you weren’t last night. Oh no. You let someone else touch you. You obeyed another man’s orders. You know how Daddy feels about that. It drives me fucking crazy. Now you’ve gotta pay for it.” He used one hand to grip your hair into a mess of tangles on top of your head, and the other to pull down his underwear, finally releasing his stressed-out member. 
“I’m sorry Daddy. I didn’t mean to upset you…” You whined, biting your lip and looking up at him apologetically. “I’m sorry I’m a bad girl. But I promise I’ll be good now. Just for you.”
He gripped your hair tighter. “That’s right. You will. Tell me who you belong to baby girl.” 
“I’m yours, Daddy, only yours.” 
“God, Princess, you sounded so beautiful saying that. Why don’t you use that little mouth of yours to prove it to me?” He used the hand in your hair to push you closer to him. “Suck.” He commanded. And you did. You wasted no time, bringing your mouth to the tip, gentle little licks at first, before taking it into your mouth and swirling your tongue around it violently, desperately. 
Jungkook lets out a growl that makes your legs quiver, and a moan of your own flies out, your mouth vibrating around his cock. You pull back, releasing him from your mouth to gasp for air before he pulls your hair and shoves you back down. “I didn’t say stop kitten. I thought you were gonna be a good girl for me.” With tears in your eyes from the unexpected force, you take his cock fully, wetting it with your saliva and sucking on it fervently. 
You feel a drop of precum land on your tongue, motivating you to suck harder and take in more. “God baby you’re so fucking good at this. Of course, you are. You’ve had a lot of practice, haven’t you? Tell me Y/N, were you as desperate for him as you are for me? Did you use this filthy little mouth of yours on him, too?” He pushed your head down a little further, his dick hitting the back of your throat, making you gag, but you knew you couldn’t stop. “Such a fucking slut. Two men in less than twenty-four hours. Your little whore mouth gets you far doesn’t it? But fuck, baby, it feels so good.” He hissed.
He tugged on your hair a little harder, but you didn’t notice. You were too busy thinking about him. The way he let out little breathy moans and the way his legs would shake whenever you would suck extra hard, or the way he pulled you closer to him as if something would rip you away and he just couldn’t have that. Swirling your tongue away until you reach just the tip again, you suck it in and then release, repeating the movement and taking note at how Jungkook’s stomach tightens with pleasure every time you do. 
Holding your head in place, Jungkook thrusts back into you, starting to thrust at a faster pace, growing faster and faster until his cock reaches the back of your throat and your gagging on it, spit and bits of cum mixing together. He’s moaning and groaning above you, a look of pure lust on his expression, lower lip held in place between his teeth and his eyebrows furrowed in pleasure. 
“God, you’re so good at this baby girl. Taking my cock like you want it so badly. Fuck, your throat’s so tight. Just like a little whore. Daddy’s little whore. Shit…” He throws his head back, straining his neck and clenching his jaw. 
Without warning and much to your confusion, Jungkook pushes you off, precum still oozing out of the tip of his painfully hard cock, and you’re desperate to go back and lap it up. You feel him place his hands around your waist and lift you up, and you wrap your
legs around his waist out of instinct. You whimper at the close feeling of his dick to your pussy, and bury your head in his neck, trying to will away the thoughts that will only get you in trouble. 
Setting you down on the edge of his desk, he looks you dead in the eyes and begins to unbutton his shirt. You could’ve sworn your brain stopped thinking at the sight of him. You had seen him many times, sure, but each time felt like a different experience. He has a perfect hourglass figure: wide shoulders and a tiny waist that lead straight down to thick thighs. Before you know it, Jungkook comes close to you and grips you by your back, pulling you closer and slamming all of his belongings off his desk before laying you down on it. 
“Daddy...Please…” You whined, hoping the sight of you with your legs spread open on the desk would entice him to do something. Unfortunately for you, things don’t always go as planned. As he shakes his head no, you bite down on your lip, his eyes watching you with hunger.
“Don’t bite your lips like that kitten. You’ll ruin your image. You looked so pretty on your knees for me. My cock filled your mouth yet you still begged for more. God, I bet you loved it, you still want more don’t you baby girl? You want Daddy to fuck you until he breaks you? Want me to make you scream my name so loud you can’t speak tomorrow?”
“Please” You whisper, and he slaps your thigh in retaliation. 
“Don’t make me do it again baby girl. You know Daddy is capable of much more than that.” You nod and trail your eyes down to his dick. You grew wetter thinking about how good he would feel inside of you. You wanted him, no, you needed him. You were so close you could taste it. This was no time to disobey. 
“Tell me where you want me, Princess.”
“Please Daddy. Want your mouth on my pussy. Need you, Daddy, please…” Your words came out in a broken sob, but nonetheless, they worked. Jungkook moved away from you and dropped to his knees between your thighs. Before you could comprehend what was happening, Jungkook brought his face close to your heat, his nose brushing against your clit. 
“Oh my God, more, please Daddy I need more. I’m yours, Daddy, please…”
He hums, his fingers parting your folds to take a good look at his next meal. “Such a pretty little cunt princess. So wet too, you’re dripping all over my desk. I bet I can make you cum by just touching your pretty little clit. Tell me, Darling, did Taehyung make you this wet?”
“No. God no. Only wet for you Daddy. Just like you want me. Please touch me.” You whimpered out, tears threatening to fall you were so frustrated. 
“That’s what I like to hear baby.” He wastes no more time, flattening his tongue and licking a long line over your entire vagina. “God, so fucking sweet..” He growled, losing his patience and pressing his tongue to your clit, swirling it around a bit, the taste of you like a drug to him. He licks up and down, only to move back up again and roll your clit between his lips. The coil in your stomach intensifies at an impressive rate. He’s barely done anything to you and you’re this close to coming already. His pink tongue drills into your clit, making your toes curl in. 
Jungkook must have noticed his effect on you because of this mixed with the moans you were letting out. “Are you close baby?” He said, his finger replacing his tongue on your clit.
“So close Daddy. Really wanna cum. Please” You gasp out.
“You know the rule. Not until I say so.”
He spares you no mercy, bringing his mouth right back to your soaking pussy, fingers working hard on your clit, tongue slipping in and out of you. Your thighs shake and you’re sweating and you don’t know how much longer you can take this. Jungkook is ruthless, diving into your entrance like it’s a swimming pool.
“Fuck, Daddy, please let me cum, please, I’m so close, I can’t take it, please fucking let me cum” You beg, your thighs clenching around his head in between them. 
You barely gave him enough time to say “cum for me baby” before you explode with pleasure. Every inch of you was shaking and even with your cum dripping down your thighs, Jungkook doesn’t stop. It only motivates him to go harder. His mouth returns to suck harshly on your clit, and his fingers slide into your entrance. Your body racking with shivers, you sit up to tug on his hair, the pleasure becoming too much. He fingers you ruthlessly, stretching out your already trembling walls, the long length of his fingers hitting just the right spot over and over again.
As much as you moan and beg, Jungkook keeps going. He nibbles on your clit, curling his fingers inside of you and pumping them harder, faster, making you gush more but he doesn’t mind, he licks it all up. Screaming as he adds another finger and sucks harder, you fall back onto the desk and cum again, two orgasms in less than a minute. 
Jungkook groans loudly against your vagina, fingers slowing down yet still thrusting. His tongue continues to roam around before you stop shuddering and he finally pulls away. You let out a breath of relief before he flips you around on your knees, ass up in front of him, face rammed into the desk. 
“Come on baby, don’t tell me you thought we were done? I haven’t gotten to cum yet. And I told you we were going until I break you.” He growled into your ear, bringing the head of his cock to your entrance. The moan he lets out when he finally slips inside you turns you on all over again, and you are back to trembling when he starts to thrust inside you. He feels so big, making you let out a broken whimper. 
“You’re so fucking tight holy shit.” His thrusts are hitting the perfect spot over and over again, the angle he has you at allowing him to go deep, filling you up with his dick. His cock was so hard inside you you thought you might go insane from the overstimulation. Your pussy was so wet, making him glide in and out of you effortlessly, your walls tightening and the feeling becoming more euphoric. Jungkook throws his head back, moans and groans falling from his lips, as he starts to go faster and faster to the point where your eyes are so lidded you can’t see anymore. 
You let out a moan when Jungkook thrusts into you again, the pleasure spreading across your entire body. His face buried in your neck and you wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer to you. His lips press gentle kisses over your neck, jaw, and cheeks, before eventually meeting your own. With his tongue in your mouth, Jungkook continues ramming into you. The pleasure is overbearing, his cock driving harder and harder into you with every thrust. “Come on baby, cum for me one more time, I want you to cum on my cock, show everyone that you’re fucking mine…” He panted out, his words sounding more like gasps than anything. 
Your back arches and the tension built up inside of you snaps, letting you release all over Jungkook. He lets out a moan and goes a little harder, your cum dripping down your thighs and covering his member. He thrusts into you a few more times before he’s able to fill you up with his own cum, your body practically limp at how sensitive he’s made you. When he pulls out of you, sweaty and breathless, he places a quick kiss to your forehead and pulls away, pulling his underwear back up, not even bothering to wipe himself. 
You sat yourself up, trying to catch whatever breath you had left, and he just stared at you for a second, before finally speaking. “Here… let me get your clothes for you. You can go home and wash up if you wish.” He moved silently around the room, looking for your belongings, before coming back to you with them in his arms. He handed them over to you and you started to take them, but before you could stand up, Jungkook grabbed your wrist. “Y/N…”. You looked at him curiously. 
“I’m sorry. About the way I’ve been treating you and Taehyung. You’re not mine and I need to respect that. What we have here is nothing and I made that very clear a while back.” He took a deep breath. “But thinking about you and him together… or you and anyone together… it drives me insane. And I know that I told you we could never work. And I know you deserve so much better than me but I just can’t get you out of my head.” He cleared his throat and took your hand. “So I was wondering if maybe… you would want to go on a proper date with me? No work, no binding contracts, just me and you really...talking.” He looked at you with big sparkly eyes and any feelings for him that you had suppressed came rushing back. 
“Jungkook. I would really like that.” 
A wide smile spread across his face and you swore your heart skipped a beat or two. “Great…” He cleared his throat and his smile got bigger. “Yeah. That’s great. I’ll...let you get changed now.” He chuckled, handing you your clothes and walking out to give you your privacy.
“Idiot...it’s nothing he hasn’t seen before.” You chuckled a little to yourself before putting your clothes back on. Maybe things would be okay now… after you explained everything to Taehyung.
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worldwidesonyeondan · 5 years
The Dream Career Series
A/N: So, I read an article where it revealed what the boys’ initial plan was for their lives and I thought it would be interesting to do a one-shot for each of them revolving around their answers. I am super excited for this series as it is the reason I decided to make this blog and start writing in the first place. So without further ado, here is the masterlist for my Dream Career series!
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↱ The Final Clue // [Detective!Jin x Criminal suspect!Reader]
- in which you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and find yourself roped in as a suspect in a criminal case
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↱ The Blueprint To My Heart // [Architect!Yoongi x Reader]
- in which you are getting so tired of seeing buildings all around you, and that construction worker making you spill your coffee is the final straw
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↱ My Protector // [Bodyguard!Namjoon x Idol!Reader]
- in which Namjoon’s job is to protect you, but that’s not the only reason he won’t leave you alone with any men
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↱ Just Another Guy // [Art Student!Hoseok x Fuckgirl!Reader]
- in which you typically float with a larger crowd, but one particular art student has you wrapped around his finger
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↱ A Stab In The Heart // [Fencing Student!Jimin x Reader]
- in which teaching a fencing class part-time may not actually be that bad, if the attractive new student says anything
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↱ Music To My Ears // [Jazz Artist!Taehyung x Fan!Reader]
- in which Kim Taehyung loves nothing but his instruments...until you come along
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↱ Canvas // [Tattoo Artist!Jungkook x Reader]
- in which Jeon Jungkook is a whipped tattoo artist and you keep coming back to the tattoo shop and never walking out with a tattoo
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worldwidesonyeondan · 5 years
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↱ Key
✿- Ongoing/ ❆- Completed/ ⚘- Not Yet Posted
✆- Social Media /✍- Written
Notes: If you want to be on any of my tag lists send me an ask or a message 😊
Kim Seokjin 
↱ Sweet Treat - (bakery shop owner!jin x single mom!reader) ✆ ⚘
- in which Kim Seokjin owns a bakery and your stubborn daughter really likes his cupcakes
↱ Make Some Noise - (jin x reader) ✍ ⚘
- in which you’ve moved to finally get your fresh start, but your neighbor is always doing who knows what at ungodly hours in the morning
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Min Yoongi
↱ Shadow - (slytherin!yoongi x gryffindor!reader) ✆ ⚘
- in which you somehow find yourself entangled with a depressing slytherin who apparently really likes chocolate
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Jung Hoseok
↱ First Words - (soulmate!au) (college student!hoseok x reader) ✆ ⚘
- in which the first words your soulmate says to you are tattooed on you up until you meet them and you really can not wait to get “merry birthday” off of your wrist
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Kim Namjoon
↱ Sweetener - (namjoon x barista!reader) ✆ ⚘
- in which Kim Namjoon really doesn’t like coffee, but he definitely likes the beautiful barista that serves it to him
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Park Jimin
↱ High School Never Ends - (popular!jimin x reader) ✆ ⚘
- in which this is a cliche highschool au written for the author’s self-indulgence and Park Jimin is a raging fuckboy
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Kim Taehyung
↱ The Roommate - (roommate!taehyung x reader x ex-boyfriend!hoseok) ✆ ✿
- in which your new roommate is a guy in your all girls dorm *and* he’s your ex-boyfriend’s step-brother
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Jeon Jungkook
↱ I don’t Like To Share - (ceo!jungkook x reader)  ✆ ❆
- in which Jeon Jungkook is your boss, and he’s very jealous of the way the new coworker is treating you
↱  Canvas - (tattoo artist!jungkook x reader)  ✆ ❆
- in which Jeon Jungkook is a whipped tattoo artist, and you keep going into the shop and coming out without a tattoo
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↱ The Dream Career Series - ✍ ✿
- a series of one-shots based on what the boys said they wanted to be before an idol
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